signature DYN_LINK = sig type hndl type mode type fptr val dlopen : string * mode -> hndl val dlsym : hndl * string -> fptr val dlclose : hndl -> unit val RTLD_LAZY : mode val RTLD_NOW : mode end structure DynLink :> DYN_LINK = struct type hndl = MLton.Pointer.t type mode = Word32.word type fptr = MLton.Pointer.t (* These symbols come from a system libray, so the default import scope * of external is correct. *) val dlopen = _import "dlopen" : string * mode -> hndl; val dlerror = _import "dlerror": unit -> MLton.Pointer.t; val dlsym = _import "dlsym" : hndl * string -> fptr; val dlclose = _import "dlclose" : hndl ->; val RTLD_LAZY = 0wx00001 (* Lazy function call binding. *) val RTLD_NOW = 0wx00002 (* Immediate function call binding. *) val dlerror = fn () => let val addr = dlerror () in if addr = MLton.Pointer.null then NONE else let fun loop (index, cs) = let val w = MLton.Pointer.getWord8 (addr, index) val c = Byte.byteToChar w in if c = #"\000" then SOME (implode (rev cs)) else loop (index + 1, c::cs) end in loop (0, []) end end val dlopen = fn (filename, mode) => let val filename = filename ^ "\000" val hndl = dlopen (filename, mode) in if hndl = MLton.Pointer.null then raise Fail (case dlerror () of NONE => "???" | SOME s => s) else hndl end val dlsym = fn (hndl, symbol) => let val symbol = symbol ^ "\000" val fptr = dlsym (hndl, symbol) in case dlerror () of NONE => fptr | SOME s => raise Fail s end val dlclose = fn hndl => if = MLton.Platform.OS.Darwin then () (* Darwin reports the following error message if you * try to close a dynamic library. * "dynamic libraries cannot be closed" * So, we disable dlclose on Darwin. *) else let val res = dlclose hndl in if res = 0 then () else raise Fail (case dlerror () of NONE => "???" | SOME s => s) end end val dll = let open MLton.Platform.OS in case host of Cygwin => "cygwin1.dll" | Darwin => "libm.dylib" | _ => "" end val hndl = DynLink.dlopen (dll, DynLink.RTLD_LAZY) local val double_to_double = _import * : DynLink.fptr -> real -> real; val cos_fptr = DynLink.dlsym (hndl, "cos") in val cos = double_to_double cos_fptr end val _ = print (concat [" Math.cos(2.0) = ", Real.toString (Math.cos 2.0), "\n", " = ", Real.toString (cos 2.0), "\n"]) val _ = DynLink.dlclose hndl