#### Confirm user account Endpoint should be used for email verification. During creating account special email is sending. In that email there is a link to your website (with `id` and `confirmationGuid` as query parameters). You have to create page which will read that parameters and it should send request to following endpoint. Only after that procedure user can sign-in to the system. **Request** ``` METHOD: POST URL: /register/confirm BODY: { "id": "19349a02-81c1-4506-b70a-c1b442e2fc1b", "confirmationGuid": "1bb5118c-6814-4991-8410-de6656b19a2c" } ``` **Response** ``` STATUS: 200 (Ok) ``` **Errors** ``` STATUS: 400 (BadRequest) BODY: { "error": true, "code": "invalidIdOrToken", "reason": "Invalid user Id or token. User have to activate account by reseting his password." } ```