Direct to SwiftUI Environment Keys

A lot of the functionality of D2S is built around "Environment Keys". "Environment Keys" are keys which you can use like so in SwiftUI: ```swift public struct D2SInspectPage: View { @Environment(\.ruleObjectContext) private var database : Database // retrieve a key var body: some View { BlaBlub() .environment(\.task, "edit") // set a key } } ``` They are scoped along the view hierarchy. D2S uses them to pass down its rule execution context. ## Builtin environment keys D2S has quiet a set of builtin environment keys, including: - ZeeQL Objects: - `database` - `object` - ZeeQL Model: - `model` - `entity` - `attribute` - `relationship` - `propertyKey` - Rendering - `title` - `displayNameForEntity` - `displayNameForProperty` - `displayStringForNil` - `hideEmptyProperty` - `formatter` - `displayPropertyKeys` - `visibleEntityNames` - `navigationBarTitle` - Components and Pages - `task` - `nextTask` - `page` - `rowComponent` - `component` - `pageWrapper` - `debugComponent` - Permissions - `user` - `isObjectEditable` - `isObjectDeletable` - `isEntityReadOnly` - `readOnlyEntityNames` - Misc - `look` - `platform` - `debug` - `initialPropertyValues` Checkout the `D2SKeys` for the full set. ## Rule based environment keys A key concept of D2S is that environment keys are not just static keys, but that the value of a key can be derived from a "Rule Model". For example: ``` = 'Movie' AND = 'name' => displayNameForProperty = 'Movie' *true* => displayNameForProperty = ``` The value of `displayNameForProperty` will be different depending on the context which arounds it. All environment keys which are of that kind conform to the new `RuleEnvironmentKey` protocol, which also requires `EnvironmentKey` conformance. ### RuleContext > Unfortunately the builtin SwiftUI `EnvironmentValues` struct lacks a few > operations to allow us to directly make any environment key dynamic. Dynamic environment keys are stored in a `RuleContext`. `RuleContext` is a struct similar to SwiftUI's `EnvironmentValues`, but in addition to providing key storage, it can also evaluate keys against a rule model. > The `RuleContext` itself is stored as a regular environment key! The `RuleContext` is also the root object passed into the rule engine. So its keys are exposed to the rule engine. ## Adding a new dynamic environment key Since we want to support D2S keys as `EnvironmentKey` keys, but also as `KeyValueCoding` keys, and everything should still be as typesafe as possible, it is quite some work to set one up ... ### Step A: Create a `DynamicEnvironmentKey` This is the same as creating a regular `EnvironmentKey`. Define a struct representing the key (D2S ones are in the `D2S` namespacing enum): ```swift struct object: DynamicEnvironmentKey { public static let defaultValue : NSManagedObject = NSManagedObject() } ``` A requirement of `EnvironmentKey` is that all keys have a default value which is active when no explicit key was set. > If you want to make an optional key, just define it as an optional type! > Note that the `defaultValue` is _always_ queried (at least as of beta6). ### Step B: Property on `D2SDynamicEnvironmentValues` SwiftUI accesses environment keys using keypathes, e.g. the `\.ruleObjectContext` in here: ```swift @Environment(\.ruleObjectContext) var database : Database ``` Those need to be declared as an extension to `D2SDynamicEnvironmentValues`: ```swift public extension D2SDynamicEnvironmentValues { var database : Database { set { self[dynamic: D2SKeys.ruleObjectContext.self] = newValue } get { self[dynamic: D2SKeys.ruleObjectContext.self] } } ``` The `rule` subscript dispatches the set/get calls to the `RuleContext`, which either - returns a value previously set, - retrieves a value from the rule system - or falls back to the default value (two variants are provided). NOTE: Please keep all D2S system keypathes together in `D2SEnvironmentKeys.swift`. ### Step C: Expose the key to `KeyValueCoding` This needs the stringly mapping ... The internal ones are declared in a map in `D2SEnvironmentKeys.swift`. ```swift private static var kvcToEnvKey : [ String: KVCMapEntry ] = [ "database" : .init(D2SKeys.ruleObjectContext.self), ... ] ``` A custom key can be added using `D2SContextKVC.expose(Key.self, "kvcname")` by a framework consumer.