# Description: an ad- and malware-blocking cronscript for Linux # URL: http://gaenserich.github.io/hostsblock/ # Maintainer: Maximilian Dietrich, dxm at openmailbox dot org # Packager: Maximilian Dietrich, dxm at openmailbox dot org # Depends on: coreutils curl sed grep dcron # Nice to have: dnsmasq p7zip unrar tar unzip kwakd name=hostsblock version=0.12.3 release=1 source=(https://raw.github.com/gaenserich/$name/master/$name-$version-1.src.tar.gz) build () { cd "$name" install -Dm755 hostsblock.sh $PKG/usr/sbin/hostsblock install -Dm755 hostsblock-urlcheck.sh $PKG/usr/sbin/hostsblock-urlcheck install -Dm644 rc.conf $PKG/etc/hostsblock/rc.conf install -Dm644 black.list $PKG/etc/hostsblock/black.list install -Dm644 white.list $PKG/etc/hostsblock/white.list install -Dm644 hosts.head $PKG/etc/hostsblock/hosts.head mkdir -p $PKG/etc/cron/weekly ln -s /usr/sbin/hostsblock $PKG/etc/cron/weekly/ }