Direct to SwiftUI Database Setup

## Setting up PostgreSQL ### Using Homebrew ```shell brew install PostgreSQL brew services start postgresql # start at computer start createuser -s postgres ``` ### Using Download and install [](, a nice UI wrapper to manage PostgreSQL databases. ## Loading the `dvdrental` DB - [PostgreSQL Tutorial]( ```shell curl -o /tmp/ \ mkdir -p /tmp/dvdrental && cd /tmp/dvdrental tar zxf /tmp/ tar xf /tmp/dvdrental.tar # crazy, right? createdb dvdrental pg_restore -h localhost -U postgres -d dvdrental . ``` ```shell $ psql -h localhost -U postgres dvdrental psql (11.4) Type "help" for help. dvdrental=# \dt List of relations Schema | Name | Type | Owner --------+---------------+-------+---------- public | actor | table | postgres public | address | table | postgres public | category | table | postgres public | city | table | postgres public | country | table | postgres public | customer | table | postgres public | film | table | postgres public | film_actor | table | postgres public | film_category | table | postgres public | inventory | table | postgres public | language | table | postgres public | payment | table | postgres public | rental | table | postgres public | staff | table | postgres public | store | table | postgres (15 rows) ``` ### Make a Backup Copy To create a backup copy of your database, run: ```sql CREATE DATABASE dvdrental_org TEMPLATE dvdrental; ``` ## Setting up SQLite dvdrental (Sakila) ```shell cd /tmp wget wget sqlite3 dvdrental.sqlite3 < sqlite-sakila-schema.sql sqlite3 dvdrental.sqlite3 < sqlite-sakila-insert-data.sql ``` ```shell sqlite3 dvdrental.sqlite3 sqlite> .tables actor film payment address film_actor rental category film_category sales_by_film_category city film_list sales_by_store country film_text staff customer inventory staff_list customer_list language store ```