$fixnumbering */ function fixNumbering($fixnumbering) { global $dbprefix, $connect, $clang, $surveyid; LimeExpressionManager::RevertUpgradeConditionsToRelevance($surveyid); //Fix a question id - requires renumbering a question $oldqid = $fixnumbering; $query = "SELECT qid FROM {$dbprefix}questions ORDER BY qid DESC"; $result = db_select_limit_assoc($query, 1) or safe_die($query."
".$connect->ErrorMsg()); while ($row=$result->FetchRow()) {$lastqid=$row['qid'];} $newqid=$lastqid+1; $query = "UPDATE {$dbprefix}questions SET qid=$newqid WHERE qid=$oldqid"; $result = $connect->Execute($query) or safe_die($query."
".$connect->ErrorMsg()); // Update subquestions $query = "UPDATE {$dbprefix}questions SET parent_qid=$newqid WHERE parent_qid=$oldqid"; $result = $connect->Execute($query) or safe_die($query."
".$connect->ErrorMsg()); //Update conditions.. firstly conditions FOR this question $query = "UPDATE {$dbprefix}conditions SET qid=$newqid WHERE qid=$oldqid"; $result = $connect->Execute($query) or safe_die($query."
".$connect->ErrorMsg()); //Now conditions based upon this question $query = "SELECT cqid, cfieldname FROM {$dbprefix}conditions WHERE cqid=$oldqid"; $result = db_execute_assoc($query) or safe_die($query."
".$connect->ErrorMsg()); while ($row=$result->FetchRow()) { $switcher[]=array("cqid"=>$row['cqid'], "cfieldname"=>$row['cfieldname']); } if (isset($switcher)) { foreach ($switcher as $switch) { $query = "UPDATE {$dbprefix}conditions SET cqid=$newqid, cfieldname='".str_replace("X".$oldqid, "X".$newqid, $switch['cfieldname'])."' WHERE cqid=$oldqid"; $result = $connect->Execute($query) or safe_die($query."
".$connect->ErrorMsg()); } } //Now question_attributes $query = "UPDATE {$dbprefix}question_attributes SET qid=$newqid WHERE qid=$oldqid"; $result = $connect->Execute($query) or safe_die($query."
".$connect->ErrorMsg()); //Now answers $query = "UPDATE {$dbprefix}answers SET qid=$newqid WHERE qid=$oldqid"; $result = $connect->Execute($query) or safe_die($query."
".$connect->ErrorMsg()); LimeExpressionManager::UpgradeConditionsToRelevance($surveyid); } /** * checks consistency of groups * @global $dbprefix * @global $connect * @global $clang * @return */ function checkGroup($postsid) { global $dbprefix, $connect, $clang; $baselang = GetBaseLanguageFromSurveyID($postsid); $groupquery = "SELECT g.gid,g.group_name,count(q.qid) as count from {$dbprefix}questions as q RIGHT JOIN {$dbprefix}groups as g ON q.gid=g.gid AND g.language=q.language WHERE g.sid=$postsid AND g.language='$baselang' group by g.gid,g.group_name;"; $groupresult=db_execute_assoc($groupquery) or safe_die($groupquery."
