return { static = { ---@return {name:string, text:string, texthl:string}[] get_signs = function() -- local buf = vim.api.nvim_get_current_buf() local buf = vim.fn.expand '%' return vim.tbl_map(function(sign) return vim.fn.sign_getdefined([1] ---@diagnostic disable-next-line: param-type-mismatch end, vim.fn.sign_getplaced(buf, { group = '*', lnum = vim.v.lnum })[1].signs) end, resolve = function(self, name) for pat, cb in pairs(self.handlers) do if name:match(pat) then return cb end end end, handlers = { ['GitSigns.*'] = function(args) require('gitsigns').preview_hunk_inline() end, ['Dap.*'] = function(args) require('dap').toggle_breakpoint() end, ['Diagnostic.*'] = function(args) vim.diagnostic.open_float() -- { pos = args.mousepos.line - 1, relative = "mouse" }) end, }, }, -- init = function(self) -- local signs = {} -- for _, s in ipairs(self.get_signs()) do -- if"GitSign") then -- self.git_sign = s -- else -- table.insert(signs, s) -- end -- end -- self.signs = signs -- end, { provider = '%s', -- provider = function(self) -- -- return vim.inspect({ self.signs, self.git_sign }) -- local children = {} -- for _, sign in ipairs(self.signs) do -- table.insert(children, { -- provider = sign.text, -- hl = sign.texthl, -- }) -- end -- self[1] = self:new(children, 1) -- end, on_click = { callback = function(self, ...) local mousepos = vim.fn.getmousepos() vim.api.nvim_win_set_cursor(0, { mousepos.line, mousepos.column }) local sign_at_cursor = vim.fn.screenstring(mousepos.screenrow, mousepos.screencol) if sign_at_cursor ~= '' then local args = { mousepos = mousepos, } local signs = vim.fn.sign_getdefined() for _, sign in ipairs(signs) do local glyph = sign.text:gsub(' ', '') if sign_at_cursor == glyph then vim.defer_fn(function() self:resolve( end, 10) return end end end end, name = 'heirline_signcol_callback', update = true, }, }, { provider = '%=%4{v:virtnum ? \'\' : &nu ? (&rnu && v:relnum ? v:relnum : v:lnum) . \' \' : \'\'}', }, { provider = '%{% &fdc ? \'%C \' : \'\' %}', }, -- { -- provider = function(self) -- return self.git_sign and self.git_sign.text -- end, -- hl = function(self) -- return self.git_sign and self.git_sign.texthl -- end, -- }, }