-- AdKats Database Setup Script -- Version (2019-7-8) -- Daniel J. Gradinjan (ColColonCleaner) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=0; SET SQL_MODE="NO_AUTO_VALUE_ON_ZERO"; SET time_zone = "+00:00"; DELIMITER $$ DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS addLogPlayerID $$ CREATE PROCEDURE addLogPlayerID() BEGIN -- add logPlayerID column safely IF NOT EXISTS( (SELECT * FROM information_schema.COLUMNS WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA=DATABASE() AND COLUMN_NAME='logPlayerID' AND TABLE_NAME='tbl_chatlog') ) THEN ALTER TABLE `tbl_chatlog` ADD COLUMN `logPlayerID` INT(10) UNSIGNED DEFAULT NULL; ALTER TABLE `tbl_chatlog` ADD INDEX (`logPlayerID`); ALTER TABLE `tbl_chatlog` ADD CONSTRAINT `tbl_chatlog_ibfk_player_id` FOREIGN KEY (`logPlayerID`) REFERENCES `tbl_playerdata` (`PlayerID`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE; UPDATE `tbl_chatlog` INNER JOIN `tbl_playerdata` ON `tbl_chatlog`.`logSoldierName` = `tbl_playerdata`.`SoldierName` SET `tbl_chatlog`.`logPlayerID` = `tbl_playerdata`.`PlayerID` WHERE `tbl_playerdata`.`SoldierName` <> 'AutoAdmin' AND `tbl_playerdata`.`SoldierName` <> 'AdKats' AND `tbl_playerdata`.`SoldierName` <> 'Server' AND `tbl_playerdata`.`SoldierName` <> 'BanEnforcer' AND `tbl_chatlog`.`logPlayerID` IS NULL; END IF; END $$ CALL addLogPlayerID() $$ DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS `tbl_chatlog_player_id_insert`$$ CREATE TRIGGER `tbl_chatlog_player_id_insert` BEFORE INSERT ON `tbl_chatlog` FOR EACH ROW BEGIN SET NEW.logPlayerID = (SELECT `tbl_playerdata`.`PlayerID` FROM `tbl_server` INNER JOIN `tbl_games` ON `tbl_server`.`GameID` = `tbl_games`.`GameID` INNER JOIN `tbl_playerdata` ON `tbl_games`.`GameID` = `tbl_playerdata`.`GameID` WHERE `tbl_playerdata`.`SoldierName` = NEW.logSoldierName AND `tbl_server`.`ServerID` = NEW.ServerID LIMIT 1); END $$ DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS `Server_GameID_Zero_Prevention`$$ CREATE TRIGGER `Server_GameID_Zero_Prevention` BEFORE UPDATE ON `tbl_server` FOR EACH ROW BEGIN IF NEW.GameID IS NULL OR NEW.GameID = 0 THEN SET NEW.GameID = OLD.GameID; END IF; END$$ DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS `Player_Update_BlankDataFix`$$ DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS `Player_Update_BlankDataFix2`$$ CREATE TRIGGER `Player_Update_BlankDataFix2` BEFORE UPDATE ON `tbl_playerdata` FOR EACH ROW BEGIN IF (NEW.SoldierName IS NULL OR CHAR_LENGTH(NEW.SoldierName) = 0) AND OLD.SoldierName IS NOT NULL AND CHAR_LENGTH(OLD.SoldierName) > 0 THEN SET NEW.SoldierName = OLD.SoldierName; END IF; IF (NEW.EAGUID IS NULL OR CHAR_LENGTH(NEW.EAGUID) = 0) AND OLD.EAGUID IS NOT NULL AND CHAR_LENGTH(OLD.EAGUID) > 0 THEN SET NEW.EAGUID = OLD.EAGUID; END IF; IF (NEW.PBGUID IS NULL OR CHAR_LENGTH(NEW.PBGUID) = 0) AND OLD.PBGUID IS NOT NULL AND CHAR_LENGTH(OLD.PBGUID) > 0 THEN SET NEW.PBGUID = OLD.PBGUID; END IF; IF (NEW.IP_Address IS NULL OR CHAR_LENGTH(NEW.IP_Address) = 0) AND OLD.IP_Address IS NOT NULL AND CHAR_LENGTH(OLD.IP_Address) > 0 AND OLD.IP_Address <> '' THEN SET NEW.IP_Address = OLD.IP_Address; END IF; IF NEW.ClanTag IS NULL THEN SET NEW.ClanTag = OLD.ClanTag; END IF; IF NEW.GameID IS NULL OR NEW.GameID = 0 THEN SET NEW.GameID = OLD.GameID; END IF; END$$ DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS `Server_GameID_Zero_Insert`$$ CREATE TRIGGER `Server_GameID_Zero_Insert` BEFORE INSERT ON `tbl_server` FOR EACH ROW BEGIN IF NEW.GameID IS NULL OR NEW.GameID = 0 THEN SET NEW.GameID = NULL; END IF; END$$ DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS `Server_GameID_Zero_Update`$$ CREATE TRIGGER `Server_GameID_Zero_Update` BEFORE UPDATE ON `tbl_server` FOR EACH ROW BEGIN IF NEW.GameID IS NULL OR NEW.GameID = 0 THEN SET NEW.GameID = OLD.GameID; END IF; END$$ DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS `Player_GameID_Zero_Insert`$$ CREATE TRIGGER `Player_GameID_Zero_Insert` BEFORE INSERT ON `tbl_playerdata` FOR EACH ROW BEGIN IF NEW.GameID IS NULL OR NEW.GameID = 0 THEN SET NEW.GameID = NULL; END IF; END$$ DELIMITER ; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `adkats_battlelog_players`; CREATE TABLE `adkats_battlelog_players` ( `player_id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL, `persona_id` bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL, `user_id` bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL, `gravatar` varchar(32) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci DEFAULT NULL, `persona_banned` tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, PRIMARY KEY (`player_id`), UNIQUE KEY `adkats_battlelog_players_player_id_persona_id_unique` (`player_id`,`persona_id`), KEY `adkats_battlelog_players_persona_id_index` (`persona_id`), KEY `adkats_battlelog_players_user_id_index` (`user_id`), CONSTRAINT `adkats_battlelog_players_ibfk_1` FOREIGN KEY (`player_id`) REFERENCES `tbl_playerdata` (`PlayerID`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_unicode_ci COMMENT='AdKats - Player Battlelog Info'; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `adkats_battlecries`; CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `adkats_battlecries`( `player_id` int(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL, `player_battlecry` varchar(300) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`player_id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_unicode_ci COMMENT='AdKats - Battlecries List'; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `adkats_bans`; CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `adkats_bans` ( `ban_id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `player_id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL, `latest_record_id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL, `ban_notes` varchar(150) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL DEFAULT 'NoNotes', `ban_status` enum('Active','Expired','Disabled') COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL DEFAULT 'Active', `ban_startTime` datetime NOT NULL, `ban_endTime` datetime NOT NULL, `ban_enforceName` enum('Y','N') COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL DEFAULT 'N', `ban_enforceGUID` enum('Y','N') COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL DEFAULT 'Y', `ban_enforceIP` enum('Y','N') COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL DEFAULT 'N', `ban_sync` varchar(100) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL DEFAULT '-sync-', PRIMARY KEY (`ban_id`), UNIQUE KEY `player_id_UNIQUE` (`player_id`), KEY `adkats_bans_fk_latest_record_id` (`latest_record_id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_unicode_ci COMMENT='AdKats - Ban List'; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `adkats_commands`; CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `adkats_commands` ( `command_id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL, `command_active` enum('Active','Disabled','Invisible') CHARACTER SET 'utf8' COLLATE 'utf8_unicode_ci' NOT NULL DEFAULT 'Active', `command_key` varchar(100) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL, `command_logging` ENUM('Log','Mandatory','Ignore', 'Unable') CHARACTER SET 'utf8' COLLATE 'utf8_unicode_ci' NOT NULL DEFAULT 'Log', `command_name` varchar(255) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL, `command_text` varchar(100) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL, `command_playerInteraction` BOOLEAN NOT NULL, `command_access` enum('Any','AnyHidden','AnyVisible','GlobalVisible','TeamVisible','SquadVisible') CHARACTER SET 'utf8' COLLATE 'utf8_unicode_ci' NOT NULL DEFAULT 'Any', PRIMARY KEY (`command_id`), UNIQUE KEY `command_key_UNIQUE` (`command_key`), UNIQUE KEY `command_text_UNIQUE` (`command_text`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_unicode_ci COMMENT='AdKats - Command List'; REPLACE INTO `adkats_commands` VALUES(1, 'Active', 'command_confirm', 'Unable', 'Confirm Command', 'yes', FALSE, 'Any'); REPLACE INTO `adkats_commands` VALUES(2, 'Active', 'command_cancel', 'Unable', 'Cancel Command', 'no', FALSE, 'Any'); REPLACE INTO `adkats_commands` VALUES(3, 'Active', 'player_kill', 'Log', 'Kill Player', 'kill', TRUE, 'Any'); REPLACE INTO `adkats_commands` VALUES(4, 'Invisible', 'player_kill_lowpop', 'Log', 'Kill Player (Low Population)', 'lowpopkill', TRUE, 'Any'); REPLACE INTO `adkats_commands` VALUES(5, 'Invisible', 