For Chicago Ruby's [Hack Night]( on 15 Dec 2011: Inspired by the [one-line scripts for awk](, we'll write Ruby programs to do things like double-space a file or add line numbers to the file or center the text in each line of a file. The challenge is to write the shortest possible program that works for each of these tasks: ### doublespace a file ruby -lpe '$_<<"\n"' ### add line numbers to each input file # not happy with this one, but couldn't figure out how to get ARGF to reset $. # (also, 1.9 only) ruby -e 'l=-> line {puts "#$. #{line}"}; ARGV.each { |name| File.foreach name, &l}; $stdin.each &l' # alternative version # $<.pos, that is ARGF#pos, returns position (in bytes) in the current file # that allows us to reset $. at the end of the first line of each file ruby -ne '$. = 1 if $<.pos - $_.size == 0; puts "#$. #$_"' ### add line numbers for all files together ruby -lne 'print "#$. #$_"' ruby -lpe '$_.prepend "#$. "' ### add line numbers only for nonblank lines ruby -lpe '/^$/ ? $.-=1 : $_ = "#$. :#$_"' ### count lines in file ruby -ne 'END{puts $.}' ### count words in file ruby -ane 'w = (w||0) + $F.size; END { p w }' ### output total number of lines that contain 'abc' ruby -e 'p ARGF.readlines.grep(/abc/).size' ruby -ne 'w=(w||0)+1 if /abc/; END{p w}' ### output a string of 43 X's ruby -e 'puts "X"*43' ### insert a string of 3 X's after column 6 of each input line ruby -ple '$_.insert 6, "xxx" if $_.size > 6' ### delete leading whitespace from beginning of each line ruby -pe '$_.sub! /^\s+/, ""' ### delete trailing whitespace from end of each line ruby -pe '$_.gsub! /\s+$/, "\n"' ### add leading blanks to right-align all text in 80-column width ruby -ple '$_="%80s"%$_' ruby -ple '$_=$_.rjust 80' ### add leading and trailing blanks to center each line in 80 columns ruby -lpe '$_= $ 80' input-file ### reverse the text in each line ruby -lpe '$_.reverse!' ### concatenate every 5 lines of input, using , as separator ruby -e 'ARGF.each_slice(5) { |lines| puts",") }' ruby -nle 's=(s||[])<<$_; puts(s.join ",")||s.clear if $.%5==0' ### print first 10 lines of file ruby -pe 'exit if $. > 10' ### print last 10 lines of file ruby -e 'puts ARGF.readlines[-10..-1]' ### print line 13 of file ruby -ne 'puts $_ if $. == 13' ### delete blank lines from file ruby -ne 'puts $_ unless $_ == "\n"' ### delete consecutive empty lines (all but one in each group) from file ruby -ne 'puts $_ if /^[^\n]/../^$/' ### delete any duplicate lines from file # consecutive duplicates ruby -lne 'BEGIN{last=""};puts last=$_ unless last==$_' # any duplicate in input ruby -lne 'BEGIN{{|h,l|puts h[l]=l}};lines[$_]'