Release v2.2.1 ============================= ## Features ## **Dematt.Airy.Identity.Nhibernate** * Added name conventions for foreign key names. - Default is FK_{PropertyDeclaringTypeName}_{PropertyColumnName} e.g. FK_TestAddress_TestUserId * Updated Index to also use the Property Declaring Type Name to make sure they are unique in the database. - Default is IX_{PropertyDeclaringTypeName}_{IndexAttributeName} e.g. IX_TestUser_IX1 Release v2.2.0 ============================= ## Features ## **Dematt.Airy.Identity.Nhibernate** * Added name conventions for foreign keys field names. - Default is PropertyTypeName + Id e.g. TestUserId * Added name conventions for many to many link table names. - Default is now PropertyTypeName1 + To + PropertyTypeName2 e.g. TestCarToTestUser * This mean collections added to a custom user class that inherits from IdentityUser should now be mapped in a more conventional way * If you need to keep the old style collection mapping (The NHibernate Mapping by Code ConventionModelMapper version) then pass false as a parameter to the DefaultModelMapper constructor. e.g, var mapper = new DefaultModelMapper(false) * If you need to change the foreign key suffix of link table joiner then pass these on the constructor e.g. var mapper = DefaultModelMapper("_id", "_link_") Release v2.1.1 ============================= ## Bug Fixes## **Dematt.Airy.Identity** * Remove nuspec dependency for NHibernate. Release v2.1.0 ============================= ## Bug Fixes## **Dematt.Airy.Identity.Nhibernate** * Fix nuspec version dependencies. **Dematt.Airy.Identity** * Fix nuspec version dependencies. Release v2.0.0 ============================= ## Breaking Changes## **Dematt.Airy.Identity.Nhibernate** * Removed the Identity interfaces and domain (POCO) classes, they have been moved to a separate project. This is so they can be used in domain layers without needing a dependency on NHibernate. **Dematt.Airy.Identity** * New project that contains the Identity interfaces and domain (POCO) classes. **Dematt.Airy.Core** * No changes. Release v1.3.0 ============================= ## Features ## **Dematt.Airy.Identity.Nhibernate** * Added extension method to IIdentity to parse out the string Id value from the claims into a guid. **Dematt.Airy.Core** * No changes. Release v1.2.0 ============================= ## Features ## **Dematt.Airy.Identity.Nhibernate** * Moved the model mapping conventions that were being added in the MappingHelper class into there own DefaultModelMapper class. * New public property that allows the length of string primary keys to be set (DefaultModelMapper.DefaultStringIdLength) default value is 128 to match EF. * Custom Indexes can now be added by using the IndexAttribute from Dematt.Airy.Core to annotate properties. This allows custom properties to have indexes. **Dematt.Airy.Core** * No changes. Release v1.1.0 ============================= ## Features ## **Dematt.Airy.Identity.Nhibernate** * Drop-in replacement for ASP.Net Identity Entity Framework (v2.2.1) backing store that ships with ASP.Net MVC 5. * By default matches with database design used by the Microsoft.AspNet.Identity.EntityFramework provider. * Supports the use of types other than strings for primary keys such as Guids or integers. * Supports additional properties on the User, Role, Login and Claim classes if required. * Fully implements all of the UserStore and RoleStore interfaces. * Sample ASP.Net MVC 5 project. **Dematt.Airy.Core** * Base classes for Domain/Entity classes. * Override the Equals and GetHashCode methods as required for Nhibernate. Release v1.0.0 ============================= ## No external nuget releases at this version.##