#!/usr/bin/env python # Copyright (C) 2009-2015 Johannes Dewender # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . """This is a tool to submit ISRCs from a disc to MusicBrainz. Various backends are used to gather the ISRCs and python-musicbrainz2 to submit them. The project is hosted on https://github.com/JonnyJD/musicbrainz-isrcsubmit """ __version__ = "2.1.0" AGENT_NAME = "isrcsubmit.py" DEFAULT_SERVER = "musicbrainz.org" # starting with highest priority BACKENDS = ["mediatools", "media_info", "cdrdao", "libdiscid", "discisrc"] BROWSERS = ["xdg-open", "x-www-browser", "firefox", "chromium", "chrome", "opera"] # The webbrowser module is used when nothing is found in this list. # This especially happens on Windows and Mac OS X (browser mostly not in PATH) import os import re import sys import codecs import logging import getpass import tempfile import webbrowser from datetime import datetime from optparse import OptionParser from subprocess import Popen, PIPE, call try: import discid from discid import DiscError except ImportError: try: from libdiscid.compat import discid from libdiscid.compat.discid import DiscError except ImportError: # When both are not available, raise exception for python-discid import discid import musicbrainzngs from musicbrainzngs import AuthenticationError, ResponseError, WebServiceError try: import keyring except ImportError: keyring = None try: from configparser import ConfigParser except ImportError: from ConfigParser import ConfigParser if os.name == "nt": SHELLNAME = "isrcsubmit.bat" else: SHELLNAME = "isrcsubmit.sh" if os.path.isfile(SHELLNAME): SCRIPTNAME = SHELLNAME else: SCRIPTNAME = os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]) # make code run on Python 2 and 3 try: user_input = raw_input except NameError: user_input = input try: unicode_string = unicode except NameError: unicode_string = str # global variables options = None ws2 = None logger = logging.getLogger("isrcsubmit") def script_version(): return "isrcsubmit %s by JonnyJD for MusicBrainz" % __version__ def print_help(option=None, opt=None, value=None, parser=None): print("%s" % script_version()) print(\ """ This python script extracts ISRCs from audio cds and submits them to MusicBrainz (musicbrainz.org). You need to have a MusicBrainz account, specify the username and will be asked for your password every time you execute the script. Isrcsubmit will warn you if there are any problems and won't actually submit anything to MusicBrainz without giving a final choice. Isrcsubmit will warn you if any duplicate ISRCs are detected and help you fix priviously inserted duplicate ISRCs. The ISRC-track relationship we found on our disc is taken as our correct evaluation. """) parser.print_usage() print("""\ Please report bugs on https://github.com/JonnyJD/musicbrainz-isrcsubmit""") sys.exit(0) def print_usage(option=None, opt=None, value=None, parser=None): print("%s\n" % script_version()) parser.print_help() sys.exit(0) class Isrc(object): def __init__(self, isrc, track=None): self._id = isrc self._tracks = [] if track is not None: self._tracks.append(track) def add_track(self, track): if track not in self._tracks: self._tracks.append(track) def get_tracks(self): return self._tracks def get_track_numbers(self): numbers = [] for track in self._tracks: numbers.append(track["position"]) return ", ".join(numbers) class Track(dict): """track with equality checking This makes it easy to check if this track is already in a collection. Only the element already in the collection needs to be hashable. """ def __init__(self, track, number=None): self._track = track self._recording = track["recording"] self._number = number # check that we found the track with the correct number assert(int(self._track["position"]) == self._number) def __eq__(self, other): return self["id"] == other["id"] def __getitem__(self, item): try: return self._recording[item] except KeyError: return self._track[item] def get(self, item, default=None): try: return self._recording.get(item, default) except KeyError: return self._track.get(item, default) class OwnTrack(Track): """A track found on an analyzed (own) disc""" pass def get_config_home(): """Returns the base directory for isrcsubmit's configuration files.""" if os.name == "nt": default_location = os.environ.get("APPDATA") else: default_location = os.path.expanduser("~/.config") xdg_config_home = os.environ.get("XDG_CONFIG_HOME", default_location) return os.path.join(xdg_config_home, "isrcsubmit") def config_path(): """Returns