[COLOR grey][Date: 2014.05.25][/COLOR][COLOR black][Post: 1][/COLOR] [COLOR cornflowerblue][B]Release:[/B][/COLOR] v0.4.3 [COLOR grey][Date: 2014.04.29][/COLOR][COLOR black][Post: 1][/COLOR] [COLOR cornflowerblue][B]Release:[/B][/COLOR] v0.4.1 [COLOR grey][Date: 2014.04.26][/COLOR][COLOR black][Post: 1][/COLOR] [COLOR cornflowerblue][B]Release:[/B][/COLOR] v0.3.8 [COLOR grey][Date: 2013.12.13][/COLOR][COLOR black][Post: 1][/COLOR] [COLOR cornflowerblue][B]Release:[/B][/COLOR] v0.3.3 [COLOR grey][Date: 2013.11.22][/COLOR][COLOR black][Post: 2][/COLOR] [COLOR cornflowerblue][B]Release:[/B][/COLOR] v0.3.2 [COLOR grey][Date: 2013.11.22][/COLOR][COLOR black][Post: 1][/COLOR] [COLOR red][B]News:[/B][/COLOR] Many Updates Lately. ### Custom Domain Setting(s) due to recent ongoing changes. ### Ongoing Fixes due to Site Changes. ### Search [API] method(s). ### nURL() function. ### Check the changelog for more informatoin. [COLOR grey][Date: 2013.08.28][/COLOR][COLOR black][Post: 3][/COLOR] [COLOR cornflowerblue][B]Private Build:[/B][/COLOR] v0.2.7 [COLOR grey][Date: 2013.08.28][/COLOR][COLOR black][Post: 2][/COLOR] [COLOR cornflowerblue][B]Release:[/B][/COLOR] v0.2.6 [COLOR grey][Date: 2013.08.28][/COLOR][COLOR black][Post: 1][/COLOR] [COLOR red][B]News:[/B][/COLOR] Updates for Host Menu and Movie Listings. [COLOR grey][Date: 2013.08.23][/COLOR][COLOR black][Post: 4][/COLOR] [COLOR cornflowerblue][B]Private Build:[/B][/COLOR] v0.2.6 [COLOR grey][Date: 2013.08.23][/COLOR][COLOR black][Post: 3][/COLOR] [COLOR cornflowerblue][B]Release:[/B][/COLOR] v0.2.5 [COLOR grey][Date: 2013.08.23][/COLOR][COLOR black][Post: 1][/COLOR] [COLOR red][B]News:[/B][/COLOR] Fanart Changer for TV Show Favorites. [COLOR grey][Date: 2013.08.21][/COLOR][COLOR black][Post: 1][/COLOR] [COLOR red][B]News:[/B][/COLOR] Improved apon my plugin graphics. ### fanart.jpg and icon.png have been updated. [COLOR grey][Date: 2013.08.20][/COLOR][COLOR black][Post: 4][/COLOR] [COLOR cornflowerblue][B]Private Build:[/B][/COLOR] v0.2.5 [COLOR grey][Date: 2013.08.20][/COLOR][COLOR black][Post: 3][/COLOR] [COLOR cornflowerblue][B]Release:[/B][/COLOR] v0.2.4 [COLOR grey][Date: 2013.08.20][/COLOR][COLOR black][Post: 2][/COLOR] [COLOR red][B]News:[/B][/COLOR] Don't forget the XBMCHUB Fest ### This weekend on August 24th, 2013 in the UK ( Sholing, Southampton ) ### Begining @ 12PM ( There time-zone ). ### http://www.xbmchub.com/forums/announcements/9937-xbmchub-fest-24th-august-poll.html [COLOR grey][Date: 2013.08.20][/COLOR][COLOR black][Post: 1][/COLOR] [COLOR red][B]News:[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR grey][Date: 2013.08.17][/COLOR][COLOR black][Post: 3][/COLOR] [COLOR cornflowerblue][B]Private Build:[/B][/COLOR] v0.2.4 [COLOR grey][Date: 2013.08.17][/COLOR][COLOR black][Post: 2][/COLOR] [COLOR cornflowerblue][B]Release:[/B][/COLOR] v0.2.3 [COLOR grey][Date: 2013.08.17][/COLOR][COLOR black][Post: 1][/COLOR] [COLOR red][B]News:[/B][/COLOR] 2 jDownloader DL-Methods for Testing. [COLOR grey][Date: 2013.08.16][/COLOR][COLOR