[[plugins]] repo= 'lilydjwg/colorizer' on_event = ["/BufEnter"] [[plugins]] on_event = ["BufRead"] repo = 'jose-elias-alvarez/null-ls.nvim' lua_source = """ require("configs/null-ls") """ [[plugins]] repo = 'jay-babu/mason-null-ls.nvim' on_source = ["null-ls.nvim"] [[plugins]] repo = "segeljakt/vim-silicon" on_cmd = ["Silicon"] # lua_source = """ # require("configs/silicon") # """ [[plugins]] repo = "mattn/vim-chatgpt" on_cmd = ["chatgpt", "codereviewplease"] [[plugins]] repo = 'lambdalisue/kensaku.vim' on_event = ["BufRead"] [[plugins]] repo = "lambdalisue/kensaku-command.vim" on_source = ["kensaku.vim"] [[plugins]] repo = 'lambdalisue/kensaku-search.vim' on_source = ["kensaku.vim"] [[plugins]] repo = 'skanehira/command.vim' on_cmd = ["CommandBufferOpen"] [[plugins]] repo = 'https://github.com/numToStr/Comment.nvim' on_event = ["BufRead"] lua_source = """ require('Comment').setup() """ [[plugins]] repo = "lukas-reineke/indent-blankline.nvim" on_event = ["BufRead"] lua_source = """ require("configs/blankline") """ [[plugins]] repo = 'bfredl/nvim-luadev' on_cmd = ['Luadev'] # 使用頻度が低いプラグイン # 毎回使わないようなプラグインはここ [[plugins]] repo = 'sakhnik/nvim-gdb' on_cmd = [ "GdbStart", "GdbStartPDB", "GdbStartBashDB", "GdbStartRR", "GdbBreakpointToggle", "GdbUntil", "GdbContinue", "GdbNext", "GdbStep" "GdbFinish", "GdbFrameUp", "GdbFrameDown"] [[plugins]] repo = 'skanehira/translate.vim' on_cmd = ["Translate"] [[plugins]] repo = 'https://github.com/windwp/nvim-ts-autotag' on_source = ["nvim-treesitter"] lua_source = """ require("nvim-ts-autotag").setup() require'nvim-treesitter.configs'.setup { autotag = { enable = true, } } """ [[plugins]] repo = 'twitvim/twitvim' on_cmd = [ "FriendsTwitter", "PosttoTwitter", "BPosttoTwitter", "UserTwitte", "MentionsTwitter " "PublicTwitter", "DMTwitter", "SearchTwitte" ] [[plugins]] repo = 'kdheepak/lazygit.nvim' on_cmd = ["LazyGit", "LazyGitConfig", "LazyGitFilter", "LazyGitFilterCurrentFile"] [[plugins]] repo = 'https://github.com/Shougo/deol.nvim' on_cmd = ["Deol"] # source_lua = """ # """ [[plugins]] repo = 'nvim-telescope/telescope-file-browser.nvim' on_source = ["telescope.nvim"] [[plugins]] repo = 'https://github.com/Allianaab2m/telescope-kensaku.nvim' on_source = ["telescope.nvim"] [[plugins]] repo ='nvim-telescope/telescope.nvim' on_cmd = ["Telescope"] # on_event = ["BufRead"] # on_source = ["telescope-file-browser.nvim"] lua_source = """ require("configs/telescope") """ [[plugins]] repo = 'itchyny/calendar.vim' on_cmd = ["Calendar"] [[plugins]] repo = 'https://github.com/dstein64/vim-startuptime' on_cmd = ["StartupTime"] [[plugins]] repo= 'https://github.com/yuttie/comfortable-motion.vim' on_event = ["BufRead"] [[plugins]] repo = 'windwp/nvim-autopairs' on_source = ["nvim-cmp"] lua_source = """ require("nvim-autopairs").setup() local cmp_autopairs = require('nvim-autopairs.completion.cmp') local cmp = require('cmp') cmp.event:on( 'confirm_done', cmp_autopairs.on_confirm_done() ) """ [[plugins]] repo = 'vim-denops/denops-helloworld.vim' on_cmd = ["DenopsHello", "DenopsGrep"] [[plugins]] repo = 'https://github.com/mattreduce/vim-mix' on_cmd = ["Mix", "Mclean", "Mcompile", "Mdeps", "Mtest"] [[plugins]] repo = "https://github.com/wakatime/vim-wakatime" on_event = ["BufRead"] [[plugins]] repo = "https://github.com/HiPhish/nvim-ts-rainbow2" on_event = ["BufRead"] lua_source = """ require('nvim-treesitter.configs').setup { rainbow = { enable = true, query = 'rainbow-parens', strategy = require('ts-rainbow').strategy.global, } } """ [[plugins]] repo = "https://github.com/JoosepAlviste/nvim-ts-context-commentstring" on_event = ["BufRead"] lua_source = """ require'nvim-treesitter.configs'.setup { context_commentstring = { enable = true } } """ [[plugins]] repo= 'https://github.com/nvim-treesitter/nvim-treesitter' on_event = ["BufRead"] lua_source = """ require("configs/treesitter") """ [[plugins]] repo = "https://github.com/vim-skk/skkeleton" on_event = ["InsertEnter"] lua_source = """ require("configs/skkeleton") """ [[plugins]] repo = "https://github.com/phaazon/hop.nvim" on_event = ["BufRead"] lua_source = """ require("configs/hop") """ [[plugins]] repo = 'https://github.com/miyakogi/seiya.vim' on_event = ["VimEnter"] lua_source = """ vim.g.seiya_auto_enable=1 vim.cmd("let g:seiya_target_groups = has('nvim') ? ['guibg'] : ['ctermbg']") """ [[plugins]] repo = "https://github.com/nvim-treesitter/nvim-treesitter-context" on_event = ["BufRead"] lua_source = """ require'treesitter-context'.setup{ enable = true, -- Enable this plugin (Can be enabled/disabled later via commands) max_lines = 0, -- How many lines the window should span. Values <= 0 mean no limit. min_window_height = 0, -- Minimum editor window height to enable context. Values <= 0 mean no limit. line_numbers = true, multiline_threshold = 20, -- Maximum number of lines to collapse for a single context line trim_scope = 'outer', -- Which context lines to discard if `max_lines` is exceeded. Choices: 'inner', 'outer' mode = 'cursor', -- Line used to calculate context. Choices: 'cursor', 'topline' -- Separator between context and content. Should be a single character string, like '-'. -- When separator is set, the context will only show up when there are at least 2 lines above cursorline. separator = nil, zindex = 20, -- The Z-index of the context window } """ [[plugins]] repo = "https://github.com/lambdalisue/fern.vim" on_cmd = ["Fern"] lua_source = """ vim.cmd("let g:fern#renderer = 'nerdfont'") """ [[plugins]] repo = "lambdalisue/fern-renderer-nerdfont.vim" on_source = ["fern.vim"] [[plugins]] repo = "lambdalisue/nerdfont.vim" on_source = ["fern.vim"] [[plugins]] repo = "~/ghq/github.com/coma/runit.nvim" on_event = ["BufRead"] lua_source = """ require("configs/runit") """ [[plugins]] repo = "https://github.com/Shougo/dda.vim" on_event = ["BufRead"] [[plugins]] repo = "junegunn/fzf.vim" on_cmd = ["Fq"] [[plugins]] repo = 'simrat39/symbols-outline.nvim' on_event = ["BufRead"] lua_source = """ require("configs/outline") vim.cmd("au BufRead * :SymbolsOutlineOpen") """ [[plugins]] repo = "https://github.com/nvim-treesitter/nvim-treesitter-textobjects" on_source = ["nvim-treesitter"] [[plugins]] repo = "https://github.com/SmiteshP/nvim-navic" on_event = ["BufEnter"] lua_source = """ local navic = require("nvim-navic") navic.setup { icons = { File = " ", Module = " ", Namespace = " ", Package = " ", Class = " ", Method = " ", Property = " ", Field = " ", Constructor = " ", Enum = "練", Interface = "練", Function = " ", Variable = " ", Constant = " ", String = " ", Number = " ", Boolean = "◩ ", Array = " ", Object = " ", Key = " ", Null = "ﳠ ", EnumMember = " ", Struct = " ", Event = " ", Operator = " ", TypeParameter = " ", }, lsp = { auto_attach = false, preference = nil, }, highlight = false, separator = " > ", depth_limit = 0, depth_limit_indicator = "..", safe_output = true } """ [[plugins]] repo = 'nvim-lualine/lualine.nvim' # on_event = ["VimEnter"] # on_source = ["nvim-web-devicons"] lua_source = """ -- require("configs/lualine") """ [[plugins]] repo = 'https://github.com/nvim-tree/nvim-web-devicons' on_source = ["BufRead"] lua_source = """ require('nvim-web-devicons').setup() """ [[plugins]] repo = 'https://github.com/simeji/winresizer' on_event = ["BufRead"] # [[plugins]] # repo = 'https://github.com/utilyre/barbecue.nvim' # on_source = ["nvim-navic"] # # on_event = ["BufEnter"] # lua_source = """ # require("configs/barbecue") # """ [[plugins]] repo = 'https://github.com/yuki-yano/fuzzy-motion.vim' on_cmd = ["FuzzyMotion"] lua_source = """ vim.keymap.set("n", "S", "FuzzyMotion") vim.g.fuzzy_motion_matchers = { "kensaku", "fzf" } """ [[plugins]] repo = 'https://github.com/simnalamburt/vim-mundo' on_cmd = ["MundoToggle"] # [[plugins]] # repo = 'https://github.com/mhinz/vim-sayonara' # on_cmd = ["Sayonara", "Sayonara!"] # [[plugins]] # repo = 'https://github.com/vim-test/vim-test' # on_cmd = ["TestNearest", "TestFile", "TestSuite", "TestLast", "TestVisit"] [[plugins]] repo = 'kylechui/nvim-surround' on_event = ["BufRead"] lua_source = """ require("nvim-surround").setup() """ [[plugins]] repo = "https://github.com/lambdalisue/mr.vim" on_event = ["BufRead"] [[plugins]] repo = "https://github.com/Comamoca/mr-telescope" on_source = ["telescope.nvim"] lua_source = """ -- require("nvim-surround").setup({}) """ [[plugins]] repo = "https://github.com/tomasky/bookmarks.nvim" on_source = ["telescope.nvim"] lua_source = """ require('bookmarks').setup { -- sign_priority = 8, --set bookmark sign priority to cover other sign save_file = vim.fn.expand "$HOME/.bookmarks", -- bookmarks save file path keywords = { ["@t"] = "☑️ ", -- mark annotation startswith @t ,signs this icon as `Todo` ["@w"] = "⚠️ ", -- mark annotation startswith @w ,signs this icon as `Warn` ["@f"] = "⛏ ", -- mark annotation startswith @f ,signs this icon as `Fix` ["@n"] = " ", -- mark annotation startswith @n ,signs this icon as `Note` }, on_attach = function(bufnr) local bm = require "bookmarks" local map = vim.keymap.set map("n","mm",bm.bookmark_toggle) -- add or remove bookmark at current line map("n","mi",bm.bookmark_ann) -- add or edit mark annotation at current line map("n","mc",bm.bookmark_clean) -- clean all marks in local buffer map("n","mn",bm.bookmark_next) -- jump to next mark in local buffer map("n","mp",bm.bookmark_prev) -- jump to previous mark in local buffer map("n","ml",bm.bookmark_list) -- show marked file list in quickfix window end } require('telescope').load_extension('bookmarks') """ # [[plugins]] # repo = 'Bekaboo/dropbar.nvim' # on_event = ["BufRead"] # lua_source = """ # -- require("dropbar.nvim").setup() # """ [[plugins]] repo = "https://github.com/vim-jp/vimdoc-ja" on_cmd = ["help"] [[plugins]] repo = "https://github.com/kyoh86/vim-ripgrep" on_event = ["BufEnter"] [[plugins]] repo = "https://github.com/lewis6991/satellite.nvim" on_event = ["BufEnter"] # [[plugins]] # repo = "https://github.com/epwalsh/obsidian.nvim" # on_event = ["BufEnter"] # lua_source = """ # require("obsidian").setup( # dir = "~/ghq/github.com/Comamoca/note" # ) # """ [[plugins]] repo = 'VonHeikemen/fine-cmdline.nvim' on_cmd = ["FineCmdline"] lua_source = """ vim.api.nvim_set_keymap('n', ':', 'FineCmdline', {noremap = true}) """ [[plugins]] repo = 'https://github.com/esensar/nvim-dev-container' on_cmd = [ "DevcontainerStart", "DevcontainerAttach", "DevcontainerExec", "DevcontainerStop", "DevcontainerStopAll", "DevcontainerRemoveAll", "DevcontainerLogs", "DevcontainerEditNearestConfig" ] lua_source = """ require("devcontainer").setup{} """ [[plugins]] repo = 'https://github.com/rafcamlet/nvim-luapad' on_cmd = ["Luapad"] lua_source = """ require('luapad').setup() """ [[plugins]] repo = 'https://github.com/svermeulen/nvim-teal-maker' on_cmd = ["TealBuild"] # [[plugins]] # repo = 'huggingface/hfcc.nvim' # on_event = ["BufEnter"] # lua_source = """ # require('hfcc').setup({ # model = "bigcode/starcoder", # accept_keymap = "", # dismiss_keymap = "", # max_context_after = 5000, # max_context_before = 5000, # tls_skip_verify_insecure = false, # }) # """ [[plugins]] repo = "folke/zen-mode.nvim" on_cmd = ["ZenMode"] lua_source = """ require("configs/zen") """ # [[plugins]] # repo = "https://github.com/echasnovski/mini.nvim" # on_event = ["VimEnter"] # lua_source = """ # require("configs/mini") # """ [[plugins]] repo = "folke/noice.nvim" on_event = ["VimEnter"] lua_source = """ require("configs/noice") """ [[plugins]] on_source = ["noice.nvim"] repo = "rcarriga/nvim-notify" [[plugins]] on_source = ["noice.nvim"] repo = "MunifTanjim/nui.nvim"