standard license,use,distribution,derivatives,commercial,attribution,share alike,notification,license ,?,?,?,?,?,?,?, ,true,true,true,false,false,?,false,The use of the data is allowed only for non-profit scientific use and for non-profit nature conservation purpose.,true,true,true,true,true,false,false,"Esta [Chiropteros en el Parque Natural Regional El Vínculo y su zona de amortiguación (Buga, Valle del Cauca)] se hace disponible bajo la licencia Open Data Commons Attribution:",true,true,true,true,false,false,false,Este trabajo está bajo una licencia Creative Commons Zero (CC0) 1.0,true,true,true,true,false,false,false, & ,false,false,false,false,?,?,?,Terms of use Ghana Herbarium data: all rights on this data file belong to the University of Ghana / Ghana Herbarium. Please contact the Herbarium data manager before secondary usage of data in electronic or printed form.,true,true,true,true,true,false,false,Esta [Listado de las Arañas de Colombia (Arachnida: Araneae)] se hace disponible bajo la licencia Open Data Commons Attribution:,true,true,true,true,false,false,false,This work is licensed under a Creative Commons CCZero 1.0 License ,true,true,true,false,false,?,false,not-for-profit use only ,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,Copyright © 2013 by John H. Boyd III ,true,true,true,false,true,?,false, ,true,true,true,true,true,?,false,Data from this dataset may be used and shared freely when the creators of the data are attributed correctly.,true,true,true,true,true,false,false,This [DATA(BASE)-NAME] is made available under the Open Data Commons Attribution License: ,true,false,false,false,false,?,false,"Use of the data for commercial or for-profit applications are permitted only via written permission from Instituto de Investigação Científica Tropical. Data are provided to users, but should not be passed on to third parties or redistributed. It is explicitly forbidden to incorporate these data into other databases of free or restricted access." ,true,false,false,?,true,?,true,"PSM data records may be used by individual researchers or research groups, but they may not be repackaged, resold, or redistributed in any form without the express written consent of a curatorial staff member of the PSM. If any of these records are used in an analysis or report, the provenance of the original data must be acknowledged and the PSM notified. The James R. Slater Museum of Natural History or its staff is not responsible for damages, injury or loss due to the use of these data." ,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,(see website) ,true,false,false,?,true,?,true,"Oregon State University data records may be used by individual researchers or research groups, but they may not be repackaged, resold, or redistributed in any form without the express written consent of a curator of the appropriate collection. If any of these records are used in an analysis or report, the provenance of the original data must be acknowledged and Oregon State University notified. Oregon State University and its staff are not responsible for damages, injury or loss due to the use of these data." ,true,true,true,true,true,?,false,"Copyright 2013, National Biodiversity Data Centre, Waterford, Ireland. The information is free to use by individuals provided the owners of the data are acknowledged in any use of publication, or that the use of the data is cited in the following format - 'Data from the The Flora of County Wexford dataset held by the National Biodiversity Data Centre, [insert date]'" ,true,true,true,true,true,?,false,"Copyright 2013, National Biodiversity Data Centre, Waterford, Ireland. The information is free to use by individuals provided the owners of the data are acknowledged in any use of publication, or that the use of the data is cited in the following format - 'Data from the Inland Fisheries Ireland data on freshwater fish in Irish lakes dataset held by the National Biodiversity Data Centre, [insert date]'" ,true,true,true,true,true,?,false,"Copyright 2013, National Biodiversity Data Centre, Waterford, Ireland. The information is free to use by individuals provided the owners of the data are acknowledged in any use of publication, or that the use of the data is cited in the following format - 'Data from the Rare marine fishes taken in Irish waters from 1786 to 2008 dataset held by the National Biodiversity Data Centre, [insert date]'",true,true,true,true,true,true,false, ,true,true,true,true,true,?,false,"Copyright 2013, National Biodiversity Data Centre, Waterford, Ireland. The information is free to use by individuals provided the owners of the data are acknowledged in any use of publication, or that the use of the data is cited in the following format - 'Data from the Aquatic Oligochaeta of Ireland dataset held by the National Biodiversity Data Centre, [insert date]'" ,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,© Zoologische Staatssammlung München ,true,true,true,true,true,?,false,"Copyright 2013, National Biodiversity Data Centre, Waterford, Ireland. The information is free to use by individuals provided the owners of the data are acknowledged in any use of publication, or that the use of the data is cited in the following format - 'Data from the North-west Ireland Machair Breeding Waders 2009. dataset held by the National Biodiversity Data Centre, [insert date]'" ,true,true,true,true,true,?,false,"Copyright 2013, National Biodiversity Data Centre, Waterford, Ireland. The information is free to use by individuals provided the owners of the data are acknowledged in any use of publication, or that the use of the data is cited in the following format - 'Data from the National Newt Survey dataset held by the National Biodiversity Data Centre, [insert date]'" ,true,true,true,true,true,?,false,"Copyright 2013, National Biodiversity Data Centre, Waterford, Ireland. The information is free to use by individuals provided the owners of the data are acknowledged in any use of publication, or that the use of the data is cited in the following format - 'Data from the Trichoptera (caddisflies) of Ireland dataset held by the National Biodiversity Data Centre, [insert date]'" ,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,© Jena Microbial Resource Collection (JMRC) at Leibniz Institute for Natural Product Research and Infection Biology e.V. Hans-Knöll-Institute (HKI) and Friedrich Schiller University Jena,true,true,true,true,true,false,false,This IHSM pelagicdiversity database is made available under the Open Data Commons Attribution License: ,true,true,true,true,true,?,false,"El Herbario CDMB- Jardín Botánico se encuentra a cargo de una entidad pública, Corporación de Defensa de la Meseta de Bucaramanga CDMB, por lo tanto toda la información contenida en las colecciones biológicas de Herbario, plantas vivas y colección de Insectos, puede ser consultada por toda la comunidad dando los créditos correspondientes a la entidad." ,true,false,false,?,true,?,true,"UCMP data records may be used by individual researchers or research groups, but they may not be repackaged, resold, or redistributed in any form without the express written consent of the UCMP director or designate. If any of these records are used in an analysis or report, the provenance of the original data must be acknowledged and the UCMP notified. The University of California Museum of Paleontology and its staff are not responsible for damages, injury or loss due to the use of these data." ,true,false,false,?,true,?,true,"University of British Columbia Beaty Biodiversity Museum data records may be used by individual researchers or research groups, but they may not be repackaged, resold, or redistributed in any form without the express written consent of the University of British Columbia Beaty Biodiversity Museum. If any of these records are used in an analysis or report, the provenance of the original data must be acknowledged and the University of British Columbia Beaty Biodiversity Museum notified. The University of British Columbia Beaty Biodiversity Museum and its staff are not responsible for damages, injury or loss due to the use of these data." ,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,The photographs are copyrighted by the institutions which hold the specimens ,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,"© IBF project, DiversityMobile" ,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,Staatliches Museum für Naturkunde Karlsruhe ,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,© Botanische Staatssammlung München ,true,false,false,?,true,?,true,"Carnegie Museum of Natural History (CM) data records may be used by individual researchers or research groups, but they may not be repackaged, resold, or redistributed in any form without the express written consent of a curatorial staff member of the CM. If any of these records are used in an analysis or report, the provenance of the original data must be acknowledged and the CM notified. The CM and its staff are not responsible for damages, injury or loss due to the use of these data." ,true,false,false,?,true,?,true,"The Schmidt Museum of Natural History at Emporia State University (KSTC) data records may be used by individual researchers or research groups, but they may not be repackaged, resold, or redistributed in any form without the express written consent of a curatorial staff member of the KSTC. If any of these records are used in an analysis or report, the provenance of the original data must be acknowledged and the KSTC notified. The KSTC and its staff are not responsible for damages, injury or loss due to the use of these data." ,true,false,false,?,true,?,true,"The data and media available through Arctos are the property of the originating institution, with all rights reserved. These records are intended for use in education and research and may not be repackaged, redistributed, or sold in any form without prior written consent from the collection(s) holding such data. Users wishing to include Arctos data or media in publications, reports, websites, or other means of dissemination must acknowledge the provenance of the original data, cite the institutional catalog number(s), and notify the appropriate curator. The date that information was accessed should be cited when downloaded data are used in published analyses. These are secondary data and their accuracy is not guaranteed. Citation of Arctos is no substitute for examination of specimens. The data providers are not responsible for loss or damages due to use of these data.

" ,true,false,false,?,true,?,true,"CUMV data records may be used by individual researchers or research groups, but they may not be repackaged, resold, or redistributed in any form without the express written consent of a curatorial staff member of the CUMV. If any of these records are used in an analysis or report, the provenance of the original data must be acknowledged and the CUMV notified. The Cornel University Museum of Vertebrates and its staff are not responsible for damages, injury, or loss due to the use of these data." ,true,false,false,?,true,?,true,"The data and media available through Arctos are the property of the originating institution, with all rights reserved. These records are intended for use in education and research and may not be repackaged, redistributed, or sold in any form without prior written consent from the collection(s) holding such data. Users wishing to include Arctos data or media in publications, reports, websites, or other means of dissemination must acknowledge the provenance of the original data, cite the institutional catalog number(s), and notify the appropriate curator. The date that information was accessed should be cited when downloaded data are used in published analyses. These are secondary data and their accuracy is not guaranteed. Citation of Arctos is no substitute for examination of specimens. The data providers are not responsible for loss or damages due to use of these data." ,true,false,false,false,true,?,true,"Data records from the Perot Museum of Nature and Science (Perot Museum) may be used by individual researchers or research groups for non-commercial purposes, but they may not be repackaged, resold, or redistributed in any form without the express written consent of the Collection Manager or appropriate curatorial staff. If any of these records are used in an analysis or report, the provenance of the original data must be acknowledged, the Perot Museum notified, and a copy of any resulting publication or report sent to the Collection Manager at the Perot Museum. The Perot Museum does not guarantee the accuracy of these data. Individual researchers should verify individual records by making direct reference to corresponding museum specimens. The Perot Museum and its staff are not responsible for damages, injury, or loss due to the use of these data." ,true,false,false,?,true,?,true,"Georgia Southern University Department of Biology data records may be used by individual researchers or research groups, but they may not be repackaged, resold, or redistributed in any form without the express written consent of a curatorial staff member of the Georgia Southern University Department of Biology. If any of these records are used in an analysis or report, the provenance of the original data must be acknowledged and the Georgia Southern University Department of Biology notified. Georgia Southern University Department of Biology or its staff is not responsible for damages, injury or loss due to the use of these data.",true,true,true,true,true,false,false,This [DATA(BASE)-NAME] is made available under the Open Data Commons Attribution License: ,true,false,false,?,true,?,true,"The data and media available through Arctos are the property of the originating institution, with all rights reserved. These records are intended for use in education and research and may not be repackaged, redistributed, or sold in any form without prior written consent from the collection(s) holding such data. Users wishing to include Arctos data or media in publications, reports, websites, or other means of dissemination must acknowledge the provenance of the original data, cite the institutional catalog number(s), and notify the appropriate curator. The date that information was accessed should be cited when downloaded data are used in published analyses. These are secondary data and their accuracy is not guaranteed. Citation of Arctos is no substitute for examination of specimens. The data providers are not responsible for loss or damages due to use of these data.

For Terms of Use specific to the Denver Museum of Nature & Science, see" ,true,true,true,true,false,false,false,ITIS data is in the public domain|,true,true,true,true,true,true,false,This work is made available under the Open Database License: Any rights in individual contents of the database are licensed under the Database Contents License: ,true,false,false,?,true,?,true,"UMMZ data records may be used by individual researchers or research groups, but they may not be repackaged, resold, or redistributed in any form without the express written consent of a curator or collection manager of the Mammal Division of the University of Michigan Museum of Zoology. If any of these records are used in an analysis or report, the provenance of the original data must be acknowledged and the UMMZ notified. The University of Michigan and its staff are not responsible for damages, injury or loss due to the use of these data." ,true,true,true,true,true,?,false,Data from this dataset may be used and shared freely when the creators of the data are attributed correctly ,true,?,?,false,true,?,true,"The data and media available through Arctos are the property of the originating institution, with all rights reserved. These records are intended for use in education and research and may not be repackaged, redistributed, or sold in any form without prior written consent from the collection(s) holding such data. Users wishing to include Arctos data or media in publications, reports, websites, or other means of dissemination must acknowledge the provenance of the original data, cite the institutional catalog number(s), and notify the appropriate curator. The date that information was accessed should be cited when downloaded data are used in published analyses. These are secondary data and their accuracy is not guaranteed. Citation of Arctos is no substitute for examination of specimens. The data providers are not responsible for loss or damages due to use of these data.

For Terms of Use specific to the Museum of Vertebrate Zoology, see" ,true,false,false,?,true,?,true,"University of Arkansas data records may be used by individual researchers or research groups, but they may not be repackaged, resold, or redistributed in any form without the express written consent of a curatorial staff member of the University of Arkansas. If any of these records are used in an analysis or report, the provenance of the original data must be acknowledged and the University of Arkansas notified. The University of Arkansas and its staff are not responsible for damages, injury or loss due to the use of these data.",true,true,true,true,false,false,false,Este trabajo está licenciado bajo una licencia Creative Commons Zero (CC0) 1.0 ,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,Please contact Dr. G.M. Dirkse before use of the data in electronic files or printed publications. ,true,false,true,?,true,?,true,"Data records from the Division of Ornithology of the University of Kansas Biodiversity Institute (KUBI) are provided for the use of individual researchers or research groups. If any of these records is to be used in an analysis or report, the provenance of the original data must be acknowledged and the curatorial staff of the Division of Ornithology notified. The data must not be redistributed in whole or in part without explicit written permission of a curator or collection manager from the Division of Ornithology. A copy of any publication in which the data appear must be sent to the Division of Ornithology Library. Individual researchers and their institutions are liable for the proper use of data from the KUNHM/BRC. The accuracy of the data associated with these specimen records is not guaranteed by the KUNHM/BRC." ,true,true,true,true,true,?,false,"Copyright 2013, National Biodiversity Data Centre, Waterford, Ireland. The information is free to use by individuals provided the owners of the data are acknowledged in any use of publication, or that the use of the data is cited in the following format - 'Data from the Otter survey of Ireland 2004 & 2005 dataset held by the National Biodiversity Data Centre, [insert date]'",true,true,true,true,false,false,false,cc0 Creative Commons No copyright,true,true,false,false,true,false,false,cc-by-nc-nd,true,true,true,false,true,false,false,Formidabel Database van Wouter Dekoninck is in licentie gegeven volgens een Creative Commons Naamsvermelding-NietCommercieel-GelijkDelen 3.0 Unported licentie. ,true,false,false,?,true,?,true,"UMMZ Tissue holdings are not displayed. For information on these, please contact the collection manager. UMMZ data records may be used by individual researchers or research groups, but they may not be repackaged, resold, or redistributed in any form without the express written consent of a curator or collection manager of the appropriate Division of the University of Michigan Museum of Zoology. If any of these records are used in an analysis or report, the provenance of the original data must be acknowledged and the UMMZ notified. The University of Michigan and its staff are not responsible for damages, injury or loss due to the use of these data." ,true,false,false,?,true,?,true,"SBMNH data records may be used by individual researchers or research groups, but they may not be repackaged, resold, or redistributed in any form without the express written consent of a curatorial staff member of the SBMNH. If any of these records are used in an analysis or report, the provenance of the original data must be acknowledged and the SBMNH notified. The Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History and its staff are not responsible for damages, injury or loss due to the use of these data.",true,true,true,false,true,true,false, ,true,true,true,true,true,?,false,"Copyright 2013, National Biodiversity Data Centre, Waterford, Ireland. The information is free to use by individuals provided the owners of the data are acknowledged in any use of publication, or that the use of the data is cited in the following format - 'Data from the National Feral Ferret (Mustela putoris furo) Database dataset held by the National Biodiversity Data Centre, [insert date]'" ,true,true,true,true,true,?,false,"Copyright 2013, National Biodiversity Data Centre, Waterford, Ireland. The information is free to use by individuals provided the owners of the data are acknowledged in any use of publication, or that the use of the data is cited in the following format - 'Data from the Online Atlas of vascular plants 2012-2020 dataset held by the National Biodiversity Data Centre, [insert date]'" ,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,Contact Metafro team ,true,false,false,?,true,?,true,"KU data records may be used by individual researchers or research groups, but they may not be repackaged, resold, or redistributed in any form without the express written consent of a curatorial staff member of the KU Mammal Collection. If any of these records are used in an analysis or report, the provenance of the original data must be acknowledged and KUNHM notified. The University of Kansas Museum of Natural History and its staff are not responsible for damages, injury or loss due to the use of these data." ,true,false,false,?,true,?,true,"Emporia State University Herbarium (KSTC) data records may be used by individual researchers or research groups, but they may not be repackaged, resold, or redistributed in any form without the express written consent of a curatorial staff member of the KSTC. If any of these records are used in an analysis or report, the provenance of the original data must be acknowledged and the KSTC notified. The KSTC and its staff are not responsible for damages, injury or loss due to the use of these data.",true,true,true,false,true,true,false,Los datos de este recurso están sujetos a la licencia CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 ( ,true,true,true,true,true,?,false,"The data in this dataset is free to share, modify and use on the only condition that the data creators are attributed in citation and acknowledgement." ,true,true,true,true,true,?,false,"Copyright 2013, National Biodiversity Data Centre, Waterford, Ireland. The information is free to use by individuals provided the owners of the data are acknowledged in any use of publication, or that the use of the data is cited in the following format - 'Data from the Syrphids of Ireland dataset held by the National Biodiversity Data Centre, [insert date]'" ,true,true,true,true,true,?,false,"Copyright 2012, National Biodiversity Data Centre, Waterford, Ireland. The information is free to use by individuals provided the owners of the data are acknowledged in any use of publication, or that the use of the data is cited in the following format - 'Data from the Marine species distributions in Irish coastal waters dataset held by the National Biodiversity Data Centre, [insert date]'" ,true,false,false,?,true,?,true,"New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science (NMMNH) data records may be used by individual researchers or research groups, but they may not be repackaged, resold, or redistributed in any form without the express written consent of a curatorial staff member of the NMMNH. If any of these records are used in an analysis or report, the provenance of the original data must be acknowledged and the NMMNH notified. The NMMNH and its staff are not responsible for damages, injury or loss due to the use of these data." ,true,true,true,true,true,?,false,GBIF Data Sharing Agreement is applied. GBIF Data Use Agreement is applied. ,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,See: ,true,true,true,true,false,?,false,Open data ,true,false,false,?,true,?,true,"Peabody Museum data records may be used by individual researchers or research groups, but they may not be repackaged, resold, or redistributed in any form without the express written consent of a curatorial staff member of the museum. If any of these records are used in an analysis or report, the provenance of the original data must be acknowledged and the Peabody notified. Yale University and the Peabody Museum of Natural History and its staff are not responsible for damages, injury or loss due to the use of these data." ,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,BfN/NetPhyD ,false,false,false,false,?,?,?,Terms of use ZV-VWG data: All rights on this data file belong to the Field Study Group of the Dutch Mammal Society. Please contact the Field Study Group ( before secondary usage of data in electronic or printed form. ,true,false,true,?,true,?,true,"Data records from the Division of Herpetology of the University of Kansas Biodiversity Institute (KUBI) and Natural History Museum (KUNHM) are provided for the use of individual researchers or research groups. If any of these records is to be used in an analysis or report, the provenance of the original data must be acknowledged and the curatorial staff of the Division of Herpetology notified. The data must not be redistributed in whole or in part without explicit written permission of a curator or collection manager from the Division of Herpetology. A copy of any publication in which the data appear must be sent to the Division of Herpetology Library. Individual researchers and their institutions are liable for the proper use of data from the KUNHM/KUBI. The accuracy of the data associated with these specimen records is not guaranteed by the KUNHM/KUBI." ,true,true,true,true,true,?,false,"Copyright 2013, National Biodiversity Data Centre, Waterford, Ireland. The information is free to use by individuals provided the owners of the data are acknowledged in any use of publication, or that the use of the data is cited in the following format - 'Data from the Ireland's BioBlitz 2012 dataset held by the National Biodiversity Data Centre, [insert date]'" ,true,false,true,?,false,?,false,The data may only be used for achieving the objective of your own organization and may not be sold to third parties. ,false,false,false,false,?,?,?,"These data are Copyright by the California Academy of Sciences, with all rights reserved." ,false,false,false,false,?,?,?,These data are under copyright of the California Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved. ,false,false,false,false,?,?,?,"These data are copyright by the California Academy of Sciences, with all rights reserved." ,true,false,false,?,true,?,true,"Charles R. Conner Museum (CRCM) data records may be used by individual researchers or research groups, but they may not be repackaged, resold, or redistributed in any form without the express written consent of a curatorial staff member of the CRCM. If any of these records are used in an analysis or report, the provenance of the original data must be acknowledged and the CRCM notified. The CRCM and its staff are not responsible for damages, injury or loss due to the use of these data." ,true,true,true,true,true,?,false,"Copyright 2013, National Biodiversity Data Centre, Waterford, Ireland. The information is free to use by individuals provided the owners of the data are acknowledged in any use of publication, or that the use of the data is cited in the following format - 'Data from the Birds of Ireland dataset held by the National Biodiversity Data Centre, [insert date]'" ,true,true,true,true,true,?,false,"Copyright 2013, National Biodiversity Data Centre, Waterford, Ireland. The information is free to use by individuals provided the owners of the data are acknowledged in any use of publication, or that the use of the data is cited in the following format - 'Data from the Clare Biological Records Centre dataset dataset held by the National Biodiversity Data Centre, [insert date]'" ,true,true,true,true,true,?,false,"Copyright 2013, National Biodiversity Data Centre, Waterford, Ireland. The information is free to use by individuals provided the owners of the data are acknowledged in any use of publication, or that the use of the data is cited in the following format - 'Data from the Amphibians and reptiles of Ireland dataset held by the National Biodiversity Data Centre, [insert date]'" ,true,false,false,?,true,?,true,"UTEP data records may be used by individual researchers or research groups, but they may not be repackaged, resold, or redistributed in any form without the express written consent of a curatorial staff member of the University of Texas at El Paso. If any of these records are used in an analysis or report, the provenance of the original data must be acknowledged and UTEP notified. The University of Texas at El Paso or its staff are not responsible for damages, injury or loss due to the use of these data." ,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,none ,true,true,true,true,true,?,false,"Copyright 2012, National Biodiversity Data Centre, Waterford, Ireland. The information is free to use by individuals provided the owners of the data are acknowledged in any use of publication, or that the use of the data