black][Post: 4][/COLOR] [COLOR cornflowerblue][B]Private Build:[/B][/COLOR] v0.2.3 [COLOR grey][Date: 2013.08.16][/COLOR][COLOR black][Post: 3][/COLOR] [COLOR cornflowerblue][B]Release:[/B][/COLOR] v0.2.2 [COLOR grey][Date: 2013.08.15][/COLOR][COLOR black][Post: 2][/COLOR] [COLOR red][B]News:[/B][/COLOR] Show/Hide TV Episodes with 0 Links. [COLOR grey][Date: 2013.08.15][/COLOR][COLOR black][Post: 1][/COLOR] [COLOR red][B]News:[/B][/COLOR] Fixes to Next-Page in listItems() ### Added missing section variable to Next Page Links in listItems(). ### ### /\ This makes it so that TV listings will stay under TV ### ### section when going to the next page. ### Fixed Next-Page links to not show when on the last page. [COLOR grey][Date: 2013.08.11][/COLOR][COLOR black][Post: 2][/COLOR] [COLOR cornflowerblue][B]Private Build:[/B][/COLOR] v0.2.2 [COLOR grey][Date: 2013.08.11][/COLOR][COLOR black][Post: 1][/COLOR] [COLOR cornflowerblue][B]Release:[/B][/COLOR] v0.2.1 [COLOR grey][Date: 2013.08.09][/COLOR][COLOR black][Post: 4][/COLOR] [COLOR cornflowerblue][B]Private Build:[/B][/COLOR] v0.2.1 [COLOR grey][Date: 2013.08.09][/COLOR][COLOR black][Post: 3][/COLOR] [COLOR cornflowerblue][B]Release:[/B][/COLOR] v0.2.0 [COLOR grey][Date: 2013.08.09][/COLOR][COLOR black][Post: 2][/COLOR] [COLOR red][B]News:[/B][/COLOR] Wiki Pages ### https://github.com/HIGHWAY99/plugin.video.solarmovie.so/wiki [COLOR grey][Date: 2013.08.09][/COLOR][COLOR black][Post: 1][/COLOR] [COLOR red][B]News:[/B][/COLOR] A new Users Section! ### It's so early in the morning yet, but I'm still going at it ### hard, finding more features to add. Thus, attempting to claim ### my rightful spot among the fore-runners of xbmc video plugins ### and their authors. ### It has been my purpose to use this, as well as my other plugins, ### as a learning experience. Although, I can't help but admit that ### I also want to both meet and in some ways best the most popular ### of video plugin/addons for the XBMC comunity. I personally do ### Love and enjoy 1Channel (for PrimeWire.ag) and Simply Movies ### video plugins, as well as the UrlResolver. But, I can't help ### but to try to do just as well as UrlResolver with my other ### projects that use videolinks.py and with TheAnimeHighway and ### SolarMovie.so, I personally think I have finally have a little ### bosting rights. Minus the lack of a proper repository to host ### an auto-updating method for it, I most definately kept up with ### and out done the others in the ammmount of features I've ### included among other things. Now, I just need advertising, ### testers, and some feed back. Feel free to check out my wiki ### for plugin.video.solarmovie.so: ### https://github.com/HIGHWAY99/plugin.video.solarmovie.so/wiki ### I've put a lot of work into this wiki. ### I'm currently waiting on http://www.solarmovie.so/ to complete ### it's updated registry method so I can create an account and ### hopefully find a tad bit more features to add for you great ### fans and users. [COLOR