#!/usr/bin/perl -w # A script to prepare alignments for loading into a GBrowse_syn database from # mercator-generated multiple sequence alignments # $Id: mercatoraln_to_synhits.pl,v 2009-06-02 19:16:15 sheldon_mckay Exp $ use strict; use Bio::AlignIO; use List::Util qw/min max/; use Getopt::Long; # The name parsing is for mercator. # The format used in this example is 'fasta' adjust if necessary use constant OFFSET => 4; my $aln_name = 'output.mfa'; my $format = 'fasta'; my $mapfile = 'map'; my $genomefile = 'genomes'; my $debug = 0; my $dir; GetOptions( 'a|aln|i|input:s' => \$aln_name, 'v|verbose!' => \$debug, 'f|format:s' => \$format, 'd|dir:s' => \$dir, ); $dir = shift @ARGV unless $dir; unless( -d "$dir" ) { die("need a dir provided\n"); } open(my $genomesfh => "$dir/$genomefile") || die "could not open genomes $genomefile\n"; my @genomes; while(<$genomesfh>) { @genomes = split; last; } close($genomesfh); open(my $mapfh => "$dir/$mapfile" ) || die "could not open map $mapfile\n"; while(<$mapfh>) { my ($aln_id, @line) = split; my $i = 0; my $in = Bio::AlignIO->new(-format => $format, -file => File::Spec->catfile ($dir,$aln_id, $aln_name)); my $map = {}; my %seq; my $len; if( my $aln = $in->next_aln ) { $len = $aln->length; for my $seq ( $aln->each_seq ) { $seq{$seq->id} = ['chrom','wholename','start','end','strand', $seq->seq]; } } for( my $i =0; $i < scalar @genomes; $i++ ) { my ($chrom1,$start1,$end1, $strand1) = map { $line[($i * OFFSET) + $_] } 0..3; next if $chrom1 eq 'NA'; ($seq{$genomes[$i]}->[0], $seq{$genomes[$i]}->[1], $seq{$genomes[$i]}->[2], $seq{$genomes[$i]}->[3], $seq{$genomes[$i]}->[4]) = ($chrom1, sprintf("%s-%s(%s)/%d-%d", $genomes[$i], $chrom1,$strand1, $start1,$end1), $start1, $end1, $strand1); for( my $j = 0; $j < scalar @genomes; $j++ ) { next if $i == $j; my ($chrom2,$start2,$end2, $strand2) = map { $line[($j * OFFSET) + $_] } 0..3; next if ( $chrom2 eq 'NA' ); ($seq{$genomes[$j]}->[0], $seq{$genomes[$j]}->[1], $seq{$genomes[$j]}->[2], $seq{$genomes[$j]}->[3], $seq{$genomes[$j]}->[4]) = ($chrom2, sprintf("%s-%s(%s)/%d-%d", $genomes[$j], $chrom2,$strand2, $start2,$end2), $start2, $end2, $strand2); $seq{$genomes[$j]}->[0] = $chrom2; } } my @species = keys %seq; map_coords($seq{$_},$map) for keys %seq; my $seq_idx = scalar @species; # make all pairwise hits and grid coordinates for my $p (map_pairwise(@species)) { my ($s1,$s2) = @$p; my $array1 = $seq{$s1}; my $array2 = $seq{$s2}; $array1->[6] = make_map($array1,$array2,$map); $array2->[6] = make_map($array2,$array1,$map); make_hit($s1 => $array1, $s2 => $array2); } # progress reporting print STDERR ( " Finished alignment $aln_id; length: $len; species: $seq_idx \r"); last if $debug; } sub make_map { my ($s1,$s2,$map) = @_; $s1 && $s2 || return []; my $seq1 = $s1->[1]; my $seq2 = $s2->[1]; my $coord = nearest(100,$s1->[2]); $coord += 100 if $coord < $s1->[2]; my @map; my $reverse = $s2->[4] ne $s1->[4]; my $strand2 = $reverse ? 'minus' : 'plus'; while(1) { last if $coord >= $s1->[3]; my $cols = $map->{$seq1}{pmap}{plus}{$coord}; my $start = min @$cols; my $end = max @$cols; $start && $end || die $coord; my $coord2 = $start == $end ? int($map->{$seq2}{cmap}{$start}{$strand2}) : int(($map->{$seq2}{cmap}{$start}{$strand2} + $map->{$seq2}{cmap}{$end}{$strand2})/2); push @map, ($coord,$coord2); $coord += 100; } return \@map; } sub map_coords { my ($s,$map) = @_; my $forward_offset = $s->[2]-1; my $reverse_offset = $s->[3]; my @chars = split '', $s->[5]; my $cmap = {}; my $pmap = {}; for my $col (1..@chars) { # forward strand map my $gap = $chars[$col-1] eq '-'; $forward_offset++ unless $gap; $cmap->{$col}->{plus} = $forward_offset; push @{$pmap->{plus}->{$forward_offset}}, $col; # reverse strand map $reverse_offset-- unless $gap; $cmap->{$col}->{minus} = $reverse_offset; push @{$pmap->{minus}->{$reverse_offset}}, $col; } $map->{$s->[1]}{cmap} = $cmap; $map->{$s->[1]}{pmap} = $pmap; } sub make_hit { my ($s1,$aln1,$s2,$aln2) = @_; die "wrong number of keys @$aln1" unless @$aln1 == 7; die "wrong number of keys @$aln2" unless @$aln2 == 7; my $map1 = $aln1->[6]; my $map2 = $aln2->[6]; # not using these yet my ($cigar1,$cigar2) = qw/. ./; print join("\t",$s1,@{$aln1}[0,2..4],$cigar1,$s2,@{$aln2}[0,2..4],$cigar2,@$map1,'|',@$map2), "\n"; } sub map_pairwise { my @out; for my $i (0..$#_) { for my $j ($i+1..$#_) { push @out, [$_[$i], $_[$j]]; } } return @out; } # stolen from Math::Round sub nearest { my $targ = abs(shift); my $half = 0.50000000000008; my @res = map { if ($_ >= 0) { $targ * int(($_ + $half * $targ) / $targ); } else { $targ * POSIX::ceil(($_ - $half * $targ) / $targ); } } @_; return (wantarray) ? @res : $res[0]; }