#### Change password Endpoint for change user password. **Request** ``` METHOD: POST URL: /account/change-password HEADERS: "Authorization": "Bearer eyJhbGciOiJSUzUxMi.....Y1f05c9yvA;boundary="boundary" BODY: { "currentPassword": "P@ssw0rd", "newPassword": "NewP@ssw0rd" } ``` **Response** ``` STATUS: 200 (Ok) ``` **Errors** ``` STATUS: 401 (Unauthorized) ``` ``` STATUS: 400 (BadRequest) BODY: { "error": true, "code": "invalidLoginCredentials", "reason": "Given user name or password are invalid." } ``` ``` STATUS: 400 (BadRequest) BODY: { "error": true, "code": "emailNotConfirmed", "reason": "User email is not confirmed. User have to confirm his email first." } ``` ``` STATUS: 400 (BadRequest) BODY: { "error": true, "code": "userAccountIsBlocked", "reason": "User account is blocked. User cannot login to the system right now." } ``` ``` STATUS: 400 (BadRequest) BODY: { "error": true, "code": "validationError", "reason": "Validation errors occurs.", "failures": [ { "field": "[FIELD]", "failure": "[VALIDATION MESSAGE]" } ] } ```