<% include header.html %> <%= site.title %> ======================= <%= site.description %> This project was created by <%= author.name %>. My website is located at the url [<%= author.url %>](). ## <%= header %> ![Markdown Logo](img/mdlogo.png) Hey <%= user.name %>! This is a test template for the `markedejs` module. We can use markdown and EJS together for some pretty awesome results. Includes work with external HTML documents, you must include the filename option when rendering however. ### The Classic EJS Supplies List ### Your User Data I like using markdown lists a whole lot better when I can. - **Username:** <%= user.username %> - **Name:** <%= user.name %> - **Stars:** <%= user.stars %> We can do some conditionals as well. You will only see the footer below this paragraph if you pass in `true` for the `showFooter` flag. <% if (showFooter !== undefined && showFooter === true) { %> <%= footer %> <% } %> <% include footer.html %>