isrsubmit's config file location.""" return os.path.join(get_config_home(), "config") def gather_options(argv): global options if sys.platform == "darwin": # That is the device drutil expects and stable # /dev/rdisk1 etc. change with multiple hard disks, dmgs mounted etc. # libdiscid < 0.6.0 can't handle drive numbers default_device = "1" else: default_device = discid.get_default_device() config = ConfigParser() config.read(config_path()) parser = OptionParser(version=script_version(), add_help_option=False) parser.set_usage( "{prog} [options] [user] [device]\n {prog} -h".format( prog=SCRIPTNAME)) parser.add_option("-h", action="callback", callback=print_usage, help="Short usage help") parser.add_option("--help", action="callback", callback=print_help, help="Complete help for the script") parser.add_option("-u", "--user", metavar="USERNAME", help="MusicBrainz username, if not given as argument.") # note that -d previously stand for debug parser.add_option("-d", "--device", metavar="DEVICE", help="CD device with a loaded audio cd, if not given as argument." + " The default is %s." % default_device) parser.add_option("--release-id", metavar="RELEASE_ID", help="Optional MusicBrainz ID of the release." + " This will be gathered if not given.") parser.add_option("-b", "--backend", choices=BACKENDS, metavar="PROGRAM", help="Force using a specific backend to extract ISRCs from the" + " disc. Possible backends are: %s." % ", ".join(BACKENDS) + " They are tried in this order otherwise.") parser.add_option("--browser", metavar="BROWSER", help="Program to open URLs. This will be automatically detected" " for most setups, if not chosen manually.") parser.add_option("--force-submit", action="store_true", default=False, help="Always open TOC/disc ID in browser.") parser.add_option("--server", metavar="SERVER", help="Server to send ISRCs to. Default: %s" % DEFAULT_SERVER) parser.add_option("--debug", action="store_true", default=False, help="Show debug messages." + " Currently shows some backend messages.") parser.add_option("--keyring", action="store_true", dest="keyring", help="Use keyring if available.") parser.add_option("--no-keyring", action="store_false", dest="keyring", help="Disable keyring.") (options, args) = parser.parse_args(argv[1:]) print("%s" % script_version()) # assign positional arguments to options if options.user is None and args: options.user = args[0] args = args[1:] if options.device is None and args: options.device = args[0] args = args[1:] if args: logger.warning("Superfluous arguments: %s", ", ".join(args)) # If an option is set in the config and not overriden on the command line, # assign them to options. if options.keyring is None and config.has_option("general", "keyring"): options.keyring = config.getboolean("general", "keyring") if options.backend is None and config.has_option("general", "backend"): options.backend = config.get("general", "backend") if options.backend not in BACKENDS: print_error("Backend given in config file is not a valid choice.", "Choose a backend from %s" % ", ".join(BACKENDS)) sys.exit(-1) if options.browser is None and config.has_option("general", "browser"): options.browser = config.get("general", "browser") if options.device is None and config.has_option("general", "device"): options.device = config.get("general", "device") if options.server is None and config.has_option("musicbrainz", "server"): options.server = config.get("musicbrainz", "server") if options.user is None and config.has_option("musicbrainz", "user"): options.user = config.get("musicbrainz", "user") # assign remaining options automatically if options.device is None: options.device = default_device options.sane_which = test_which() if options.browser is None: options.browser = find_browser() if options.server is None: options.server = DEFAULT_SERVER if options.keyring is None: options.keyring = True if options.backend and not has_program(options.backend, strict=True): print_error("Chosen backend not found. No ISRC extraction possible!", "Make sure that %s is installed." % options.backend) sys.exit(-1) elif not options.backend: options.backend = find_backend() return options def test_which(): """There are some old/buggy "which" versions on Windows. We want to know if the user has a "sane" which we can trust. Unxutils has a broken 2.4 version. Which >= 2.16 should be fine. """ with open(os.devnull, "w") as devnull: try: # "which" should at least find itself return_code = call(["which", "which"], stdout=devnull, stderr=devnull) except OSError: return