# TradeBankModel ## Properties Name | Type | Description | Notes ------------ | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- **guid** | **String** | Auto-generated unique identifier for the trade. | [optional] **tradeType** | **String** | The type of trade; one of platform or liquidation. | [optional] **customerGuid** | **String** | The associated customer's identifier. | [optional] **quoteGuid** | **String** | The associated quote's identifier. | [optional] **symbol** | **String** | The trade symbol the pricing is related to. Format is asset-counter_asset, e.g., BTC-USD. | [optional] **side** | **String** | The direction of the trade; one of buy or sell. | [optional] **state** | **String** | The state of the trade; one of storing, pending, cancelled, completed, settling, or failed. | [optional] **failureCode** | **String** | The failure code for failed trades; one of non_sufficient_funds, unsupported, limit_exceeded, expired_quote, or market_volatility. | [optional] **receiveAmount** | **Int** | The amount to be received in base units of the currency: currency is \"asset\" for buy and \"counter_asset\" for sell. | [optional] **deliverAmount** | **Int** | The amount to be delivered in base units of the currency: currency is \"counter_asset\" for buy and \"asset\" for sell. | [optional] **fee** | **Int** | The fee associated with the trade. Denominated in \"counter_asset\" base units | [optional] **createdAt** | **Date** | ISO8601 datetime the record was created at. | [optional] **updatedAt** | **Date** | ISO8601 datetime the record was last updated at. | [optional] **labels** | **[String]** | The labels associated with the trade. | [optional] [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)