#### Change password Endpoint is responsible for setting up new password. It requires GUID generated in previous endpoint and new password. **Request** ``` METHOD: POST URL: /forgot/confirm BODY: { "forgotPasswordGuid": "9957D516-761A-4D86-B281-E31F2D707F3B", "password": "P@ssw0rd" } ``` **Response** ``` STATUS: 200 (Ok) ``` **Errors** ``` STATUS: 404 (NotFound) BODY: { "error": true, "code": "userNotFound", "reason": "User not exists." } ``` ``` STATUS: 400 (BadRequest) BODY: { "error": true, "code": "userAccountIsBlocked", "reason": "User account is blocked. You cannot change password right now." } ``` ``` STATUS: 400 (BadRequest) BODY: { "error": true, "code": "tokenExpired", "reason": "Token which allows to change password expired. User have to repeat forgot password process." } ``` ``` STATUS: 400 (BadRequest) BODY: { "error": true, "code": "validationError", "reason": "Validation errors occurs.", "failures": [ { "field": "[FIELD]", "failure": "[VALIDATION MESSAGE]" } ] } ```