False # no which at all else: if (return_code == 0): return True else: print('warning: your version of the tool "which"' ' is buggy/outdated') if os.name == "nt": print(' unxutils is old/broken, GnuWin32 is good.') return False def get_prog_version(prog): if prog == "libdiscid": version = discid.LIBDISCID_VERSION_STRING elif prog == "cdrdao": outdata = Popen([prog], stderr=PIPE).communicate()[1] version = b" ".join(outdata.splitlines()[0].split()[::2][0:2]) else: version = prog return decode(version) def has_program(program, strict=False): """When the backend is only a symlink to another backend, we will return False, unless we strictly want to use this backend. """ if program == "libdiscid": return "isrc" in discid.FEATURES with open(os.devnull, "w") as devnull: if options.sane_which: p_which = Popen(["which", program], stdout=PIPE, stderr=devnull) program_path = p_which.communicate()[0].strip() if p_which.returncode == 0: # check if it is only a symlink to another backend real_program = os.path.basename(os.path.realpath(program_path)) if program != real_program and ( real_program in BACKENDS or real_program in BROWSERS): if strict: print("WARNING: %s is a symlink to %s" % (program, real_program)) return True else: return False # use real program (target) instead return True else: return False elif program in BACKENDS: try: # we just try to start these non-interactive console apps call([program], stdout=devnull, stderr=devnull) except OSError: return False else: return True else: return False def find_backend(): """search for an available backend """ backend = None for prog in BACKENDS: if has_program(prog): backend = prog break if backend is None: print_error("Cannot find a backend to extract the ISRCS!", "Isrcsubmit can work with one of the following:", " " + ", ".join(BACKENDS)) sys.exit(-1) return backend def find_browser(): """search for an available browser """ for browser in BROWSERS: if has_program(browser): return browser # This will use the webbrowser module to find a default return None def open_browser(url, exit=False, submit=False): """open url in the selected browser, default if none """ if options.browser: if exit: try: if os.name == "nt": # silly but necessary for spaces in the path os.execlp(options.browser, '"' + options.browser + '"', url) else: # linux/unix works fine with spaces os.execlp(options.browser, options.browser, url) except OSError as err: error = ["Couldn't open the url in %s: %s" % (options.browser, str(err))] if submit: error.append("Please submit via: %s" % url) print_error(*error) sys.exit(1) else: try: if options.debug: Popen([options.browser, url]) else: with open(os.devnull, "w") as devnull: Popen([options.browser, url], stdout=devnull) except OSError as err: error = ["Couldn't open the url in %s: %s" % (options.browser, str(err))] if submit: error.append("Please submit via: %s" % url) print_error(*error) else: try: if options.debug: webbrowser.open(url) else: # this supresses stdout webbrowser.get().open(url) except webbrowser.Error as err: error = ["Couldn't open the url: %s" % str(err)] if submit: error.append("Please submit via: %s" % url) print_error(*error) if exit: sys.exit(1) def get_real_mac_device(option_device): """drutil takes numbers as drives. We ask drutil what device name corresponds to that drive in order so we can use it as a drive for libdiscid """ proc = Popen(["drutil", "status", "-drive", option_device], stdout=PIPE) try: given = proc.communicate()[0].splitlines()[3].split("Name:")[1].strip() except IndexError: print_error("could not find real device", "maybe there is no disc in the drive?") sys.exit(-1) # libdiscid needs the "raw" version return given.replace("/disk", "/rdisk") def cp65001(name): """This might be buggy, but better than just a LookupError """ if name.lower() == "cp65001": return codecs.lookup("utf-8") codecs.register(cp65001) def printf(format_string, *args): """Print with the % and without additional spaces or newlines """ if not args: # make it convenient to use without args -> different to C args = (format_string, ) format_string = "%s" sys.stdout.write(format_string % args) def decode(msg): """This will replace unsuitable characters and use stdin encoding """ if isinstance(msg, bytes): return msg.decode(sys.stdin.encoding, "replace") else: return unicode_string(msg) def encode(msg): """This will replace unsuitable characters and use stdout encoding """ if isinstance(msg, unicode_string): return msg.encode(sys.stdout.encoding, "replace") else: return bytes(msg) def