Legend: + New * Changed ! Fixed 1.0.22 - 20.06.2020 ========================= * Updated version for Visual Studio 2017 1.0.21 - 26.04.2020 ========================= + Support Visual Studio 2019 (boost::uuid doesn't work right now) + Support boost 1.72 * Use 64-bit literals in boost::date_time to prevent arithmetic overflow. Thanks to Andy Webber * boost::optional. Print 'nullopt' for empty optional. Thanks to Artem Tokmakov Derives from tag: v1.0.20 + 1 commits 1.0.20 - 20.02.2018 ========================= + Support boost 1.66 + Support boost 1.65 flat_map & flat_set (#15) + Boost.MultiIndex visualizer added. Thanks to Anton Tokar + Boost.PropertyTree visualizer added ! Fixed boost::unordered_map and unordered_set for Boost 1.66 ! Fixed Boost.Gil with ImageWatch ! Fixed boost::interprocess::offset_ptr for Boost 1.66 * Improved visualisers for several other types 1.0.19 - 05.04.2017 ========================= + Support Visual Studio 2017 + Support boost 1.63 ! Fixed smart pointers visualisers and boost::optional for Boost 1.63 * Rewrited visualisers for boost::date_time for VS2017 * Improved visualisers for several other types 1.0.18 - 12.07.2015 ========================= + Support Visual Studio 2015 + Support boost 1.58 + Visualizers for boost::optional added. Thanks to mattlindner ! "no step into" fixed. Thanks to Brent Smith 1.0.17 - 12.11.2014 ========================= + Image visualizers for boost::gil::image and boost::gil::variant added + Visualizers for boost::value_initialized, boost::initialized added. Thanks to tobias_loew 1.0.16 - 14.09.2014 ========================= + Visualizers for boost::multiprecision, boost::rational added. Thanks to jzmaddock + Visualizers for boost::variant > added. Thanks to Antony Polukhin * Visualizers for boost::regex improved. Thanks to jzmaddock ! boost::uuids::uuid visualizer fixed 1.0.15 - 23.03.2014 ========================= + Support changed boost::container::* and boost::intrusive::* in boost 1.55 * boost::scoped_ptr, boost::shared_ptr operator-> added to no step into * boost::scoped_array, boost::shared_array operator[] added to no step into 1.0.14 - 03.07.2013 ========================= ! boost::container::list, slist, set and map containers visualizers fixed * boost::local_time::posix_time_zone minor enhancement 1.0.13 - 28.06.2013 ========================= + Support Visual Studio 2013 Preview 1.0.12 - 08.06.2013 ========================= + Visualizers for boost::intrusive::set added. Thanks to johanst 1.0.11 - 03.03.2013 ========================= + Visualizers for "boost::container::flat_map, flat_set and stable_vector added ! Intrusive containers with member hook fixed 1.0.10 - 15.11.2012 ========================= + Visualizers for boost::numeric::ublas::vector, mapped_vector, compressed_vector and matrix added 1.0.9 - 13.11.2012 ========================= ! wxString visualizer fixed for wxWidgets 2.9 ! Boost Geometry visualizer updated by Michal Zajic 1.0.8 - 19.10.2012 ========================= + Visualizers for boost::intrusive::list and boost::intrusive::slist with base hook added 1.0.7 - 14.08.2012 ========================= + Visualizers for wxVector, wxList, wxArrayShort, wxArrayInt, wxArrayDouble, wxArrayLong, wxArrayPtrVoid added ! wxArrayString visualizer fixed 1.0.6 - 10.08.2012 ========================= + Visualizers for boost::geometry added (thanks to Mateusz Loskot) ! wxWidgets visualizers fixed 1.0.5 - 29.07.2012 ========================= + TinyXML visualizers added + Visualizers for boost::filesystem::path, boost::filesystem::directory_entry, boost::filesystem::file_status added 1.0.4 - 29.07.2012 ========================= ! TinyXML2 string handling improved + Visualizers for boost::uuid, boost::circular_buffer, boost::container::basic_string, boost::container::deque, boost::container::vector added + Disabled step into boost::forward, boost::move and boost::addressof functions 1.0.3 - 23.07.2012 ========================= + Description for DirectX errors added + Visualizers for boost::ratio, boost::tuple, boost::chrono::duration added 1.0.2 - 26.07.2012 ========================= + Boost Unordered containers support added 1.0.1 - 25.07.2012 ========================= ! Visualizers for boost::shared_ptr and boost::weak_ptr fixed * Boost::Variant visualizer new implementation * Boost visualizers divided to several files 1.0.0 - 22.07.2012 ========================= + First release