is cited in the following format - 'Data from the Seabird 2000 dataset held by the National Biodiversity Data Centre, [insert date]'",true,true,true,true,false,false,false,cc0 ,true,false,false,false,true,?,true,"Data records from the Biodiversity Research and Teaching Collections may be used by individual researchers or research groups for non-commercial purposes, but they may not be repackaged, resold, or redistributed in any form without the express written consent of the section Curator of the Biodiversity Research and Teaching Collections. If any of these records are used in analysis or report, the provenance of the original data must be acknowledged, any resulting publication or report sent to the BRTC Natural History Library. The BRTC does not guarantee the accuracy of these data. Individual researchers should verify individual records by making the direct reference to corresponding museum specimens. The Biodiversity Research and Teaching Collections and its staff are not responsible for damages, injury, or loss due to the use of these data." ,true,true,true,true,true,?,false,"Copyright 2012, National Biodiversity Data Centre, Waterford, Ireland. The information is free to use by individuals provided the owners of the data are acknowledged in any use of publication, or that the use of the data is cited in the following format - 'Data from the Moths Ireland dataset held by the National Biodiversity Data Centre, [insert date]'",true,true,true,false,true,false,false, ,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,Copyright © 2012 The Field Museum of Natural HistoryFull details may be found at ,true,true,true,true,true,?,false,"Copyright 2012, National Biodiversity Data Centre, Waterford, Ireland. The information is free to use by individuals provided the owners of the data are acknowledged in any use of publication, or that the use of the data is cited in the following format - 'Data from the National Pine Marten Survey of Ireland 2005 - 2007 dataset held by the National Biodiversity Data Centre, [insert date]'" ,true,false,false,?,true,?,true,"LACM data records may be used by individual researchers or research groups, but they may not be repackaged, resold, or redistributed in any form without the express written consent of a curatorial staff member of the LACM. If any of these records are used in an analysis or report, the provenance of the original data must be acknowledged and the LACM notified. The Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County or its staff is not responsible for damages, injury or loss due to the use of these data." ,true,false,true,?,true,?,true,"Data records from the Division of Ichthyology of the University of Kansas Biodiversity Institute (KUBI) are provided for the use of individual researchers or research groups. If any of these records is to be used in an analysis or report, the provenance of the original data must be acknowledged and the curatorial staff of the Division of Ichthyology notified. The data must not be redistributed in whole or in part without explicit written permission of a curator or collection manager from the Division of Ichthyology. A copy of any publication in which the data appear must be sent to the Division of Ichthyology Library. Individual researchers and their institutions are liable for the proper use of data from the KUBI. The accuracy of the data associated with these specimen records is not guaranteed by the KUBI." ,true,false,false,?,true,?,true,"John Wesley Powell-Dale Birkenholz Natural History Collections (ISU) data records may be used by individual researchers or research groups, but they may not be repackaged, resold, or redistributed in any form without the express written consent of a curatorial staff member of the John Wesley Powell-Dale Birkenholz Natural History Collections. If any of these records are used in an analysis or report, the provenance of the original data must be acknowledged and the John Wesley Powell-Dale Birkenholz Natural History Collections notified. The John Wesley Powell-Dale Birkenholz Natural History Collections and its staff are not responsible for damages, injury or loss due to the use of these data." ,true,false,false,?,true,?,true,"Staatliches Museum für Naturkunde Stuttgart (SMNS) data records may be used by individual researchers or research groups, but they may not be repackaged, resold, or redistributed in any form without the express written consent of a curatorial staff member of the SMNS. If any of these records are used in an analysis or report, the provenance of the original data must be acknowledged and the SMNS notified. The SMNS and its staff are not responsible for damages, injury or loss due to the use of these data." ,?,?,?,?,?,?,?, ,true,false,false,?,true,?,true,"Milwaukee Public Museum (MPM) data records may be used by individual researchers or research groups, but they may not be repackaged, resold, or redistributed in any form without the express written consent of a curatorial staff member of the MPM. If any of these records are used in an analysis or report, the provenance of the original data must be acknowledged and the SMNS notified. The MPM and its staff are not responsible for damages, injury or loss due to the use of these data." ,true,false,false,?,true,?,true,"University of Nevada, Reno (UNR) data records may be used by individual researchers or research groups, but they may not be repackaged, resold, or redistributed in any form without the express written consent of a curatorial staff member of the UNR. If any of these records are used in an analysis or report, the provenance of the original data must be acknowledged and the UNR notified. The UNR and its staff are not responsible for damages, injury or loss due to the use of these data." ,true,false,false,?,true,?,true,"WFVZ data records may be used by individual researchers or research groups, but they may not be repackaged, resold, or redistributed in any form without the express written consent of a curatorial staff member of the WFVZ. If any of these records are used in an analysis or report, the provenance of the original data must be acknowledged and the WFVZ notified. The Western Foundation of Vertebrate Zoology and its staff are not responsible for damages, injury or loss due to the use of these data." ,true,false,false,?,true,?,true,"Delaware Museum of Natural History (DMNH) data records may be used by individual researchers or research groups, but they may not be repackaged, resold, or redistributed in any form without the express written consent of a curatorial staff member of the DMNH. If any of these records are used in an analysis or report, the provenance of the original data must be acknowledged and the DMNH notified. The DMNH and its staff are not responsible for damages, injury or loss due to the use of these data." ,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,"EDAPHOBASE is a product of Senckenberg Museum for Natural History Görlitz (SMNG), State Museum for Natural Histoty Karlsruhe (SMNK) and ECT Oekotoxikologie GmbH Flörsheim am Main (BMBF support code 01LI0901A)." ,true,true,true,true,true,?,false,"Copyright 2013, National Biodiversity Data Centre, Waterford, Ireland. The information is free to use by individuals provided the owners of the data are acknowledged in any use of publication, or that the use of the data is cited in the following format - 'Data from the Atlas of Mammals in Ireland 2010-2015 dataset held by the National Biodiversity Data Centre, [insert date]'" ,false,false,false,false,?,?,?,Terms of use NHMM data: All rights on these data belong to the Natural History Museum Maastricht. Please contact the NHMM principal curator before secondary usage of data in electronic or printed form.,true,true,true,true,true,false,false,Tall Timbers data is governed by the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 license ( Any use of data or images must be attributed to Tall Timbers Research Station and Land Conservancy.,true,true,true,false,true,true,false,by-nc-sa ,true,false,false,?,true,?,true,"New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science (NMMNH) data records may be used by individual researchers or research groups, but they may not be repackaged, resold, or redistributed in any form without the express written consent of a curatorial staff member of the NMMNH. If any of these records are used in an analysis or report, the provenance of the original data must be acknowledged,the NMMNH notified and a copy of the publication sent to the NMMNH. The NMMNH and its staff are not responsible for damages, injury or loss due to the use of these data." ,true,false,false,false,true,?,true,"The University of Texas at Arlington makes its records available for scholarly research. These records may not be repackaged, resold, or redistributed in any form without the written consent of the director or curator of the collection. Use of these records in written or oral reports must acknowledge UTA as the source and UTA must be notified of such use. The University of Texas at Arlington and its staff are not responsible for damages, injury, or loss due to the use of these records." ,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,Copyright of the Corvids Literature Database: Gabriele Droege. ,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,"G.B. Pant Institute of Himalayan Environment & Development, Kosi - Katarmal, Almora - 263 643, Uttarakhand, India" ,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,"Herbarium Section, Wildlife Institute of India, Post Box No. 18, Chandrabani, Dehradun - 248 001, Uttarakhand, India." ,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,Copyright © 2012 The President and Fellows of Harvard College ,true,?,true,?,true,?,?,"Conditions of Access All users need to acknowledge and agree to the following conditions before using NatureMap content: Data within NatureMap is provided with the participation and good will of data custodians and I will endeavour, where possible, to seek a collaborative approach with custodians in any research or papers published using NatureMap data. Re-sale of raw data or the commercial use of images or descriptive text (other than generated maps, species lists and reports) on this site is unauthorised unless written permission is obtained from the Department of Environment and Conservation (DEC). 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Fair Use Guidlines As stated above, we want as many people as possible to make use of the data available within NatureMap, so long as that use is ""fair"". It is considered fair for anyone to use information from NatureMap for conservation or planning purposes, including incorporating that information into reports or papers, or summarising and value-adding to data. It is not considered fair use to download raw data and on-sell it. That would contravene copyright. It is also bad business, because anyone could obtain the same data directly from NatureMap. Of particular note:Maps, species lists, reports and raw data may be freely used by anyone, including commercial consultants, for research, planning, generating reports and compilations, or for personal use, so long as the above conditions of access are complied with. Raw data, i.e. bulk detail records of individual locations that have been downloaded from NatureMap and not summarised, compiled or modified in any substantial way, may not be on-sold or rebadged without written permission from the Department of Environment and Conservation (DEC). This is consistent with Australian Copyright law. Other descriptive text and images, such as Thematic content on wetlands or ecological attributes, remain the property of NatureMap and copyright holders and may not be used without written permission from DEC. For full terms of use see Copyright page at" ,true,true,true,true,true,?,false,"The Atlas of NSW Wildlife (Atlas) is administered by the Office of Environment and Heritage, Department of Premier and Cabinet (OEH). Distribution of Atlas data is governed by OEH's Sensitive Species Data Policy. For species categorised as sensitive, some or all locational information will not be disclosed depending on the species' status under the Policy (refer to the Sensitive Species Data Policy for full details downloading Data from the Atlas of NSW Wildlife (the Data) via the ALA portal, you, the user, agree to accept the Terms and Conditions below. Your acceptance creates a binding legal agreement between you and the Office of Environment and Heritage, Department of Premier and Cabinet (OEH) that administers the Atlas of NSW Wildlife. If you do not agree with these Terms and Conditions, do not download Atlas of NSW Wildlife Data from the ALA portal.Terms and Conditions of Use:You are licensed to use, reproduce, distribute, publish or otherwise make available the Data, or to use or adapt the Data to create derivative works. In any reproduction, distribution or publication of the Data, you must attribute the source of the Data as the Atlas of NSW Wildlife, a resource owned by the State of New South Wales that holds data from a number of custodians including OEH, the National Herbarium of NSW, Forests NSW, the Australian Museum and the Australian Bird and Bat Banding Scheme. In any use or adaptation of the Data to create derivative works, you must acknowledge the use of the Data in the derivative work and attribute the source of the Data as the Atlas of NSW Wildlife, a resource owned by the State of New South Wales that holds data from a number of custodians including OEH, the National Herbarium of NSW, Forests NSW, the Australian Museum and the Australian Bird and Bat Banding Scheme. You acknowledge that the Data may contain errors and omissions and that you employ the Data at your own risk.Neither OEH nor any other Data Custodian will accept liability for any loss, damage, cost or expenses that you may incur as a result of the use of or reliance upon the Data. Data in the Atlas of NSW Wildlife is constantly updated and you should use the current Data from the ALA portal and not rely on material you have previously printed or downloaded." ,true,true,true,true,false,?,true,"A copy of final article paper, book, etc to be forwarded to data provider." ,true,true,true,true,true,?,false,The public databases of the EBI are freely available by any individual and for any purpose. For details see ,true,true,true,true,true,?,false,"Copyright 2013, National Biodiversity Data Centre, Waterford, Ireland. The information is free to use by individuals provided the owners of the data are acknowledged in any use of publication, or that the use of the data is cited in the following format - 'Data from the Ireland's BioBlitz 2011 dataset held by the National Biodiversity Data Centre, [insert date]'" ,true,true,true,true,true,?,false,"Copyright 2012, National Biodiversity Data Centre, Waterford, Ireland. The information is free to use by individuals provided the owners of the data are acknowledged in any use of publication, or that the use of the data is cited in the following format - 'Data from the National Bat Database of Ireland dataset held by the National Biodiversity Data Centre, [insert date]'" ,true,true,true,true,true,?,false,"Copyright 2013, National Biodiversity Data Centre, Waterford, Ireland. The information is free to use by individuals provided the owners of the data are acknowledged in any use of publication, or that the use of the data is cited in the following format - 'Data from the National Lesser Horseshoe Bat Database dataset held by the National Biodiversity Data Centre, [insert date]'" ,true,true,true,true,true,?,false,"Copyright 2012, National Biodiversity Data Centre, Waterford, Ireland. The information is free to use by individuals provided the owners of the data are acknowledged in any use of publication, or that the use of the data is cited in the following format - 'Data from the European Seabirds at Sea (ESAS) bird sightings from 1980 to 2003. dataset held by the National Biodiversity Data Centre, [insert date]'" ,true,true,true,true,true,?,false,"Copyright 2013, National Biodiversity Data Centre, Waterford, Ireland. The information is free to use by individuals provided the owners of the data are acknowledged in any use of publication, or that the use of the data is cited in the following format - 'Data from the Butterflies of Ireland dataset held by the National Biodiversity Data Centre, [insert date]'" ,true,true,true,true,true,?,false,"Copyright 2013, National Biodiversity Data Centre, Waterford, Ireland. The information is free to use by individuals provided the owners of the data are acknowledged in any use of publication, or that the use of the data is cited in the following format - 'Data from the Irish Marine Turtle Database dataset held by the National Biodiversity Data Centre, [insert date]'" ,true,true,true,true,true,?,false,"Copyright 2012, National Biodiversity Data Centre, Waterford, Ireland. The information is free to use by individuals provided the owners of the data are acknowledged in any use of publication, or that the use of the data is cited in the following format - 'Data from the BioMar - LIFE project dataset held by the National Biodiversity Data Centre, [insert date]'" ,true,true,true,true,true,?,false,"Copyright 2012, National Biodiversity Data Centre, Waterford, Ireland. The information is free to use by individuals provided the owners of the data are acknowledged in any use of publication, or that the use of the data is cited in the following format - 'Data from the Heteroptera of Ireland dataset held by the National Biodiversity Data Centre, [insert date]'" ,true,true,true,true,true,?,false,The copyright for any material created by the DSMZ is reserved. The duplication or use of information and data such as texts or images is only permitted with the indication of the source or with prior approval by the DSMZ ,true,false,false,?,true,?,true,"Humboldt State University Wildlife Museum data records may be used by individual researchers or research groups, but they may not be repackaged, resold, or redistributed in any form without the express written consent of Wildlife Department. If any of these records are used in an analysis or report, the provenance of the original data must be acknowledged and the Wildlife Museum notified. Humboldt State University and its staff are not responsible for damages, injury or loss due to the use of these data." ,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,"Owner grants GBIF a worldwide, non-exclusive right to: (i) use, reproduce, perform, display, archive, transmit and distribute the Content (including any trademarks, tradenames and logos in the Content) in electronic form in connection with the Site, (ii) allow users of the Site to use, search, copy, download and transmit the Content, and (iii) modify and reformat the Content, but solely to the extent necessary and for the purposes of: (a) conforming to the format and ""look and feel"" of the Site, and (b) creating snippets, headlines or teasers consisting of selected lines or sections from the Content to be displayed on the Site (or displayed on other websites owned by GBIF for the purposes of directing traffic to the Site).",true,true,true,false,true,false,false,Zoological Museum - Natural History Museum of Denmark This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial License (,true,true,true,true,true,false,false,CC-BY|,true,true,true,true,true,true,false,This [DATA(BASE)-NAME] is made available under the Open Database License: Any rights in individual contents of the database are licensed under the Database Contents License:,true,true,true,true,true,false,false,The dataset is published under an Open Data Commons license: ,true,true,true,false,false,?,false,Data may be used freely for non-commercial purposes. All others contact database administrator. ,false,false,false,false,?,?,?,"All data given access here are the sole property of the Royal Belgian Institute for Natural Sciences (RBINS) and are protected by the laws of copyright. The reuse of data, for any purpose whatsoever, is subject to prior authorization given by the Royal Belgian Institute for Natural Sciences (RBINS). For more informations, comments or details on the above lines, please contact the Royal Belgian Institute for Natural Sciences (RBINS)." ,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,"Copyright to this data is asserted by the State of Western Australia on behalf of the Western Australian Herbarium, Department of Environment and Conservation. Please review the copyright before using the data." ,true,true,true,true,true,?,false,"Copyright 2012, National Biodiversity Data Centre, Waterford, Ireland. The information is free to use by individuals provided the owners of the data are acknowledged in any use of publication, or that the use of the data is cited in the following format - 'Data from the Butterflies - Irish Wood White Database dataset held by the National Biodiversity Data Centre, [insert date]'" ,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,"© University of Tartu, Museum of Geology" ,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,Institute of Traditional Medicine (ITM) ,false,false,false,false,?,?,?,Reuse in any context not allowed without the express permission of ECOCEAN USA.,true,true,true,false,true,false,false,"The Tree of Life Project owns the copyright for the ToL Tree Structure XML File. This file is made available to the public under the terms of the Attribution-NonCommercial Creative Commons License. This license allows people to copy, modify, and redistribute the ToL tree structure, subject to some restrictions." ,false,false,false,false,?,?,?,Data may not be used without permissionContact ,true,true,true,true,true,?,false,"Copyright 2012, National Biodiversity Data Centre, Waterford, Ireland. The information is free to use by individuals provided the owners of the data are acknowledged in any use of publication, or that the use of the data is cited in the following format - 'Data from the Survey of the native freshwater opossum shrimp (Mysis relicta) in Ireland dataset held by the National Biodiversity Data Centre, [insert date]'" ,true,true,true,true,true,?,false,"Copyright 2012, National Biodiversity Data Centre, Waterford, Ireland. The information is free to use by individuals provided the owners of the data are acknowledged in any use of publication, or that the use of the data is cited in the following format - 'Data from the Hypogean Crustacea of Ireland dataset held by the National Biodiversity Data Centre, [insert date]'" ,true,true,true,true,true,?,false,"Copyright 2012, National Biodiversity Data Centre, Waterford, Ireland. The information is free to use by individuals provided the owners of the data are acknowledged in any use of publication, or that the use of the data is cited in the following format - 'Data from the Caddisfly Records, Edenvale, Co. Wexford 2010 dataset held by the National Biodiversity Data Centre, [insert date]'" ,true,true,true,true,true,?,false,"Copyright 2012, National Biodiversity Data Centre, Waterford, Ireland. The information is free to use by individuals provided the owners of the data are acknowledged in any use of publication, or that the use of the data is cited in the following format - 'Data from the Lichens of Rocky Seashores dataset held by the National Biodiversity Data Centre, [insert date]'" ,true,true,true,true,true,?,false,"Copyright 2012, National Biodiversity Data Centre, Waterford, Ireland. The information is free to use by individuals provided the owners of the data are acknowledged in any use of publication, or that the use of the data is cited in the following format - 'Data from the Spiders of Ireland dataset held by the National Biodiversity Data Centre, [insert date]'" ,true,true,true,true,true,?,false,"Copyright 2012, National Biodiversity Data Centre, Waterford, Ireland. The information is free to use by individuals provided the owners of the data are acknowledged in any use of publication, or that the use of the data is cited in the following format - 'Data from the Distribution Atlas of Butterflies in Ireland 1979 (An Foras Forbartha) dataset held by the National Biodiversity Data Centre, [insert date]'" ,true,true,true,true,true,?,false,"Copyright 2012, National Biodiversity Data Centre, Waterford, Ireland. The information is free to use by individuals provided the owners of the data are acknowledged in any use of publication, or that the use of the data is cited in the following format - 'Data from the ESAS cetacean sightings from 1980 to 2003. dataset held by the National Biodiversity Data Centre, [insert date]'" ,true,true,true,true,true,?,false,"Copyright 2013, National Biodiversity Data Centre, Waterford, Ireland. The information is free to use by individuals provided the owners of the data are acknowledged in any use of publication, or that the use of the data is cited in the following format - 'Data from the NPWS Seal Database dataset held by the National Biodiversity Data Centre, [insert date]'" ,true,true,true,true,true,?,true,"Las publicaciones basadas en material de CEAB-CSIC deben incluir: (1) una lista de todas las colecciones de CEAB-CSIC utilizadas, preferentemente con el número de CEAB-CSIC y el nombre del investigador colector-identificador (PUIG M.A.) (2) Para publicaciones basadas en especímenes o en datos de CEAB-CSIC, donde se utilicen los mismos sin añadir nueva información (revisiones, georeferenciación, etc) se consultará con el investigador (PUIG M.A.) para establecer la forma de reconocimiento que aparecerá en la publicación (3) Para publicaciones en que se utilicen especímenes de CEAB-CSIC, colectados, descritos, identificados, iconografiados o estudiados por investigadores en activo del CEAB-CSIC será necesario pactar la coautoría de las mismas, en función del número de ejemplares utilizados y de la naturaleza de la publicación (4) Para publicaciones basadas en bases de datos generadas a partir de las colecciones del CEAB-CSIC, se consultará con el investigador (PUIG M.A.) para establecer la forma de reconocimiento que aparecerá en la publicación." ,true,false,false,?,true,?,true,"NYSM data records may be used by individual researchers or researchgroups, but they may not be repackaged, resold, or redistributed in anyform without the express written consent of a curatorial staff member ofthe NYSM. If any of these records are used in an analysis or report, theprovenance of the original data must be acknowledged and the NYSMnotified. The NYSM and its staff are not responsiblefor damages, injury or loss due to the use of these data." ,true,true,true,true,?,?,false,"Data are freely available through GBIF, OBIS, SCAR-MarBIN and through the AADC web site. If substantial parts of the database is used for other data or information products, please acknowledge the source." ,true,true,true,true,true,?,false,"Copyright 2012, National Biodiversity Data Centre, Waterford, Ireland. The information is free to use by individuals provided the owners of the data are acknowledged in any use of publication, or that the use of the data is cited in the following format - 'Data from the Irish Collembola records dataset held by the National Biodiversity Data Centre, [insert date]'" ,true,true,true,true,true,?,false,"Copyright 2013, National Biodiversity Data Centre, Waterford, Ireland. The information is free to use by individuals provided the owners of the data are acknowledged in any use of publication, or that the use of the data is cited in the following format - 'Data from the Hare Survey of Ireland 06/07 dataset held by the National Biodiversity Data Centre, [insert date]'" ,true,true,true,true,true,?,false,"Copyright 2012, National Biodiversity Data Centre, Waterford, Ireland. The information is free to use by individuals provided the owners of the data are acknowledged in any use of publication, or that the use of the data is cited in the following format - 'Data from the Irish Crop Wild Relative Database dataset held by the National Biodiversity Data Centre, [insert date]'" ,true,true,true,true,true,?,false,"Copyright 2012, National Biodiversity Data Centre, Waterford, Ireland. The information is free to use by individuals provided the owners of the data are acknowledged in any use of publication, or that the use of the data is cited in the following format - 'Data from the Hedgerow Surveys of Ireland dataset held by the National Biodiversity Data Centre, [insert date]'" ,true,true,true,true,true,?,false,"Copyright 2012, National Biodiversity Data Centre, Waterford, Ireland. The information is free to use by individuals provided the owners of the data are acknowledged in any use of publication, or that the use of the data is cited in the following format - 'Data from the Fleas (Siphonaptera) of Ireland dataset held by the National Biodiversity Data Centre, [insert date]'" ,true,true,true,true,true,?,false,"Copyright 2012, National Biodiversity Data Centre, Waterford, Ireland. The information is free to use by individuals provided the owners of the data are acknowledged in any use of publication, or that the use of the data is cited in the following format - 'Data from the Lice (Phthiraptera) of Ireland dataset held by the National Biodiversity Data Centre, [insert date]'" ,true,true,true,true,true,?,false,"Copyright 2012, National Biodiversity Data Centre, Waterford, Ireland. The information is free to use by individuals provided the owners of the data are acknowledged in any use of publication, or