## Customization
Both the line and bar charts support a robust set of customization options.
The background of a bar or line chart can be set just like any other view:
self.barChartView.backgroundColor = ...; // UIColor
self.lineChartView.backgroundColor = ...; // UIColor
Any JBChartView subclass supports the use of headers and footers (similiar to that of UITableView):
self.barChartView.footerView = ...; // UIView
self.lineChartView.headerView = ...; // UIView
Lastly, any JBChartView subclass can be collapsed or expanded programmatically via the state property. If you chose to animate state changes, a callback helper can be used to notify you when the animation has completed:
- (void)setState:(JBChartViewState)state animated:(BOOL)animated callback:(void (^)())callback;
#### JBBarChartView
A bar chart can be inverted such that it's orientation is top->down (including the selection view) by setting the following property:
@property (nonatomic, assign, getter=isInverted) BOOL inverted;
By default, a chart's bars will be black and flat. They can be customized by supplying a UIView subclass through the optional protocol:
- (UIView *)barChartView:(JBBarChartView *)barChartView barViewAtIndex:(NSUInteger)index
return ...; // color of line in chart
If you don't require a custom UIView, simply supply a color for the bar instead:
- (UIColor *)barChartView:(JBBarChartView *)barChartView colorForBarViewAtIndex:(NSUInteger)index;
If a solid color isn't your cup of tea, you can expose a gradient to be applied across the entire chart:
- (CAGradientLayer *)barGradientForBarChartView:(JBBarChartView *)barChartView;
Furthermore, the color of the selection bar (on touch events) can be customized via the optional protocol:
- (UIColor *)barSelectionColorForBarChartView:(JBBarChartView *)barChartView
return ...; // color of selection view
Note: The delegate will request a custom UIView, followed by a color and lastly a gradient. If nothing is supplied, a plain black bar will be used.
Lastly, a bar chart's selection events are delegated back via:
- (void)barChartView:(JBBarChartView *)barChartView didSelectBarAtIndex:(NSUInteger)index touchPoint:(CGPoint)touchPoint
// Update view
- (void)didDeselectBarChartView:(JBBarChartView *)barChartView
// Update view
The touchPoint is especially important as it allows you to add custom elements to your chart during selection events. Refer to the demo project (JBarChartViewController) to see how a tooltip can be used to display additional information during selection events.
#### JBLineChartView
The color, width and style of each line in the chart can be customized via the optional protocol:
- (UIColor *)lineChartView:(JBLineChartView *)lineChartView colorForLineAtLineIndex:(NSUInteger)lineIndex
return ...; // color of line in chart
- (UIColor *)lineChartView:(JBLineChartView *)lineChartView fillColorForLineAtLineIndex:(NSUInteger)lineIndex
return ...; // color of area under line in chart
- (CGFloat)lineChartView:(JBLineChartView *)lineChartView widthForLineAtLineIndex:(NSUInteger)lineIndex
return ...; // width of line in chart
- (JBLineChartViewLineStyle)lineChartView:(JBLineChartView *)lineChartView lineStyleForLineAtLineIndex:(NSUInteger)lineIndex
return ...; // style of line in chart (solid or dashed)
Additionally, the line and fill color style can be customzized via the optional protocols (below). The line & fill color style apply to both selected and non-selected scenarios, meaning, if your line has a solid style, it's selected style will also be solid.
- (JBLineChartViewColorStyle)lineChartView:(JBLineChartView *)lineChartView colorStyleForLineAtLineIndex:(NSUInteger)lineIndex
return ...; // color line style of a line in the chart
- (JBLineChartViewColorStyle)lineChartView:(JBLineChartView *)lineChartView fillColorStyleForLineAtLineIndex:(NSUInteger)lineIndex
return ...; // color style for the area under a line in the chart
If a solid color style is used, the following optional protocols can be implemented:
- (UIColor *)lineChartView:(JBLineChartView *)lineChartView colorForLineAtLineIndex:(NSUInteger)lineIndex;
- (UIColor *)lineChartView:(JBLineChartView *)lineChartView fillColorForLineAtLineIndex:(NSUInteger)lineIndex;
Gradient color styles require a CAGradientLayer to be returned:
- (CAGradientLayer *)lineChartView:(JBLineChartView *)lineChartView gradientForLineAtLineIndex:(NSUInteger)lineIndex;
- (CAGradientLayer *)lineChartView:(JBLineChartView *)lineChartView fillGradientForLineAtLineIndex:(NSUInteger)lineIndex;