grey][Date: 2013.08.08][/COLOR][COLOR black][Post: 2][/COLOR] [COLOR red][B]News:[/B][/COLOR] Latest Threads ### This allows you to check out the Latest Threads sectcion of the ### main page @ http://www.solarmovie.so/ [COLOR grey][Date: 2013.08.08][/COLOR][COLOR black][Post: 1][/COLOR] [COLOR red][B]News:[/B][/COLOR] Whats NEW! ### * See a list of Movies coming soon, including Premeire Date, ### how long until then, Director, Year, Poster-image, and Plot. ### * Play Trailers (when available). [COLOR grey][Date: 2013.08.07][/COLOR][COLOR black][Post: 5][/COLOR] [COLOR cornflowerblue][B]Private Build:[/B][/COLOR] v0.2.0 [COLOR grey][Date: 2013.08.07][/COLOR][COLOR black][Post: 4][/COLOR] [COLOR cornflowerblue][B]Release:[/B][/COLOR] v0.1.9b [COLOR grey][Date: 2013.08.07][/COLOR][COLOR black][Post: 3][/COLOR] [COLOR red][B]News:[/B][/COLOR] Quick Fix: Play videos. [COLOR grey][Date: 2013.08.07][/COLOR][COLOR black][Post: 2][/COLOR] [COLOR cornflowerblue][B]Release:[/B][/COLOR] v0.1.9 [COLOR grey][Date: 2013.08.07][/COLOR][COLOR black][Post: 1][/COLOR] [COLOR red][B]News:[/B][/COLOR] Download Feature for Testers. [COLOR grey][Date: 2013.08.06][/COLOR][COLOR black][Post: 2][/COLOR] [COLOR red][B]News:[/B][/COLOR] Settings Window given a lot of new ### content, much of which now works. [COLOR grey][Date: 2013.08.06][/COLOR][COLOR black][Post: 1][/COLOR] [COLOR red][B]News:[/B][/COLOR] Page Handling (Start,Current, End, ### Last, Next) given a major Fix. Sorry for not noticing it sooner. [COLOR grey][Date: 2013.08.05][/COLOR][COLOR black][Post: 4][/COLOR] [COLOR cornflowerblue][B]Private Build:[/B][/COLOR] v0.1.9 [COLOR grey][Date: 2013.08.05][/COLOR][COLOR black][Post: 3][/COLOR] [COLOR cornflowerblue][B]Release:[/B][/COLOR] v0.1.8 [COLOR grey][Date: 2013.08.05][/COLOR][COLOR black][Post: 2][/COLOR] [COLOR red][B]News:[/B][/COLOR] Fix: TV >> Latest Watched. [COLOR grey][Date: 2013.08.05][/COLOR][COLOR black][Post: 1][/COLOR] [COLOR red][B]News:[/B][/COLOR] Library Feature. [COLOR grey][Date: 2013.08.04][/COLOR][COLOR black][Post: 1][/COLOR] [COLOR red][B]News:[/B][/COLOR] Fans of Code Lyoko and the ### live-action season that fallowed, Code Lyoko Evolution... feel ### free to check out: ### https://github.com/HIGHWAY99/plugin.video.codelyokoevolution/releases [COLOR grey][Date: 2013.08.04][/COLOR][COLOR black][Post: 1][/COLOR] [COLOR red][B]News:[/B][/COLOR] *WAVES* Bye-Bye, to the "import unicodedata". [COLOR grey][Date: 2013.08.01][/COLOR][COLOR black][Post: 2][/COLOR] [COLOR red][B]News:[/B][/COLOR] Code Clean-up. [COLOR grey][Date: 2013.08.01][/COLOR][COLOR black][Post: 1][/COLOR] [COLOR red][B]News:[/B][/COLOR] Multi-Category Favorites. [COLOR grey][Date: 2013.07.31][/COLOR][COLOR black][Post: 6][/COLOR] [COLOR cornflowerblue][B]Private Build:[/B][/COLOR] v0.1.8 [COLOR grey][Date: 2013.07.31][/COLOR][COLOR black][Post: 5][/COLOR] [COLOR cornflowerblue][B]Release:[/B][/COLOR] v0.1.7 [COLOR grey][Date: 2013.07.31][/COLOR][COLOR black][Post: 4][/COLOR] [COLOR red][B]News:[/B][/COLOR] Added