print_encoded(*args): """This will replace unsuitable characters and doesn't append a newline """ stringArgs = () for arg in args: stringArgs += encode(arg), msg = b" ".join(stringArgs) if not msg.endswith(b"\n"): msg += b" " if os.name == "nt": os.write(sys.stdout.fileno(), msg) else: try: sys.stdout.buffer.write(msg) except AttributeError: sys.stdout.write(msg) def print_release(release, position=None): """Print information about a release. If the position is given, this should be an entry in a list of releases (choice) """ country = (release.get("country") or "").ljust(2) date = (release.get("date") or "").ljust(10) barcode = (release.get("barcode") or "").rjust(13) label_list = release["label-info-list"] catnumber_list = [] for label in label_list: cat_number = label.get("catalog-number") if cat_number: catnumber_list.append(cat_number) catnumbers = ", ".join(catnumber_list) if position is None: print_encoded("Artist:\t\t%s\n" % release["artist-credit-phrase"]) print_encoded("Release:\t%s" % release["title"]) else: print_encoded("%#2d:" % position) print_encoded("%s - %s" % ( release["artist-credit-phrase"], release["title"])) if release.get("status"): print("(%s)" % release["status"]) else: print("") if position is None: print_encoded("Release Event:\t%s\t%s\n" % (date, country)) print_encoded("Barcode:\t%s\n" % release.get("barcode") or "") print_encoded("Catalog No.:\t%s\n" % catnumbers) print_encoded("MusicBrainz ID:\t%s\n" % release["id"]) else: print_encoded("\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\n" % ( country, date, barcode, catnumbers)) def print_error(*args): string_args = tuple([str(arg) for arg in args]) logger.error("\n ".join(string_args)) def backend_error(err): print_error("Couldn't gather ISRCs with %s: %i - %s" % (options.backend, err.errno, err.strerror)) sys.exit(1) def ask_for_submission(url, print_url=False): if options.force_submit: submit_requested = True else: printf("Would you like to open the browser to submit the disc?") submit_requested = user_input(" [y/N] ").lower() == "y" if submit_requested: open_browser(url, exit=True, submit=True) elif print_url: print("Please submit the Disc ID with this url:") print(url) class WebService2(): """A web service wrapper that asks for a password when first needed. This uses musicbrainzngs as a wrapper itself. """ def __init__(self, username=None): self.auth = False self.keyring_failed = False self.username = username musicbrainzngs.set_hostname(options.server) musicbrainzngs.set_useragent(AGENT_NAME, __version__, "http://github.com/JonnyJD/musicbrainz-isrcsubmit") def authenticate(self): """Sets the password if not set already """ if not self.auth: print("") if self.username is None: printf("Please input your MusicBrainz username (empty=abort): ") self.username = user_input() if len(self.username) == 0: print("(aborted)") sys.exit(1) password = None if keyring is not None and options.keyring and not self.keyring_failed: password = keyring.get_password(options.server, self.username) if password is None: password = getpass.getpass( "Please input your MusicBrainz password: ") print("") musicbrainzngs.auth(self.username, password) self.auth = True self.keyring_failed = False if keyring is not None and options.keyring: keyring.set_password(options.server, self.username, password) def get_releases_by_discid(self, disc_id, includes=[]): try: response = musicbrainzngs.get_releases_by_discid(disc_id, includes=includes) except ResponseError as err: if err.cause.code == 404: return [] else: print_error("Couldn't fetch release: %s" % err) sys.exit(1) except WebServiceError as err: print_error("Couldn't fetch release: %s" % err) sys.exit(1) else: if response.get("disc"): return response["disc"]["release-list"] else: return [] def get_release_by_id(self, release_id, includes=[]): try: return musicbrainzngs.get_release_by_id(release_id, includes=includes) except WebServiceError as err: print_error("Couldn't fetch release: %s" % err) sys.exit(1) def submit_isrcs(self, tracks2isrcs): logger.info("tracks2isrcs: %s", tracks2isrcs) while True: try: self.authenticate() musicbrainzngs.submit_isrcs(tracks2isrcs) except AuthenticationError as err: print_error("Invalid credentials: %s" % err) self.auth = False self.keyring_failed = True self.username = None continue except WebServiceError as err: print_error("Couldn't send ISRCs: %s" % err) sys.exit(1) else: print("Successfully submitted %d ISRCS." % len(tracks2isrcs)) break class Disc(object): def read_disc(self): try: # calculate disc ID from