that the use of the data is cited in the following format - 'Data from the Mosquitoes (Diptera: Culicidae) of Ireland dataset held by the National Biodiversity Data Centre, [insert date]'" ,true,true,true,true,true,?,false,"Copyright 2012, National Biodiversity Data Centre, Waterford, Ireland. The information is free to use by individuals provided the owners of the data are acknowledged in any use of publication, or that the use of the data is cited in the following format - 'Data from the Rocky Shore Macroalgae dataset held by the National Biodiversity Data Centre, [insert date]'" ,true,true,true,true,true,?,false,"Copyright 2012, National Biodiversity Data Centre, Waterford, Ireland. The information is free to use by individuals provided the owners of the data are acknowledged in any use of publication, or that the use of the data is cited in the following format - 'Data from the Millipedes of Ireland dataset held by the National Biodiversity Data Centre, [insert date]'" ,true,true,true,true,true,?,false,"Copyright 2013, National Biodiversity Data Centre, Waterford, Ireland. The information is free to use by individuals provided the owners of the data are acknowledged in any use of publication, or that the use of the data is cited in the following format - 'Data from the Microlepidoptera, National Museum of Ireland dataset held by the National Biodiversity Data Centre, [insert date]'" ,true,true,true,true,true,?,false,"Copyright 2012, National Biodiversity Data Centre, Waterford, Ireland. The information is free to use by individuals provided the owners of the data are acknowledged in any use of publication, or that the use of the data is cited in the following format - 'Data from the Ephemeroptera of Ireland dataset held by the National Biodiversity Data Centre, [insert date]'" ,true,true,true,true,true,?,false,"Copyright 2012, National Biodiversity Data Centre, Waterford, Ireland. The information is free to use by individuals provided the owners of the data are acknowledged in any use of publication, or that the use of the data is cited in the following format - 'Data from the Sponges of Rathlin Island dataset held by the National Biodiversity Data Centre, [insert date]'" ,true,true,true,true,true,?,false,"Copyright 2012, National Biodiversity Data Centre, Waterford, Ireland. The information is free to use by individuals provided the owners of the data are acknowledged in any use of publication, or that the use of the data is cited in the following format - 'Data from the The Second Atlas of Breeding Birds in Britain and Ireland: 1988-1991 dataset held by the National Biodiversity Data Centre, [insert date]'" ,true,true,true,true,true,?,false,"Copyright 2012, National Biodiversity Data Centre, Waterford, Ireland. The information is free to use by individuals provided the owners of the data are acknowledged in any use of publication, or that the use of the data is cited in the following format - 'Data from the Seaweeds of Ireland dataset held by the National Biodiversity Data Centre, [insert date]'" ,true,true,true,true,true,?,false,"Copyright 2013, National Biodiversity Data Centre, Waterford, Ireland. The information is free to use by individuals provided the owners of the data are acknowledged in any use of publication, or that the use of the data is cited in the following format - 'Data from the Road Kill Survey dataset held by the National Biodiversity Data Centre, [insert date]'" ,true,true,true,true,true,?,false,"Copyright 2012, National Biodiversity Data Centre, Waterford, Ireland. The information is free to use by individuals provided the owners of the data are acknowledged in any use of publication, or that the use of the data is cited in the following format - 'Data from the Quantitative Phytoplankton data from Irish lakes (EPA) dataset held by the National Biodiversity Data Centre, [insert date]'" ,true,true,true,true,true,?,false,"Copyright 2013, National Biodiversity Data Centre, Waterford, Ireland. The information is free to use by individuals provided the owners of the data are acknowledged in any use of publication, or that the use of the data is cited in the following format - 'Data from the Littoral Macroinvertebrate data from Irish lakes dataset held by the National Biodiversity Data Centre, [insert date]'" ,true,true,true,true,true,?,false,"Copyright 2013, National Biodiversity Data Centre, Waterford, Ireland. The information is free to use by individuals provided the owners of the data are acknowledged in any use of publication, or that the use of the data is cited in the following format - 'Data from the Kingfisher Survey 2010 dataset held by the National Biodiversity Data Centre, [insert date]'" ,true,true,true,true,true,?,false,"Copyright 2012, National Biodiversity Data Centre, Waterford, Ireland. The information is free to use by individuals provided the owners of the data are acknowledged in any use of publication, or that the use of the data is cited in the following format - 'Data from the Irish National Badger Sett Database dataset held by the National Biodiversity Data Centre, [insert date]'" ,true,true,true,true,true,?,false,"Copyright 2012, National Biodiversity Data Centre, Waterford, Ireland. The information is free to use by individuals provided the owners of the data are acknowledged in any use of publication, or that the use of the data is cited in the following format - 'Data from the Irish Deer Database dataset held by the National Biodiversity Data Centre, [insert date]'" ,true,true,true,true,true,?,false,"Copyright 2013, National Biodiversity Data Centre, Waterford, Ireland. The information is free to use by individuals provided the owners of the data are acknowledged in any use of publication, or that the use of the data is cited in the following format - 'Data from the Butterflies - Irish Butterfly Monitoring Scheme dataset held by the National Biodiversity Data Centre, [insert date]'" ,true,true,true,true,true,?,false,"Copyright 2012, National Biodiversity Data Centre, Waterford, Ireland. The information is free to use by individuals provided the owners of the data are acknowledged in any use of publication, or that the use of the data is cited in the following format - 'Data from the Heritage Trees of Ireland dataset held by the National Biodiversity Data Centre, [insert date]'" ,true,true,true,true,true,?,false,"Copyright 2012, National Biodiversity Data Centre, Waterford, Ireland. The information is free to use by individuals provided the owners of the data are acknowledged in any use of publication, or that the use of the data is cited in the following format - 'Data from the The First Atlas of Wintering Birds in Britain and Ireland: 1981/82-1983/84. dataset held by the National Biodiversity Data Centre, [insert date]'" ,true,true,true,true,true,?,false,"Copyright 2012, National Biodiversity Data Centre, Waterford, Ireland. The information is free to use by individuals provided the owners of the data are acknowledged in any use of publication, or that the use of the data is cited in the following format - 'Data from the The First Atlas of Breeding Birds in Britain and Ireland: 1968-1972. dataset held by the National Biodiversity Data Centre, [insert date]'" ,true,true,true,true,true,?,false,"Copyright 2013, National Biodiversity Data Centre, Waterford, Ireland. The information is free to use by individuals provided the owners of the data are acknowledged in any use of publication, or that the use of the data is cited in the following format - 'Data from the EPA River Biologists data dataset held by the National Biodiversity Data Centre, [insert date]'" ,true,true,true,true,true,?,false,"Copyright 2012, National Biodiversity Data Centre, Waterford, Ireland. The information is free to use by individuals provided the owners of the data are acknowledged in any use of publication, or that the use of the data is cited in the following format - 'Data from the Butterflies of County Waterford dataset held by the National Biodiversity Data Centre, [insert date]'" ,true,true,true,true,true,?,false,"Copyright 2013, National Biodiversity Data Centre, Waterford, Ireland. The information is free to use by individuals provided the owners of the data are acknowledged in any use of publication, or that the use of the data is cited in the following format - 'Data from the Biodiversity records from Ireland - general dataset held by the National Biodiversity Data Centre, [insert date]'" ,true,true,true,true,true,?,false,"Copyright 2013, National Biodiversity Data Centre, Waterford, Ireland. The information is free to use by individuals provided the owners of the data are acknowledged in any use of publication, or that the use of the data is cited in the following format - 'Data from the Badger and Habitats Survey of Ireland dataset held by the National Biodiversity Data Centre, [insert date]'",true,true,true,true,true,true,false,Copyright Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike License © 2011.,true,true,true,false,true,true,false,Copyright Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike License © 2011.,true,true,true,true,false,false,false,"To the extent possible under law, the Université de Montréal Biodiversity Centre has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this dataset, releasing it to the public domain under a CC0 waiver ( Users of the data are encouraged to follow the Canadensys norms for data use and publication (" ,false,false,false,false,?,?,?,The data base or part of it may only be used or copied by the written permission from the director of the CeDocBiV ,true,true,true,true,true,?,false,GBIF Data Use Agreement and GBIF Data Sharing Ageement apply ,true,false,false,?,true,?,true,"Zoological Institute (ZIN) data records may be used by individual researchers or research groups, but they may not be repackaged, resold, or redistributed in any form without the express written consent of a curatorial staff member of the ZIN. If any of these records are used in an analysis or report, the provenance of the original data must be acknowledged and the ZIN notified. The ZIN and its staff are not responsible for damages, injury or loss due to the use of these data." ,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,No information ,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,SIBA (Sistema de Información de la Biodiversidad de Andorra) es una iniciativa del Centre de Biodiversitat de l'Institut d'Estudis Andorrans [2004]' ,true,true,true,true,false,false,false,The GRIN Taxonomy is public data with free and open access with no restrictions. ,false,false,false,false,?,?,?,Terms of use ZMA data: All rights on this data file belong to the Zoological Museum Amsterdam. Please contact the ZMA director ( before secondary usage of data in electronic or printed form.,true,true,true,true,true,true,false,Tela Botanica a choisi de publier par défaut son contenu sous licence libre Creative Commons (by-sa) afin d'en faciliter la divulgation : ,?,?,?,false,true,?,true,"Data records made available from Tiira Bird Observation System for the GBIF Data Portal may be used by individual researchers or research groups for scientific non-commercial purposes only. If any of these records are used in scientific analysis or report, the provenance of the original data must be acknowledged and the publication or report sent to BirdLife Finland (address: BirdLife Finland, Annankatu 29 A 16, FI-00100 Helsinki, Finland, If this data comprises an essential part of the work, a priori consent must be obtained, and the possibility of joint work negotiated. Any other purposes of use are forbidden in any form without the explicit written consent of BirdLife Finland. BirdLife Finland and its staff are not responsible for damages, injury or loss due to the use of these data. Spatial accuracy of the data has been rounded to about 10 km. Sensitive data has been left out. More accurate records are available by special request.BirdLife Finland´s member associations have the right of ownership including unlimited and gratuitous right of use and any intellectual property rights to the above mentioned data records. BirdLife Finland has the right of use to these data records.",true,true,true,true,true,false,false,Data supplied is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Australia License. ,true,true,true,true,true,?,false,"When using the data please refer to the 'Dutch Vegetation Database' as managed by Alterra, Wageningen, The Netherlands." ,true,true,true,true,true,?,false,Se debe citar la fuente y la colección en los trabajos resultantes de la consulta. Se recomienda el envío de una copia de los trabajos a los que de lugar la consulta al Servicio de Colecciones de la EEZA. ,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,(c)Copyright President and Fellows of Harvard University and the MCZ Herpetology Collection. The MCZ does not guarantee the accuracy of these data. Individual researchers should verify individual records by making direct reference to corresponding museum specimens. ,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,"© Herbarium Marburgense, Universität Marburg" ,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,© Bayerische Staatssammlung für Paläontologie und Geologie ,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,"© IBF Project, DiversityMobile" ,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,© Staatssammlung für Anthropologie und Paläoanatomie München ,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,"© Herbarium MSB, Universität München" ,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,Not available until published ,true,true,true,true,true,?,false,Freely available if cited ,true,?,?,false,?,?,true,"For scientific and noncommercial purposes, the database can be consulted freely. If scientific publications are (partly) based on these data, authors are kindly requested to inform the legal owner.Commercial use is not granted without written permission by the legal owner." ,true,true,true,true,false,false,false,No restrictions. ,?,?,?,?,?,?,?, ,true,true,true,true,false,false,false,Unrestricted ,false,false,false,false,?,?,?,Restricted ,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,Unknown ,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,Freely available after moratorium period,true,true,true,false,true,true,false,This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. ,true,true,true,true,true,?,false,No restrictions (Dataset must be cited) ,true,true,true,true,true,?,false,The copyright for any material created by the DSMZ is reserved. The duplication or use of information and data such as texts or images is only permitted with the indication of the source or with prior approval by the DSMZ. ,?,?,?,?,?,?,?, ,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,Investigadores de reconocida competencia científica o avalados por personas o instituciones que tengan dicho reconocimiento. ,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,"Thibaut Delsinne, Dr. Maurice Leponce RBINS" ,false,false,false,false,?,?,?,Terms of use ZMA data: All rights on this data file belongs to the Zoological Museum Amsterdam. Please contact the ZMA director before secondary usage of data in electronic or printed form. ,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,see ,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,MNH_LEPIDOPTERA_SE_ASIA version 2008-05-07Contact Drs. J. van Tol ( ,true,true,true,false,false,?,false,MACOI - Portuguese Seaweeds for personal/academic use only,true,true,true,false,true,true,false,Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike Creative Commons License ,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,Matti Virtala and the Entomological Society of Finland. ,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,Please contact STOWA before using the data in printed or digital publications. ,true,true,true,?,true,?,false,This work is licenced under a CreativeCommons Licence. ,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,RGM_MARTIN version 2007-03-06please contact Dr. F. Wesselingh ,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,"Coelenterata collection of National Natural History Museum Naturalis, published by GBIFPlease contact Dr. B. Hoeksema ( before usage of data in electronic files or printed publications" ,true,true,true,true,?,?,false,"Rapid Assessment Program (RAP) Biodiversity Survey Database. Conservation International. . Downloaded on MMDDYYYY. The Rapid Assessment Program (RAP) Biodiversity Survey Database of the Center for Applied Biodiversity Science (CABS) at Conservation International (CI) provides access to data and images collected on biodiversity surveys conducted by Conservation International. CI makes no guarantee, express or implied, regarding the use of the material with regard to their correctness, reliability, accuracy, or otherwise. While neither CI nor its affiliated or related entities or its content providers shall be responsible or liable to any person, firm, or corporation for any loss, damage, injury, claim, or liability of any kind or character based on or resulting from any information. Users are encouraged to verify all data prior to using it in publications." ,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,Terms of use: Please contact the principal investigator Dr. M.J. de Kluijver ( before secondary usage of data in electronic or printed form. ,true,true,true,true,true,?,false,"Copyright 2012, National Biodiversity Data Centre, Waterford, Ireland. The information is free to use by individuals provided the owners of the data are acknowledged in any use of publication, or that the use of the data is cited in the following format - 'Data from the An Atlas of Breeding Birds of the Burren and Aran Islands 1993 - 1996 dataset held by the National Biodiversity Data Centre, [insert date]'" ,false,false,false,false,?,?,?,Data may not be used without permission.ECOCEAN Whale Shark Photo-identification LibraryContact ,true,true,true,false,true,?,false,"__specify Any work using data coming from this resource must include: ""Data originally provided by the test resource"". Data from this resource should not be used for commercial purposes without prior permission.__" ,false,false,false,false,?,?,?,RMNH_AVES_PASSERIFORMES version 2007-05-02 Contact Hein van Grouw for use of this data. ,true,true,true,true,true,?,false,"Copyright 2013, National Biodiversity Data Centre, Waterford, Ireland. The information is free to use by individuals provided the owners of the data are acknowledged in any use of publication, or that the use of the data is cited in the following format - 'Data from the All Ireland Non-Marine Molluscan Database dataset held by the National Biodiversity Data Centre, [insert date]'" ,true,true,true,true,true,?,false,"Copyright 2012, National Biodiversity Data Centre, Waterford, Ireland. The information is free to use by individuals provided the owners of the data are acknowledged in any use of publication, or that the use of the data is cited in the following format - 'Data from the Anisopodidae and Thaumaleidae (Diptera: Nematocera) of Ireland dataset held by the National Biodiversity Data Centre, [insert date]'" ,true,true,true,true,true,?,false,"Copyright 2013, National Biodiversity Data Centre, Waterford, Ireland. The information is free to use by individuals provided the owners of the data are acknowledged in any use of publication, or that the use of the data is cited in the following format - 'Data from the Bees of Ireland dataset held by the National Biodiversity Data Centre, [insert date]'" ,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,"New Zealand National Vegetation Survey Databank, Landcare Research Use of the full NVS survey dta is covered by the NVS Protocol: see",true,true,true,false,true,false,false,Copyright Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh. Contact us for rights to commercial use. ,true,true,true,true,true,?,false,"Copyright 2012, National Biodiversity Data Centre, Waterford, Ireland. The information is free to use by individuals provided the owners of the data are acknowledged in any use of publication, or that the use of the data is cited in the following format - 'Data from the BSBI tetrad data for Ireland dataset held by the National Biodiversity Data Centre, [insert date]'" ,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,'' ,true,true,true,true,true,?,false,"Copyright 2012, National Biodiversity Data Centre, Waterford, Ireland. The information is free to use by individuals provided the owners of the data are acknowledged in any use of publication, or that the use of the data is cited in the following format - 'Data from the Bryophyte data for Ireland from the British Bryological Society held by the UK's Biological Records Centre. dataset held by the National Biodiversity Data Centre, [insert date]'" ,true,true,true,true,true,?,false,"Copyright 2012, National Biodiversity Data Centre, Waterford, Ireland. The information is free to use by individuals provided the owners of the data are acknowledged in any use of publication, or that the use of the data is cited in the following format - 'Data from the Centipedes of Ireland dataset held by the National Biodiversity Data Centre, [insert date]'" ,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,"W. Van Landuyt, L. Vanhecke, F Van Rossum, I. Hoste" ,true,true,true,true,true,?,false,"Copyright 2012, National Biodiversity Data Centre, Waterford, Ireland. The information is free to use by individuals provided the owners of the data are acknowledged in any use of publication, or that the use of the data is cited in the following format - 'Data from the Craneflies of Ireland dataset held by the National Biodiversity Data Centre, [insert date]'" ,true,true,true,true,true,?,false,"Copyright 2012, National Biodiversity Data Centre, Waterford, Ireland. The information is free to use by individuals provided the owners of the data are acknowledged in any use of publication, or that the use of the data is cited in the following format - 'Data from the Dixidae (Diptera) of Ireland dataset held by the National Biodiversity Data Centre, [insert date]'" ,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,Usage of Taiwan Forestry Research Institute. ,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,RMNH_ACARI_TYPES as published on GBIF. Contact Dr E.J. van Nieukerken ( ,true,true,true,true,true,?,false,"Copyright 2013, National Biodiversity Data Centre, Waterford, Ireland. The information is free to use by individuals provided the owners of the data are acknowledged in any use of publication, or that the use of the data is cited in the following format - 'Data from the Dragonfly Ireland dataset held by the National Biodiversity Data Centre, [insert date]'" ,true,true,true,true,true,?,false,"Copyright 2012, National Biodiversity Data Centre, Waterford, Ireland. The information is free to use by individuals provided the owners of the data are acknowledged in any use of publication, or that the use of the data is cited in the following format - 'Data from the Harvestmen (Opiliones) of Ireland dataset held by the National Biodiversity Data Centre, [insert date]'" ,true,true,true,true,true,?,false,"Copyright 2013, National Biodiversity Data Centre, Waterford, Ireland. The information is free to use by individuals provided the owners of the data are acknowledged in any use of publication, or that the use of the data is cited in the following format - 'Data from the Irish National Crayfish Database dataset held by the National Biodiversity Data Centre, [insert date]'" ,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,"RGM_MIJNWEZEN version 2008-05-07Richtlijnen / voorwaarden onder welke de database kan worden gebruikt, eventueel naam van contactpersoon voor meer info." ,true,true,true,true,true,?,false,"Copyright 2012, National Biodiversity Data Centre, Waterford, Ireland. The information is free to use by individuals provided the owners of the data are acknowledged in any use of publication, or that the use of the data is cited in the following format - 'Data from the Irish National Frog Database dataset held by the National Biodiversity Data Centre, [insert date]'" ,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,Lepidopterological Society of Finland and Matti Virtala. ,true,true,true,true,true,?,false,"Copyright 2013, National Biodiversity Data Centre, Waterford, Ireland. The information is free to use by individuals provided the owners of the data are acknowledged in any use of publication, or that the use of the data is cited in the following format - 'Data from the Irish New Zealand Flatworm Database dataset held by the National Biodiversity Data Centre, [insert date]'" ,true,true,true,true,true,?,false,"Copyright 2012, National Biodiversity Data Centre, Waterford, Ireland. The information is free to use by individuals provided the owners of the data are acknowledged in any use of publication, or that the use of the data is cited in the following format - 'Data from the Irish Records from the Fungal Records Database of Britain and Ireland dataset held by the National Biodiversity Data Centre, [insert date]'" ,true,true,true,true,true,?,false,"Copyright 2012, National Biodiversity Data Centre, Waterford, Ireland. The information is free to use by individuals provided the owners of the data are acknowledged in any use of publication, or that the use of the data is cited in the following format - 'Data from the Irish vascular plant data 1999-2009 dataset held by the National Biodiversity Data Centre, [insert date]'" ,?,?,?,?,true,?,?,"Whenever information that is provided through this website, is used by third parties, reference should be made to the website for example by the following or similar phrasing:De Meyer, M. & I.M. White. 