".$connect->ErrorMsg()); while ($row=$groupresult->FetchRow()) { //TIBO if ($row['count'] == 0) { $failedgroupcheck[]=array($row['gid'], $row['group_name'], ": ".$clang->gT("This group does not contain any question(s).")); } } if(isset($failedgroupcheck)) return $failedgroupcheck; else return false; } /** * checks questions in a survey for consistency * @global $dbprefix * @global $connect * @global $clang * @param $postsid * @param $surveyid * @return array $faildcheck */ function checkQuestions($postsid, $surveyid, $qtypes) { global $dbprefix, $connect, $clang; //CHECK TO MAKE SURE ALL QUESTION TYPES THAT REQUIRE ANSWERS HAVE ACTUALLY GOT ANSWERS //THESE QUESTION TYPES ARE: // # "L" -> LIST // # "O" -> LIST WITH COMMENT // # "M" -> Multiple choice // # "P" -> Multiple choice with comments // # "A", "B", "C", "E", "F", "H", "^" -> Various Array Types // # "R" -> RANKING // # "U" -> FILE CSV MORE // # "I" -> LANGUAGE SWITCH // # ":" -> Array Multi Flexi Numbers // # ";" -> Array Multi Flexi Text // # "1" -> MULTI SCALE $chkquery = "SELECT qid, question, gid, type FROM {$dbprefix}questions WHERE sid={$surveyid} and parent_qid=0"; $chkresult = db_execute_assoc($chkquery) or safe_die ("Couldn't get list of questions
".$connect->ErrorMsg()); while ($chkrow = $chkresult->FetchRow()) { if ($qtypes[$chkrow['type']]['subquestions']>0) { $chaquery = "SELECT * FROM {$dbprefix}questions WHERE parent_qid = {$chkrow['qid']} ORDER BY question_order"; $charesult=$connect->Execute($chaquery); $chacount=$charesult->RecordCount(); if ($chacount == 0) { $failedcheck[]=array($chkrow['qid'], $chkrow['question'], ": ".$clang->gT("This question is a subquestion type question but has no configured subquestions."), $chkrow['gid']); } } if ($qtypes[$chkrow['type']]['answerscales']>0) { $chaquery = "SELECT * FROM {$dbprefix}answers WHERE qid = {$chkrow['qid']} ORDER BY sortorder, answer"; $charesult=$connect->Execute($chaquery); $chacount=$charesult->RecordCount(); if ($chacount == 0) { $failedcheck[]=array($chkrow['qid'], $chkrow['question'], ": ".$clang->gT("This question is a multiple answer type question but has no answers."), $chkrow['gid']); } } } //NOW CHECK THAT ALL QUESTIONS HAVE A 'QUESTION TYPE' FIELD SET $chkquery = "SELECT qid, question, gid FROM {$dbprefix}questions WHERE sid={$_GET['sid']} AND type = ''"; $chkresult = db_execute_assoc($chkquery) or safe_die ("Couldn't check questions for missing types
".$connect->ErrorMsg()); while ($chkrow = $chkresult->FetchRow()) { $failedcheck[]=array($chkrow['qid'], $chkrow['question'], ": ".$clang->gT("This question does not have a question 'type' set."), $chkrow['gid']); } //ChECK THAT certain array question types have answers set $chkquery = "SELECT q.qid, question, gid FROM {$dbprefix}questions as q WHERE (select count(*) from {$dbprefix}answers as a where a.qid=q.qid and scale_id=0)=0 and sid={$_GET['sid']} AND type IN ('F', 'H', 'W', 'Z', '1') and q.parent_qid=0"; $chkresult = db_execute_assoc($chkquery) or safe_die ("Couldn't check questions for missing answers
".$connect->ErrorMsg()); while($chkrow = $chkresult->FetchRow()){ $failedcheck[]=array($chkrow['qid'], $chkrow['question'], ": ".$clang->gT("This question requires answers, but none are set."), $chkrow['gid']); } // while //CHECK THAT DUAL Array has answers set $chkquery = "SELECT q.qid, question, gid FROM {$dbprefix}questions as q WHERE (select count(*) from {$dbprefix}answers as a where a.qid=q.qid and scale_id=1)=0 and sid={$_GET['sid']} AND type='1' and q.parent_qid=0"; $chkresult = db_execute_assoc($chkquery) or safe_die ("Couldn't check questions for missing 2nd answer set