Remove command for Favorites. [COLOR grey][Date: 2013.07.31][/COLOR][COLOR black][Post: 2][/COLOR] [COLOR cornflowerblue][B]Release:[/B][/COLOR] v0.1.6 [COLOR grey][Date: 2013.07.31][/COLOR][COLOR black][Post: 1][/COLOR] [COLOR red][B]News:[/B][/COLOR] ### More handling for Metadata on Episodes and passing of data from TV Show Titles to Season to Episode listings. This allows for Plot/Description/Overview of episode as well as episode screenshot and Name fixing. ### More Label Coloring ### Favorites for TV and Movies each. ### Search feature works better now when activated from 1ch/Primewire's Subscription page... it now removes the text [TAGS]. and (YEAR) data to get down to the name. [COLOR grey][Date: 2013.07.29][/COLOR][COLOR black][Post: 5][/COLOR] [COLOR red][B]News:[/B][/COLOR] Added a normal Search feature, ### ### which can be made accessable from other addons. ### ### ### For TV Shows ### ### if os.path.exists(xbmc.translatePath("special://home/addons/") + 'plugin.video.solarmovie.so'): ### ### contextmenuitems.append(('Search Solarmovie.so', 'XBMC.Container.Update(%s?mode=%s§ion=%s&title=%s)' % ('plugin://plugin.video.solarmovie.so/','Search','tv',title))) ### ### ### For Movies ### ### if os.path.exists(xbmc.translatePath("special://home/addons/") + 'plugin.video.solarmovie.so'): ### ### contextmenuitems.append(('Search Solarmovie.so', 'XBMC.Container.Update(%s?mode=%s§ion=%s&title=%s)' % ('plugin://plugin.video.solarmovie.so/','Search','movies',title))) [COLOR grey][Date: 2013.07.29][/COLOR][COLOR black][Post: 4][/COLOR] [COLOR cornflowerblue][B]Private Build:[/B][/COLOR] v0.1.6 [COLOR grey][Date: 2013.07.29][/COLOR][COLOR black][Post: 3][/COLOR] [COLOR cornflowerblue][B]Release:[/B][/COLOR] v0.1.5 [COLOR grey][Date: 2013.07.29][/COLOR][COLOR black][Post: 2][/COLOR] [COLOR red][B]News:[/B][/COLOR] Some Sweet new Looks and Feels. ### Fixes: infoLabels, Thumbnail, Plot Description. ### New: Fanart, Added more Graphics over-all. ### Note: Things will be slightly slower than before with data being fetched ### ### from the additional pages. ### Note: Look for the weird turtle! This is what happens when ### ### modules/scripts don't come with a fancy little icon.png... ### ### I have to come up with one, and this one so-- made me laugh. ### Note: If your wondering about favorites and caching, I'm simply ### ### trying to make sure that I got things as sorted as possible ### ### with MetaData first, so I don't have to deal with clearing ### ### data left and right, not alone data tables. I haven't decided ### ### yet rather to use cache again or a sql .db file which be much ### ### more troublesome during testing and I'd have to learn how to ### ### use it via python a bit. I'm considering working on a search ### ### feature soon, though. Hope you look forward to upcoming versions. [COLOR grey][Date: 2013.07.29][/COLOR][COLOR black][Post: 1][/COLOR] [COLOR cornflowerblue][B]Private Build:[/B][/COLOR] v0.1.5 [COLOR grey][Date: 2013.07.28][/COLOR][COLOR black][Post: 