disc if self._backend == "libdiscid" and not options.force_submit: disc = discid.read(self._device, features=["mcn", "isrc"]) else: disc = discid.read(self._device) self._disc = disc except DiscError as err: print_error("DiscID calculation failed: %s" % err) sys.exit(1) def __init__(self, device, backend, verified=False): if sys.platform == "darwin": self._device = get_real_mac_device(device) logger.info("CD drive #%s corresponds to %s internally", device, self._device) else: self._device = device self._disc = None self._release = None self._backend = backend self._verified = verified self._asked_for_submission = False self._common_includes=["artists", "labels", "recordings", "isrcs", "artist-credits"] # the last one only for cleanup self.read_disc() # sets self._disc @property def id(self): return self._disc.id @property def mcn(self): mcn = self._disc.mcn if mcn and int(mcn) > 0: return mcn else: return None @property def tracks(self): return self._disc.tracks @property def submission_url(self): url = self._disc.submission_url # mm.mb.o points to mb.o, if present in the url url = url.replace("//mm.", "//") return url.replace("musicbrainz.org", options.server) @property def asked_for_submission(self): return self._asked_for_submission @property def release(self): """The corresponding MusicBrainz release This will ask the user to choose if the discID is ambiguous. """ if self._release is None: self.get_release(self._verified) # can still be None return self._release def fetch_release(self, release_id): """Check if a pre-selected release has the correct TOC attached """ includes = self._common_includes + ["discids"] result = ws2.get_release_by_id(release_id, includes=includes) release = result["release"] for medium in release["medium-list"]: for disc in medium["disc-list"]: if disc["id"] == self.id: return release # disc ID is not attached to the release return None def select_release(self): """Find the corresponding MusicBrainz release by disc ID This will ask the user to choose if the discID is ambiguous. """ includes = self._common_includes results = ws2.get_releases_by_discid(self.id, includes=includes) num_results = len(results) if options.force_submit: print("\nSubmission forced.") selected_release = None elif num_results == 0: print("\nThis Disc ID is not in the database.") selected_release = None elif num_results > 1: print("\nThis Disc ID is ambiguous:") print(" 0: none of these\n") self._asked_for_submission = True for i in range(num_results): release = results[i] # printed list is 1..n, not 0..n-1 ! print_release(release, i + 1) try: num = user_input("Which one do you want? [0-%d] " % num_results) if int(num) not in range(0, num_results + 1): raise IndexError if int(num) == 0: ask_for_submission(self.submission_url, print_url=True) sys.exit(1) else: selected_release = results[int(num) - 1] except (ValueError, IndexError): print_error("Invalid Choice") sys.exit(1) except KeyboardInterrupt: print("\nexiting..") sys.exit(1) else: selected_release = results[0] return selected_release def get_release(self, verified=False): """This will get a release the ISRCs will be added to. """ # check if a release was pre-selected if options.release_id: chosen_release = self.fetch_release(options.release_id) else: chosen_release = self.select_release() if chosen_release and chosen_release["id"] is None: # a "release" that is only a stub has no musicbrainz id print("\nThere is only a stub in the database:") print_encoded("%s - %s\n\n" % (chosen_release["artist-credit-phrase"], chosen_release["title"])) chosen_release = None # don't use stub verified = True # the id is verified by the stub if chosen_release is None or options.force_submit: if verified: url = self.submission_url ask_for_submission(url, print_url=True) sys.exit(1) else: print("recalculating to re-check..") self.read_disc() self.get_release(verified=True) self._release = chosen_release return chosen_release def get_disc(device, backend, verified=False): """This creates a Disc object, which also calculates the id of the disc """ disc = Disc(device, backend, verified) print('\nDiscID:\t\t%s' % disc.id) if disc.mcn: print('MCN/EAN:\t%s' % disc.mcn) print('Tracks on disc:\t%d' % len(disc.tracks)) return disc def gather_isrcs(disc, backend, device): """read the disc in the device with the backend and extract the ISRCs """ backend_output = [] devnull = open(os.devnull, "w") if backend == "libdiscid": pattern = r'[A-Z]{2}[A-Z0-9]{3}\d{2}\d{5}' for track in disc.tracks: if track.isrc: match = re.match(pattern, track.isrc) if match is None: print("no valid ISRC: %s" % track.isrc) else: backend_output.append((track.number, track.isrc)) # redundant to "libdiscid", but this might be handy for prerelease testing elif backend == "discisrc": pattern = \ r'Track\s+([0-9]+)\s+:\s+([A-Z]{2})-?