2004. True fruit flies (Diptera, Tephritidae) of the Africa. A queryable website on taxon and specimen information for afrotropical Ceratitidine fruit flies. Tervuren: Royal Museum for Central Africa. Access date: 10/12/2007. Collection specimens are the property of the respective institutions where they are deposited. All data associated with those particular specimens are therefore also property of those institutions. Most of them are already available and belong to the public domain since these were published in taxonomic revisions under headings such as 'Material examined'. When information of a particular specimen is used, reference should be made to the museum where it is housed, by indicating the institution's name or acronym.Copyright of the images (photographs or drawings) used is indicated on the individual image. This is either the institution where the photograph was taken or the photographer that took it. In case of published drawings, the copyright remains with the publisher. Permission was sought from the publishers for reproducing the drawings published in Bulletin of Entomological Research, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, Systematic Entomology, Cimbebasia and Journal of Natural History. For the unpublished drawings, the copyright remains with the authors of the manuscripts and will be transferred to the appropriate journals when the manuscripts will be published." ,true,true,true,true,true,?,false,"Copyright 2012, National Biodiversity Data Centre, Waterford, Ireland. The information is free to use by individuals provided the owners of the data are acknowledged in any use of publication, or that the use of the data is cited in the following format - 'Data from the Irish Wetland Birds Survey (I-WeBS) 1994-2001. dataset held by the National Biodiversity Data Centre, [insert date]'" ,true,true,true,true,true,?,false,"Copyright 2013, National Biodiversity Data Centre, Waterford, Ireland. The information is free to use by individuals provided the owners of the data are acknowledged in any use of publication, or that the use of the data is cited in the following format - 'Data from the Irish Wire Weed (Sargassum muticum) Database dataset held by the National Biodiversity Data Centre, [insert date]'" ,true,true,true,true,true,?,false,"Copyright 2013, National Biodiversity Data Centre, Waterford, Ireland. The information is free to use by individuals provided the owners of the data are acknowledged in any use of publication, or that the use of the data is cited in the following format - 'Data from the National Invasive Species Database dataset held by the National Biodiversity Data Centre, [insert date]'" ,true,true,true,true,true,?,false,"Copyright 2012, National Biodiversity Data Centre, Waterford, Ireland. The information is free to use by individuals provided the owners of the data are acknowledged in any use of publication, or that the use of the data is cited in the following format - 'Data from the Northern Ireland European hare (Lepus europaeus) survey 2005 dataset held by the National Biodiversity Data Centre, [insert date]'" ,true,true,true,true,true,?,false,Source of data should be cited where possible. ,true,true,true,true,true,?,false,"Copyright 2013, National Biodiversity Data Centre, Waterford, Ireland. The information is free to use by individuals provided the owners of the data are acknowledged in any use of publication, or that the use of the data is cited in the following format - 'Data from the NPWS Pine Marten database dataset held by the National Biodiversity Data Centre, [insert date]'" ,true,true,true,true,true,?,false,"Copyright 2013, National Biodiversity Data Centre, Waterford, Ireland. The information is free to use by individuals provided the owners of the data are acknowledged in any use of publication, or that the use of the data is cited in the following format - 'Data from the Otter Survey of Ireland 1982 dataset held by the National Biodiversity Data Centre, [insert date]'" ,true,true,true,true,true,?,false,"Copyright 2012, National Biodiversity Data Centre, Waterford, Ireland. The information is free to use by individuals provided the owners of the data are acknowledged in any use of publication, or that the use of the data is cited in the following format - 'Data from the Pseudoscorpions of Ireland dataset held by the National Biodiversity Data Centre, [insert date]'" ,true,true,true,true,true,?,false,"Copyright 2013, National Biodiversity Data Centre, Waterford, Ireland. The information is free to use by individuals provided the owners of the data are acknowledged in any use of publication, or that the use of the data is cited in the following format - 'Data from the Reptiles and Amphibians Distribution Atlas 1978 (An Foras Forbartha) dataset held by the National Biodiversity Data Centre, [insert date]'" ,true,true,true,true,true,?,false,"Copyright 2012, National Biodiversity Data Centre, Waterford, Ireland. The information is free to use by individuals provided the owners of the data are acknowledged in any use of publication, or that the use of the data is cited in the following format - 'Data from the Sorbus in Killarney, Co.Kerry dataset held by the National Biodiversity Data Centre, [insert date]'" ,true,true,true,true,true,?,false,"Copyright 2013, National Biodiversity Data Centre, Waterford, Ireland. The information is free to use by individuals provided the owners of the data are acknowledged in any use of publication, or that the use of the data is cited in the following format - 'Data from the The Flora of County Clare dataset held by the National Biodiversity Data Centre, [insert date]'" ,true,true,true,true,true,?,false,"Copyright 2012, National Biodiversity Data Centre, Waterford, Ireland. The information is free to use by individuals provided the owners of the data are acknowledged in any use of publication, or that the use of the data is cited in the following format - 'Data from the CréBeo Earthworm Records 2006/7 dataset held by the National Biodiversity Data Centre, [insert date]'" ,true,true,true,true,true,?,false,"Copyright 2012, National Biodiversity Data Centre, Waterford, Ireland. The information is free to use by individuals provided the owners of the data are acknowledged in any use of publication, or that the use of the data is cited in the following format - 'Data from the The Gibson spider collection dataset held by the National Biodiversity Data Centre, [insert date]'" ,true,true,true,true,true,?,false,"Collection specimens are the property of the respective institutions where they are deposited. All data associated with those particular specimens are therefore also property of those institutions. When information of a particular specimen is used, reference should be made to the herbarium where it is housed, by indicating the institution's name or acronym." ,true,true,true,true,true,?,false,"Copyright 2013, National Biodiversity Data Centre, Waterford, Ireland. The information is free to use by individuals provided the owners of the data are acknowledged in any use of publication, or that the use of the data is cited in the following format - 'Data from the The Irish Squirrel Survey 2007 dataset held by the National Biodiversity Data Centre, [insert date]'" ,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,"Miscellaneous Vascular Plants, Quentin Groom, National Botanical Garden of Belgium." ,true,true,true,true,true,?,false,"Copyright 2012, National Biodiversity Data Centre, Waterford, Ireland. The information is free to use by individuals provided the owners of the data are acknowledged in any use of publication, or that the use of the data is cited in the following format - 'Data from the Water Beetles of Ireland dataset held by the National Biodiversity Data Centre, [insert date]'" ,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,RGM_GERTH version 2008-05-03Contact Dr. W. Renema ,true,true,true,true,true,?,false,"Copyright 2012, National Biodiversity Data Centre, Waterford, Ireland. The information is free to use by individuals provided the owners of the data are acknowledged in any use of publication, or that the use of the data is cited in the following format - 'Data from the The Flora of County Waterford dataset held by the National Biodiversity Data Centre, [insert date]'" ,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,Matti Virtala and the Finnish Expert Group on Diptera. ,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,Matti Virtala and Arakno. ,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,RMNH_PISCES_CICHLIDAE as published on GBIF. Contact Dr. M.J.P. van Oijen ( ,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,"MNH_INVERTEBRATE_MARINE_EXPEDITIONS_SPECIMENS as presented to NL-BIF on May 9th, 2007Contact Dr B. W. Hoeksema" ,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,"Las restricciones incluyen la disección o realización de cortes histológicos y análisis moleculares, o cualquier otro tipo de técnicas destructivas, excepto que se autorice expresamente dicho uso. Advertencia: La colección puede usarse mediante préstamo (con restricciones del préstamo de tipos para lo que se dirigirán las solicitudes a los museos correspondientes). El estudio in situ de ejemplares, es posible dependiendo de la disponibilidad de tiempo y espacio en el departamento de la UPV/EHU, así como del reconocimiento del investigador solicitante como especialista del grupo faunístico." ,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,© Senckenberg Museum für Naturkunde Görlitz ,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,Pictures and multi-media-objects are under copyright. ,true,false,false,?,true,?,true,"SNOMNH data records may be used by individual researchers or research groups, but they may not be repackaged, resold, or redistributed in any form without the express written consent of a curatorial staff member of the Sam Noble Oklahoma Museum of Natural History. If any of these records are used in an analysis or report, the provenance of the original data must be acknowledged and the Sam Noble Oklahoma Museum of Natural History notified. SNOMNH and its staff are not responsible for damages, injury or loss due to the use of these data." ,?,?,true,false,true,?,false,See: ,true,true,true,true,true,?,false,"Acuerdos de uso de datos • La calidad y la exhaustividad de los datos no puede ser garantizada. Los usuarios utilizan estos datos a su propio riesgo. • Los usuarios deberán respetar las restricciones de acceso a datos sensibles. • A fin de que la atribución de uso a los propietarios de los datos de lo posible, el identificador de la propiedad de los datos deben ser conservados con cada registro de datos. • Los usuarios deben reconocer públicamente, en relación con el uso de los datos, los proveedores de datos de los datos de biodiversidad, cuya que han utilizado. Los proveedores de datos pueden requerir la atribución adicional de colecciones específicas dentro de su institución. • Los usuarios deben cumplir con los términos y condiciones de uso establecidas por el proveedor de datos. Cuando estos existen, estarán disponibles a través de los metadatos asociados con los datos." ,?,?,true,false,true,?,false,The terms and conditions of use of AMNH data are given in the document found at ,true,false,?,false,false,?,true,"The use of the data is allowed only for non-profit scientific use and for non-profit nature conservation purpose. The database or part of it may only be used or copied by the written permission from the legal owner. If used for publication, we ask for a copy or an off-print. This data is copyrighted by the respective owner." ,true,false,false,?,true,?,true,"Redpath Museum (RMMU) data records may be used by individual researchers or research groups, but they may not be repackaged, resold, or redistributed in any form without the express written consent of a curatorial staff member of the RMMU. If any of these records are used in an analysis or report, the provenance of the original data must be acknowledged and the RMMU notified. The RMMU and its staff are not responsible for damages, injury or loss due to the use of these data." ,true,false,false,false,true,?,true,"The Auburn University Museum makes its records available for scholarly research. These records may not be repackaged, resold, or redistributed in any form without the written consent of the director or curator of the collection. Use of these records in written or oral reports must acknowledge AUM as the source and AUM must be notified of such use. Auburn University and its staff are not responsible for damages, injury, or loss due to the use of these records." ,true,false,false,?,true,?,true,"University of Alabama herpetology data records may be used by individual researchers or research groups, but they may not be repackaged, resold, or redistributed in any form without the express written consent of a curatorial staff member of the University of Alabama. If any of these records are used in an analysis or report, the provenance of the original data must be acknowledged and UA notified. The University of Alabama or its staff are not responsible for damages, injury or loss due to the use of these data." ,true,false,false,?,true,?,true,"UWBM data records may be used by individual researchers or research groups, but they may not be repackaged, resold, or redistributed in any form without the express written consent of a curatorial staff member of the UWBM. If any of these records are used in an analysis or report, the provenance of the original data must be acknowledged and the UWBM notified. The Burke Museum and its staff are not responsible for damages, injury or loss due to the use of these data." ,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,"©UPMC,CNRS,PIERRE FABRE2008" ,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,Please contact DOF ( before any use of DOFbase data in publications. ,true,false,false,false,true,?,true,"UAZ data records may be used by individual researchers or research groups for non-commercial purposes. These data may not be repackaged, resold, or redistributed in any form without the express written consent of the section Curator, Collection Manager or Director of the University of Arizona Museum of Natural History or the Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology. If any of these records are used in an analysis, report or publication, the provenance of the original data must be acknowledged and the University of Arizona Museum of Natural History or the Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology notified. UAZ or its staff are not responsible for damages, injury or loss due to the use of this data." ,true,false,false,false,true,?,true, ,?,?,?,?,?,?,?, ,true,false,false,?,true,?,true,"Copenhagen Bird Ringing Centre (CBRC) data records may be used by individual researchers or research groups, but they may not be repackaged, resold, or redistributed in any form without the express written consent of CBRC. If any of these records are used in an analysis or report, the provenance of the original data must be acknowledged and CBRC notified." ,true,true,true,true,?,?,false,free according to the standards of scientific publications ,true,false,false,?,true,?,false,"CONDICIONES Y RESERVAS DE USO DE LOS DATOS 1. Redistribución: Queda estrictamente prohibida la edición, reproducción, redistribución, adición o reducción total o parcial de la información, incluida explícitamente su incorporación a otras bases de datos de acceso libre o restringido. 2. Reconocimientos: El uso de los datos conlleva la obligación de reconocer y citar su utilización explícitamente. Esta atribución se debe mantener en cualquier uso subsecuente de los datos. 3. Información obtenida: el usuario se compromete a que la información obtenida no sea utilizada en detrimento de la conservación de la fauna, ni en procesos que alteren irreversiblemente el equilibrio ecológico (extracción indiscriminada o introducción de especies). El Departamento de Biología Animal de la Universidad de La Laguna, y subsidiariamente La Universidad de La Laguna, se reservan el derecho de actuar legalmente contra los infractores de estas condiciones de uso. CONDITIONS AND PROVISOS FOR USE OF CONTENT. 1. Data are provided on an end-user basis- that is, data are provided to users, but should not be passed on to third parties or redistributed. It is explicitly forbidden to incorporate these data into other databases of free or restricted access. 2. Proper acknowledgment of the data source institutions is expected; the data use implies explicit acknowledgment which should be kept with any subsequent use of the data. 3. Data obtained: Data are provided under the understanding that their use will be generally consistent with the philosophy of not causing detriment to wild species and ecosystem balance. The Departamento de Biología Animal de La Universidad de La Laguna, and subsidiarily the Universidad de La Laguna, reserve the right to pursue legal actions against those infringing these conditions of use." ,true,false,false,?,true,?,false,"TUMNH data records are intended for use by individual researchers, research groups, and for educating the general public about biodiversity. The data may not be repackaged, resold, or redistributed in any form without the express written consent of a curatorial staff member of TUMNH. Use of any of these records in analyses, report, or publications must acknowledge TUMNH as provenance of the original data. TUMNH and its staff are not responsible for any damage, injury or loss due to the use of these data." ,?,false,?,?,?,?,?,Release with permission of the appropriate parties ,true,true,true,true,true,?,false,GBIF Data Use Agreement and GBIF Data Sharing Agreement apply. ,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,Alpha version! Use at own risc. ,false,false,false,false,?,?,?,All rights reserved ,true,false,false,false,true,?,false,"Interpretación: Los datos contenidos son los disponibles por el Servicio de Biodiversidad de la Generalitat Valenciana (Consellería de Medio Ambiente,,,,,.,,) obtenidos bien a través del propio personal del Servicio, de contratos o facilitados por centros de investigación y colaboradores voluntarios. La propiedad de los datos corresponde a las personas que los han facilitado. Uso comercial de los datos: Se prohíbe el uso comercial de los datos obtenidos, o que conlleve beneficio económico, sin el consentimiento explícito de la Conselleria de Medio Ambiente, Agua, Urbanismo y Vivienda. Redistribución: La edición, reproducción, redistribución, adición o reducción total o parcial de la información, incluida su incorporación a otras bases de datos de acceso libre o restringido, requerirá de la mención expresa de la fuente de información (BDBCV). Reconocimientos: El uso de los datos conlleva la obligación de reconocer y citar su uso explícitamente como: Banco de Datos de Biodiversidad de la Comunitat Valenciana. Http://ás fecha de consulta). Esta atribución se debe mantener en cualquier uso subsecuente de los datos. Información obtenida: el usuario se compromete a que la información obtenida no sea utilizada en detrimento de la conservación de la flora y fauna, ni en procesos que alteren irreversiblemente el equilibrio ecológico (extracción indiscriminada o introducción de especies). Uso de la información negativa: los datos de biodiversidad constatan presencias; es decir, la falta de datos de una especie en un punto no implica que no se encuentre ahí. Es fundamental tomar en cuenta este extremo para un uso apropiado de los datos. La Conselleria de Medio Ambiente, Agua, Urbanismo y Vivienda se reserva el derecho de actuar legalmente contra los infractores de estas condiciones de uso." ,true,true,true,true,?,?,false,"Data are freely available through GBIF and through the AADC web site. If substantial parts of the database is used for other data or information products, please acknowledge the source." ,true,true,true,true,?,?,false,"Data are freely available through GBIF, OBIS, SCAR-MarBIN and through the AADC web site. If substantial parts of the database is used for other data or information products, please acknowledge the source (ABBBS)." ,true,true,true,true,true,?,true,GBIF Data Sharing Agreement is applied. Please contact DOF ( before any use of DOFbase data in publications. ,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,© Estonian Museum of Natural History ,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,© Institute of Geology at TUT ,false,false,false,false,?,?,?,"La base de datos o parte de ella, sólo podrá ser utilizada con el permiso del director del Departamento de Investigación y Experiencias Forestales de Valonsadero de la Junta de Castilla y León" ,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,TaxaSBFC/CBNFC ,true,false,false,false,true,?,true,"ARIZ data records may be used by individual researchers or research groups for non-commercial purposes. These data may not be repackaged, resold, or redistributed in any form without the express written consent of the Curator, Collection Manager or Director of the University of Arizona Herbarium. If any of these records are used in an analysis, report or publication, the provenance of the original data must be acknowledged and the University of Arizona Herbarium notified. ARIZ or its staff are not responsible for damages, injury or loss due to the use of this data." ,true,false,false,?,true,?,true,"NMBCC data records may be used by individual researchers or research groups, but they may not be repackaged, resold, or redistributed in any form without the written consent of the curator of the collection. If any of these records are used in an analysis or report, the provenance of the original data must be acknowledged and NMBCC notified. NMBCC and its staff are not responsible for damages, injury, or loss due to the use of these data." ,true,true,true,true,false,false,false,Público ,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,Investigadores de reconocida competencia científica o avalados por personas o instituciones que tengan dicho reconocimiento ,true,true,true,true,?,?,false,libre selon les normes des citations des publications scientifique ,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,preview data ,true,true,true,false,false,?,false,"Use of this data for commercial or for-profit applications requires written authorization from Micoteca da Universidade do Minho, University of Minho." ,true,false,false,false,true,?,true,"University of Colorado Museum of Natural History data records may be used by individual researchers or research groups for non-commercial purposes. These data may not be repackaged, resold, or redistributed in any form without the express written consent of the Curators or Director of the University of Colorado Museum of Natural History. If any of these records are used in an analysis, report or publication, the provenance of the original data must be acknowledged and the University of Colorado Museum of Natural History notified. UCM or its staff are not responsible for damages, injury or loss due to the use of these data." ,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,(C) Christopher Walker ,false,false,false,false,?,?,?,No part of this data base may be copied or reproduced without written permission from the legal owner. ,true,true,true,true,false,false,false,Commercially available ,true,false,?,false,false,?,false,"The use of the data is allowed only for non-profit scientific use and for non-profit nature conservation purpose. No part of this data base may be copied or reproduced without written permission from the legal owner. The Intellectual Property Rights are held by the legal owner or, in case of living persons, by the collector or determinator." ,true,true,true,true,true,?,true,"GBIF Data Sharing Agreement is applied. GBIF Data Use Agreement is applied.If these data comprise a significant part of data used in publication, the creator of this resource must be given the possibility to comment a manuscript, and offered the possibil" ,false,false,false,false,?,?,?,Contact us before using the data ,true,false,true,true,true,?,true,"Data records from Camargo Collection – RPSP are available for use, observed the conditions below: any use of the data records in analysis or reports must be acknowledged, with the provenance of the original data, and the responsible for RPSP notified; the data must not be redistributed in whole or in part without explicit written permission of the responsible for the collection. A copy of any publication in which the data appear must be sent to RPSP. Individual researchers and their institutions are liable for the proper use of data from the RPSP. The accuracy of the identification of the specimens and data associated is not guaranteed by the RPSP. Dados de registros da Coleção Camargo – RPSP estão disponíveis para uso, desde que observadas as seguintes condições: qualquer uso dos dados de registros em análises ou publicações devem constar nos agradecimentos, com a devida indicação de procedência dos dados originais, e o responsável pela RPSP deve ser notificado; os dados, mesmo parciais, não podem ser redistribuídos sem explícita autorização escrita do responsável pela coleção. Uma cópia de qualquer publicação em que os dados sejam citados deve ser enviada a RPSP. Pesquisadores e suas instituições são responsáveis pelo uso adequado dos dados. A RPSP não dá garantias da acurácia da identificação dos espécimens e dos dados associados." ,true,true,true,false,false,?,false,"Os dados não devem ser usados para fins comerciais. Esta coleção faz todo esforço para minimizar a entrada de erros dos dados, entretanto não garantimos que a base dados esteja livre de erros, tanto na identificação quanto etiquetagem dos espécimens." ,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,No ,true,false,false,?,true,?,true,"UMNH data records may be used by individual researchers or research groups, but they may not be repackaged, resold, or redistributed in any form without the express written consent of a curatorial staff member of the UMNH. If any of these records are used in an analysis or report, the provenance of the original data must be acknowledged and the MVZ notified. The Utah Museum of Natural History and its staff are not responsible for damages, injury or loss due to the use of these data." ,true,false,false,?,true,?,true,"UC Riverside Entomology Collection (UCRC) data records may be used by individual researchers or research groups, but they may not be repackaged, resold, or redistributed in any form without the express written consent of a curatorial staff member of the UCRC. If any of these records are used in an analysis or report, the provenance of the original data must be acknowledged and the UCRC notified. The UCRC and its staff are not responsible for damages, injury or loss due to the use of these data." ,true,true,true,true,true,?,false,Acknowledge source ,true,true,true,?,false,?,false,"Any data gained from the results of the European Moth Nights and the full text or shortened version of the relevant scientific balance complete with maps may be freely used for further scientific, nature conservancy or educational purposes. Only the indic" ,true,true,true,true,true,?,false,Acknowledge the use of records from this dataset in the form appearing in the 'Citation' field and acknowledge this use of the OBIS facility. Recognise the limitations of data in OBIS. ,true,true,true,true,true,?,false,Acknowledge the use of records from this dataset in the form appearing in the 'Citation' field and acknowledge the use of the OBIS facility. Recognise the limitatons of data in OBIS. ,true,true,true,true,true,?,false,"Acknowledge the use of specific records from contributing databases in the form appearing in the 'Citation' field thereof (if any); and acknowledge the use of the OBIS facility. For information purposes, email to the full citation of any publication made (printed or electronic) that cites OBIS or any constituent part. Recognize the limitations of data in OBIS see for details." ,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,See COPAS website link for more details ,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,"You may access and use the Information only if you agree to and abide by the terms of this Agreement. Permission is granted to access and use the Information from this site, provided that: Copyright laws and treaty provisions protect information appearing on this site (""Information""). Bioversity International (former IPGRI) or the original provider of the Information holds the copyright on such information. None of the Information may be copied, reproduced, modified, published, up/downloaded, posted, retransmitted, sold, broadcast, circulated or distributed in any form or by any means other than as described below, or with prior written permission of the copyright holder, Bioversity International or the original provider." ,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,Herbarium of the University of Zurich ,true,false,false,false,true,?,?, ,true,false,false,?,true,?,true,"UCLA-Dickey data records may be used by individual researchers or research groups, but they may not be repackaged, resold, or redistributed in any form without the express written consent of a curatorial staff member of the UCLA-Dickey Collections. If any of these records are used in an analysis or report, the provenance of the original data must be acknowledged and the UCLA-Dickey Collections notified. The UCLA-Dickey Collections or its staff is not responsible for damages, injury or loss due to the use of these data." ,true,false,true,false,false,?,false,Copyright (C) 2012 President and Fellows of Harvard College. Distribution and Use Policy * The data provided shall not be redistributed without permission. * The data provided shall not be made available for commercial or for-profit use. * The Harvard University Herbaria is not responsible for the use or misuse of the data provided. * The databases are made available with the understanding that their use will not lead to the detriment of wild species. ,true,true,true,true,true,?,false,Proper citation of web resource. ,true,false,true,false,false,?,false,Distribution and Use Policy * The data provided shall not be redistributed without permission. * The data provided shall not be made available for commercial or for-profit use. * Acadia University and The Harvard University Herbaria are not responsible for the use or misuse of the data provided. * The databases are made available with the understanding that their use will not lead to the detriment of wild species. ,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,"The Borror Laboratory of Bioacoustics provides high-quality copies of recordings for research, education, management, and other uses. Please contact us at 01 614 292 2176 to make requests or inquiries." ,false,false,false,false,?,?,?,The data base or part of it may only be used or copied by the written permission from the director of the CeDocBiV. ,true,true,true,true,?,?,false,Please acknowledge NIWA if used for commercial purposes. ,true,true,true,true,false,false,false,"The dataset enclosed within this package/transmission are only as good as the quality assurance and quality control procedures outlined by the enclosed metadata reporting statement. The user bears all responsibility for its subsequent use/misuse in any further analyses or comparisons. The Federal Government does not assume liability to the Recipient or third persons, nor will the Federal Government indemnify the Recipient for its liability due to any losses resulting in any way from the use of this dataset." ,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,"© V. L. Komarov Botanical Institute, St. Petersburg" ,true,false,false,false,false,?,false,"Use of the data for commercial or for-profit applications are permitted only via written permission from the Botanic Garden, NMNH, University of Lisbon. Data are provided to users, but should not be passed on to third parties or redistributed. It is explicitly forbidden to incorporate these data into other databases of free or restricted access." ,true,true,true,true,?,?,false,"Data are freely available through OBIS and through the VLIZ web site. If substantial parts of the database is used for other data or information products, please acknowledge the source." ,true,true,true,true,?,?,false,"Data are freely available through OBIS, Marine Biology Section UGent website and through the VLIZ web site. If substantial parts of the database is used for other data or information products, please acknowledge the source." ,?,?,?,?,?,?,?, ,true,true,true,false,false,?,false,See ,true,true,true,true,false,false,false,"These data are made available through the Avian Knowledge Network, a National Science Foundation funded project of the Cornell Lab of Ornithology and Department of Computer Science at Cornell University. No warranty either expressed or implied is made regarding the accuracy of these data." ,true,true,true,false,true,?,false,"Data may be used for non-commercial purposes only, with appropriate credit given to Bird Studies Canada. For more detailed data