**Note**: gradients do not support multiple alphas. The alpha of gradient's first color be used throughout.
Defining a gradient to use is simple and flexible. For example, this would be a horizontal gradient from blue to green:
CAGradientLayer *gradient = [CAGradientLayer new];
gradient.startPoint = CGPointMake(0.0, 0.0);
gradient.endPoint = CGPointMake(1.0, 0.0);
gradient.colors = @[(id)[UIColor blueColor].CGColor, (id)[UIColor greenColor].CGColor];
As mentioned prior, the same color style is duplicated for selection events:
- (UIColor *)lineChartView:(JBLineChartView *)lineChartView selectionColorForLineAtLineIndex:(NSUInteger)lineIndex;
- (UIColor *)lineChartView:(JBLineChartView *)lineChartView selectionFillColorForLineAtLineIndex:(NSUInteger)lineIndex;
- (CAGradientLayer *)lineChartView:(JBLineChartView *)lineChartView selectionGradientForLineAtLineIndex:(NSUInteger)lineIndex;
- (CAGradientLayer *)lineChartView:(JBLineChartView *)lineChartView selectionFillGradientForLineAtLineIndex:(NSUInteger)lineIndex;
The color and width of the selection view along with the color of the selected line can be customized via the optional protocols:
- (UIColor *)lineChartView:(JBLineChartView *)lineChartView verticalSelectionColorForLineAtLineIndex:(NSUInteger)lineIndex
return ...; // color of selection view
- (CGFloat)verticalSelectionWidthForLineChartView:(JBLineChartView *)lineChartView
return ...; // width of selection view
- (UIColor *)lineChartView:(JBLineChartView *)lineChartView selectionColorForLineAtLineIndex:(NSUInteger)lineIndex
return ...; // color of selected line
- (UIColor *)lineChartView:(JBLineChartView *)lineChartView selectionFillColorForLineAtLineIndex:(NSUInteger)lineIndex
return ...; // color of area under selected line
When using a gradient for the line or fill, a different gradient can provided for selection. If the selection gradient is not provided, it will default to the line and fill gradient provided for the line.
- (CAGradientLayer *)lineChartView:(JBLineChartView *)lineChartView selectionGradientForLineAtLineIndex:(NSUInteger)lineIndex
return ...; // gradient for selected line
- (CAGradientLayer *)lineChartView:(JBLineChartView *)lineChartView selectionFillGradientForLineAtLineIndex:(NSUInteger)lineIndex
return ...; // gradient for area under selected line
By default, each line will not show dots for each point. To enable this on a per-line basis:
- (BOOL)lineChartView:(JBLineChartView *)lineChartView showsDotsForLineAtLineIndex:(NSUInteger)lineIndex;
To the radius of each dot (default is 6x the line width, or 3x the diameter), implement:
- (CGFloat)lineChartView:(JBLineChartView *)lineChartView dotRadiusForDotAtHorizontalIndex:(NSUInteger)horizontalIndex atLineIndex:(NSUInteger)lineIndex;
To customize the color of each dot during selection and non-selection events (default is white and black respectively), implement:
- (UIColor *)lineChartView:(JBLineChartView *)lineChartView colorForDotAtHorizontalIndex:(NSUInteger)horizontalIndex atLineIndex:(NSUInteger)lineIndex;
- (UIColor *)lineChartView:(JBLineChartView *)lineChartView selectionColorForDotAtHorizontalIndex:(NSUInteger)horizontalIndex atLineIndex:(NSUInteger)lineIndex;
Alternatively, you can supply your own UIView instead of using the default impelmentation:
- (UIView *)lineChartView:(JBLineChartView *)lineChartView dotViewAtHorizontalIndex:(NSUInteger)horizontalIndex atLineIndex:(NSUInteger)lineIndex;
Custom dot views are automatically shown when selected unless the following is implemented:
- (BOOL)lineChartView:(JBLineChartView *)lineChartView shouldHideDotViewOnSelectionAtHorizontalIndex:(NSUInteger)horizontalIndex atLineIndex:(NSUInteger)lineIndex;
As well, by default, each line will have squared off end caps and connection points. To enable rounded connections and end caps:
- (BOOL)lineChartView:(JBLineChartView *)lineChartView smoothLineAtLineIndex:(NSUInteger)lineIndex;
Furthermore, a line chart's selection events are delegated back via:
- (void)lineChartView:(JBLineChartView *)lineChartView didSelectLineAtIndex:(NSUInteger)lineIndex horizontalIndex:(NSUInteger)horizontalIndex touchPoint:(CGPoint)touchPoint
// Update view
- (void)didDeselectLineInLineChartView:(JBLineChartView *)lineChartView
// Update view
Upon selection, all other lines (+ fills) will be dimmed to 20% opacity (default). To change this value, implement:
- (CGFloat)lineChartView:(JBLineChartView *)lineChartView dimmedSelectionOpacityAtLineIndex:(NSUInteger)lineIndex
// Return unselected line opacity (0.0 to hide completely, and 1.0 to have no effect)
The dot selection opacity (default 0%) can also be modified via:
- (CGFloat)lineChartView:(JBLineChartView *)lineChartView dimmedSelectionDotOpacityAtLineIndex:(NSUInteger)lineIndex
// Return unselected dot opacity (0.0 to hide completely and 1.0 to have no effect)
If you don't want a line to be selectable:
- (BOOL)lineChartView:(JBLineChartView *)lineChartView shouldIgnoreSelectionAtIndex:(NSUInteger)lineIndex
return NO; // Check line index
The touchPoint is especially important as it allows you to add custom elements to your chart during selection events. Refer to the demo project (JBLineChartViewController) to see how a tooltip can be used to display additional information during selection events.