".$connect->ErrorMsg()); while($chkrow = $chkresult->FetchRow()){ $failedcheck[]=array($chkrow['qid'], $chkrow['question'], ": ".$clang->gT("This question requires a second answer set but none is set."), $chkrow['gid']); } // while //CHECK THAT ALL CONDITIONS SET ARE FOR QUESTIONS THAT PRECEED THE QUESTION CONDITION //A: Make an array of all the qids in order of appearance // $qorderquery="SELECT * FROM {$dbprefix}questions, {$dbprefix}groups WHERE {$dbprefix}questions.gid={$dbprefix}groups.gid AND {$dbprefix}questions.sid={$_GET['sid']} ORDER BY {$dbprefix}groups.sortorder, {$dbprefix}questions.title"; // $qorderresult=$connect->Execute($qorderquery) or safe_die("Couldn't generate a list of questions in order
".$connect->ErrorMsg()); // $qordercount=$qorderresult->RecordCount(); // $c=0; // while ($qorderrow=$qorderresult->FetchRow()) // { // $qidorder[]=array($c, $qorderrow['qid']); // $c++; // } //TO AVOID NATURAL SORT ORDER ISSUES, FIRST GET ALL QUESTIONS IN NATURAL SORT ORDER, AND FIND OUT WHICH NUMBER IN THAT ORDER THIS QUESTION IS $qorderquery = "SELECT * FROM {$dbprefix}questions WHERE sid=$surveyid AND type not in ('S', 'D', 'T', 'Q')"; $qorderresult = db_execute_assoc($qorderquery) or safe_die ("$qorderquery
".$connect->ErrorMsg()); $qrows = array(); //Create an empty array in case FetchRow does not return any rows while ($qrow = $qorderresult->FetchRow()) {$qrows[] = $qrow;} // Get table output into array usort($qrows, 'GroupOrderThenQuestionOrder'); // Perform a case insensitive natural sort on group name then question title of a multidimensional array $c=0; foreach ($qrows as $qr) { $qidorder[]=array($c, $qrow['qid']); $c++; } $qordercount=""; //1: Get each condition's question id $conquery= "SELECT {$dbprefix}conditions.qid, cqid, {$dbprefix}questions.question, " . "{$dbprefix}questions.gid " . "FROM {$dbprefix}conditions, {$dbprefix}questions, {$dbprefix}groups " . "WHERE {$dbprefix}conditions.qid={$dbprefix}questions.qid " . "AND {$dbprefix}questions.gid={$dbprefix}groups.gid ORDER BY {$dbprefix}conditions.qid"; $conresult=db_execute_assoc($conquery) or safe_die("Couldn't check conditions for relative consistency
".$connect->ErrorMsg()); //2: Check each conditions cqid that it occurs later than the cqid while ($conrow=$conresult->FetchRow()) { $cqidfound=0; $qidfound=0; $b=0; while ($b<$qordercount) { if ($conrow['cqid'] == $qidorder[$b][1]) { $cqidfound = 1; $b=$qordercount; } if ($conrow['qid'] == $qidorder[$b][1]) { $qidfound = 1; $b=$qordercount; } if ($qidfound == 1) { $failedcheck[]=array($conrow['qid'], $conrow['question'], ": ".$clang->gT("This question has a condition set, however the condition is based on a question that appears after it."), $conrow['gid']); } $b++; } } //CHECK THAT ALL THE CREATED FIELDS WILL BE UNIQUE $fieldmap=createFieldMap($surveyid, $style='full', $force_refresh=true,$questionid=false, $sQuestionLanguage=GetBaseLanguageFromSurveyID($surveyid)); $clang = new limesurvey_lang($_SESSION['adminlang']); if (isset($fieldmap)) { foreach($fieldmap as $fielddata) { $fieldlist[]=$fielddata['fieldname']; } $fieldlist=array_reverse($fieldlist); //let's always change the later duplicate, not the earlier one } $checkKeysUniqueComparison = create_function('$value','if ($value > 1) return true;'); @$duplicates = array_keys (array_filter (array_count_values($fieldlist), $checkKeysUniqueComparison)); if (isset($duplicates)) { foreach ($duplicates as $dup) { $badquestion=arraySearchByKey($dup, $fieldmap, "fieldname", 1); $fix = "[Click Here to Fix]"; $failedcheck[]=array($badquestion['qid'], $badquestion['question'], ": Bad duplicate fieldname $fix", $badquestion['gid']); } } if(isset($failedcheck)) return $failedcheck; else return false; } /** * Function to activate a survey * @global $dbprefix $dbprefix * @global $connect $connect * @global $clang $clang * @param int $postsid * @param int $surveyid * @return string */ function activateSurvey($postsid,$surveyid, $scriptname='admin.php') { global $dbprefix, $connect, $clang, $databasetype,$databasetabletype, $uploaddir; $createsurvey=''; $activateoutput=''; $createsurveytimings=''; $createsurveydirectory=false; //Check for any