if IsMac() let s:pyenv = expand('~/.pyenv') if isdirectory(s:pyenv) let $PYENV_ROOT = empty($PYENV_ROOT) ? s:pyenv : $PYENV_ROOT let s:python2home = $PYENV_ROOT . '/versions/2.7.11' let s:python2dll = $PYENV_ROOT . '/versions/2.7.11/lib/libpython2.7.dylib' let &pythondll = s:python2dll let $PYTHONHOME = s:python2home " let s:python3home = $PYENV_ROOT . '/versions/3.5.1' " let s:python3dll = $PYENV_ROOT . '/versions/3.5.1/lib/libpython3.5m.dylib' " let &pythonthreedll = s:python3dll " let $PYTHONHOME = s:python3home endif endif if has('vim_starting') && has('vertsplit') function! g:EnableVsplitMode() " enable origin mode and left/right margins let &t_CS = "y" let &t_ti = &t_ti . "\e[?6;69h" let &t_te = "\e[?6;69l" . &t_te let &t_CV = "\e[%i%p1%d;%p2%ds" call writefile([ "\e[?6h\e[?69h" ], "/dev/tty", "a") endfunction " old vim does not ignore CPR map [3;9R " new vim can't handle CPR with direct mapping " map ^[[3;3R g:EnableVsplitMode() set t_F9=^[[3;3R map g:EnableVsplitMode() let &t_RV .= "\e[?6;69h\e[1;3s\e[3;9H\e[6n\e[0;0s\e[?6;69l" endif set ttyfast set t_Co =256 set ttyscroll=20000 set vb t_vb =