# TransferBankModel ## Properties Name | Type | Description | Notes ------------ | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- **guid** | **String** | Auto-generated unique identifier for the transfer. | [optional] **transferType** | **String** | The type of transfer; one of funding, book, crypto, instant_funding, funding_return, crypto_return, or loss_recovery. | [optional] **bankGuid** | **String** | The associated bank's identifier. | [optional] **customerGuid** | **String** | The associated customer's identifier. | [optional] **quoteGuid** | **String** | The associated quote's identifier. | [optional] **externalBankAccountGuid** | **String** | The associated external bank account's identifier. | [optional] **asset** | **String** | The asset the transfer is related to, e.g., USD. | [optional] **side** | **String** | The direction of the quote; one of deposit or withdrawal. | [optional] **state** | **String** | The state of the transfer; one of storing, pending, reviewing, completed, or failed. | [optional] **failureCode** | **String** | The failure code for failed transfers; one of non_sufficient_funds, refresh_required, party_name_invalid, payment_rail_invalid, compliance_rejection, cancelled, reversed, limit_exceeded, network_fee_too_low, or amount_too_low. | [optional] **amount** | **Int** | The actual amount in base units of the asset. | [optional] **estimatedAmount** | **Int** | The estimated amount in base units of the asset. | [optional] **fee** | **Int** | The fee associated with the transfer. | [optional] **estimatedNetworkFee** | **Int** | The estimated network fee in base units of network_fee_asset. Only present on `crypto` transfers. | [optional] **networkFee** | **Int** | The actual network fee in base units of network_fee_asset. Only present on `crypto` transfers that have successfully completed. | [optional] **networkFeeAsset** | **String** | The asset code of the network fee. Only present on `crypto` transfers that have successfully completed. | [optional] **networkFeeLiabilityAmount** | **Int** | The equivalent fiat network fee in base units of network_fee_liability_amount_asset. Only present on `crypto` transfers that have successfully completed. | [optional] **networkFeeLiabilityAmountAsset** | **String** | The fiat asset the network_fee_liability_amount is denominated in. Only present on `crypto` transfers that have successfully completed. | [optional] **txnHash** | **String** | The hash of the blockchain transaction | [optional] **referenceTransferGuid** | **String** | The guid of the related transfer. Only present on `funding_return` transfers. | [optional] **sourceAccount** | [**TransferSourceAccountBankModel**](TransferSourceAccountBankModel.md) | | [optional] **destinationAccount** | [**TransferDestinationAccountBankModel**](TransferDestinationAccountBankModel.md) | | [optional] **createdAt** | **Date** | ISO8601 datetime the record was created at. | [optional] **updatedAt** | **Date** | ISO8601 datetime the record was last updated at. | [optional] **transferDetails** | [**AnyCodableBankModel**](.md) | The raw details on the transfer from the bank. | [optional] **paymentRail** | **String** | The rail the payment was done on. One of: ach, eft, wire, rtp | [optional] **labels** | **[String]** | The labels associated with the transfer. | [optional] [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)