additional fields for this survey and create necessary fields (token and datestamp) $pquery = "SELECT anonymized, allowregister, datestamp, ipaddr, refurl, savetimings FROM {$dbprefix}surveys WHERE sid={$postsid}"; $presult=db_execute_assoc($pquery); $prow=$presult->FetchRow(); if ($prow['allowregister'] == "Y") { $surveyallowsregistration="TRUE"; } if ($prow['savetimings'] == "Y") { $savetimings="TRUE"; } //Get list of questions for the base language $fieldmap=createFieldMap($surveyid, $style='full', $force_refresh=true,$questionid=false, $sQuestionLanguage=GetBaseLanguageFromSurveyID($surveyid)); foreach ($fieldmap as $arow) //With each question, create the appropriate field(s) { if ($createsurvey!='') {$createsurvey .= ",\n";} $createsurvey .= ' `'.$arow['fieldname'].'`'; switch($arow['type']) { case 'startlanguage': $createsurvey .= " C(20) NOTNULL"; break; case 'id': $createsurvey .= " I NOTNULL AUTO PRIMARY"; $createsurveytimings .= " `{$arow['fieldname']}` I NOTNULL PRIMARY,\n"; break; case "startdate": case "datestamp": $createsurvey .= " T NOTNULL"; break; case "submitdate": $createsurvey .= " T"; break; case "lastpage": $createsurvey .= " I"; break; case "N": //NUMERICAL $createsurvey .= " F"; break; case "S": //SHORT TEXT if ($databasetype=='mysql' || $databasetype=='mysqli') {$createsurvey .= " X";} else {$createsurvey .= " C(255)";} break; case "L": //LIST (RADIO) case "!": //LIST (DROPDOWN) case "M": //Multiple choice case "P": //Multiple choice with comment case "O": //DROPDOWN LIST WITH COMMENT if ($arow['aid'] != 'other' && strpos($arow['aid'],'comment')===false && strpos($arow['aid'],'othercomment')===false) { $createsurvey .= " C(5)"; } else { $createsurvey .= " X"; } break; case "K": // Multiple Numerical $createsurvey .= " F"; break; case "U": //Huge text case "Q": //Multiple short text case "T": //LONG TEXT case ";": //Multi Flexi case ":": //Multi Flexi $createsurvey .= " X"; break; case "D": //DATE $createsurvey .= " D"; break; case "5": //5 Point Choice case "G": //Gender case "Y": //YesNo case "X": //Boilerplate $createsurvey .= " C(1)"; break; case "I": //Language switch $createsurvey .= " C(20)"; break; case "|": $createsurveydirectory = true; if (strpos($arow['fieldname'], "_")) $createsurvey .= " I1"; else $createsurvey .= " X"; break; case "ipaddress": if ($prow['ipaddr'] == "Y") $createsurvey .= " X"; break; case "url": if ($prow['refurl'] == "Y") $createsurvey .= " X"; break; case "token": if ($prow['anonymized'] == "N") { $createsurvey .= " C(36)"; } break; case '*': // Equation $createsurvey .= " X"; // could be anything, from numeric to a long message, so default to text break; default: $createsurvey .= " C(5)"; } } $timingsfieldmap = createTimingsFieldMap($surveyid); $createsurveytimings .= '`'.implode("` F DEFAULT '0',\n`",array_keys($timingsfieldmap)) . "` F DEFAULT '0'"; // If last question is of type MCABCEFHP^QKJR let's get rid of the ending coma in createsurvey $createsurvey = rtrim($createsurvey, ",\n")."\n"; // Does nothing if not ending with a comma $tabname = "{$dbprefix}survey_{$postsid}"; # not using db_table_name as it quotes the table name (as does CreateTableSQL) $taboptarray = array('mysql' => 'ENGINE='.$databasetabletype.' CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci', 'mysqli'=> 'ENGINE='.$databasetabletype.' CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci'); $dict = NewDataDictionary($connect); $sqlarray = $dict->CreateTableSQL($tabname, $createsurvey, $taboptarray); if (isset($savetimings) && $savetimings=="TRUE") { $tabnametimings = $tabname .'_timings'; $sqlarraytimings = $dict->CreateTableSQL($tabnametimings, $createsurveytimings, $taboptarray); } $execresult=$dict->ExecuteSQLArray($sqlarray,1); if ($execresult==0 || $execresult==1) { $activateoutput .= "
\n" . "
".$clang->gT("Activate Survey")." ($surveyid)
\n" . "
".$clang->gT("Survey could not be actived.")."
