# Navigation Views ## Contents - [Switcher View](#switcher%20view) - [Tabbed View](#tabbed%20view) ## Switcher View This is a very simple view that can be used to toggle between two other views. It can be placed above and below the views being toggled. [Full documentation](https://quickcomponents.lucasdesouza.net/switcherview/) ```swift SwitcherView(pages: [ SwitcherPage(label: "One", view: Text("Hello World!")), SwitcherPage(label: "Two", view: Text("GoodBye World!")) ]) ``` To place the picker below the views: ```swift SwitcherView(pages: [ SwitcherPage(label: "One", view: Text("Hello World!")), SwitcherPage(label: "Two", view: Text("GoodBye World!")) ]) ``` ## Tabbed View This is a view that is intended to anchor a section or the entire application. It adds a bar at the bottom of the screen showing the tabs provided. The view above the bar will change to the view corresponding to the selected tab below. [Full documentation](https://quickcomponents.lucasdesouza.net/tabrootview/) ```swift TabRootView(tabs: [ TabPage(image: "timer", view: Text("one")), TabPage(image: "timer", view: Text("Two")), TabPage(image: "timer", view: Text("Three")), ]) ``` You can also provide your own custom theme: ```swift TabRootView(tabs: [ TabPage(image: "timer", view: Text("one")), TabPage(image: "timer", view: Text("Two")), TabPage(image: "timer", view: Text("Three")), ], theme: TabViewTheme(backgroundColor: .darkGray, highlightColor: .white, defaultColor: .gray)) ```