local lualine = require("lualine") -- Color table for highlights -- stylua: ignore -- local colors = {{{{ -- bg = '#202328', -- fg = '#bbc2cf', -- yellow = '#ECBE7B', -- cyan = '#008080', -- darkblue = '#081633', -- green = '#98be65', -- orange = '#FF8800', -- violet = '#a9a1e1', -- magenta = '#c678dd', -- blue = '#51afef', -- red = '#ec5f67', -- }}}} -- #52A8F2 #62A1D9 #82B0D9 #54B5BF #F2F2EB local colors = { bg = '#2d506e', fg = '#F2F2EB', yellow = '#ECBE7B', cyan = '#82B0D9', darkblue = '#081633', green = '#54B5BF', orange = '#FF8800', violet = '#a9a1e1', magenta = '#c678dd', blue = '#62A1D9 ', red = '#ec5f67', } local filename = require("lualine.components.filename"):extend() filename.apply_icon = require("lualine.components.filetype").apply_icon -- require("lualine").setup({ -- lualine_c = { { filename, colored = true } }, -- }) -- local icon = { -- left = "", -- } local conditions = { buffer_not_empty = function() return vim.fn.empty(vim.fn.expand("%:t")) ~= 1 end, hide_in_width = function() return vim.fn.winwidth(0) > 80 end, check_git_workspace = function() local filepath = vim.fn.expand("%:p:h") local gitdir = vim.fn.finddir(".git", filepath .. ";") return gitdir and #gitdir > 0 and #gitdir < #filepath end, } -- Config local config = { options = { icons_enabled = true, globalstatus = true, component_separators = "", section_separators = "", theme = { -- We are going to use lualine_c an lualine_x as left and -- right section. Both are highlighted by c theme . So we -- are just setting default looks o statusline normal = { c = { fg = colors.fg, bg = colors.bg } }, inactive = { c = { fg = colors.fg, bg = colors.bg } }, }, }, sections = { -- these are to remove the defaults lualine_a = {}, lualine_b = {}, lualine_y = {}, lualine_z = {}, -- These will be filled later lualine_c = {}, lualine_x = {}, }, inactive_sections = { -- these are to remove the defaults lualine_a = {}, lualine_b = {}, lualine_y = {}, lualine_z = {}, lualine_c = { { filename, colored = true }, }, lualine_x = {}, }, lualine_c = { "lsp_progress", }, } -- Inserts a component in lualine_c at left section local function ins_left(component) table.insert(config.sections.lualine_c, component) end -- Inserts a component in lualine_x ot right section local function ins_right(component) table.insert(config.sections.lualine_x, component) end -- section_separators = { left = "", right = "" }, ins_left({ function() return "▊" end, color = { fg = "#62A1D9" }, -- Sets highlighting of component padding = { left = 0, right = 1 }, -- We don't need space before this }) ins_left({ -- mode component function() return require("lualine.components.filetype").apply_icon() end, color = function() -- auto change color according to neovims mode local mode_color = { n = colors.red, i = colors.green, v = colors.blue, [""] = colors.blue, V = colors.blue, c = colors.magenta, no = colors.red, s = colors.orange, S = colors.orange, [""] = colors.orange, ic = colors.yellow, R = colors.violet, Rv = colors.violet, cv = colors.red, ce = colors.red, r = colors.cyan, rm = colors.cyan, ["r?"] = colors.cyan, ["!"] = colors.red, t = colors.red, } return { fg = mode_color[vim.fn.mode()] } end, padding = { right = 1 }, }) ins_left({ -- filesize component "filesize", cond = conditions.buffer_not_empty, }) ins_left({ "filename", cond = conditions.buffer_not_empty, color = { fg = colors.cyan, gui = "bold" }, }) ins_left({ function() return require("lualine.components.filetype").apply_icon() end, cond = conditions.buffer_not_empty, color = { fg = colors.blue, gui = "bold" }, }) ins_left({ "location" }) ins_left({ "progress", color = { fg = colors.fg, gui = "bold" } }) ins_left({ "diagnostics", sources = { "nvim_diagnostic" }, symbols = { error = " ", warn = " ", info = " " }, diagnostics_color = { color_error = { fg = colors.red }, color_warn = { fg = colors.yellow }, color_info = { fg = colors.cyan }, }, }) -- Insert mid section. You can make any number of sections in neovim :) -- for lualine it's any number greater then 2 ins_left({ function() return "%=" end, }) ins_left({ -- Lsp server name . function() local msg = "No Active Lsp" local buf_ft = vim.api.nvim_buf_get_option(0, "filetype") local clients = vim.lsp.get_active_clients() if next(clients) == nil then return msg end for _, client in ipairs(clients) do local filetypes = client.config.filetypes if filetypes and vim.fn.index(filetypes, buf_ft) ~= -1 then return client.name end end return msg end, icon = " LSP:", color = { fg = "#ffffff", gui = "bold" }, }) -- Add components to right sections ins_right({ "o:encoding", -- option component same as &encoding in viml fmt = string.upper, -- I'm not sure why it's upper case either ;) cond = conditions.hide_in_width, color = { fg = colors.green, gui = "bold" }, }) ins_right({ "fileformat", fmt = string.upper, icons_enabled = false, -- I think icons are cool but Eviline doesn't have them. sigh color = { fg = colors.green, gui = "bold" }, }) ins_right({ "branch", icon = "", color = { fg = colors.violet, gui = "bold" }, }) ins_right({ "diff", -- Is it me or the symbol for modified us really weird symbols = { added = " ", modified = "柳 ", removed = " " }, diff_color = { added = { fg = colors.green }, modified = { fg = colors.orange }, removed = { fg = colors.red }, }, cond = conditions.hide_in_width, }) ins_right({ function() return "▊" end, color = { fg = colors.green }, padding = { left = 1 }, }) -- Now don't forget to initialize lualine lualine.setup(config)