\n" . "

" . $clang->gT("Database error:")."\n " . $connect->ErrorMsg() . "\n" . "

\n ".$clang->gT("Main Admin Screen")."\n
" ; } if ($execresult != 0 && $execresult !=1) { $anquery = "SELECT autonumber_start FROM {$dbprefix}surveys WHERE sid={$postsid}"; if ($anresult=db_execute_assoc($anquery)) { //if there is an autonumber_start field, start auto numbering here while($row=$anresult->FetchRow()) { if ($row['autonumber_start'] > 0) { if ($databasetype=='odbc_mssql' || $databasetype=='odbtp' || $databasetype=='mssql_n' || $databasetype=='mssqlnative') { mssql_drop_primary_index('survey_'.$postsid); mssql_drop_constraint('id','survey_'.$postsid); $autonumberquery = "alter table {$dbprefix}survey_{$postsid} drop column id "; $connect->Execute($autonumberquery); $autonumberquery = "alter table {$dbprefix}survey_{$postsid} add [id] int identity({$row['autonumber_start']},1)"; $connect->Execute($autonumberquery); } else { $autonumberquery = "ALTER TABLE {$dbprefix}survey_{$postsid} AUTO_INCREMENT = ".$row['autonumber_start']; $result = @$connect->Execute($autonumberquery); } } } if (isset($savetimings) && $savetimings=="TRUE") { $dict->ExecuteSQLArray($sqlarraytimings,1); // create a timings table for this survey } } $activateoutput .= "
\n"; $activateoutput .= "
".$clang->gT("Activate Survey")." ($surveyid)
\n"; $activateoutput .= "
".$clang->gT("Survey has been activated. Results table has been successfully created.")."

\n"; // create the survey directory where the uploaded files can be saved if ($createsurveydirectory) if (!file_exists($uploaddir."/surveys/" . $postsid . "/files")) { if (!(mkdir($uploaddir."/surveys/" . $postsid . "/files", 0777, true))) { $activateoutput .= "
". $clang->gT("The required directory for saving the uploaded files couldn't be created. Please check file premissions on the limesurvey/upload/surveys directory.") . "
"; } else { file_put_contents($uploaddir."/surveys/" . $postsid . "/files/index.html",''); } } $acquery = "UPDATE {$dbprefix}surveys SET active='Y' WHERE sid=".$surveyid; $acresult = $connect->Execute($acquery); if (isset($surveyallowsregistration) && $surveyallowsregistration == "TRUE") { $activateoutput .= $clang->gT("This survey allows public registration. A token table must also be created.")."

\n"; $activateoutput .= "\n"; } else { $activateoutput .= $clang->gT("This survey is now active, and responses can be recorded.")."

\n"; $activateoutput .= "".$clang->gT("Open-access mode").": ".$clang->gT("No invitation code is needed to complete the survey.")."
".$clang->gT("You can switch to the closed-access mode by initialising a token table with the button below.")."

\n"; $activateoutput .= "\n"; $activateoutput .= "\n"; } $activateoutput .= "

 \n"; $lsrcOutput = true; } if($scriptname=='lsrc') { if($lsrcOutput==true) return true; else return $activateoutput; } else { return $activateoutput; } } function mssql_drop_constraint($fieldname, $tablename) { global $dbprefix, $connect, $modifyoutput; // find out the name of the default constraint // Did I already mention that this is the most suckiest thing I have ever seen in MSSQL database? $dfquery ="SELECT c_obj.name AS constraint_name FROM sys.sysobjects AS c_obj INNER JOIN sys.sysobjects AS t_obj ON c_obj.parent_obj = t_obj.id INNER JOIN sys.sysconstraints AS con ON c_obj.id = con.constid INNER JOIN sys.syscolumns AS col ON t_obj.id = col.id AND con.colid = col.colid WHERE (c_obj.xtype = 'D') AND (col.name = '$fieldname') AND (t_obj.name='{$dbprefix}{$tablename}')"; $defaultname=$connect->GetRow($dfquery); if ($defaultname!=false) { modify_database("","ALTER TABLE [prefix_$tablename] DROP CONSTRAINT {$defaultname[0]}"); echo $modifyoutput; flush(); } } function mssql_drop_primary_index($tablename) { global $dbprefix, $connect, $modifyoutput; // find out the constraint name of the old primary key $pkquery = "SELECT CONSTRAINT_NAME " ."FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLE_CONSTRAINTS " ."WHERE (TABLE_NAME = '{$dbprefix}{$tablename}') AND (CONSTRAINT_TYPE = 'PRIMARY KEY')"; $primarykey=$connect->GetOne($pkquery); if ($primarykey!=false) { modify_database("","ALTER TABLE [prefix_{$tablename}] DROP CONSTRAINT {$primarykey}"); echo $modifyoutput; flush(); } }