files: include: - "Sources/SwiftPlantUMLFramework/**/*.swift" exclude: - "Tests/**/*.swift" elements: havingAccessLevel: - public showMembersWithAccessLevel: - public - package - internal - private showGenerics: true showNestedTypes: false showExtensions: merged mergedExtensionMemberIndicator: "!!!" showMemberAccessLevelAttribute: true exclude: - Logger - LogLevel hideShowCommands: - hide empty members skinparamCommands: - skinparam sequenceMessageAlign center ## just an example; this will have no impact to a class diagram #includeRemoteURL: theme: hacker relationships: inheritance: label: "inherits from" style: lineStyle: dotted lineColor: DarkViolet textColor: DarkViolet exclude: - "Codable" realize: label: "conforms to" style: lineStyle: dashed lineColor: Blue textColor: Blue dependency: label: extends style: lineStyle: bold lineColor: DarkGreen textColor: DarkViolet stereotypes: class: name: class spot: character: C color: AliceBlue struct: spot: character: S color: AntiqueWhite extension: spot: character: X color: AntiqueWhite enum: spot: character: E color: AntiqueWhite protocol: spot: character: P color: AntiqueWhite texts: header: Simple header example title: | Formatted title example on several lines and using html legend: Some boxed text caption: Second to last footer: The end