requests, see:" ,true,true,true,false,true,?,false,"Data may be used for non-commercial purposes only, with appropriate credit given to the Federation of Ontario Naturalists and Bird Studies Canada. For more detailed data requests, inquire at the Ontario Atlas website:" ,true,true,true,false,true,?,false,"Data may be used for non-commercial purposes only, with appropriate credit given to the Atlas project partners. For more detailed data requests, inquire at the Ontario Atlas website:" ,true,false,true,false,false,?,false,"Data are provided for personal research only. Data may not be used for any commercial purposes. Data may not be transferred to another database for distribution to others without prior, written permission from the Canadian Museum of Nature." ,true,false,true,false,false,?,false,Data are provided for personal research only. Data may not be used for commercial purposes. Data may not be transferred to another database for distribution to others without prior written permission from the Canadian Museum of Nature. ,true,false,false,?,true,?,true,"UW Fish Collection data records may be used by individual researchers or research groups, but they may not be repackaged, resold, or redistributed in any form without the express written consent of a curatorial staff member of the collection. If any of these records are used in an analysis or report, the provenance of the original data must be acknowledged and the curator notified. The UW Fish Collection and its staff are not responsible for damages, injury or loss due to the use of these data." ,true,false,true,false,true,?,false,Please see ,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,None ,false,false,false,false,true,?,false, ,?,?,?,?,?,?,?, ,true,false,false,?,true,?,true,"INHS data records may be used by individual researchers or research groups, but they may not be repackaged, resold, or redistributed in any form without the express written consent of a curatorial staff member of the Illinois Natural History Survey. If any of these records are used in an analysis or report, the provenance of the original data must be acknowledged and INHS notified. The Illinois Natural History Survey and its staff are not responsible for damages, injury or loss due to the use of these data." ,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,The MNCN does not guarantee the accuracy of these data. Individual researchers should verify individual records by making direct reference to corresponding museum specimens. ,true,false,false,false,true,?,false,"La Dirección General de Investigación, Desarrollo Tecnológico e Innovación de la Junta de Extremadura(DGIDTI), a través del Herbario HSS, expone las siguientes limitaciones al uso de los datos contenidos en la base de datos HSS2006 Uso comercial de los datos: Se prohíbe el uso comercial de los datos obtenidos, o que conlleve beneficio económico, sin el consentimiento explícito de la DGIDTI Redistribución: Queda estrictamente prohibido la edición, reproducción, redistribución, adición o reducción total o parcial de la información, incluida explícitamente su incorporación a otras bases de datos de acceso libre o restringido. Reconocimientos: El uso de los datos conlleva la obligación de reconocer y citar su uso explícitamente ( (date when consulted). Herbarium HSS. (Register numbers). Centro de Investigación La Orden-Valdesequera.). Esta atribución se debe mantener en cualquier uso subsiguiente de los datos. Información obtenida: el usuario se compromete a que la información obtenida no sea utilizada en detrimento de la conservación de la flora y fauna, ni en procesos que alteren irreversiblemente el equilibrio ecológico (extracción indiscriminada o introducción de especies)." ,true,false,false,false,true,?,false,"Responsabilidad: El Laboratorio de Entomología y Control de Plagas de la Universidad de Valencia no se responsabilizan de la exactitud, fiabilidad y grado de cobertura de los datos, ni del uso que se les dé. Uso comercial de los datos: Se prohíbe el uso comercial de los datos obtenidos, o que conlleve beneficio económico, sin el consentimiento explícito de la Universidad de Valencia Redistribución: Queda estrictamente prohibido la edición, reproducción, redistribución, adición o reducción total o parcial de la información, incluida explícitamente su incorporación a otras bases de datos de acceso libre o restringido. Reconocimientos: El uso de los datos conlleva la obligación de reconocer y citar su uso explícitamente (ver ""como citar este recurso""). Esta atribución se debe mantener en cualquier uso subsecuente de los datos. Información obtenida: el usuario se compromete a que la información obtenida no sea utilizada en detrimento de la conservación de la flora y fauna, ni en procesos que alteren irreversiblemente el equilibrio ecológico (extracción indiscriminada o introducción de especies). Uso de la información negativa: los datos de biodiversidad constatan generalmente presencias; es decir, la falta de datos de una especie en un punto no implica que no se encuentre ahí. El muestreo biológico es normalmente irregular, incompleto e influido por factores ajenos al objeto de muestreo. Es fundamental tomar en cuenta este extremo para un uso apropiado de los datos. La Universidad de Valencia se reserva el derecho de actuar legalmente contra los infractores de estas condiciones de uso." ,true,false,false,false,true,?,false,"Ni el Instituto Universitario CIBIO ni sus miembros se responsabilizan de la exactitud, fiabilidad y grado de cobertura de los datos, ni del uso que se les pueda dar. Se prohíbe el uso comercial de los datos obtenidos sin el consentimiento explícito del Instituto Universitario CIBIO. Queda estrictamente prohibido la edición, reproducción, redistribución, adición o reducción total o parcial de la información, incluida explícitamente su incorporación a otras bases de datos de acceso libre o restringido. El uso de los datos conlleva la obligación de reconocer y citar su uso explícitamente. Esta atribución se debe mantener en cualquier uso subsecuente de los datos. El usuario se compromete a que la información obtenida no sea utilizada en detrimento de la conservación de la flora y fauna, ni en procesos que alteren irreversiblemente el equilibrio ecológico (extracción indiscriminada o introducción de especies). Los datos de biodiversidad constatan generalmente presencias; es decir, la falta de datos de una especie en un punto no implica que no se encuentre ahí. El muestreo biológico es normalmente irregular, incompleto e influido por factores ajenos al objeto de muestreo. Es fundamental tomar en cuenta este extremo para un uso apropiado de los datos. El Instituto Universitario CIBIO se reserva el derecho de actual legalmente contra los infractores de estas condiciones de uso. No responsibility by the CIBIO Universitary Institut and their members of the accuracy, reliability, or completeness of the data or information provided data is accepted for uses or misuses. Use of the data for commercial or for-profit applications are permitted only via written permission from the CIBIO Universitary Institut. Data are provided to users, but should not be passed on to third parties or redistributed. It is explicitly forbidden to incorporate these data into other databases of free or restricted access. The data use implies explicit acknowledgment which should be kept with any subsequent use of the data. Data are provided under the understanding that their use will be generally consistent with the philosophy of not causing detriment to wild species and ecosystem balance. Biodiversity data generally constitute positive information only; that is, absence of a record does not always mean absence of a particular species from particular point in space and time. Because biodiversity sampling is notoriously spotty, biased, and incomplete, understanding the positive-only nature of the data is critical to their proper use. The CIBIO Universitary Institut reserves the right to pursue legal actions against those infringing these conditions of use." ,?,?,?,?,?,?,?, ,true,true,true,false,true,?,false,"Users must agree to cite the original data provider (shown under the ""source"" field) for all data they present or publish. Data may not be used for commercial purposes. Karen Stocks, the San Diego Supercomputer Center, and the University of California San Diego are not responsible for errors in the data." ,false,false,false,false,?,?,?,Restrictions on use of the data retrieved from this resource. ,true,true,true,true,false,false,false,No restrictions ,true,false,false,false,true,?,false,For restrictions please consult ,true,true,true,true,true,?,false,GBIF Data Use Agreement and GBIF Data Sharing Agreement apply ,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,All commercial use of images must be cleared with Dr. Patterson. ,?,?,?,false,true,?,false,"The Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR USE OF ONLINE BIODIVERSITY DATABASES The Online Biodiversity Databases (the ""Databases"") on this Web site are copyrighted by The Academy of Natural Sciences (the ""Academy""). Except as otherwise expressly stated herein, material from the Databases may not be reproduced, distributed, publicly displayed or otherwise used , in whole or in part, without the express written permission of the Academy.Subsets of the records in one or more of the Databases may be used, downloaded, reproduced, publicly displayed, distributed or reprinted by persons affiliated with academic and/or non-profit organizations for scientific and scholarly purposes only, provided however, that the following attribution appears in all copies: ""Information provided with the permission of The Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia, PA."" Nevertheless, the Academy does not grant permission for anyone to use, download, reproduce, publicly display, distribute or reprint all or substantially all of the records in one or more of the Databases. USE OF THESE DATABASES IS ENTIRELY AT YOUR OWN RISK. THE ACADEMY MAKES NO WARRANTY, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, REGARDING THE COMPLETENESS, ACCURACY OR CURRENCY OF THE INFORMATION IN THE DATABASES NOR ITS SUITABILITY FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THESE MATERIALS ARE PROVIDED ""AS IS"" FOR YOUR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY AND THE ACADEMY IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR THE CONSEQUENCES OF RELIANCE ON ANY INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THE DATABASES, AND THE RISK OF INJURY RESTS ENTIRELY WITH YOU. Distributional, ecological, taxonomic, and other such data should be verified by specimen inspection in consultation with the curatorial staff. By accessing the information in the Databases, you agree that the Academy shall not be liable to you for any loss or injury caused in using, procuring, compiling, or delivering the information. In no event will the Academy or the contributors of information to the Databases be liable to you or anyone else for any action taken in reliance on such information or for any consequential, special or similar damages." ,?,?,?,false,?,?,?,"By accepting this document and using OBIS-SEAMAP the user agrees to the following: 1. Not to use data contained in OBIS-SEAMAP in any publication without the written consent of the original data provider 2. Not to use the data contained in OBIS-SEAMAP for any commercial purpose 3. Not to hold OBIS-SEAMAP liable for errors in the data. While we have made every effort to ensure the quality of the database, we can not guarantee the accuracy of these data sets." ,true,true,true,true,true,?,false,"Please acknowledge the Atlantic Reference Centre in any use of our data And acknowledge the use of specific records from contributing databases in the form appearing in the 'Citation' field thereof (if any); and acknowledge the use of the OBIS facility. For information purposes, email to the full citation of any publication made (printed or electronic) that cites OBIS or any constituent part. Recognize the limitations of data in OBIS see for details." ,true,true,true,true,true,?,false,"Data usage is governed by CMN's Data Release Agreement, contact CMN for more details. Also, acknowledge the use of specific records from contributing databases in the form appearing in the 'Citation' field thereof (if any); and acknowledge the use of the OBIS facility. For information purposes, email to the full citation of any publication made (printed or electronic) that cites OBIS or any constituent part. Recognize the limitations of data in OBIS see for details." ,true,true,true,true,true,?,false,"Acknowledge the use of specific records from contributing databases in the form appearing in the 'Citation' field thereof (if any) and acknowledge the use of the OBIS facility. For information purposes, email to the full citation of any publication made (printed or electronic) that cites OBIS or any constituent part. Recognize the limitations of data in OBIS see for details." ,?,?,?,?,true,?,false,"Not to be used for publication without permission from the Originator. Also, acknowledge the use of specific records from contributing databases in the form appearing in the 'Citation' field thereof (if any); and acknowledge the use of the OBIS facility. For information purposes, email to the full citation of any publication made (printed or electronic) that cites OBIS or any constituent part. Recognize the limitations of data in OBIS see for details." ,true,true,true,false,true,?,false,"Not to use the data herein for any commercial purpose. To acknowledge the original data source in any publications or presentations based off data found herein. ChEss does not own any of the data in the database. All data have been obtained from the litterature and the related references are available in the database. Not to hold ChEssBase liable for any errors in the database. While we have made every effort to ensure quality and correctness in the database, we can not guarantee this." ,?,false,?,?,?,?,?,Release with permission of the appropriate parties. ,true,true,true,true,false,false,false,No release restrictions ,true,true,true,true,?,?,false,Please contact R.M. Lopes for additional details on proper dataset citation ,?,?,?,false,?,?,?,"DGoMB data Usage Restrictions: By accepting this document and using OBIS-DGoMB data, the user agrees to the following: 1. Not to use data contained in OBIS-DGoMB in any publication without the written consent of the original data provider 2. Not to use the data contained in OBIS-DGoMB for any commercial purpose 3. Not to hold OBIS-DGoMB liable for errors in the data. 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In no event shall the Smithsonian Institution, the Marine Invasions Research Lab, or their respective employees, agents, suppliers, or contractors be liable for any damages or any kind or character, including without limitation any compensatory, incidental, direct, indirect, special, punitive, or consequential damages, loss of use, loss of data, loss of income or profit, loss of or damage to property, claims of third parties, or other losses of any kind or character, even if the Smithsonian Institution and the Marine Invasions Research Lab have been advised of the possibility of such damages or losses, arising out of or in connection with the use of these data." ,true,true,true,true,true,?,false,"Acknowledge the use of specific records from contributing databases in the form appearing in the 'Citation' field thereof (if any); and acknowledge the use of the OBIS facility. For information purposes, email to the full citation of any publication made (printed or electronic) that cites OBIS or any constituent part. Recognize the limitations of data in OBIS." ,true,true,true,true,true,?,false,Acknowledge the use of records from this dataset in the form appearing in the 'Citation' field and acknowledge thi use of the OBIS facility. Recognise the limitations of data in OBIS. ,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,Not to use data in any publication without the written consent of the original data provider. ,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,See OBIS website for more details ,true,false,true,false,true,?,false,Data Use Agreement: ,true,false,false,false,true,?,true,"LSUMZ data records may be used by individual researchers or research groups for non-commercial purposes. These data may not be repackaged, resold, or redistributed in any form without the express written consent of the section Curator or Director of the LSU Museum of Natural Science. If any of these records are used in an analysis, report, or publication, the provenance of the original data must be acknowledged and the LSUMZ notified. The Museum of Natural Science or its staff is not responsible for damages, injury or loss due to the use of these data." ,true,false,false,?,true,?,true,"Vertebrate data records from Michigan State University Museum may be used by individual researchers or research groups, but they may not be repackaged, resold, or redistributed in any form without the express written consent of a curatorial staff member of the Division of Vertebrate Natural History, Michigan State University Museum. If any of these records are used in an analysis or report, the provenance of the original data must be acknowledged, and any resulting publication or report sent to the Division of Vertebrate Natural History Library. The Michigan State University Museum and its staff are not responsible for damages, injury or loss due to the use of these data." ,true,false,false,?,true,?,true,"LSUMZ data records may be used by individual researchers or research groups, but they may not be repackaged, resold, or redistributed in any form without the express written consent of a curatorial staff member of the LSU Museum of Natural Science. If any of these records are used in an analysis or report, the provenance of the original data must be acknowledged and the LSU Museum of Natural Science notified. The Museum of Natural Science Zoology and its staff are not responsible for damages, injury or loss due to the use of these data." ,true,false,false,?,true,?,true,"MSB data records may be used by individual researchers or research groups, but they may not be repackaged, resold, or redistributed in any form without the written consent of the curator of the collection. If any of these records are used in an analysis or report, the provenance of the original data must be acknowledged and the MSB notified. The University of New Mexico's Museum of Southwestern Biology and its staff are not responsible for damages, injury, or loss due to the use of these data." ,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,(c)Copyright President and Fellows of Harvard University and the MCZ Ichthyology Collection. The MCZ does not guarantee the accuracy of these data. Individual researchers should verify individual records by making direct reference to corresponding museum specimens. ,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,(c)Copyright President and Fellows of Harvard University and the MCZ Ornithology Collection. The MCZ does not guarantee the accuracy of these data. Individual researchers should verify individual records by making direct reference to corresponding museum specimens. ,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,(c)Copyright President and Fellows of Harvard University and the MCZ Mammalogy Collection. The MCZ does not guarantee the accuracy of these data. Individual researchers should verify individual records by making direct reference to corresponding museum specimens. ,true,false,false,?,true,?,true,"TTU data records may be used by individual researchers or research groups, but they may not be repackaged, resold, or redistributed in any form without the express written consent of a curatorial staff member of the Museum of Texas Tech University. If any of these records are used in an analysis or report, the provenance of the original data must be acknowledged and the Museum of Texas Tech University notified. The Museum and its staff are not responsible for damages, injury or loss due to the use of these data." ,true,false,false,false,true,?,false,"These data are made available by NatureServe with permission of the relevant natural heritage programs and conservation data centers (, and use of these data is governed by the terms of NatureServe's data sharing agreements with these independent data custodians. These data are available for non-commercial conservation, educational, and research use, but may not be repackaged or redistributed in any form without written permission. Appropriate acknowledgment of NatureServe and its natural heritage program members should be made in any reports or other products derived from these data. 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The Oregon State University Herbarium and its staff are not responsible for damages, injury or loss due to the use of these data." ,true,false,true,false,true,?,false, ,true,false,false,?,true,?,true,"SBMNH hold all rights, title and interest in specimens and archival materials in the SBMNH collections. If any of these data or materials is used in an analysis or report, the original provenance must be acknowledged and the Museum notified. The Museum should be acknowledged as ""Invertebrate Zoology Department, Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History."" This site provides access to specimen data and archival materials in the collections of the Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History (hereafter SBMNH). SBMNH data records may be used by individual researchers or research groups, but they may not be repackaged, resold, or redistributed in any form without the express written consent of a curatorial staff member of SBMNH. 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The San Diego Soceity of Natural History or its staff are not responsible for damages, injury or loss due to the use of these data." ,true,false,false,?,true,?,true,"MHP data records may be used by individual researchers or research groups, but they may not be repackaged, resold, or redistributed in any form without the express written consent of a curatorial staff member of the MHP Mammal Collection. If any of these records are used in an analysis or report, the provenance of the original data must be acknowledged and MHP notified. The Sternberg Museum of Natural History and its staff are not responsible for damages, injury or loss due to the use of these data." ,true,false,false,?,true,?,true,"MHP data records may be used by individual researchers or research groups, but they may not be repackaged, resold, or redistributed in any form without the express written consent of a curatorial staff member of the MHP Herp Collection. If any of these records are used in an analysis or report, the provenance of the original data must be acknowledged and MHP notified. The Sternberg Museum of Natural History and its staff are not responsible for damages, injury or loss due to the use of these data." ,true,false,false,?,true,?,true,"MHP data records may be used by individual researchers or research groups, but they may not be repackaged, resold, or redistributed in any form without the express written consent of a curatorial staff member of the MHP Fish Collection. If any of these records are used in an analysis or report, the provenance of the original data must be acknowledged and MHP notified. The Sternberg Museum of Natural History and its staff are not responsible for damages, injury or loss due to the use of these data." ,true,false,false,?,true,?,true,"MHP data records may be used by individual researchers or research groups, but they may not be repackaged, resold, or redistributed in any form without the express written consent of a curatorial staff member of the MHP Bird Collection. If any of these records are used in an analysis or report, the provenance of the original data must be acknowledged and MHP notified. The Sternberg Museum of Natural History and its staff are not responsible for damages, injury or loss due to the use of these data." ,true,true,true,true,true,?,true,GBIF Data Sharing Agreement is applied. GBIF Data Use Agreement is applied.You can only use this data in scientific publications if the creator of this resource is offered the possibility of co-authorship. ,true,true,true,true,true,?,false,GBIF Data Use Agreement is applied. ,true,false,false,?,true,?,false,"UNA data records may be used for research, but they may not be repackaged, resold, or redistributed in any form with out the express written consent of a curatorial staff member of the University of Alabama Herbarium. If any of these records are used in a publication, the provenance of the original data must be acknowledged and a reprint would be appreciated. The University of Alabama Herbarium and its staff are not responsible for damages, injury or loss due to the use of these data." ,true,true,true,false,true,?,true,"MZNA data records may be used by individual researchers or research groups, but any commercial usage requires prior express written agreement with the Department of Zoology and Ecology of UNAV. If any of these records are used in an analysis or report, the provenance of the original data must be acknowledged and the MZNA must be notified. Standard disclaimers apply." ,true,false,true,?,true,?,false,"These data cannot be utilized in any publication or report, internal or external, without specific acknowledgement of the Division of Zoology and the University of Nebraska State Museum. These data, in whole or part, cannot be transferred to a third party without the written consent of the University of Nebraska State Museum. The University of Nebraska State Museum cannot be held responsible for inaccuracies in these data." ,true,false,false,?,true,?,true,"TNHC data records may be used by individual researchers or research groups, but they may not be repackaged, resold, or redistributed in any form without the express written consent of a curatorial staff member of the Texas Natural History Collections. If any of these records are used in an analysis or report, the provenance of the original data must be acknowledged and the Texas Natural History Collections notified. TNHC and its staff are not responsible for damages, injury or loss due to the use of these data." ,true,?,?,false,?,?,true,"For scientific and non-commercial purposes, the database can be consulted freely. Source of the data must always be specified appropriately. If scientific publications are (partly) based on these data, authors are kindly requested to inform the legal owner. Commercial use is not granted without prior written permission by the legal owner." ,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,"© Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg, Institute of Geobotany, Herbarium" ,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,© Botanical Garden and Museum Berlin-Dahlem ,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,Legal Notice and License Agreement ,true,true,true,true,false,false,false,free ,true,true,true,false,true,?,false,Die Verwendung der Daten zu kommerziellen Zwecken wird untersagt. Bei Verwendung in Publikationen bitte die Datenquelle vollstaendig zitieren. Fuer die Richtigkeit der Daten wird keine Gewaehrleistung uebernommen. BfN/NetPhyD. Alle ehrenamtlich an der Floristischen Kartierung Deutschlands beteiligten Mitarbeiter.,true,true,true,true,false,false,false,,true,true,true,true,true,false,false,Esta [Aves del Santuario de Fauna y Flora Malpelo entre 2006 y 2013] se hace disponible bajo la licencia Open Data Commons Attribution:,true,true,true,true,true,false,false,"Esta [DATA(BASE)-Especies de Anacroneuria (Insecta: Plecoptera: Perlidae) de Colombia, depositadas en el Museo de Entomología de la Universidad del Valle (Cali, Valle del Cauca)] se hace disponible bajo la licencia Open Data Commons Attribution:",true,true,true,true,true,false,false,"Esta base de datos [Avifauna en un área perturbada del bosque andino en el Parque Nacional Natural Farallones de Cali, corregimiento de Pance, Valle del Cauca (Colombia)] se hace disponible bajo la licencia Open Data Commons Attribution:",true,true,true,true,true,false,false,Esta [Hormigas en cultivos de naranja (Citrus sinensis (l.) Osbeck) de la costa caribe de Colombia] se hace disponible bajo la licencia Open Data Commons Attribution: ,true,true,true,true,true,?,false,"Request for Acknowledgment: EMAP requests that all individuals who download EMAP data acknowledge the source of these data in any reports, papers, or presentations. If you use these data, please include a statement similar to ""Some or all of the data described in this article were produced by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency through its Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Program (EMAP),""",true,true,true,true,false,false,false,This [DATA(BASE)] is made available under the Public Domain Dedication and License v1.0 whose full text can be found at:,true,true,true,true,true,false,false, and,true,true,true,true,false,false,false,This work is licensed under a Creative Commons CCZero 1.0 License ,true,?,?,false,?,?,true,"Center for Environmental Biology and Ecosystem Studies (CEBES), National Institute for Environmental Studies (NIES) provides observed data of Lake Kasumigaura on this website. Please read the following terms of use before you proceed. By accessing and using data, you must agree to the terms of use. 1. All copyright and other intellectual property rights in this database are hold and reserved by NIES. 2. 