# Siri An informational chat bot that you can talk to, and run commands ## How to use prototype BETA snapshot's Copy and paste written code into a PHP file. If you cannot open the PHP file open it with a text editiong software. Second method, Download PHP file from repostitory ## Installation - Self Explanatory, drop the plugin into PocketMine's `plugins/` folder. - Restart the server #Changelog 1.0.0 - First release 1.1.0 - Removed what your speech said. - Made the commands more flexible and now access commands with multiple speeches - Added new responses e.g. call.me.master and sing.for.me and do.you.have.any.good.news? - Can now ask Siri to switch gamemodes for you. - New loading sign - Several minor improvements and background changes. 1.2.0 - Added 3 new responses!!! - Siri can now do one type of joke. e.g) What.did.the.fox.say? (still needs working on) - Siri can now talk about bathrooms!!! - Add you think im funny? response. (actual text from real Siri) - Improved Siri's sense of humour - Fixed some capitalizing and added periods for some text that were missing some. - SWITCHING GAMEMODES DOES NOT WORK AS OF 1.1.0 AND 1.2.0 1.2.1 - Added a new loading message - Change the name of the file to Siri 2.2.1 by Legomite so you can identify the version you’re running - Updated the version name to 2.2.1 as it stayed 1.0.0 through two updates. - Updated the name as though it is outdated. - STILL DID NOT FIX THE GAMEMODE CHANGE COMMAND 1.3.0 - Removed nearly all the public functions as they are not needed - Vastly made the commands more flexible and added more chat recognition - Improved the Loading message - Added new responses as bye,good.morning and good.night - Some background changes and tweaks - GAMEMODE COMMAND PLANNED TO BE FIXED IN 1.3.1 1.4.0 Get ready for the biggest update yet! with over 14+ brand new features! - Added 12 new responses! - Can ask Siri for The Fox Lyrics! - Can talk to Siri with no periods! - Can ask the location your at. Y X Z! - Ask Siri for Data values and crafting requirements 0-3 NOT FULLY EMPLEMENTED. - Chat recognition improved! - Msg now Sends to User Privately. - Siri now has a greater personality! (randomized text response) - Added support for api 11! - Fixes - Updated the loading message - You can now mute the chat and unmute the Chat. - Removed The installer. 1.5.0 Upcoming List - Rewritten code to use If statements instead of cases to make chat recognition better - Added API support for 12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19 and 20