#### Update user data Endpoint for updating user data. ``` METHOD: PUT URL: /users/@{username} HEADERS: "Authorization": "Bearer eyJhbGciOiJSUzUxMi.....Y1f05c9yvA;boundary="boundary" BODY: { "id": "19349a02-81c1-4506-b70a-c1b442e2fc1b", "email": "johndoe@email.com", "userName": "johndoe", "bio": "This is some bio...", "location": "London", "website": "http://johndoe.io" } ``` **Response** ``` STATUS: 200 (Ok) BODY: { "id": "19349a02-81c1-4506-b70a-c1b442e2fc1b" "email": "johndoe@email.com", "userName": "johndoe", "bio": "This is some bio...", "location": "London", "website": "http://johndoe.io", } ``` **Errors** ``` STATUS: 401 (Unauthorized) ``` ``` STATUS: 403 (Forbidden) BODY: { "error": true, "code": "userForbidden", "reason": "Access to specified user is forbidden." } ``` ``` STATUS: 404 (NotFound) BODY: { "error": true, "code": "userNotFound", "reason": "User not exists." } ``` ``` STATUS: 400 (BadRequest) BODY: { "error": true, "code": "securityTokenIsMandatory", "reason": "Security token is mandatory (it should be provided from Google reCaptcha)." } ``` ``` STATUS: 400 (BadRequest) BODY: { "error": true, "code": "validationError", "reason": "Validation errors occurs.", "failures": [ { "field": "[FIELD]", "failure": "[VALIDATION MESSAGE]" } ] } ```