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Conditions above are applied for all documents (methods, results and discussions etc.).",true,true,true,true,false,false,false, and,true,true,true,false,true,true,false,Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International,true,true,true,true,false,false,false,Este trabajo está bajo una licencia Creative Commons Zero (CC0) 1.0,true,true,true,true,true,false,false,CC BY 4.0,true,true,true,true,false,false,false,"Esta [DATA(BASE)] se hace disponible bajo la licencia Public Domain Dedication and License v1.0, cuyo texto completo puede encontrarse en:" ,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,"Please note that, in any case, the copyright for the images stays with us.",true,true,true,true,true,false,false,This dataset [MNA (Section of Genoa) and NIWA Invertebrate Collection - Ross Sea Tanaidacea] is made available under the Open Data Commons Attribution Licences:,true,true,true,true,true,false,false,This Projeto Abrace o Boto Cinza Database is made available under the Open Data Commons Attribution License: ,true,true,true,true,false,false,false,"You acknowledge that the Data may contain errors and omissions and that you employ the Data at your own risk. Neither the Council of Heads of Australasian Herbaria nor its member Herbaria nor any other Data Custodian will accept liability for any loss, damage, cost or expenses that you may incur as a result of the use of or reliance upon the Data. Note that the Data are continuously updated, corrected and added to. You should use the current Data from the AVH portal and not rely on material you have previously printed or downloaded.",true,true,true,true,false,false,false,,true,true,true,true,false,false,false,"Organism, occurrence, and image data are are available without restriction (i.e. under CC0 - No rights reserved). The Creative Commons license for each individual image is stated on the web page for that image.",true,true,false,false,true,false,false,"Esta obra está bajo una licencia de Creative Commons Reconocimiento-NoComercial-SinObraDerivada 4.0 Internacional, cuyas características y restricciones pueden leerse en:",true,true,true,true,false,false,false,Crative Commons Cero (CC0 1.0) ,true,true,true,true,false,?,false,"No known copyright restrictions apply. See Agosti, D., Egloff, W., 2009. Taxonomic information exchange and copyright: the Plazi approach. BMC Research Notes 2009, 2:53 for further explanation.",true,true,true,true,true,false,false,,true,true,true,true,false,false,false,Este trabajo está bajo una licencia Creative Commons Zero (CC0) 1.0 ,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,Corporación Autónoma para la Defensa de la Meseta de Bucaramanga. ,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,© Jura-Museum Eichstätt ,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,© Regensburgische Botanische Gesellschaft,true,true,true,false,true,true,false,This work is licensed under a Creative Commons CC BY-NC-SA License ,true,false,false,?,true,?,true,"NYSM data records may be used by individual researchers or research groups, but may not be repackaged, resold, or redistributed in any form without the express written consent of the Curator or other NYSM administrator. If any of these records are used in reports or publications, the NYSM must be acknowledged and notified. The NYSM and its staff are not responsible for damages, injury or loss due to the use of these data."|,true,true,true,true,true,true,false,"Esta [DATA(BASE)-NAME] se hace disponible bajo la licencia Open Database: .Cualquier derecho sobre los contenidos individuales de la base de datos, se distribuye bajo la licencia Database Contents:",true,true,true,false,true,false,false,This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Unported (CC BY-NC 3.0) License ,true,false,false,false,true,?,false,"The SNOMNH desires to provide only accurate data. Although databases are refreshed and updated regularly, the databases are provided ‘as is’ without express or implied warranty, including the implied warranty of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. The SNOMNH does not accept responsibility for the accuracy of data taken by the user. The user accepts the responsibility of verifying the data, in consultation with the curatorial staff and/or by inspection of the specimens or objects and the collection catalogue. The SNOMNH shall not be liable for any damages, injury, or loss suffered by the users of the database or the software, programming, and other documentation found on these web pages or in these databases.All data (including photographic images and other archival materials) are for nonprofit, educational, and personal use of students, scholars, and the public only. Any commercial use or publication by printed or electronic media is strictly prohibited without the express written permission of the SNOMNH and any other institution or sponsor that may have any interest in the database. The data may not be repackaged, sold, or redistributed in any form without the express written consent of the curator in charge of the collection or Director of the SNOMNH.The SNOMNH does not charge for information from our collections, with the stipulation that the SNOMNH is clearly identified as the source of the data in publications. We also request copies or reprints of publications that are based on our collections.The Board of Regents of the University of Oklahoma holds all right, title and interest in specimens, objects, and archival materials in the SNOMNH collections. If any of these data or materials are used in an analysis or report, the original provenance must be acknowledged and the SNOMNH notified. The Museum should be acknowledged as ""Sam Noble Oklahoma Museum of Natural History, University of Oklahoma.""" ,true,true,true,true,true,?,false,"Copyright 2014, National Biodiversity Data Centre, Waterford, Ireland. The information is free to use by individuals provided the owners of the data are acknowledged in any use of publication, or that the use of the data is cited in the following format - 'Data from the Discrete vascular plant surveys dataset held by the National Biodiversity Data Centre, [insert date]'" ,true,true,true,true,true,?,false,The copyright for any material created by the DNA bank of the CIM Rovinj is reserved. The duplication or use of information and data such as texts or images is only permitted with the indication of the source or with prior approval by the CIM Rovinj ,true,false,true,?,true,?,false,Refer to ,true,false,false,?,true,?,true,"The Cheadle Center for Biodiversity and Ecological Restoration (CCBER) data records may be used by individual researchers or research groups, but they may not be repackaged, resold, or redistributed in any form without the express written consent of a curatorial staff member of CCBER. If any of these records are used in an analysis or report, the provenance of the original data must be acknowledged and CCBER notified. CCBER and its staff are not responsible for damages, injury or loss due to the use of these data.",true,true,true,true,false,false,false,This work is licensed under a Creative Commons CCZero 1.0 License ,?,false,?,false,false,?,false,"NMNH public data constitute a compilation of data, all rights to which, including copyright, are owned by the Smithsonian Institution. Except as otherwise expressly stated at, the information, records, or images in these databases may not be reproduced, distributed, or publicly displayed, in whole or in part, without the express written permission of the National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution.",true,true,true,true,true,false,false,Esta [DATA(BASE)-NAME] se hace disponible bajo la licencia Open Data Commons Attribution: ,true,false,false,?,true,?,true,"USAC data records may be used by individual researchers or research groups, but they may not be repackaged, resold, or redistributed in any form without the express written consent of the USAC. If any of these records are used in an analysis or report, the provenance of the original data must be acknowledged and the USAC notified. The USAC and its staff are not responsible for damages, injury or loss due to the use of these data.",true,true,true,true,true,false,false,"This database ""Germplasm Bank of Universidad Rey Juan Carlos"" is made available under the Open Data Commons Attribution License:",true,true,true,true,true,false,false,This dataset [Italica 2004_Rauschert dredge_Ross_sea_Mollusca_lgp] is made available under the Open Data Commons Attribution License:,true,true,true,true,true,false,false,Esta base de datos [Hormigas en cultivos de naranja (Citrus sinensis (l.) Osbeck) de la costa caribe de Colombia] se hace disponible bajo la licencia Open Data Commons Attribution:,true,true,true,true,false,false,false, ,true,true,true,true,true,?,false,"Copyright 2014, National Biodiversity Data Centre, Waterford, Ireland. The information is free to use by individuals provided the owners of the data are acknowledged in any use of publication, or that the use of the data is cited in the following format - 'Data from the Inland Fisheries Ireland data on freshwater fish in Irish lakes dataset held by the National Biodiversity Data Centre, [insert date]'" ,true,true,true,true,true,?,false,"Copyright 2014, National Biodiversity Data Centre, Waterford, Ireland. The information is free to use by individuals provided the owners of the data are acknowledged in any use of publication, or that the use of the data is cited in the following format - 'Data from the Rare marine fishes taken in Irish waters from 1786 to 2008 dataset held by the National Biodiversity Data Centre, [insert date]'" ,true,true,true,true,true,?,false,"Copyright 2014, National Biodiversity Data Centre, Waterford, Ireland. The information is free to use by individuals provided the owners of the data are acknowledged in any use of publication, or that the use of the data is cited in the following format - 'Data from the Aquatic Oligochaeta of Ireland dataset held by the National Biodiversity Data Centre, [insert date]'" ,true,true,true,true,true,?,false,"Copyright 2014, National Biodiversity Data Centre, Waterford, Ireland. The information is free to use by individuals provided the owners of the data are acknowledged in any use of publication, or that the use of the data is cited in the following format - 'Data from the North-west Ireland Machair Breeding Waders 2009. dataset held by the National Biodiversity Data Centre, [insert date]'" ,true,true,true,true,true,?,false,"Copyright 2014, National Biodiversity Data Centre, Waterford, Ireland. The information is free to use by individuals provided the owners of the data are acknowledged in any use of publication, or that the use of the data is cited in the following format - 'Data from the National Newt Survey dataset held by the National Biodiversity Data Centre, [insert date]'" ,true,true,true,true,true,?,false,"Copyright 2014, National Biodiversity Data Centre, Waterford, Ireland. The information is free to use by individuals provided the owners of the data are acknowledged in any use of publication, or that the use of the data is cited in the following format - 'Data from the Trichoptera (caddisflies) of Ireland dataset held by the National Biodiversity Data Centre, [insert date]'",true,true,true,false,true,false,false,"Formidabel Database van Wouter Dekoninck is in licentie gegeven volgens een Creative Commons Naamsvermelding-NietCommercieel-GelijkDelen 3.0 Unported licentie. for data use and publication:Based on credit where credit is dueAs is common practice in scientific research, cite the data you are using.Be responsibleUse the data responsibly. The data are published to allow anyone to better study and understand the world around us, so please do not use the data in any way that is unlawful, harmful or misleading. Understand that the data are subject to change, errors and sampling bias. Protect the reputation of the data publisher and clearly indicate any changes you may have made to the data.Share knowledgeLet us know if you have used the data. It helps our participants to showcase their efforts and it helps you reach a wider audience. Inform the data publisher(s) if you have comments about the data, notice errors, or want more information.Respect the data licenseUnderstand and respect the data license or waiver under which the data are published. It is indicated in the rights field of every record and in the dataset metadata." ,true,true,true,true,true,?,false,"Copyright 2014, National Biodiversity Data Centre, Waterford, Ireland. The information is free to use by individuals provided the owners of the data are acknowledged in any use of publication, or that the use of the data is cited in the following format - 'Data from the Online Atlas of vascular plants 2012-2020 dataset held by the National Biodiversity Data Centre, [insert date]'" ,true,true,true,true,true,?,false,"Copyright 2014, National Biodiversity Data Centre, Waterford, Ireland. The information is free to use by individuals provided the owners of the data are acknowledged in any use of publication, or that the use of the data is cited in the following format - 'Data from the Syrphids of Ireland dataset held by the National Biodiversity Data Centre, [insert date]'" ,true,true,true,true,true,?,false,"Copyright 2014, National Biodiversity Data Centre, Waterford, Ireland. The information is free to use by individuals provided the owners of the data are acknowledged in any use of publication, or that the use of the data is cited in the following format - 'Data from the Marine species distributions in Irish coastal waters dataset held by the National Biodiversity Data Centre, [insert date]'" ,true,true,true,true,true,?,false,"Copyright 2014, National Biodiversity Data Centre, Waterford, Ireland. The information is free to use by individuals provided the owners of the data are acknowledged in any use of publication, or that the use of the data is cited in the following format - 'Data from the Clare Biological Records Centre dataset dataset held by the National Biodiversity Data Centre, [insert date]'" ,true,true,true,true,true,?,false,"Copyright 2014, National Biodiversity Data Centre, Waterford, Ireland. The information is free to use by individuals provided the owners of the data are acknowledged in any use of publication, or that the use of the data is cited in the following format - 'Data from the Amphibians and reptiles of Ireland dataset held by the National Biodiversity Data Centre, [insert date]'" ,true,true,true,true,true,?,false,"Copyright 2014, National Biodiversity Data Centre, Waterford, Ireland. The information is free to use by individuals provided the owners of the data are acknowledged in any use of publication, or that the use of the data is cited in the following format - 'Data from the Seabird 2000 dataset held by the National Biodiversity Data Centre, [insert date]'" ,true,true,true,true,true,?,false,"Copyright 2014, National Biodiversity Data Centre, Waterford, Ireland. The information is free to use by individuals provided the owners of the data are acknowledged in any use of publication, or that the use of the data is cited in the following format - 'Data from the Moths Ireland dataset held by the National Biodiversity Data Centre, [insert date]'" ,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,Copyright © 2014 The Field Museum of Natural HistoryFull details may be found at ,true,true,true,true,true,?,false,"Copyright 2013, National Biodiversity Data Centre, Waterford, Ireland. The information is free to use by individuals provided the owners of the data are acknowledged in any use of publication, or that the use of the data is cited in the following format - 'Data from the National Pine Marten Survey of Ireland 2005 - 2007 dataset held by the National Biodiversity Data Centre, [insert date]'" ,true,true,true,true,true,?,false,"Copyright 2014, National Biodiversity Data Centre, Waterford, Ireland. The information is free to use by individuals provided the owners of the data are acknowledged in any use of publication, or that the use of the data is cited in the following format - 'Data from the Atlas of Mammals in Ireland 2010-2015 dataset held by the National Biodiversity Data Centre, [insert date]'" ,true,true,true,true,true,?,false,"Copyright 2014, National Biodiversity Data Centre, Waterford, Ireland. The information is free to use by individuals provided the owners of the data are acknowledged in any use of publication, or that the use of the data is cited in the following format - 'Data from the National Bat Database of Ireland dataset held by the National Biodiversity Data Centre, [insert date]'" ,true,true,true,true,true,?,false,"Copyright 2014, National Biodiversity Data Centre, Waterford, Ireland. The information is free to use by individuals provided the owners of the data are acknowledged in any use of publication, or that the use of the data is cited in the following format - 'Data from the European Seabirds at Sea (ESAS) bird sightings from 1980 to 2003. dataset held by the National Biodiversity Data Centre, [insert date]'" ,true,true,true,true,true,?,false,"Copyright 2014, National Biodiversity Data Centre, Waterford, Ireland. The information is free to use by individuals provided the owners of the data are acknowledged in any use of publication, or that the use of the data is cited in the following format - 'Data from the Butterflies of Ireland dataset held by the National Biodiversity Data Centre, [insert date]'" ,true,true,true,true,true,?,false,"Copyright 2013, National Biodiversity Data Centre, Waterford, Ireland. The information is free to use by individuals provided the owners of the data are acknowledged in any use of publication, or that the use of the data is cited in the following format - 'Data from the BioMar - LIFE project dataset held by the National Biodiversity Data Centre, [insert date]'" ,true,true,true,true,true,?,false,"Copyright 2013, National Biodiversity Data Centre, Waterford, Ireland. The information is free to use by individuals provided the owners of the data are acknowledged in any use of publication, or that the use of the data is cited in the following format - 'Data from the Heteroptera of Ireland dataset held by the National Biodiversity Data Centre, [insert date]'" ,true,true,true,true,true,?,false,"Copyright 2014, National Biodiversity Data Centre, Waterford, Ireland. The information is free to use by individuals provided the owners of the data are acknowledged in any use of publication, or that the use of the data is cited in the following format - 'Data from the Butterflies - Irish Wood White Database dataset held by the National Biodiversity Data Centre, [insert date]'" ,true,true,true,true,true,?,false,"Copyright 2013, National Biodiversity Data Centre, Waterford, Ireland. The information is free to use by individuals provided the owners of the data are acknowledged in any use of publication, or that the use of the data is cited in the following format - 'Data from the Survey of the native freshwater opossum shrimp (Mysis relicta) in Ireland dataset held by the National Biodiversity Data Centre, [insert date]'" ,true,true,true,true,true,?,false,"Copyright 2014, National Biodiversity Data Centre, Waterford, Ireland. The information is free to use by individuals provided the owners of the data are acknowledged in any use of publication, or that the use of the data is cited in the following format - 'Data from the Hypogean Crustacea of Ireland dataset held by the National Biodiversity Data Centre, [insert date]'" ,true,true,true,true,true,?,false,"Copyright 2014, National Biodiversity Data Centre, Waterford, Ireland. The information is free to use by individuals provided the owners of the data are acknowledged in any use of publication, or that the use of the data is cited in the following format - 'Data from the Caddisfly Records, Edenvale, Co. Wexford 2010 dataset held by the National Biodiversity Data Centre, [insert date]'" ,true,true,true,true,true,?,false,"Copyright 2014, National Biodiversity Data Centre, Waterford, Ireland. The information is free to use by individuals provided the owners of the data are acknowledged in any use of publication, or that the use of the data is cited in the following format - 'Data from the Lichens of Rocky Seashores dataset held by the National Biodiversity Data Centre, [insert date]'" ,true,true,true,true,true,?,false,"Copyright 2014, National Biodiversity Data Centre, Waterford, Ireland. The information is free to use by individuals provided the owners of the data are acknowledged in any use of publication, or that the use of the data is cited in the following format - 'Data from the Spiders of Ireland dataset held by the National Biodiversity Data Centre, [insert date]'" ,true,true,true,true,true,?,false,"Copyright 2014, National Biodiversity Data Centre, Waterford, Ireland. The information is free to use by individuals provided the owners of the data are acknowledged in any use of publication, or that the use of the data is cited in the following format - 'Data from the Distribution Atlas of Butterflies in Ireland 1979 (An Foras Forbartha) dataset held by the National Biodiversity Data Centre, [insert date]'" ,true,true,true,true,true,?,false,"Copyright 2014, National Biodiversity Data Centre, Waterford, Ireland. The information is free to use by individuals provided the owners of the data are acknowledged in any use of publication, or that the use of the data is cited in the following format - 'Data from the ESAS cetacean sightings from 1980 to 2003. dataset held by the National Biodiversity Data Centre, [insert date]'" ,true,true,true,true,true,?,false,"Copyright 2014, National Biodiversity Data Centre, Waterford, Ireland. The information is free to use by individuals provided the owners of the data are acknowledged in any use of publication, or that the use of the data is cited in the following format - 'Data from the NPWS Seal Database dataset held by the National Biodiversity Data Centre, [insert date]'" ,true,false,false,?,true,?,true,"NYSM data records may be used by individual researchers or researchgroups, but they may not be repackaged, resold, or redistributed in anyform without the express written consent of a curatorial staff member ofthe NYSM. If any of these records are used in an analysis or report, theprovenance of the original data must be acknowledged and the NYSMnotified. The NYSM and its staff are not responsible for damages, injury or loss due to the use of these data." ,true,true,true,true,true,?,false,"Copyright 2014, National Biodiversity Data Centre, Waterford, Ireland. The information is free to use by individuals provided the owners of the data are acknowledged in any use of publication, or that the use of the data is cited in the following format - 'Data from the Irish Collembola records dataset held by the National Biodiversity Data Centre, [insert date]'" ,true,true,true,true,true,?,false,"Copyright 2014, National Biodiversity Data Centre, Waterford, Ireland. The information is free to use by individuals provided the owners of the data are acknowledged in any use of publication, or that the use of the data is cited in the following format - 'Data from the Hare Survey of Ireland 06/07 dataset held by the National Biodiversity Data Centre, [insert date]'" ,true,true,true,true,true,?,false,"Copyright 2014, National Biodiversity Data Centre, Waterford, Ireland. The information is free to use by individuals provided the owners of the data are acknowledged in any use of publication, or that the use of the data is cited in the following format - 'Data from the Irish Crop Wild Relative Database dataset held by the National Biodiversity Data Centre, [insert date]'" ,true,true,true,true,true,?,false,"Copyright 2014, National Biodiversity Data Centre, Waterford, Ireland. The information is free to use by individuals provided the owners of the data are acknowledged in any use of publication, or that the use of the data is cited in the following format - 'Data from the Fleas (Siphonaptera) of Ireland dataset held by the National Biodiversity Data Centre, [insert date]'" ,true,true,true,true,true,?,false,"Copyright 2014, National Biodiversity Data Centre, Waterford, Ireland. The information is free to use by individuals provided the owners of the data are acknowledged in any use of publication, or that the use of the data is cited in the following format - 'Data from the Lice (Phthiraptera) of Ireland dataset held by the National Biodiversity Data Centre, [insert date]'" ,true,true,true,true,true,?,false,"Copyright 2014, National Biodiversity Data Centre, Waterford, Ireland. The information is free to use by individuals provided the owners of the data are acknowledged in any use of publication, or that the use of the data is cited in the following format - 'Data from the Mosquitoes (Diptera: Culicidae) of Ireland dataset held by the National Biodiversity Data Centre, [insert date]'" ,true,true,true,true,true,?,false,"Copyright 2014, National Biodiversity Data Centre, Waterford, Ireland. The information is free to use by individuals provided the owners of the data are acknowledged in any use of publication, or that the use of the data is cited in the following format - 'Data from the Rocky Shore Macroalgae dataset held by the National Biodiversity Data Centre, [insert date]'" ,true,true,true,true,true,?,false,"Copyright 2014, National Biodiversity Data Centre, Waterford, Ireland. The information is free to use by individuals provided the owners of the data are acknowledged in any use of publication, or that the use of the data is cited in the following format - 'Data from the Millipedes of Ireland dataset held by the National Biodiversity Data Centre, [insert date]'" ,true,true,true,true,true,?,false,"Copyright 2014, National Biodiversity Data Centre, Waterford, Ireland. The information is free to use by individuals provided the owners of the data are acknowledged in any use of publication, or that the use of the data is cited in the following format - 'Data from the Microlepidoptera, National Museum of Ireland dataset held by the National Biodiversity Data Centre, [insert date]'" ,true,true,true,true,true,?,false,"Copyright 2013, National Biodiversity Data Centre, Waterford, Ireland. The information is free to use by individuals provided the owners of the data are acknowledged in any use of publication, or that the use of the data is cited in the following format - 'Data from the Ephemeroptera of Ireland dataset held by the National Biodiversity Data Centre, [insert date]'" ,true,true,true,true,true,?,false,"Copyright 2014, National Biodiversity Data Centre, Waterford, Ireland. The information is free to use by individuals provided the owners of the data are acknowledged in any use of publication, or that the use of the data is cited in the following format - 'Data from the The Second Atlas of Breeding Birds in Britain and Ireland: 1988-1991 dataset held by the National Biodiversity Data Centre, [insert date]'" ,true,true,true,true,true,?,false,"Copyright 2014, National Biodiversity Data Centre, Waterford, Ireland. The information is free to use by individuals provided the owners of the data are acknowledged in any use of publication, or that the use of the data is cited in the following format - 'Data from the Seaweeds of Ireland dataset held by the National Biodiversity Data Centre, [insert date]'" ,true,true,true,true,true,?,false,"Copyright 2014, National Biodiversity Data Centre, Waterford, Ireland. The information is free to use by individuals provided the owners of the data are acknowledged in any use of publication, or that the use of the data is cited in the following format - 'Data from the Road Kill Survey dataset held by the National Biodiversity Data Centre, [insert date]'" ,true,true,true,true,true,?,false,"Copyright 2014, National Biodiversity Data Centre, Waterford, Ireland. The information is free to use by individuals provided the owners of the data are acknowledged in any use of publication, or that the use of the data is cited in the following format - 'Data from the Quantitative Phytoplankton data from Irish lakes (EPA) dataset held by the National Biodiversity Data Centre, [insert date]'" ,true,true,true,true,true,?,false,"Copyright 2014, National Biodiversity Data Centre, Waterford, Ireland. The information is free to use by individuals provided the owners of the data are acknowledged in any use of publication, or that the use of the data is cited in the following format - 'Data from the Littoral Macroinvertebrate data from Irish lakes dataset held by the National Biodiversity Data Centre, [insert date]'" ,true,true,true,true,true,?,false,"Copyright 2014, National Biodiversity Data Centre, Waterford, Ireland. The information is free to use by individuals provided the owners of the data are acknowledged in any use of publication, or that the use of the data is cited in the following format - 'Data from the Irish National Badger Sett Database dataset held by the National Biodiversity Data Centre, [insert date]'" ,true,true,true,true,true,?,false,"Copyright 2014, National Biodiversity Data Centre, Waterford, Ireland. The information is free to use by individuals provided the owners of the data are acknowledged in any use of publication, or that the use of the data is cited