import Graphiti public struct StarWarsAPI: API { public let resolver = StarWarsResolver() public let schema = try! Schema { Enum(Episode.self) { Value(.newHope) .description("Released in 1977.") Value(.empire) .description("Released in 1980.") Value(.jedi) .description("Released in 1983.") } .description("One of the films in the Star Wars Trilogy.") Interface(Character.self) { Field("id", at: \.id) .description("The id of the character.") Field("name", at: \.name) .description("The name of the character.") Field("friends", at: \.friends, as: [TypeReference].self) .description("The friends of the character, or an empty list if they have none.") Field("appearsIn", at: \.appearsIn) .description("Which movies they appear in.") Field("secretBackstory", at: \.secretBackstory) .description("All secrets about their past.") } .description("A character in the Star Wars Trilogy.") Type(Planet.self) { Field("id", at: \.id) Field("name", at: \.name) Field("diameter", at: \.diameter) Field("rotationPeriod", at: \.rotationPeriod) Field("orbitalPeriod", at: \.orbitalPeriod) Field("residents", at: \.residents) } .description( "A large mass, planet or planetoid in the Star Wars Universe, at the time of 0 ABY." ) Type(Human.self, interfaces: [Character.self]) { Field("id", at: \.id) Field("name", at: \.name) Field("appearsIn", at: \.appearsIn) Field("homePlanet", at: \.homePlanet) Field("friends", at: Human.getFriends, as: [Character].self) .description("The friends of the human, or an empty list if they have none.") Field("secretBackstory", at: Human.getSecretBackstory) .description("Where are they from and how they came to be who they are.") } .description("A humanoid creature in the Star Wars universe.") Type(Droid.self, interfaces: [Character.self]) { Field("id", at: \.id) Field("name", at: \.name) Field("appearsIn", at: \.appearsIn) Field("primaryFunction", at: \.primaryFunction) Field("friends", at: Droid.getFriends, as: [Character].self) .description("The friends of the droid, or an empty list if they have none.") Field("secretBackstory", at: Droid.getSecretBackstory) .description("Where are they from and how they came to be who they are.") } .description("A mechanical creature in the Star Wars universe.") Union(SearchResult.self, members: Planet.self, Human.self, Droid.self) Query { Field("hero", at: StarWarsResolver.hero, as: Character.self) { Argument("episode", at: \.episode) .description( "If omitted, returns the hero of the whole saga. If provided, returns the hero of that particular episode." ) } .description("Returns a hero based on the given episode.") Field("human", at: StarWarsResolver.human) { Argument("id", at: \.id) .description("Id of the human.") } Field("droid", at: StarWarsResolver.droid) { Argument("id", at: \.id) .description("Id of the droid.") } Field("search", at:, as: [SearchResult].self) { Argument("query", at: \.query) .defaultValue("R2-D2") } } } }