import re import os import requests import tempfile from django.core.files import File class FilepickerFile(File): filepicker_url_regex = re.compile( r'https?:\/\/\/api\/file\/.*') def __init__(self, url): if not self.filepicker_url_regex.match(url): raise ValueError('Not a URL: %s' % url) self.url = url def get_file(self, additional_params=None): ''' Downloads the file from and returns a Django File wrapper object. additional_params should include key/values such as: { 'data-fp-signature': HEXDIGEST, 'data-fp-policy': HEXDIGEST, } (in other words, parameters should look like additional_params of the models) ''' # clean up any old downloads that are still hanging around self.cleanup() # Fetch any fields possibly required for fetching files for reading. query_params = {} if additional_params: for field in ('policy','signature'): longfield = 'data-fp-{0}'.format(field) if longfield in additional_params: query_params[field] = additional_params[longfield] # iterate through one or more file urls result = list() for url in self.url.split(","): # Append the fields as GET query parameters to the URL in data. r = requests.get(url, params=query_params, stream=True) header = r.headers name = '' disposition = header.get('Content-Disposition') if disposition: name = disposition.rpartition("filename=")[2].strip('" ') filename = header.get('X-File-Name') if filename: name = filename # Create a temporary file to save to it later tmp = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode='w+b') for chunk in r.iter_content(chunk_size=1024): if chunk: tmp.write(chunk) # Write the chunk tmp.flush() # initialize File components of this object file = File(tmp, name=name) result.append(file) return result def cleanup(self): ''' Removes any downloaded objects and closes open files. ''' # self.file comes from Django File if hasattr(self, 'file'): if not self.file.closed: self.file.close() delattr(self, 'file') if hasattr(self, 'filename'): # the file might have been moved in the meantime so # check first if os.path.exists(self.filename): os.remove(self.filename) delattr(self, 'filename') def __enter__(self): ''' Allow FilepickerFile to be used as a context manager as such: with FilepickerFile(url) as f:, f.) ''' self.get_file() # call Django's File context manager return super(FilepickerFile, self).__enter__() def __exit__(self, *args): # call Django's File context manager super(FilepickerFile, self).__exit__(*args) self.cleanup() def __del__(self): self.cleanup()