5][/COLOR] [COLOR cornflowerblue][B]Release:[/B][/COLOR] v0.1.4 [COLOR grey][Date: 2013.07.28][/COLOR][COLOR black][Post: 4][/COLOR] [COLOR red][B]News:[/B][/COLOR] Many things to tell you about... ### Note: It's a good idea to have MetaData in the settings window turned off for now. ### Working on better handling of dependencies. ### Config.py added. ### Many functions added to make my life much easier. ### Added Plot description to Movies. (TV Shows to come later.) ### Added Latest Movie Listings and Latest TV Episode Listings. ### Plot Data bugged for a moment but made a Temp fix til I can better fix the main function. ### Plot Data returns blank now instead of erroring for those without any plot description. [COLOR grey][Date: 2013.07.28][/COLOR][COLOR black][Post: 3][/COLOR] [COLOR cornflowerblue][B]Private Build:[/B][/COLOR] v0.1.4 ### I really hope you look forward to this version when it gets released. [COLOR grey][Date: 2013.07.28][/COLOR][COLOR black][Post: 2][/COLOR] [COLOR red][B]News:[/B][/COLOR] Running some tests for news and folder on github. [COLOR grey][Date: 2013.07.28][/COLOR][COLOR black][Post: 1][/COLOR] [COLOR cornflowerblue][B]Release:[/B][/COLOR] v0.1.3 [COLOR grey][Date: 2013.07.27][/COLOR][COLOR black][Post: 10][/COLOR] [COLOR red][B]News:[/B][/COLOR] Added Feature: Find AirDates. This can be linked to from other addons too. You can set it to bring up a keyboard for title entry or send a &title=snowname. [COLOR grey][Date: 2013.07.27][/COLOR][COLOR black][Post: 9][/COLOR] [COLOR red][B]News:[/B][/COLOR] Ability to Search for a TV Show or Movie by Title with 1Channel/PrimeWire plugin via ContextMenuItem. [COLOR grey][Date: 2013.07.27][/COLOR][COLOR black][Post: 8][/COLOR] [COLOR cornflowerblue][B]Private Build:[/B][/COLOR] v0.1.3 [COLOR grey][Date: 2013.07.27][/COLOR][COLOR black][Post: 7][/COLOR] [COLOR red][B]News:[/B][/COLOR] TV Episodes are now Playable. [COLOR grey][Date: 2013.07.27][/COLOR][COLOR black][Post: 6][/COLOR] [COLOR red][B]News:[/B][/COLOR] TextWindow Setup for News and Change Logs [COLOR grey][Date: 2013.07.27][/COLOR][COLOR black][Post: 5][/COLOR] [COLOR red][B]News:[/B][/COLOR] TV >> (Season|Episode) Listings now Available. [COLOR grey][Date: 2013.07.27][/COLOR][COLOR black][Post: 4][/COLOR] [COLOR cornflowerblue][B]Private Build:[/B][/COLOR] v0.1.2 [COLOR grey][Date: 2013.07.27][/COLOR][COLOR black][Post: 3][/COLOR] [COLOR red][B]News:[/B][/COLOR] Popular Listings now Available. [COLOR grey][Date: 2013.07.27][/COLOR][COLOR black][Post: 2][/COLOR] [COLOR cornflowerblue][B]Private Build:[/B][/COLOR] v0.1.1 [COLOR grey][Date: 2013.07.27][/COLOR][COLOR black][Post: 1][/COLOR] [COLOR red][B]News:[/B][/COLOR] Plugin can now list movies and play for at least some hosters. [COLOR grey][Date: 2013.07.26][/COLOR][COLOR black][Post: 1][/COLOR] [COLOR red][B]News:[/B][/COLOR] Plugin can now list movies and tv show titles. [COLOR grey][Date: 2013.07.25][/COLOR][COLOR black][Post: 1][/COLOR] [COLOR cornflowerblue][B]Private Build:[/B][/COLOR] v0.1.0