#### Refresh access token Endpoint for refreshing access token. **Request** ``` METHOD: POST URL: /account/refresh BODY: { "refreshToken": "himl3VsU0Uq3oFSIF2ihPwwX5NGdQ1TLOs99Ox3p6" } ``` **Response** ``` STATUS: 200 (Ok) BODY: { "accessToken": "GUoSGcqNqsKP7cQd......tE8O5FQN1btqSjhbw5hxH9EBh", "refreshToken": "LPB4euZSHaODXJA1W650rvReKwnrBngjEAx2MxCvz" } ``` **Errors** ``` STATUS: 404 (NotFound) BODY: { "error": true, "code": "refreshTokenNotFound", "reason": "Refresh token not exists." } ``` ``` STATUS: 404 (NotFound) BODY: { "error": true, "code": "userNotFound", "reason": "User not exists." } ``` ``` STATUS: 400 (BadRequest) BODY: { "error": true, "code": "refreshTokenRevoked", "reason": "Refresh token was revoked." } ``` ``` STATUS: 400 (BadRequest) BODY: { "error": true, "code": "refreshTokenExpired", "reason": "Refresh token was expired." } ``` ``` STATUS: 400 (BadRequest) BODY: { "error": true, "code": "userAccountIsBlocked", "reason": "User account is blocked. User cannot login to the system right now." } ```