@echo off @REM check if we already have the tools in the environment if exist "%VCINSTALLDIR%" ( goto compile ) @REM Check for Visual Studio if defined VS110COMNTOOLS ( call set VSPATH=%%VS110COMNTOOLS%% goto set_env ) if defined VS100COMNTOOLS ( call set VSPATH=%%VS100COMNTOOLS%% goto set_env ) if defined VS90COMNTOOLS" ( call set VSPATH=%%VS90COMNTOOLS%% goto set_env ) if defined VS80COMNTOOLS ( call set VSPATH=%%VS80COMNTOOLS%% goto set_env ) echo You need Microsoft Visual Studio 8, 9, 10 or 11 installed pause exit @ setup the environment :set_env call %VSPATH%vsvars32.bat :compile %appdata%\bam.exe %*