# Theming > Customize your diagrams with themes SwiftPlantUML generates PlantUML scripts and therefore supports its [theming capabilities](https://plantuml.com/theme) that are well documented. In a nutshell: - None (default theme) - Standard themes available in PlantUML - Local themes - Themes from the Internet SwiftPlantUML will add the required `!theme` directive if you specify the respective element in your `.swiftplantuml.yml` configuration file. ```yaml theme: amiga ``` will result in a generated PlantUML script that contains the `!theme` directive ``` @startuml !theme amiga class Example {} @enduml ``` ## None / Default Theme No configuration in `.swiftplantuml.yml` configuration file is needed. ![default](.assets/themingExamples/default.svg) ## Recommended Standard Themes PlantUML ships with a variety of themes. Some do not work well with class diagrams. Here is a list of examples that DO work well with class diagrams. | Name | Configuration | Example | | ----------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------ | | amiga | Add ```theme: amiga``` as top level element into your `.swiftplantuml.yml` file
| ![amiga](.assets/themingExamples/amiga.svg) | | carbon-gray | Add ```theme: carbon-gray``` as top level element into your `.swiftplantuml.yml` file
| ![carbon-gray](.assets/themingExamples/carbon-gray.svg) | | cloudscape-design | Add ```theme: cloudscape-design``` as top level element into your `.swiftplantuml.yml` file
| ![cloudscape-design](.assets/themingExamples/cloudscape-design.svg) | | Mars | Add ```theme: mars``` as top level element into your `.swiftplantuml.yml` file
| ![mars](.assets/themingExamples/mars.svg) | | minty | Add ```theme: minty``` as top level element into your `.swiftplantuml.yml` file
| ![minty](.assets/themingExamples/minty.svg) | | plain | Add ```theme: plain``` as top level element into your `.swiftplantuml.yml` file
| ![plain](.assets/themingExamples/plain.svg) | | reddress-darkblue | Add ```theme: reddress-darkblue``` as top level element into your `.swiftplantuml.yml` file
| ![reddress-darkblue](.assets/themingExamples/reddress-darkblue.svg) | | sketchy | Add ```theme: sketchy``` as top level element into your `.swiftplantuml.yml` file
| ![sketchy](.assets/themingExamples/sketchy.svg) | | sketchy-outline | Add ```theme: sketchy-outline``` as top level element into your `.swiftplantuml.yml` file
| ![sketchy-outline](.assets/themingExamples/sketchy-outline.svg) | | toy | Add ```theme: toy``` as top level element into your `.swiftplantuml.yml` file
| ![toy](.assets/themingExamples/toy.svg) | ## Legacy Theme The previous default theme from PlantUML. ![legacy - skin rose](.assets/themingExamples/skinrose.svg) You cannot set this via `.swiftplantuml.yml` configuration as this is technically not a PlantUML theme. You have to modify the generated PlantUML script and use `skin rose` directive. Example ``` @startuml skin rose class Example {} @enduml ```