in the following format - 'Data from the Irish Deer Database dataset held by the National Biodiversity Data Centre, [insert date]'" ,true,true,true,true,true,?,false,"Copyright 2014, National Biodiversity Data Centre, Waterford, Ireland. The information is free to use by individuals provided the owners of the data are acknowledged in any use of publication, or that the use of the data is cited in the following format - 'Data from the Butterflies - Irish Butterfly Monitoring Scheme dataset held by the National Biodiversity Data Centre, [insert date]'" ,true,true,true,true,true,?,false,"Copyright 2014, National Biodiversity Data Centre, Waterford, Ireland. The information is free to use by individuals provided the owners of the data are acknowledged in any use of publication, or that the use of the data is cited in the following format - 'Data from the Heritage Trees of Ireland dataset held by the National Biodiversity Data Centre, [insert date]'" ,true,true,true,true,true,?,false,"Copyright 2014, National Biodiversity Data Centre, Waterford, Ireland. The information is free to use by individuals provided the owners of the data are acknowledged in any use of publication, or that the use of the data is cited in the following format - 'Data from the The First Atlas of Wintering Birds in Britain and Ireland: 1981/82-1983/84. dataset held by the National Biodiversity Data Centre, [insert date]'" ,true,true,true,true,true,?,false,"Copyright 2014, National Biodiversity Data Centre, Waterford, Ireland. The information is free to use by individuals provided the owners of the data are acknowledged in any use of publication, or that the use of the data is cited in the following format - 'Data from the The First Atlas of Breeding Birds in Britain and Ireland: 1968-1972. dataset held by the National Biodiversity Data Centre, [insert date]'" ,true,true,true,true,true,?,false,"Copyright 2014, National Biodiversity Data Centre, Waterford, Ireland. The information is free to use by individuals provided the owners of the data are acknowledged in any use of publication, or that the use of the data is cited in the following format - 'Data from the EPA River Biologists data dataset held by the National Biodiversity Data Centre, [insert date]'" ,true,true,true,true,true,?,false,"Copyright 2014, National Biodiversity Data Centre, Waterford, Ireland. The information is free to use by individuals provided the owners of the data are acknowledged in any use of publication, or that the use of the data is cited in the following format - 'Data from the Butterflies of County Waterford dataset held by the National Biodiversity Data Centre, [insert date]'" ,true,true,true,true,true,?,false,"Copyright 2014, National Biodiversity Data Centre, Waterford, Ireland. The information is free to use by individuals provided the owners of the data are acknowledged in any use of publication, or that the use of the data is cited in the following format - 'Data from the Biodiversity records from Ireland - general dataset held by the National Biodiversity Data Centre, [insert date]'",true,true,true,true,false,false,false,publicdomain,true,true,true,true,false,false,false,This work is licensed under a Creative Commons CCZero 1.0 License ,true,true,true,false,false,?,false,"Data and documentation are copyrighted by Cornell University (""Cornell"") and ownership remains with Cornell. Cornell hereby grants You (hereafter, Licensee) a fee-free license to use the data and documentation for academic, and research purposes only. Any commercial use of the data or documentation are expressly prohibited. These data are made available through the Cornell Lab of Ornithology at Cornell University and the National Audubon Society. No warranty either expressed or implied is made regarding the accuracy of these data.",true,true,true,true,true,false,false,Data is available under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Australia license. Sound files associated with specimen records are not available for download and re-use. Please contact the Australian National Wildlife Collection for more information. ,true,true,true,true,true,?,false,"Copyright 2014, National Biodiversity Data Centre, Waterford, Ireland. The information is free to use by individuals provided the owners of the data are acknowledged in any use of publication, or that the use of the data is cited in the following format - 'Data from the An Atlas of Breeding Birds of the Burren and Aran Islands 1993 - 1996 dataset held by the National Biodiversity Data Centre, [insert date]'" ,true,true,true,true,true,?,false,"Copyright 2014, National Biodiversity Data Centre, Waterford, Ireland. The information is free to use by individuals provided the owners of the data are acknowledged in any use of publication, or that the use of the data is cited in the following format - 'Data from the All Ireland Non-Marine Molluscan Database dataset held by the National Biodiversity Data Centre, [insert date]'" ,true,true,true,true,true,?,false,"Copyright 2014, National Biodiversity Data Centre, Waterford, Ireland. The information is free to use by individuals provided the owners of the data are acknowledged in any use of publication, or that the use of the data is cited in the following format - 'Data from the Anisopodidae and Thaumaleidae (Diptera: Nematocera) of Ireland dataset held by the National Biodiversity Data Centre, [insert date]'" ,true,true,true,true,true,?,false,"Copyright 2014, National Biodiversity Data Centre, Waterford, Ireland. The information is free to use by individuals provided the owners of the data are acknowledged in any use of publication, or that the use of the data is cited in the following format - 'Data from the Bees of Ireland dataset held by the National Biodiversity Data Centre, [insert date]'" ,true,true,true,true,true,?,false,"Copyright 2014, National Biodiversity Data Centre, Waterford, Ireland. The information is free to use by individuals provided the owners of the data are acknowledged in any use of publication, or that the use of the data is cited in the following format - 'Data from the BSBI tetrad data for Ireland dataset held by the National Biodiversity Data Centre, [insert date]'" ,true,true,true,true,true,?,false,"Copyright 2014, National Biodiversity Data Centre, Waterford, Ireland. The information is free to use by individuals provided the owners of the data are acknowledged in any use of publication, or that the use of the data is cited in the following format - 'Data from the Bryophytes of Ireland dataset held by the National Biodiversity Data Centre, [insert date]'" ,true,true,true,true,true,?,false,"Copyright 2014, National Biodiversity Data Centre, Waterford, Ireland. The information is free to use by individuals provided the owners of the data are acknowledged in any use of publication, or that the use of the data is cited in the following format - 'Data from the Centipedes of Ireland dataset held by the National Biodiversity Data Centre, [insert date]'" ,true,true,true,true,true,?,false,"Copyright 2014, National Biodiversity Data Centre, Waterford, Ireland. The information is free to use by individuals provided the owners of the data are acknowledged in any use of publication, or that the use of the data is cited in the following format - 'Data from the Craneflies of Ireland dataset held by the National Biodiversity Data Centre, [insert date]'" ,true,true,true,true,true,?,false,"Copyright 2014, National Biodiversity Data Centre, Waterford, Ireland. The information is free to use by individuals provided the owners of the data are acknowledged in any use of publication, or that the use of the data is cited in the following format - 'Data from the Dixidae (Diptera) of Ireland dataset held by the National Biodiversity Data Centre, [insert date]'" ,true,true,true,true,true,?,false,"Copyright 2014, National Biodiversity Data Centre, Waterford, Ireland. The information is free to use by individuals provided the owners of the data are acknowledged in any use of publication, or that the use of the data is cited in the following format - 'Data from the Harvestmen (Opiliones) of Ireland dataset held by the National Biodiversity Data Centre, [insert date]'" ,true,true,true,true,true,?,false,"Copyright 2014, National Biodiversity Data Centre, Waterford, Ireland. The information is free to use by individuals provided the owners of the data are acknowledged in any use of publication, or that the use of the data is cited in the following format - 'Data from the Irish National Crayfish Database dataset held by the National Biodiversity Data Centre, [insert date]'" ,true,true,true,true,true,?,false,"Copyright 2014, National Biodiversity Data Centre, Waterford, Ireland. The information is free to use by individuals provided the owners of the data are acknowledged in any use of publication, or that the use of the data is cited in the following format - 'Data from the Irish National Frog Database dataset held by the National Biodiversity Data Centre, [insert date]'" ,true,true,true,true,true,?,false,"Copyright 2014, National Biodiversity Data Centre, Waterford, Ireland. The information is free to use by individuals provided the owners of the data are acknowledged in any use of publication, or that the use of the data is cited in the following format - 'Data from the Irish New Zealand Flatworm Database dataset held by the National Biodiversity Data Centre, [insert date]'" ,true,true,true,true,true,?,false,"Copyright 2014, National Biodiversity Data Centre, Waterford, Ireland. The information is free to use by individuals provided the owners of the data are acknowledged in any use of publication, or that the use of the data is cited in the following format - 'Data from the Irish Records from the Fungal Records Database of Britain and Ireland dataset held by the National Biodiversity Data Centre, [insert date]'" ,true,true,true,true,true,?,false,"Copyright 2014, National Biodiversity Data Centre, Waterford, Ireland. The information is free to use by individuals provided the owners of the data are acknowledged in any use of publication, or that the use of the data is cited in the following format - 'Data from the Irish vascular plant data 1999-2009 dataset held by the National Biodiversity Data Centre, [insert date]'" ,true,true,true,true,true,?,false,"Copyright 2014, National Biodiversity Data Centre, Waterford, Ireland. The information is free to use by individuals provided the owners of the data are acknowledged in any use of publication, or that the use of the data is cited in the following format - 'Data from the Irish Wetland Birds Survey (I-WeBS) 1994-2001. dataset held by the National Biodiversity Data Centre, [insert date]'" ,true,true,true,true,true,?,false,"Copyright 2014, National Biodiversity Data Centre, Waterford, Ireland. The information is free to use by individuals provided the owners of the data are acknowledged in any use of publication, or that the use of the data is cited in the following format - 'Data from the Irish Wire Weed (Sargassum muticum) Database dataset held by the National Biodiversity Data Centre, [insert date]'" ,true,true,true,true,true,?,false,"Copyright 2014, National Biodiversity Data Centre, Waterford, Ireland. The information is free to use by individuals provided the owners of the data are acknowledged in any use of publication, or that the use of the data is cited in the following format - 'Data from the National Invasive Species Database dataset held by the National Biodiversity Data Centre, [insert date]'" ,true,true,true,true,true,?,false,"Copyright 2014, National Biodiversity Data Centre, Waterford, Ireland. The information is free to use by individuals provided the owners of the data are acknowledged in any use of publication, or that the use of the data is cited in the following format - 'Data from the Northern Ireland European hare (Lepus europaeus) survey 2005 dataset held by the National Biodiversity Data Centre, [insert date]'" ,true,true,true,true,true,?,false,"Copyright 2014, National Biodiversity Data Centre, Waterford, Ireland. The information is free to use by individuals provided the owners of the data are acknowledged in any use of publication, or that the use of the data is cited in the following format - 'Data from the NPWS Pine Marten database dataset held by the National Biodiversity Data Centre, [insert date]'" ,true,true,true,true,true,?,false,"Copyright 2014, National Biodiversity Data Centre, Waterford, Ireland. The information is free to use by individuals provided the owners of the data are acknowledged in any use of publication, or that the use of the data is cited in the following format - 'Data from the Pseudoscorpions of Ireland dataset held by the National Biodiversity Data Centre, [insert date]'" ,true,true,true,true,true,?,false,"Copyright 2014, National Biodiversity Data Centre, Waterford, Ireland. The information is free to use by individuals provided the owners of the data are acknowledged in any use of publication, or that the use of the data is cited in the following format - 'Data from the Reptiles and Amphibians Distribution Atlas 1978 (An Foras Forbartha) dataset held by the National Biodiversity Data Centre, [insert date]'" ,true,true,true,true,true,?,false,"Copyright 2014, National Biodiversity Data Centre, Waterford, Ireland. The information is free to use by individuals provided the owners of the data are acknowledged in any use of publication, or that the use of the data is cited in the following format - 'Data from the The Flora of County Clare dataset held by the National Biodiversity Data Centre, [insert date]'" ,true,true,true,true,true,?,false,"Copyright 2014, National Biodiversity Data Centre, Waterford, Ireland. The information is free to use by individuals provided the owners of the data are acknowledged in any use of publication, or that the use of the data is cited in the following format - 'Data from the CréBeo Earthworm Records 2006/7 dataset held by the National Biodiversity Data Centre, [insert date]'" ,true,true,true,true,true,?,false,"Copyright 2014, National Biodiversity Data Centre, Waterford, Ireland. The information is free to use by individuals provided the owners of the data are acknowledged in any use of publication, or that the use of the data is cited in the following format - 'Data from the The Gibson spider collection dataset held by the National Biodiversity Data Centre, [insert date]'" ,true,true,true,true,true,?,false,"Copyright 2014, National Biodiversity Data Centre, Waterford, Ireland. The information is free to use by individuals provided the owners of the data are acknowledged in any use of publication, or that the use of the data is cited in the following format - 'Data from the Water Beetles of Ireland dataset held by the National Biodiversity Data Centre, [insert date]'" ,true,true,true,true,true,?,false,"Copyright 2014, National Biodiversity Data Centre, Waterford, Ireland. The information is free to use by individuals provided the owners of the data are acknowledged in any use of publication, or that the use of the data is cited in the following format - 'Data from the The Flora of County Waterford dataset held by the National Biodiversity Data Centre, [insert date]'" ,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,"The MNHNL makes the data available for private, educational and scientific use under certain conditions as described in the copyright URI.",true,true,true,true,true,false,false,"This DATA BASE: Banco de Datos de la Biodiversidad de la Comunitat Valenciana, is made available under the Open Data Commons Attribution License:" ,true,false,false,?,true,?,true,"The data and media available LSUMZ are the property of the originating institution, with all rights reserved. These records are intended for use in education and research and may not be repackaged, redistributed, or sold in any form without prior written consent from the collection from the LSUMZ. Users wishing to include these data or media in publications, reports, websites, or other means of dissemination must acknowledge the provenance of the original data, cite the LSUMZ catalog number(s), and notify the appropriate curator. The date that information was accessed should be cited when downloaded data are used in published analyses. These are secondary data and their accuracy is not guaranteed. Citation of catalog numbers is no substitute for examination of specimens. The data providers are not responsible for loss or damages due to use of these data.",true,true,true,true,false,false,false,This work is licensed under a Creative Commons CCZero 1.0 License. ,true,true,true,?,false,?,false,Data may be used for scientific purposes.,true,true,true,true,true,false,false,Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY) 4.0 License ,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,CORMACARENA,true,true,true,false,true,false,false,Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial (CC-BY-NC) 4.0 License,true,true,true,true,false,false,false,"To the extent possible under law, the University of British Columbia has waived all copyright and related or neighbouring rights to this dataset, releasing it to the public domain under a CC0 waiver ( Users of the data are encouraged to follow the Canadensys norms for data use and publication (",true,true,true,true,false,false,false,Public Domain (CC0 1.0),true,true,true,true,true,false,false,"1. License: CC BY 3.0 DE (; License holder: Ebert, Martin",true,true,true,true,false,false,false, and,true,true,true,false,true,true,false,Libre a nivel externo e interno (licencia CC BY-NC-SA 3.0),true,true,true,false,true,true,false,Los datos de este recurso están sujetos a la licencia CC BY-NC-SA 3.0(,true,true,true,false,true,true,false,Libre a nivel interno y externo (licencia CC BY-NC-SA 3.0).,true,true,true,true,false,false,false, and ,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,"The original dataset contains many fields with information such as environmental variables, observers/collectors, and field notes associated with each record. Use the 'Point of Contact' in this document for a complete list of, and to gain access to, fields associated with this subset of the original dataset." ,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,"This dataset provides a subset of fields from the original sampling project. The original dataset contains many fields with information such as environmental variables, observers/collectors, and field notes associated with each record. Use the 'Point of Contact' in this document for a complete list of, and to gain access to, fields associated with this subset of the original dataset." ,true,true,true,true,true,true,true,public,true,true,true,true,true,false,false,This work is licensed under a Creative Commons 3.0 License -,true,true,true,false,true,false,false,This work is licensed under a Creative Commons 3.0 License -,true,true,true,false,true,true,false,This work is licensed under a Creative Commons 3.0 License -,true,true,true,true,false,false,false,This work is licensed under a Creative Commons CCZero 1.0 License and available according to the community norms at ,true,true,true,true,true,?,false,"Copyright 2015, National Biodiversity Data Centre, Waterford, Ireland. The information is free to use by individuals provided the owners of the data are acknowledged in any use of publication, or that the use of the data is cited in the following format - 'Data from the Saproxylic Beetles of Ireland dataset held by the National Biodiversity Data Centre, [insert date]'" ,true,true,true,true,true,?,false,"Copyright 2015, National Biodiversity Data Centre, Waterford, Ireland. The information is free to use by individuals provided the owners of the data are acknowledged in any use of publication, or that the use of the data is cited in the following format - 'Data from the MISE Project Otter Records, 2011-2015 dataset held by the National Biodiversity Data Centre, [insert date]'" ,true,true,true,true,true,?,false,"Copyright 2015, National Biodiversity Data Centre, Waterford, Ireland. The information is free to use by individuals provided the owners of the data are acknowledged in any use of publication, or that the use of the data is cited in the following format - 'Data from the Bird Atlas 2007 - 2011 dataset held by the National Biodiversity Data Centre, [insert date]'" ,true,true,true,true,true,?,false,"Copyright 2015, National Biodiversity Data Centre, Waterford, Ireland. The information is free to use by individuals provided the owners of the data are acknowledged in any use of publication, or that the use of the data is cited in the following format - 'Data from the IWDG Cetacean Strandings Database 2010-2014 dataset held by the National Biodiversity Data Centre, [insert date]'" ,true,true,true,true,true,?,false,"Copyright 2015, National Biodiversity Data Centre, Waterford, Ireland. The information is free to use by individuals provided the owners of the data are acknowledged in any use of publication, or that the use of the data is cited in the following format - 'Data from the IWDG Constant Effort Cetacean Sighting Scheme dataset held by the National Biodiversity Data Centre, [insert date]'" ,true,true,true,true,true,?,false,"Copyright 2015, National Biodiversity Data Centre, Waterford, Ireland. The information is free to use by individuals provided the owners of the data are acknowledged in any use of publication, or that the use of the data is cited in the following format - 'Data from the IWDG Casual Cetacean Sightings dataset held by the National Biodiversity Data Centre, [insert date]'" ,true,true,true,true,true,?,false,"Copyright 2015, National Biodiversity Data Centre, Waterford, Ireland. The information is free to use by individuals provided the owners of the data are acknowledged in any use of publication, or that the use of the data is cited in the following format - 'Data from the Earthworms of Ireland dataset held by the National Biodiversity Data Centre, [insert date]'" ,true,true,true,true,true,?,false,"Copyright 2015, National Biodiversity Data Centre, Waterford, Ireland. The information is free to use by individuals provided the owners of the data are acknowledged in any use of publication, or that the use of the data is cited in the following format - 'Data from the Data dataset held by the National Biodiversity Data Centre, [insert date]'" ,true,true,true,true,true,?,false,"Copyright 2015, National Biodiversity Data Centre, Waterford, Ireland. The information is free to use by individuals provided the owners of the data are acknowledged in any use of publication, or that the use of the data is cited in the following format - 'Data from the Irish Federation of Sea Anglers Catch Data dataset held by the National Biodiversity Data Centre, [insert date]'" ,true,true,true,true,true,?,false,"Copyright 2015, National Biodiversity Data Centre, Waterford, Ireland. The information is free to use by individuals provided the owners of the data are acknowledged in any use of publication, or that the use of the data is cited in the following format - 'Data from the MISE Project Waterford Otter Records, 2011-2015 dataset held by the National Biodiversity Data Centre, [insert date]'" ,true,true,true,true,true,?,false,"Copyright 2015, National Biodiversity Data Centre, Waterford, Ireland. The information is free to use by individuals provided the owners of the data are acknowledged in any use of publication, or that the use of the data is cited in the following format - 'Data from the MISE Project Roaringwater Bay Otter Records, 2012-2014 dataset held by the National Biodiversity Data Centre, [insert date]'" ,true,true,true,true,true,?,false,"Copyright 2015, National Biodiversity Data Centre, Waterford, Ireland. The information is free to use by individuals provided the owners of the data are acknowledged in any use of publication, or that the use of the data is cited in the following format - 'Data from the The Chironomidae (Diptera) of Ireland dataset held by the National Biodiversity Data Centre, [insert date]'" ,true,true,true,true,true,?,false,"Copyright 2015, National Biodiversity Data Centre, Waterford, Ireland. The information is free to use by individuals provided the owners of the data are acknowledged in any use of publication, or that the use of the data is cited in the following format - 'Data from the MISE Project Killarney Otter Records, 2013 dataset held by the National Biodiversity Data Centre, [insert date]'" ,true,true,true,true,true,?,false,"Copyright 2015, National Biodiversity Data Centre, Waterford, Ireland. The information is free to use by individuals provided the owners of the data are acknowledged in any use of publication, or that the use of the data is cited in the following format - 'Data from the Orthoptera (Grasshoppers & Crickets) & allied insects of Ireland dataset held by the National Biodiversity Data Centre, [insert date]'",true,true,true,true,true,false,false,This dataset [MNA (Section of Genoa) associated collection of CCFEE (Tuscia University) - Antarctic Fungi] is made available under the Open Data Commons Attribution Licences:,true,true,true,false,true,false,true,This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution- NonCommercial 4.0 International Public License. nc/4.0/. Users of this resource should also comply with the CEBA data sharing agreement available here:,true,true,true,false,true,false,false,Este trabajo está bajo una licencia Creative Commons Atribución No comercial (CC BY-NC 4.0),true,true,true,true,true,false,false,Este trabajo está bajo una licencia Creative Common Atribución (CC BY 4.0) ,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,© Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen ,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,© Staatliches Museum für Naturkunde Stuttgart ,true,true,true,true,true,?,false,"Copyright 2015, National Biodiversity Data Centre, Waterford, Ireland. The information is free to use by individuals provided the owners of the data are acknowledged in any use of publication, or that the use of the data is cited in the following format - 'Data from the Hare Survey of Ireland 06/07 - Non Hare records dataset held by the National Biodiversity Data Centre, [insert date]'",true,true,true,false,true,false,false,The dataset of Flora-On is made available under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International:,true,true,false,false,true,false,false,"License: Ces données sont la propriété de l'Université Pédagogique Nationale (U.P.N) de Kinshasa (R.D. Congo) et publiées par le projet CABIN (Central African Biodversity Information Network) du Musée Royal de l'Afrique Centrale de Tervuren, Belgique. Collection gérée par Djedje Kungula de l'UPN. EN: Data owned by the Université Pédagogique Nationale (U.P.N.) de Kinshasa (D.R. Congo) and published by the CABIN (Central African Biodversity Information Network) project of the Royal Museum for Central Africa. Collection managed by Djedje Kugula from the UPN.",true,true,true,false,true,true,false,"Licence: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported (CC BY-NC-SA 3.0) FR: Ces données sont la propriété de l'Université Pédagogique Nationale de Kinshasa (R.D. Congo) et publiées par le projet CABIN (Central African Biodversity Information Network) du Musée Royal de l'Afrique Centrale de Tervuren, Belgique. Données gérées par Papy NSEVOLO de l'UPN. EN: Data owned by the Université Pédagogique Nationale de Kinshasa (D.R. Congo) and published by the CABIN (Central African Biodversity Information Network) project of the Royal Museum for Central Africa. Data managed by Papy NSEVOLO from the UPN.",true,true,true,false,true,false,false,"License: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0)FR: Ces données sont la propriété de l'Université Pédagogique Nationale (U.P.N.) de Kinshasa (R.D. Congo) et publiées par le projet CABIN (Central African Biodversity Information Network) du Musée Royal de l'Afrique Centrale de Tervuren, Belgique. Collection gérée par Doudou Bedze AKEMANE de l'UPN. EN: Data owned by the Université Pédagogique Nationale (U.P.N.) de Kinshasa (D.R. Congo) and published by the CABIN (Central African Biodversity Information Network) project of the Royal Museum for Central Africa. Collection managed by Doudou Bedze AKEMANE from the U.P.N.",true,true,true,false,true,false,false,"License: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0)FR: Ces données sont la propriété de l'Université Pédagogique Nationale de Kinshasa (R.D. Congo) et publiées par le projet CABIN (Central African Biodversity Information Network) du Musée Royal de l'Afrique Centrale de Tervuren, Belgique. Données gérées par Junior Corneille FINGU MABOLA de l'UPN. EN: Data owned by the Université Pédagogique Nationale de Kinshasa (D.R. Congo) and published by the CABIN (Central African Biodversity Information Network) project of the Royal Museum for Central Africa. Data managed by Junior Corneille FINGU MABOLA from the UPN." ,true,false,false,?,true,?,true,"Os dados da Coleção Entomológica Pe. Jesus Santiago Moure estão disponíveis para consulta e utilização, desde que observadas as seguintes condições: 1) o responsável pela Coleção deve ser notificado por qualquer uso dos dados em análises ou publicações; 2) os dados, mesmo parciais, não podem ser reprocessados, vendidos, ou redistribuídos em qualquer formato sem explícita autorização escrita do responsável pela Coleção; 3) qualquer uso das informações em análises ou publicações deve constar nos agradecimentos, com a devida indicação de procedência dos registros originais; 4) uma cópia da publicação em que os registros sejam citados deve ser enviada ao curador responsável; 5) os usuários e suas instituições são responsáveis pelo uso adequado das informações; 6) a Coleção Entomológica Pe. Jesus Santiago Moure e sua equipe não dá garantias da acurácia na identificação dos espécimes e dados associados, sendo responsabilidade do usuário avaliar o taxonomista que identificou o material, sua experiência e conhecimento no grupo em questão."