# Contributing to SwAuth Thanks for showing interest in contributing! For fixes and improvements other than those involving markdown files, please work from the [`develop`](https://github.com/Colaski/SwAuth/tree/develop) branch of this repository and issue a pull request to the [`develop`](https://github.com/Colaski/SwAuth/tree/develop) branch. You do not need a mac to contribute, all you need is Swift and [SwiftLint](https://github.com/realm/SwiftLint) (there is a SwiftLint VSCode extension). No linting rules are added or excluded, the default will do. To have your changes merged make sure: * There are no SwiftLint linting errors. * SwAuth builds with your changes. * Added code is documented, adhering somewhat to the style of the rest of the project. ([there are tons of examples in the code base](https://github.com/Colaski/SwAuth/blob/main/Sources/SwAuth/AuthorizationCodeFlow.swift)) * You have tested your changes through a test app or demo app or unit tests. ## Want to Contrubute but Need Ideas? - Check out [projects](https://github.com/Colaski/SwAuth/projects) to see what features/changes are planned but yet to be implemented! - Check out [issues](https://github.com/Colaski/SwAuth/issues) to see if there are any that you could solve!