([A-Z0-9]{3})-?(\d{2})-?(\d{5})' try: if sys.platform == "darwin": device = get_real_mac_device(device) proc = Popen([backend, device], stdout=PIPE) isrcout = proc.stdout except OSError as err: backend_error(err) for line in isrcout: line = decode(line) # explicitely decode from pipe ext_logger = logging.getLogger("discisrc") ext_logger.debug(line.rstrip()) # rstrip newline if line.startswith("Track") and len(line) > 12: match = re.search(pattern, line) if match is None: print("can't find ISRC in: %s" % line) continue track_number = int(match.group(1)) isrc = ("%s%s%s%s" % (match.group(2), match.group(3), match.group(4), match.group(5))) backend_output.append((track_number, isrc)) # media_info is a preview version of mediatools, both are for Windows # this does some kind of raw read elif backend in ["mediatools", "media_info"]: pattern = \ r'ISRC\s+([0-9]+)\s+([A-Z]{2})-?([A-Z0-9]{3})-?(\d{2})-?(\d{5})' if backend == "mediatools": args = [backend, "drive", device, "isrc"] else: args = [backend, device] try: proc = Popen(args, stdout=PIPE) isrcout = proc.stdout except OSError as err: backend_error(err) for line in isrcout: line = decode(line) # explicitely decode from pipe ext_logger = logging.getLogger("mediatools") ext_logger.debug(line.rstrip()) # rstrip newline if line.startswith("ISRC") and not line.startswith("ISRCS"): match = re.search(pattern, line) if match is None: print("can't find ISRC in: %s" % line) continue track_number = int(match.group(1)) isrc = ("%s%s%s%s" % (match.group(2), match.group(3), match.group(4), match.group(5))) backend_output.append((track_number, isrc)) # cdrdao will create a temp file and we delete it afterwards # cdrdao is also available for windows # this will also fetch ISRCs from CD-TEXT elif backend == "cdrdao": # no byte pattern, file is opened as unicode pattern = r'[A-Z]{2}[A-Z0-9]{3}\d{2}\d{5}' tmpname = "cdrdao-%s.toc" % datetime.now() tmpname = tmpname.replace(":", "-") # : is invalid on windows tmpfile = os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), tmpname) logger.info("Saving toc in %s..", tmpfile) if os.name == "nt": if device != discid.get_default_device(): logger.warning("cdrdao uses the default device") args = [backend, "read-toc", "-v", "0", tmpfile] else: args = [backend, "read-toc", "--device", device, "-v", "0", tmpfile] try: if options.debug: proc = Popen(args, stdout=devnull) else: proc = Popen(args, stdout=devnull, stderr=devnull) if proc.wait() != 0: print_error("%s returned with %i" % (backend, proc.returncode)) sys.exit(1) except OSError as err: backend_error(err) else: # that file seems to be opened in Unicode mode in Python 3 with open(tmpfile, "r") as toc: track_number = None for line in toc: ext_logger = logging.getLogger("cdrdao") ext_logger.debug(line.rstrip()) # rstrip newline words = line.split() if words: if words[0] == "//": track_number = int(words[2]) elif words[0] == "ISRC" and track_number is not None: isrc = "".join(words[1:]).strip('"- ') match = re.match(pattern, isrc) if match is None: print("no valid ISRC: %s" % isrc) else: backend_output.append((track_number, isrc)) # safeguard against missing trackNumber lines # or duplicated ISRC tags (like in CD-Text) track_number = None finally: try: os.unlink(tmpfile) except OSError: pass devnull.close() return backend_output def check_isrcs_local(backend_output, mb_tracks): """check backend_output for (local) duplicates and inconsistencies """ isrcs = dict() # isrcs found on disc tracks2isrcs = dict() # isrcs to be submitted errors = 0 for (track_number, isrc) in backend_output: if isrc not in isrcs: isrcs[isrc] = Isrc(isrc) # check if we found this ISRC for multiple tracks with_isrc = [item for item in backend_output if item[1] == isrc] if len(with_isrc) > 1: track_list = [str(item[0]) for item in with_isrc] print_error("%s gave the same ISRC for multiple tracks!" % options.backend, "ISRC: %s\ttracks: %s" % (isrc, ", ".join(track_list))) errors += 1 try: track = mb_tracks[track_number - 1] except IndexError: print_error("ISRC %s found for unknown track %d" % (isrc, track_number)) errors += 1 else: own_track = OwnTrack(track, track_number) isrcs[isrc].add_track(own_track) # check if the ISRC was already added to the track if isrc not in