|,true,true,true,true,true,true,false,This [DATA(BASE)-NAME] is made available under the Open Database License: Any rights in individual contents of the database are licensed under the Database Contents License:,true,true,true,false,true,true,false,CC-BY-NC-SA,true,true,true,true,true,false,false,This Herbarium - Fanerógama Collection is made available under the Open Data Commons Attribution License: ,true,true,true,true,true,?,false,"Copyright 2015, National Biodiversity Data Centre, Waterford, Ireland. The information is free to use by individuals provided the owners of the data are acknowledged in any use of publication, or that the use of the data is cited in the following format - 'Data from the Hazel Dormouse in Ireland dataset held by the National Biodiversity Data Centre, [insert date]'",true,true,true,true,false,false,false, and,true,true,true,false,true,false,false,"Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0)FR: Ces données sont la propriété de l'Université Pédagogique Nationale de Kinshasa (R.D. Congo) et publiées par le projet CABIN (Central African Biodversity Information Network) du Musée Royal de l'Afrique Centrale de Tervuren, Belgique. Données gérées par Martin Claude KIALU MULUILE de l'UPN. EN: Data owned by the Université Pédagogique Nationale de Kinshasa (D.R. Congo) and published by the CABIN (Central African Biodversity Information Network) project of the Royal Museum for Central Africa. Data managed by Martin Claude KIALU MULUILE from the UPN.",true,true,true,false,true,false,false,This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 Unported (CC BY-NC 4.0) License,true,true,true,false,true,false,false,This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0) ,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,Copyright © 2004-2007 The Field Museum of Natural History. Digitization of the Berlin negatives at The Field Museum was funded by grants from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation (2004) and the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation (2005-2006) to the Department of Environmental and Conservation Programs; and from National Science Foundation grant DBI 0447285 (2006-2007) to the Department of Botany.,true,true,true,true,true,false,false,This dataset Invasoras is made available under the Open Data Commons Attribution License: ,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,- ,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,-- ,true,true,true,true,true,?,false,"Droit d'auteur, Obligation de citation ""UMS 3462, Observatoire PELAGIS - AAMP, 'Nom de jeu de données'""",true,true,true,false,true,false,false,Este trabajo está bajo una licencia Creative Commons Atribución No comercial (CC BY-NC 4.0),true,true,true,true,true,false,false,This [Arachnida e Myriapoda Museu Nacional (MNRJ ARAC)] is made available under the Open Data Commons Attribution License:,true,true,true,false,true,false,false,This database Bibliographic records of Angola mammals is made available under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License:,true,true,true,true,true,false,false,This checklist is made available under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License:,true,true,true,true,true,false,false,This Macroinvertebrate Data BOKU database is made available under the Open Data Commons Attribution License:,true,true,true,true,true,false,false,This [Coleção de Polychaeta do Museu Nacional] is made available under the Open Data Commons Attribution License: ,true,true,true,true,true,?,false,"Copyright 2014, National Biodiversity Data Centre, Waterford, Ireland. The information is free to use by individuals provided the owners of the data are acknowledged in any use of publication, or that the use of the data is cited in the following format - 'Data from the Coastal and marine species dataset held by the National Biodiversity Data Centre, [insert date]'" ,true,true,true,true,true,?,false,"Copyright 2015, National Biodiversity Data Centre, Waterford, Ireland. The information is free to use by individuals provided the owners of the data are acknowledged in any use of publication, or that the use of the data is cited in the following format - 'Data from the PReCAST Marine Mammal Sightings dataset held by the National Biodiversity Data Centre, [insert date]'",true,true,true,false,true,false,true,This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International Public License. Users of this resource should also comply with the CEBA data sharing agreement available here: ,true,true,true,true,true,?,false,"Copyright 2014, National Biodiversity Data Centre, Waterford, Ireland. The information is free to use by individuals provided the owners of the data are acknowledged in any use of publication, or that the use of the data is cited in the following format - 'Data from the IWDG Ferry Survey sightings Data 2001 to 2013 dataset held by the National Biodiversity Data Centre, [insert date]'",true,true,true,true,true,false,false,"The records in this BioFresh Pond Database originate from different sources, check the data for the ""rights"" settings for individual records. The following two licences are used: the Open Data Commons Attribution License: and the Creative Commons CCZero 1.0 License" ,true,true,true,true,true,?,false,Copyright 2014 BioGIS. Free for use by all individuals provided that the owners are acknowledged in any use or publication.,true,true,true,true,true,false,false,This Ornithology Collection is made available under the Open Data Commons Attribution License:,true,true,true,true,true,false,false,This [Lepidoptera Collection] is made available under the Open Data Commons Attribution License:,true,true,true,true,true,false,false,This Ophidia Collection is made available under the Open Data Commons Attribution License:,true,true,true,true,true,false,false,This Ictiology Collection is made available under the Open Data Commons Attribution License:,true,true,true,true,false,false,false,Public Domain,true,true,true,true,false,false,false,Creative Commons Zero(CC0)1.0 ,true,false,true,false,true,?,false,"This database on CD is copyrighted by Species 2000 China Node on behalf of the Catalogue of Life China partners.Use of the content (such as the classification, synonymic species checklist, and scientific names) for publications and databases by individuals and organizations for not-for-profit usage is encouraged, on condition that full and precise credit is given at three levels on all occasions that records are shown. The three levels credit the complete work, the contributing database of the record, and the expert who provides taxonomic scrutiny of the individual record. For example, these might be as follows:1) Species 2000 China Node Catalogue of Life China: 2013 Annual Checklist China,2) The full or short name or logo of the contributing database, such as: China Checklist of Higher Plants3) When provided, the latest taxonomic scrutiny field (specialist name & date), such as Fumin Lei, 5-June-2007 (from China Animal Information System database).If you wish to use the content on a public portal or webpage you are required to notify the Secretariat of Species 2000 China Node, both to request written permission and to assist with a check that the correct credits are given.Commercial use of this compilation or any of the species datasets contained within, such as replication of the CD-ROM for sale, or dissemination on the Internet, requires written permission from Species 2000 China Node.Copyright for booklet photographs remains with the contributors.",true,true,true,true,true,false,false,,true,true,true,true,false,false,false,|,true,true,true,true,true,true,false,"This the U. S. National Pollinating Insects Database [United States Department of Agriculture, Agriculture Research Service, Bee Biology and Systematics Laboratory, Logan, Utah] is made available under the Open Database License: Any rights in individual contents of the database are licensed under the Database Contents License:",true,true,true,true,true,false,false,This Solifugae Collection is made available under the Open Data Commons Attribution License:,true,true,true,true,true,false,false,This Coleoptera Collection is made available under the Open Data Commons Attribution License:,true,true,true,true,true,false,false,This Uropygi Collection is made available under the Open Data Commons Attribution License:,true,true,true,true,true,false,false,This Scorpiones Collection is made available under the Open Data Commons Attribution License:,true,true,true,true,true,false,false,This Schizomida Collection is made available under the Open Data Commons Attribution License:,true,true,true,true,true,false,false,This Ricinulei Collection is made available under the Open Data Commons Attribution License:,true,true,true,true,true,false,false,This Opiliones Collection is made available under the Open Data Commons Attribution License:,true,true,true,true,true,false,false,This Araneae Collection is made available under the Open Data Commons Attribution License:,true,true,true,true,true,false,false,This Amblypygi Collection is made available under the Open Data Commons Attribution License:,true,true,true,true,true,false,false,"Este recurso [Quirópteros Asociados al Bosque Seco de la Vereda El Carbonero, Santander de Quilichao, Cauca] se hace disponible bajo la licencia Open Data Commons Attribution:" ,true,true,true,true,true,?,false,"Copyright 2014, National Biodiversity Data Centre, Waterford, Ireland. The information is free to use by individuals provided the owners of the data are acknowledged in any use of publication, or that the use of the data is cited in the following format - 'Data from the Phasmids Of Ireland dataset held by the National Biodiversity Data Centre, [insert date]'" ,true,true,true,true,true,?,false,"Copyright 2014, National Biodiversity Data Centre, Waterford, Ireland. The information is free to use by individuals provided the owners of the data are acknowledged in any use of publication, or that the use of the data is cited in the following format - 'Data from the National Frog Survey of Ireland 2010/2011 dataset held by the National Biodiversity Data Centre, [insert date]'",true,true,true,true,true,false,false,Esta [DATA(BASE)-NAME] se hace disponible bajo la licencia Open Data Commons Attribution: ,true,true,true,true,true,?,false,"Copyright 2015, National Biodiversity Data Centre, Waterford, Ireland. The information is free to use by individuals provided the owners of the data are acknowledged in any use of publication, or that the use of the data is cited in the following format - 'Data from the Ireland's BioBlitz dataset held by the National Biodiversity Data Centre, [insert date]'",true,true,true,true,true,false,false,"OGLC 2.0," ,true,true,true,true,true,?,false,"Copyright 2015, National Biodiversity Data Centre, Waterford, Ireland. The information is free to use by individuals provided the owners of the data are acknowledged in any use of publication, or that the use of the data is cited in the following format - 'Data from the Dragonfly Ireland dataset held by the National Biodiversity Data Centre, [insert date]'"|,true,true,true,true,true,true,false,This database - CLIMBER is made available under the Open Database License: Any rights in individual contents of the database are licensed under the Database Contents License:,true,true,true,true,true,false,false, ,true,true,true,true,true,?,false,"Copyright 2014, National Biodiversity Data Centre, Waterford, Ireland. The information is free to use by individuals provided the owners of the data are acknowledged in any use of publication, or that the use of the data is cited in the following format - 'Data from the Species data extracted from the National Vegetation Database dataset held by the National Biodiversity Data Centre, [insert date]'" ,true,true,true,true,true,?,false,"Copyright 2015, National Biodiversity Data Centre, Waterford, Ireland. The information is free to use by individuals provided the owners of the data are acknowledged in any use of publication, or that the use of the data is cited in the following format - 'Data from the Local BioBlitz Challenge 2013 dataset held by the National Biodiversity Data Centre, [insert date]'" ,true,true,true,true,true,?,false,"Copyright 2014, National Biodiversity Data Centre, Waterford, Ireland. The information is free to use by individuals provided the owners of the data are acknowledged in any use of publication, or that the use of the data is cited in the following format - 'Data from the Flora of County Cavan dataset held by the National Biodiversity Data Centre, [insert date]'" ,true,true,true,true,true,?,false,"Copyright 2015, National Biodiversity Data Centre, Waterford, Ireland. The information is free to use by individuals provided the owners of the data are acknowledged in any use of publication, or that the use of the data is cited in the following format - 'Data from the Irish Vascular Plant Data - Paul Green dataset held by the National Biodiversity Data Centre, [insert date]'" ,true,true,true,true,true,?,false,"Copyright 2015, National Biodiversity Data Centre, Waterford, Ireland. The information is free to use by individuals provided the owners of the data are acknowledged in any use of publication, or that the use of the data is cited in the following format - 'Data from the The Flora of County Wexford dataset held by the National Biodiversity Data Centre, [insert date]'" ,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,"Wildlife Institute of India,Chandrabani, Dehradun - 248 001, Uttarakhand, India."|,true,true,true,true,true,true,false,"This dataset [Iberian Peninsula and Balearic Island Bathynellacea (Crustacea, Syncarida) database] is made available under the Open Database License: Any rights in individual contents of the database are licensed under the Database Contents License:" ,true,true,true,true,true,?,false,"Copyright 2015, National Biodiversity Data Centre, Waterford, Ireland. The information is free to use by individuals provided the owners of the data are acknowledged in any use of publication, or that the use of the data is cited in the following format - 'Data from the Trichoptera (caddisflies) of Ireland dataset held by the National Biodiversity Data Centre, [insert date]'" ,true,true,true,true,true,?,false,"Copyright 2014, National Biodiversity Data Centre, Waterford, Ireland. The information is free to use by individuals provided the owners of the data are acknowledged in any use of publication, or that the use of the data is cited in the following format - 'Data from the Otter survey of Ireland 2004 & 2005 dataset held by the National Biodiversity Data Centre, [insert date]'" ,true,true,true,true,true,?,false,"Copyright 2014, National Biodiversity Data Centre, Waterford, Ireland. The information is free to use by individuals provided the owners of the data are acknowledged in any use of publication, or that the use of the data is cited in the following format - 'Data from the National Feral Ferret (Mustela putoris furo) Database dataset held by the National Biodiversity Data Centre, [insert date]'" ,true,true,true,true,true,?,false,"Copyright 2015, National Biodiversity Data Centre, Waterford, Ireland. The information is free to use by individuals provided the owners of the data are acknowledged in any use of publication, or that the use of the data is cited in the following format - 'Data from the Online Atlas of vascular plants 2012-2020 dataset held by the National Biodiversity Data Centre, [insert date]'",true,true,true,false,true,true,false,by-nc-sa Attribution non-commercial share-alike ,true,true,true,true,true,?,false,"Copyright 2015, National Biodiversity Data Centre, Waterford, Ireland. The information is free to use by individuals provided the owners of the data are acknowledged in any use of publication, or that the use of the data is cited in the following format - 'Data from the Birds of Ireland dataset held by the National Biodiversity Data Centre, [insert date]'" ,true,true,true,true,true,?,false,"Copyright 2015, National Biodiversity Data Centre, Waterford, Ireland. The information is free to use by individuals provided the owners of the data are acknowledged in any use of publication, or that the use of the data is cited in the following format - 'Data from the Amphibians and reptiles of Ireland dataset held by the National Biodiversity Data Centre, [insert date]'" ,true,true,true,true,true,?,false,"Copyright 2015, National Biodiversity Data Centre, Waterford, Ireland. The information is free to use by individuals provided the owners of the data are acknowledged in any use of publication, or that the use of the data is cited in the following format - 'Data from the Moths Ireland dataset held by the National Biodiversity Data Centre, [insert date]'" ,true,true,true,true,true,?,false,"Copyright 2014, National Biodiversity Data Centre, Waterford, Ireland. The information is free to use by individuals provided the owners of the data are acknowledged in any use of publication, or that the use of the data is cited in the following format - 'Data from the National Pine Marten Survey of Ireland 2005 - 2007 dataset held by the National Biodiversity Data Centre, [insert date]'" ,true,true,true,true,true,?,false,"Copyright 2015, National Biodiversity Data Centre, Waterford, Ireland. The information is free to use by individuals provided the owners of the data are acknowledged in any use of publication, or that the use of the data is cited in the following format - 'Data from the Atlas of Mammals in Ireland 2010-2015 dataset held by the National Biodiversity Data Centre, [insert date]'" ,true,true,true,true,true,?,false,"Copyright 2014, National Biodiversity Data Centre, Waterford, Ireland. The information is free to use by individuals provided the owners of the data are acknowledged in any use of publication, or that the use of the data is cited in the following format - 'Data from the National Lesser Horseshoe Bat Database dataset held by the National Biodiversity Data Centre, [insert date]'" ,true,true,true,true,true,?,false,"Copyright 2015, National Biodiversity Data Centre, Waterford, Ireland. The information is free to use by individuals provided the owners of the data are acknowledged in any use of publication, or that the use of the data is cited in the following format - 'Data from the Butterflies of Ireland dataset held by the National Biodiversity Data Centre, [insert date]'" ,true,true,true,true,true,?,false,"Copyright 2015, National Biodiversity Data Centre, Waterford, Ireland. The information is free to use by individuals provided the owners of the data are acknowledged in any use of publication, or that the use of the data is cited in the following format - 'Data from the Irish Marine Turtle Database dataset held by the National Biodiversity Data Centre, [insert date]'" ,true,true,true,true,true,?,false,"Copyright 2014, National Biodiversity Data Centre, Waterford, Ireland. The information is free to use by individuals provided the owners of the data are acknowledged in any use of publication, or that the use of the data is cited in the following format - 'Data from the BioMar - LIFE project dataset held by the National Biodiversity Data Centre, [insert date]'" ,true,true,true,true,true,?,false,"Copyright 2014, National Biodiversity Data Centre, Waterford, Ireland. The information is free to use by individuals provided the owners of the data are acknowledged in any use of publication, or that the use of the data is cited in the following format - 'Data from the Heteroptera of Ireland dataset held by the National Biodiversity Data Centre, [insert date]'",true,true,true,true,true,false,false,Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License ,true,true,true,true,true,?,false,"Copyright 2014, National Biodiversity Data Centre, Waterford, Ireland. The information is free to use by individuals provided the owners of the data are acknowledged in any use of publication, or that the use of the data is cited in the following format - 'Data from the Survey of the native freshwater opossum shrimp (Mysis relicta) in Ireland dataset held by the National Biodiversity Data Centre, [insert date]'" ,true,true,true,true,true,?,false,"Copyright 2015, National Biodiversity Data Centre, Waterford, Ireland. The information is free to use by individuals provided the owners of the data are acknowledged in any use of publication, or that the use of the data is cited in the following format - 'Data from the Distribution Atlas of Butterflies in Ireland 1979 (An Foras Forbartha) dataset held by the National Biodiversity Data Centre, [insert date]'" ,true,true,true,true,true,?,false,"Copyright 2015, National Biodiversity Data Centre, Waterford, Ireland. The information is free to use by individuals provided the owners of the data are acknowledged in any use of publication, or that the use of the data is cited in the following format - 'Data from the Hare Survey of Ireland 06/07 dataset held by the National Biodiversity Data Centre, [insert date]'" ,true,true,true,true,true,?,false,"Copyright 2014, National Biodiversity Data Centre, Waterford, Ireland. The information is free to use by individuals provided the owners of the data are acknowledged in any use of publication, or that the use of the data is cited in the following format - 'Data from the Ephemeroptera of Ireland dataset held by the National Biodiversity Data Centre, [insert date]'" ,true,true,true,true,true,?,false,"Copyright 2014, National Biodiversity Data Centre, Waterford, Ireland. The information is free to use by individuals provided the owners of the data are acknowledged in any use of publication, or that the use of the data is cited in the following format - 'Data from the Sponges of Rathlin Island dataset held by the National Biodiversity Data Centre, [insert date]'" ,true,true,true,true,true,?,false,"Copyright 2015, National Biodiversity Data Centre, Waterford, Ireland. The information is free to use by individuals provided the owners of the data are acknowledged in any use of publication, or that the use of the data is cited in the following format - 'Data from the Road Kill Survey dataset held by the National Biodiversity Data Centre, [insert date]'" ,true,true,true,true,true,?,false,"Copyright 2014, National Biodiversity Data Centre, Waterford, Ireland. The information is free to use by individuals provided the owners of the data are acknowledged in any use of publication, or that the use of the data is cited in the following format - 'Data from the Kingfisher Survey 2010 dataset held by the National Biodiversity Data Centre, [insert date]'" ,true,true,true,true,true,?,false,"Copyright 2015, National Biodiversity Data Centre, Waterford, Ireland. The information is free to use by individuals provided the owners of the data are acknowledged in any use of publication, or that the use of the data is cited in the following format - 'Data from the Butterflies - Irish Butterfly Monitoring Scheme dataset held by the National Biodiversity Data Centre, [insert date]'" ,true,true,true,true,true,?,false,"Copyright 2015, National Biodiversity Data Centre, Waterford, Ireland. The information is free to use by individuals provided the owners of the data are acknowledged in any use of publication, or that the use of the data is cited in the following format - 'Data from the Butterflies of County Waterford dataset held by the National Biodiversity Data Centre, [insert date]'" ,true,true,true,true,true,?,false,"Copyright 2015, National Biodiversity Data Centre, Waterford, Ireland. The information is free to use by individuals provided the owners of the data are acknowledged in any use of publication, or that the use of the data is cited in the following format - 'Data from the Biodiversity records from Ireland - general dataset held by the National Biodiversity Data Centre, [insert date]'" ,true,true,true,true,true,?,false,"Copyright 2015, National Biodiversity Data Centre, Waterford, Ireland. The information is free to use by individuals provided the owners of the data are acknowledged in any use of publication, or that the use of the data is cited in the following format - 'Data from the Badger and Habitats Survey of Ireland dataset held by the National Biodiversity Data Centre, [insert date]'",true,true,true,true,true,true,false,by-sa,true,true,true,true,true,true,false,Copyright Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike License © 2013.,true,true,true,false,true,true,false,Copyright Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike License © 2013.,true,true,true,true,false,false,false,This work is licensed under a Creative Commons CCZero License/Waiver. ,?,false,?,false,?,?,false,"This online list was compiled under the auspices of the American Society of Mammalogists. Copyright 2005 Johns Hopkins University Press. All rights are reserved. The data in this checklist of mammal species of the world are being presented for non-commercial, personal, and collections management use only. Copying or redistributing these data in any manner for personal or corporate gain is not permitted." ,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,by ,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,"¬© 2015, Species 2000",true,true,true,true,true,false,false,CC BY 3.0,true,true,true,true,false,false,false,This work is licensed under a Creative Commons CCZero 1.0 License ,true,true,true,true,true,?,false,"Copyright 2015, National Biodiversity Data Centre, Waterford, Ireland. The information is free to use by individuals provided the owners of the data are acknowledged in any use of publication, or that the use of the data is cited in the following format - 'Data from the Bees of Ireland dataset held by the National Biodiversity Data Centre, [insert date]'" ,true,true,true,true,true,?,false,"Copyright 2015, National Biodiversity Data Centre, Waterford, Ireland. The information is free to use by individuals provided the owners of the data are acknowledged in any use of publication, or that the use of the data is cited in the following format - 'Data from the BSBI tetrad data for Ireland dataset held by the National Biodiversity Data Centre, [insert date]'" ,true,true,true,true,true,?,false,"Copyright 2015, National Biodiversity Data Centre, Waterford, Ireland. The information is free to use by individuals provided the owners of the data are acknowledged in any use of publication, or that the use of the data is cited in the following format - 'Data from the National Invasive Species Database dataset held by the National Biodiversity Data Centre, [insert date]'" ,true,true,true,true,true,?,false,"Copyright 2014, National Biodiversity Data Centre, Waterford, Ireland. The information is free to use by individuals provided the owners of the data are acknowledged in any use of publication, or that the use of the data is cited in the following format - 'Data from the Neuroptera (Insecta) of Ireland dataset held by the National Biodiversity Data Centre, [insert date]'" ,true,true,true,true,true,?,false,"Copyright 2014, National Biodiversity Data Centre, Waterford, Ireland. The information is free to use by individuals provided the owners of the data are acknowledged in any use of publication, or that the use of the data is cited in the following format - 'Data from the Otter Survey of Ireland 1982 dataset held by the National Biodiversity Data Centre, [insert date]'" ,true,true,true,true,true,?,false,"Copyright 2015, National Biodiversity Data Centre, Waterford, Ireland. The information is free to use by individuals provided the owners of the data are acknowledged in any use of publication, or that the use of the data is cited in the following format - 'Data from the The Irish Squirrel Survey 2007 dataset held by the National Biodiversity Data Centre, [insert date]'" ,true,true,true,true,true,?,false,"Copyright 2015, National Biodiversity Data Centre, Waterford, Ireland. The information is free to use by individuals provided the owners of the data are acknowledged in any use of publication, or that the use of the data is cited in the following format - 'Data from the The Flora of County Waterford dataset held by the National Biodiversity Data Centre, [insert date]'" ,?,?,?,false,true,?,false,The terms and conditions of use of AMNH data are given in the document found at,true,true,true,true,false,false,false, and ,true,false,false,?,true,?,false,"SDNHM data records may be used by individual researchers or research groups, but they may not be repackaged, resold, or redistributed in any form without the express written consent of a curator at the San Diego Natural History Museum. If any record is used in an analysis or report, an acknowledgment should be made that the data originated from the San Diego Natural History Museum. SDNHM and its staff are not responsible for damages, injury or loss due to the use of these data. For more information, please consult our Terms & Conditions (",true,true,true,true,false,false,false, and