## CRUD for Related Resource Models ### Related Resource Controllers #### How to create nested CRUD API with related models 1. Define Inputs, Outputs as usual 2. Define related resource controller providing relation keyPath: ```swift struct StarForGalaxyNestedController { func create(req: Request) throws -> EventLoopFuture { try RelatedResourceController().create( req: req, using: Star.Input.self, relationKeyPath: \Galaxy.$stars) } func read(req: Request) throws -> EventLoopFuture { try RelatedResourceController().read( req: req, relationKeyPath: \Galaxy.$stars) } func update(req: Request) throws -> EventLoopFuture { try RelatedResourceController().update( req: req, using: Star.Input.self, relationKeyPath: \Galaxy.$stars) } func delete(req: Request) throws -> EventLoopFuture { try RelatedResourceController().delete( req: req, relationKeyPath: \Galaxy.$stars) } func patch(req: Request) throws -> EventLoopFuture { try RelatedResourceController().patch( req: req, using: Star.PatchInput.self, relationKeyPath: \Galaxy.$stars) } func index(req: Request) throws -> EventLoopFuture> { try RelatedResourceController().getCursorPage( req: req, relationKeyPath: \Galaxy.$stars) } } ``` 3. Routes setup: ```swift app.group("galaxies") { $0.group(Galaxy.idPath, "contains") { $0.group("stars") { let controller = StarForGalaxyNestedController() $0.on(.POST, use: controller.create) $0.on(.GET, Star.idPath, use: controller.read) $0.on(.PUT, Star.idPath, use: controller.update) $0.on(.PATCH, Star.idPath, use: controller.patch) $0.on(.DELETE, Star.idPath, use: controller.delete) $0.on(.GET, use: controller.index) } } } ``` This will result in the following methods: | HTTP Method | Route | Result | --------------------------- |:--------------------| :---------------| |POST | /galaxies/:GalaxyId/contains/stars | Create new |GET | /galaxies/:GalaxyId/contains/stars/:starId | Show existing |PUT | /galaxies/:GalaxyId/contains/stars/:starId | Update existing (Replace) |PATCH | /galaxies/:GalaxyId/contains/stars/:starId | Patch exsiting (Partial update) |DELETE | /galaxies/:GalaxyId/contains/stars/:starId | Delete |GET | /galaxies/:GalaxyId/contains/stars | Show list *Under the hood, there is a "resolver guy", who takes models' IDs from the route query path as `Galaxy.idPath` and `Star.idPath` and then looks them up in the database, taking into account specified relations key paths.* Actually we can easily do without relation name part of the path: ```swift app.group("galaxies") { $0.group(Galaxy.idPath) { $0.group("stars") { let controller = StarForGalaxyNestedController() $0.on(.POST, use: controller.create) $0.on(.GET, Star.idPath, use: controller.read) $0.on(.PUT, Star.idPath, use: controller.update) $0.on(.PATCH, Star.idPath, use: controller.patch) $0.on(.DELETE, Star.idPath, use: controller.delete) $0.on(.GET, use: controller.index) } } } ``` And get the following methods: | HTTP Method | Route | Result | --------------------------- |:--------------------| :---------------| |POST | /galaxies/:GalaxyId/stars | Create new |GET | /galaxies/:GalaxyId/stars/:starId | Show existing |PUT | /galaxies/:GalaxyId/stars/:starId | Update existing (Replace) |PATCH | /galaxies/:GalaxyId/stars/:starId | Patch exsiting (Partial update) |DELETE | /galaxies/:GalaxyId/stars/:starId | Delete |GET | /galaxies/:GalaxyId/stars | Show list ### Supported relations type `RelatedResourceController` supports Child-Parent and Siblings relations in both directions. Meaning that you can setup all kinds of "galaxy for star" or "stars for galaxy" controllers for parent-child relations. Along with "post-for-tags" or "tags-for-post" controllers for siblings relations. ### Related to Authenticatable Model If root Model conforms to Vapor's Authenticatable protocol, there is a way to add related resource controller in a way that the root model would be resolved from authenticator istead of looked up by ID. This a quick way for creating current user's posts or todos or whatever. 1. Create controller with relation keyPath and pass `.requireAuth()` as resolver parameter: ```swift struct MyTodosController { func create(req: Request) throws -> EventLoopFuture { try RelatedResourceController().create( resolver: .requireAuth(), req: req, using: Todo.Input.self, relationKeyPath: \User.$todos) } func read(req: Request) throws -> EventLoopFuture { try RelatedResourceController().read( resolver: .requireAuth(), req: req, relationKeyPath: \User.$todos) } func update(req: Request) throws -> EventLoopFuture { try RelatedResourceController().update( resolver: .requireAuth(), req: req, using: Todo.Input.self, relationKeyPath: \User.$todos) } func delete(req: Request) throws -> EventLoopFuture { try RelatedResourceController().delete( resolver: .requireAuth(), req: req, relationKeyPath: \User.$todos) } func patch(req: Request) throws -> EventLoopFuture { try RelatedResourceController().patch( resolver: .requireAuth(), req: req, using: Todo.PatchInput.self, relationKeyPath: \User.$todos) } func index(req: Request) throws -> EventLoopFuture> { try RelatedResourceController().getCursorPage( resolver: .requireAuth(), req: req, relationKeyPath: \User.$todos) } } ``` 2. Setup route ```swift app.group("users") { // Make sure that authenticator and auth guard middlewares are added to the route builder let auth = $0.grouped(Authenticator(), User.guardMiddleware()) auth.group("me", "todos") { let controller = MyTodosController() $0.on(.POST, use: controller.create) $0.on(.GET, Todo.idPath, use: controller.read) $0.on(.PUT, Todo.idPath, use: controller.update) $0.on(.PATCH, Todo.idPath, use: controller.patch) $0.on(.DELETE, Todo.idPath, use: controller.delete) $0.on(.GET, use: controller.index) } } ``` Will result in: | HTTP Method | Route | Result | --------------------------- |:--------------------| :---------------| |POST | /users/me/todos | Create new |GET | /users/me/todos/:todoId | Show existing |PUT | /users/me/todos/:todoId | Update existing (Replace) |PATCH | /users/me/todos/:todoId | Patch exsiting (Partial update) |DELETE | /users/me/todos/:todoId | Delete |GET | /users/me/todos | Show list