10/03/2011 1.0 - initial - Add signing to the NBM - Changed the modal type of the code insert dialog - Removed the "keep open" option - Added update center 10/19/2011 1.5-dev branch: - Library paths and Drupal versions are now set per project - Added in a api.drupal.org search bar, which works off of the current project or global version settings. - Renamed packages to org.netbeans.modules.php.drupaldevel.* to play nice with the PHP Module 10/22/2011 1.5 release - Removed search bar and drupal tool bar. Combined into a new dockable window. - LibraryPath versions are no longer Drupal X, but rather just X - Project level properties for Drupal Version and Library Path now in place. 10/28/2011 1.5.1 release - Dropped phpmodule dependency and switched to Netbeans lookups - Now works on 7.0+ and any version until Netbeans makes some major API changes. 10/31/2011 2.0.0 - bleeding - Initial Drush support added. 11/01/2011 2.0.1 - bleeding - Initial Drush support for MAC and *Nix 11/02/2011 2.0.2 - bleeding - Option can now be set in project properties for the location of the Drupal installation - Initial APITree Context Menu support added 11/06/2011 2.0.3 - beta - First beta of 2.0 branch - Reworked template system. Code templates are now XML based - Added help window to API TopComponent - Moved api.drupal.org search bar back to the toolbar - Added quickfind box on API TopComponent - Drush TopComponent now opens when invoked - Project source directory now parsed from project configuration - External template libraries now merge with core libraries. - Started help system - Added icons to APITree items 11/07/2011 2.0.4 - beta - Tool templates now work off of code template system. - Editor gets focus upon code insertion 11/12/2011 2.0.5 - beta - Several fixes for Mac and Nix - Added reload button to API window 11/14/2011 2.0.6 - beta - Fixed some problems with Drush combobox history 11/22/2011 2.0.7 - RC1 - Added drop down version select to new module and theme creation. - Fixed bug in creating hooks with files that have multiple . in them. 12/01/2011 2.0.8 - Version 2 Final -Full release of version 2 01/09/2012 2.0.9 - Fixes to Drupal 7 themeing hook templates 03/17/2012 2.0.10 - Fixed broken API Tree refresh in *Nix/MAC (Issue #17) - Added new module info drush command (pull request 18 - h/t sbilde) 08/17/2012 2.0.11 - Fixed broken Drush multisite in *NIX/OSx (Issue #23) - Function comment must end with full stop (Issue #24) - Modified to work with Drush installed from PEAR 10/15/2016 2.0.11 - Maintainer changed to Tushar Joshi - Release tag v2.0.11 added and earlier release made available