################################################################ ## Version 1.3 ## ## Features/Changes: # Implemented an option to truncate backscattered rays. This option is activated by passing the command line switch '--killBackscatteredRays'. The number of backscattered rays is saved in the resulting .mat file as 'nBackscatteredRays'. This option can result in significant performance improvements when large amounts of backscattered rays are present in the waveguide. # Output file names can now be specified manually. This is done by passing the command line option '--outputFileName '. # Added command line switch '--noHeader' which causes cTraceo to write less output when being run. Usefull to reduce the amount of redunt clutter when running many cases at the same time. # Added missing command line switch '--version' which causes cTraceo to output it's version number. # cTraceo's command line switches are no longer case-sensitive so that passing '--noLog' or '--nolog' is now the same. # Improved logging output. ## Bugfixes: # Fixed bug #19 which caused ray travel time "tau" to be incorrectly interpolated at a hydrophone's position. # Solved a bug which could cause a log file to be incorrectly named. # Solved a bug which prevented the case title to be correclty written to the output file. # Fixed bug #13 which caused a segfault to occurr when the source was placed on the range box boundary. # Several minor and "behind the scenes" code improvements. ################################################################ ## Version 1.2 ## ## Features/Changes: # Added a command line option to store the interpolated sound speed profile, as used internally by the model, to a matfile. Passing '-s #' or '--ssp #' will generate an #-point interpolated SSP and store it in the file 'ssp.mat'. # Added a command line option to not write a log file to disk ('--noLog') # Made file access errors more verbose. The user can now clearly see which file caused the error. ## Bugfixes: # Fixed a bug which caused incorrect ssp interpolation close to ssp 'edges'. Linear interpolation was being used in first and second as well as last and second-to-last interval of ssp values when it should only be used in the first and last one. # Fixed a bug where the particle velocity output from a vertical array would be transposed. ################################################################ ## Version 1.1 ## ## Features/Changes: # Added support for reading input files from stdin (as opposed to reading them from disk). This makes it possible to call the model from within Matlab (R) without having to write any files to the disk -this is done using the new "cTraceo.m" function contained in the M-Files/ subfolder. # Added support for irregularly spaced (or arbitrary) ray ray launching angles. Note that this feature required changes to the input file format; version 1.1 will read both input file versions transparently, but pre 1.1 versions do not handle the new input file format correclty. # Reduced the number of interpolation calls when solving dynamic equations by ~50%, thus reducing overall raytracing time by ~5%. ## Bugfixes: # Fixed a bug where, when using the Regula Falsi method, the number arrivals [ADR] could under some conditions be different than the number of eigenrays [ERF]. # Solved all compiler warnings when compiling with GCC. [tested with GCC 4.6.1] ################################################################ ## Version 1.0 ## ## Features/Changes: # Replaced the Matlab file output API with a set of self written functions (see: https://github.com/EyNuel/matlabOut). This eliminates Matlab as a dependency, and makes compilation easier; # Added support for compilation on Microsoft Windows. # Removed 1D parabolic interpolation as an option for altimetry and bathymetry as it leads to innacurate results. # Renamed variables "rarray" and "zarray" to "arrayR" and "arrayZ" respectively # When calculating eigenrays or arrivals, more information is now provided. Namely: iReturns: indicates if ray inverted its horizontal direction. nSurRefl: number of surface reflections nBotRefl: number of bottom reflections nObjRefl: number of object reflections nRefrac: number of refraction points refrac_z: z coordinates of refraction points refrac_r: r coordinates of refraction points # Added "license.txt" to the distribution. # Added "manual.pdf" to the distribution. # Added help output to makefile and ctraceo executable. # Added pre-compiled binaries for Windows/Linux i686/ia64. # Added a decent header to the logfile and to the message printed to stdout when running the model. ## Bugfixes: # Fixed a bug where launched rays would be terminated to early. # Now correctly writing an "arrival" struct instead of an "eigenray" struct when calculating arrivals by Regula Falsi. # Fixed a bug where acoustic pressure would be incorrectly calculated for cases with large numbers of rays. # Many more small changes and behind-the-scenes fixes. ################################################################ ## Beta 3 ## ## Features/Changes: # Added support to easily compile the model for different matlab versions. # Changed output format for Eigenrays to use matlab strutures. This way eigenrays are now associated to the hydrophones at which they arrive. The rays launching angle along with the hydrophone's coordinates are also part of the new output struture. # Amplitudes and Delays are now also written to matlab strutures # When calculating Amplitudes and Delays, the maximum number of arrivals as well as the source depth are now written to the output file. # Added 48 M-Files with example cases to the "examples/" subdirectory. # Included a Matlab function to write Traceo input files in the distribution package. "wtraceoinfil.m" can be found in the "M-Files/" subdirectory. Also wrote documentation for this function, which is included in the form of comments. # Included a Matlab function to convert depth, temperature and salinity to sound velocity in Sea Water through Mackenzie's formula. "mackenzie.m" can be found in the "M-Files/" subdirectory. # Included a Matlab function to calculate Munk sound speed profiles. "munk.m" can be found in the "M-Files/" subdirectory. # Wrote a Matlab function to simplify the plotting of eigenrays as returned by cTraceo. "plotEigenRays.m" can be found in the "M-Files/" subdirectory. # Rewrote the Makefile to simplify compilation. Before attempting to compile, makefile now creates a "bin/" subdirectory if it doen's exist. The Makefile is now the only file which needs to be changed in order to compile the model. # Wrote a readme to help newcommers to get started with cTraceo. # Wrote this file. ## Bugfixes: # Fixed a bug where a ray could be endlessy reflected between surface and bottom. # Made many code changes to suppress (unnecessary) warnings generated by GCC. # Fixed a bug where calculating the Particle Velocity along a Linear Array would cause an all-zero output. # Fixed a bug where a segfault could accur when determining Eigenrays by Proximity in combination with returning rays. # Fixed several memory leaks throughout the code. # Many more small bugfixes and code improvements. ################################################################ ## Beta 2 ## # Ray Coordinates and other information is now written to matlab strutures instead of arrays. This should make it easier to handle the data in matlab. # Behind the scenes code improvements. ################################################################ ## Beta 1 ## All Features from the original Fortran 77 version of Traceo are now implemented.