own_track.get("isrc-list", []): # single isrcs work in python-musicbrainzngs 0.4, but not 0.3 # lists of isrcs don't work in 0.4 though, see pymbngs #113 tracks2isrcs[own_track["id"]] = isrc print("found new ISRC for track %d: %s" % (track_number, isrc)) else: print("%s is already attached to track %d" % (isrc, track_number)) return isrcs, tracks2isrcs, errors def check_global_duplicates(release, mb_tracks, isrcs): """Help cleaning up global duplicates with the information we got from our disc. """ duplicates = 0 # add already attached ISRCs for i in range(0, len(mb_tracks)): track = mb_tracks[i] track_number = i + 1 track = Track(track, track_number) for isrc in track.get("isrc-list", []): # only check ISRCS we also found on our disc if isrc in isrcs: isrcs[isrc].add_track(track) # check if we have multiple tracks for one ISRC for isrc in isrcs: if len(isrcs[isrc].get_tracks()) > 1: duplicates += 1 if duplicates > 0: printf("\nThere were %d ISRCs ", duplicates) print("that are attached to multiple tracks on this release.") choice = user_input("Do you want to help clean those up? [y/N] ") if choice.lower() == "y": cleanup_isrcs(release, isrcs) def cleanup_isrcs(release, isrcs): """Show information about duplicate ISRCs Our attached ISRCs should be correct -> helps to delete from other tracks """ for isrc in isrcs: tracks = isrcs[isrc].get_tracks() if len(tracks) > 1: print("\nISRC %s attached to:" % isrc) for track in tracks: printf("\t") artist = track.get("artist-credit-phrase") if artist and artist != release["artist-credit-phrase"]: string = "%s - %s" % (artist, track["title"]) else: string = "%s" % track["title"] print_encoded(string) # tab alignment if len(string) >= 32: printf("\n%s", " " * 40) else: if len(string) < 7: printf("\t") if len(string) < 15: printf("\t") if len(string) < 23: printf("\t") if len(string) < 31: printf("\t") printf("\t track %s", track["position"]) if isinstance(track, OwnTrack): print(" [OUR EVALUATION]") else: print("") url = "http://%s/isrc/%s" % (options.server, isrc) if user_input("Open ISRC in the browser? [Y/n] ").lower() != "n": open_browser(url) user_input("(press when done with this ISRC) ") def main(argv): global options global ws2 # preset logger stream_handler = logging.StreamHandler() stream_handler.setFormatter(logging.Formatter("%(levelname)s: %(message)s")) logging.getLogger().addHandler(stream_handler) # add to root handler # global variables options = gather_options(argv) ws2 = WebService2(options.user) if options.debug: logging.getLogger().setLevel(logging.DEBUG) stream_handler.setLevel(logging.INFO) # adding log file logfile = "isrcsubmit.log" file_handler = logging.FileHandler(logfile, mode='w', encoding="utf8", delay=True) formatter = logging.Formatter("%(levelname)s:%(name)s: %(message)s") file_handler.setFormatter(formatter) file_handler.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) logger.info("Writing debug log to %s", logfile) logging.getLogger().addHandler(file_handler) # add context to log file (DEBUG only added there) logger.debug(script_version()) logger.info("using discid version %s", discid.__version__) print("using %s" % get_prog_version(options.backend)) disc = get_disc(options.device, options.backend) disc.get_release() print("") print_release(disc.release) if not disc.asked_for_submission: print("") print("Is this information different for your release?") ask_for_submission(disc.submission_url) media = [] for medium in disc.release["medium-list"]: for disc_entry in medium["disc-list"]: if disc_entry["id"] == disc.id: media.append(medium) break if len(media) > 1: raise DiscError("number of discs with id: %d" % len(media)) mb_tracks = media[0]["track-list"] print("") # (track, isrc) backend_output = gather_isrcs(disc, options.backend, options.device) # list, dict isrcs, tracks2isrcs, errors = check_isrcs_local(backend_output, mb_tracks) if isrcs: print("") # try to submit the ISRCs update_intention = True if not tracks2isrcs: print("No new ISRCs could be found.") else: if errors > 0: print_error("%d problems detected" % errors) if user_input("Do you want to submit? [y/N] ").lower() == "y": ws2.submit_isrcs(tracks2isrcs) else: update_intention = False print("Nothing was submitted to the server.") # check for overall duplicate ISRCs, including server provided if update_intention: # the ISRCs are deemed correct, so we can use them to check others check_global_duplicates(disc.release, mb_tracks, isrcs) if __name__ == "__main__": main(sys.argv) # vim:set shiftwidth=4 smarttab expandtab: