package { import org.flixel.*; import org.flixel.plugin.photonstorm.FlxExtendedSprite; import org.flixel.plugin.photonstorm.FlxMouseControl; /** * * A simple slider object for Flixel - v 0.2 * * @author Gama11 */ public class FlxSlider extends FlxGroup { /** * The dragable handle - loadGraphic() to change its graphic. */ public var handle:FlxExtendedSprite; /** * The dragable area for the handle. Is configured automatically. */ private var bounds:FlxRect; /** * The horizontal line in the background. */ public var line:FlxSprite; /** * The left border sprite. */ public var leftBorder:FlxSprite; /** * The right border sprite. */ public var rightBorder:FlxSprite; /** * The text under the left border - equals minValue by default. */ public var minLabel:FlxText; /** * The text under the right border - equals maxValue by default. */ public var maxLabel:FlxText; /** * A text above the slider that displays its name. */ public var nameLabel:FlxText; /** * A text under the slider that displays the current value. */ public var currentLabel:FlxText; /** * The width of the slider. */ public var width:int = 100; /** * The height of the slider - make sure to call createSlider() if you * want to change this. */ public var height:int = 8; /** * The thickness of the slider - make sure to call createSlider() if you * want to change this. */ public var thickness:int = 2; /** * The color of the slider - make sure to call createSlider() if you * want to change this. */ public var color:uint = 0xFF000000; /** * The color of the handle - make sure to call createSlider() if you * want to change this. */ public var handleColor:uint = 0xFF828282;; /** * Current x pos. */ public var xCoord:int = 0; /** * Current y pos. */ public var yCoord:int = 0; /** * Stores a reference to parent object. */ private var obj:Object; /** * (Optional) Function to be called when slider was dragged / value changed. * Two parameters are passed: * The value the var is supossed to have (Number) and * The currentLabel (FlxText) - needs to be updated manually in that case. */ public var callback:Function; /** * Stores the variable the slider controls. */ public var varString:String; /** * Stores the value of the variable - updated each frame. */ public var value:Number; /** * Mininum value the variable can be changed to. */ public var minValue:Number; /** * Maximum value the variable can be changed to. */ public var maxValue:Number; /** * The handle's position relative to the slider's width. */ public var relHandlePos:Number; /** * How many decimals the variable can have at max. Default is zero, * or "only whole numbers". */ public var decimals:int = 0; /** * Whether this class should handle the changes to the specified var * or if you wanna do that yourself / not at all. Automatically set to * false if you specify a Callback function. */ public var overwriting:Boolean = true; /** * Sound that's played whenever the slider is clicked. */ public var clickSound:Class; /** * Sound that's played whenever the slider is hovered over. */ public var hoverSound:Class; /** * Helper variable to avoid the clickSound playing every frame. */ private var justClicked:Boolean = false; /** * Helper variable to avoid the hoverSound playing every frame. */ private var justHovered:Boolean = false; /** * Creates a new FlxSlider. * * @param X X Position * @param Y Y Position * @param MinValue Mininum value the variable can be changed to. * @param MaxValue Maximum value the variable can be changed to. * @param Callback Function to be called when slider was dragged / value changed. * @param VarString Variable that the slider controls - NEEDS TO BE PUBLIC! Not needed if Callback is used. * @param Obj Reference to the object the variable belongs to. Not needed if Callback is used. * @param Width Width of the slider. */ override public function FlxSlider(X:int = 0, Y:int = 0, MinValue:Number = 0, MaxValue:Number = 10, Callback:Function = null, VarString:String = null, Obj:Object = null, Width:int = 100):void { // Assign all those constructor vars xCoord = X; yCoord = Y; minValue = MinValue; maxValue = MaxValue; varString = VarString; obj = Obj; width = Width; callback = Callback; if (Callback != null) overwriting = false; if (Obj[VarString] != Math.round(Obj[VarString])) decimals = 2; // Create the slider createSlider(); } /** * Initially creates the slider with all its objects. Can also be * called to redraw the thing if certain vars are changed manually later. */ public function createSlider():void { // Need that to make use of the FlxPowerTools' dragable sprite feature if (FlxG.getPlugin(FlxMouseControl) == null) FlxG.addPlugin(new FlxMouseControl); // Creating the "body" of the slider line = new FlxSprite(0, 0); line.makeGraphic(width + thickness * 3, thickness, color); var yPos:int = - height / 2 + thickness / 2; leftBorder = new FlxSprite(0 - thickness, yPos); leftBorder.makeGraphic(thickness, height, color); rightBorder = new FlxSprite(width + thickness * 2, yPos); rightBorder.makeGraphic(thickness, height, color); // Creating the texts var textOffset:int = 3; minLabel = new FlxText(2 - thickness * 2, (height / 2) + textOffset, 100, minValue.toString()); minLabel.setFormat(null, 12, FlxG.BLACK, "left"); maxLabel = new FlxText(width, (height / 2) + textOffset, 100, maxValue.toString()); maxLabel.setFormat(null, 12, FlxG.BLACK, "left"); nameLabel = new FlxText(0, - height * 3, width, varString); nameLabel.setFormat(null, 16, FlxG.BLACK, "center"); currentLabel = new FlxText(0, (height / 2) + textOffset, width, ""); currentLabel.setFormat(null, 12, handleColor, "center"); if (obj != null && varString != null) currentLabel.text = (obj[varString]).toString(); // Creating the handle if (obj != null && varString != null) value = obj[varString]; bounds = new FlxRect(xCoord, 0, width + thickness * 2, FlxG.height); handle = new FlxExtendedSprite(0, yPos); handle.makeGraphic(thickness * 2, height, handleColor); handle.enableMouseDrag(false, false, 255, bounds); handle.setDragLock(true, false); if (obj != null && varString != null) handle.x = (value / maxValue) * width; // Add all the objects add(line); add(leftBorder); add(rightBorder); add(minLabel); add(maxLabel); add(nameLabel); add(currentLabel); add(handle); // Position the objects x = xCoord; y = yCoord; // Fire Callback just once so that a text for currentLabel can be set relHandlePos = (handle.x - xCoord) / width; if (callback != null) callback(round(relHandlePos * maxValue), currentLabel); } override public function update():void { // Update the variable's value if (callback == null) currentLabel.text = (round(obj[varString])).toString(); // Update the var that stores the handle position relative to the slider's width relHandlePos = (handle.x - xCoord) / width; // ...and change the variable's value if the handle has been dragged if (value != relHandlePos * maxValue) { if (overwriting) obj[varString] = round(relHandlePos * maxValue); if (callback != null) callback(round(relHandlePos * maxValue), currentLabel); value = relHandlePos * maxValue; } // Make it possible to click anywhere on the slider var xM:int = FlxG.mouse.x; var yM:int = FlxG.mouse.y; if (xM >= xCoord && xM <= xCoord + width && yM >= (yCoord) && yM <= (yCoord + height * 2) && visible) { if (FlxG.mouse.pressed()) { handle.x = FlxG.mouse.x; if (!justClicked && clickSound != null) {; justClicked = true; } } else { justClicked = false; } alpha = 0.5; if (!justHovered && hoverSound != null); justHovered = true; } else if (visible) { alpha = 1; justHovered = false; } super.update(); } /** * Handy function for changing the textfields. * * @param Name Name of the slider - "" to hide * @param Current Whether to show the current value or not * @param Left Label for the left border text - "" to hide * @param Right Label for the right border text - "" to hide */ public function setTexts(Name:String, Current:Boolean = true, Left:String = null, Right:String = null):void { if (Left == "") minLabel.visible = false; else if (Left != null) { minLabel.text = Left; minLabel.visible = true; } if (Right == "") maxLabel.visible = false; else if (Right != null) { maxLabel.text = Right; maxLabel.visible = true; } if (Name == "") nameLabel.visible = false; else if (Name != null) { nameLabel.text = Name; nameLabel.visible = true; } if (!Current) currentLabel.visible = false; else currentLabel.visible = true; } /** * Handy function to round a number to set amount of decimals. * * @param n Number to round */ private function round(n:Number):Number { decimals = Math.abs(decimals); return int((n) * Math.pow(10, decimals)) / Math.pow(10, decimals); } /** * Need that to make use of the FlxPowerTools' dragable sprite feature as well. */ override public function destroy():void { // Important! Clear out the plugin otherwise resources will get messed right up after a while FlxMouseControl.clear(); super.destroy(); } // Code that makes sure this class has alpha, x and y properties just like a FlxSprite would. private var _alpha:Number = 1; public function set alpha(n:Number):void { _alpha = n; if (_alpha > 1) _alpha = 1; else if (_alpha < 0) _alpha = 0; for each (var m:* in members) { m.alpha = _alpha; } } public function get alpha():Number { return _alpha } private var _x:int = 0 private var _y:int = 0 public function set x(nx:int):void { var offset:int = nx - _x; for each (var object:* in members) { object.x += offset; } _x = nx; } public function get x():int {return _x} public function set y(ny:int):void { var offset:int = ny - _y; for each (var object:* in members) { object.y += offset; } _y = ny; } public function get y():int { return _y } } }