'player_kill_repeat', 'Log', 'Kill Player (Repeat Kill)', 'repeatkill', TRUE, 'Any'); REPLACE INTO `adkats_commands` VALUES(6, 'Active', 'player_kick', 'Log', 'Kick Player', 'kick', TRUE, 'Any'); REPLACE INTO `adkats_commands` VALUES(7, 'Active', 'player_ban_temp', 'Log', 'Temp-Ban Player', 'tban', TRUE, 'Any'); REPLACE INTO `adkats_commands` VALUES(8, 'Active', 'player_ban_perm', 'Log', 'Permaban Player', 'ban', TRUE, 'Any'); REPLACE INTO `adkats_commands` VALUES(9, 'Active', 'player_punish', 'Mandatory', 'Punish Player', 'punish', TRUE, 'Any'); REPLACE INTO `adkats_commands` VALUES(10, 'Active', 'player_forgive', 'Mandatory', 'Forgive Player', 'forgive', TRUE, 'Any'); REPLACE INTO `adkats_commands` VALUES(11, 'Active', 'player_mute', 'Log', 'Mute Player', 'mute', TRUE, 'Any'); REPLACE INTO `adkats_commands` VALUES(12, 'Active', 'player_join', 'Log', 'Join Player', 'join', FALSE, 'Any'); -- Command 13 permanently removed REPLACE INTO `adkats_commands` VALUES(14, 'Active', 'player_move', 'Log', 'On-Death Move Player', 'move', TRUE, 'Any'); REPLACE INTO `adkats_commands` VALUES(15, 'Active', 'player_fmove', 'Log', 'Force Move Player', 'fmove', TRUE, 'Any'); REPLACE INTO `adkats_commands` VALUES(16, 'Active', 'self_teamswap', 'Log', 'Teamswap Self', 'moveme', FALSE, 'Any'); REPLACE INTO `adkats_commands` VALUES(17, 'Active', 'self_kill', 'Log', 'Kill Self', 'killme', FALSE, 'Any'); REPLACE INTO `adkats_commands` VALUES(18, 'Active', 'player_report', 'Log', 'Report Player', 'report', FALSE, 'Any'); REPLACE INTO `adkats_commands` VALUES(19, 'Invisible', 'player_report_confirm', 'Log', 'Report Player (Confirmed)', 'confirmreport', TRUE, 'Any'); REPLACE INTO `adkats_commands` VALUES(20, 'Active', 'player_calladmin', 'Log', 'Call Admin on Player', 'admin', FALSE, 'Any'); REPLACE INTO `adkats_commands` VALUES(21, 'Active', 'admin_say', 'Log', 'Admin Say', 'say', TRUE, 'Any'); REPLACE INTO `adkats_commands` VALUES(22, 'Active', 'player_say', 'Log', 'Player Say', 'psay', TRUE, 'Any'); REPLACE INTO `adkats_commands` VALUES(23, 'Active', 'admin_yell', 'Log', 'Admin Yell', 'yell', TRUE, 'Any'); REPLACE INTO `adkats_commands` VALUES(24, 'Active', 'player_yell', 'Log', 'Player Yell', 'pyell', TRUE, 'Any'); REPLACE INTO `adkats_commands` VALUES(25, 'Active', 'admin_tell', 'Log', 'Admin Tell', 'tell', TRUE, 'Any'); REPLACE INTO `adkats_commands` VALUES(26, 'Active', 'player_tell', 'Log', 'Player Tell', 'ptell', TRUE, 'Any'); REPLACE INTO `adkats_commands` VALUES(27, 'Active', 'self_whatis', 'Unable', 'What Is', 'whatis', FALSE, 'Any'); REPLACE INTO `adkats_commands` VALUES(28, 'Active', 'self_voip', 'Unable', 'VOIP', 'voip', FALSE, 'Any'); REPLACE INTO `adkats_commands` VALUES(29, 'Active', 'self_rules', 'Log', 'Request Rules', 'rules', FALSE, 'Any'); REPLACE INTO `adkats_commands` VALUES(30, 'Active', 'round_restart', 'Log', 'Restart Current Round', 'restart', TRUE, 'Any'); REPLACE INTO `adkats_commands` VALUES(31, 'Active', 'round_next', 'Log', 'Run Next Round', 'nextlevel', TRUE, 'Any'); REPLACE INTO `adkats_commands` VALUES(32, 'Active', 'round_end', 'Log', 'End Current Round', 'endround', TRUE, 'Any'); REPLACE INTO `adkats_commands` VALUES(33, 'Active', 'server_nuke', 'Log', 'Server Nuke', 'nuke', TRUE, 'Any'); REPLACE INTO `adkats_commands` VALUES(34, 'Active', 'server_kickall', 'Log', 'Kick All Guests', 'kickall', TRUE, 'Any'); REPLACE INTO `adkats_commands` VALUES(35, 'Invisible', 'adkats_exception', 'Mandatory', 'Logged Exception', 'logexception', FALSE, 'Any'); REPLACE INTO `adkats_commands` VALUES(36, 'Invisible', 'banenforcer_enforce', 'Mandatory', 'Enforce Active Ban', 'enforceban', TRUE, 'Any'); REPLACE INTO `adkats_commands` VALUES(37, 'Active', 'player_unban', 'Log', 'Unban Player', 'unban', TRUE, 'Any'); REPLACE INTO `adkats_commands` VALUES(38, 'Active', 'self_admins', 'Log', 'Request Online Admins', 'admins', FALSE, 'Any'); REPLACE INTO `adkats_commands` VALUES(39, 'Active', 'self_lead', 'Log', 'Lead Current Squad', 'lead', FALSE, 'Any'); REPLACE INTO `adkats_commands` VALUES(40, 'Active', 'admin_accept', 'Log', 'Accept Round Report', 'accept', TRUE, 'Any'); REPLACE INTO `adkats_commands` VALUES(41, 'Active', 'admin_deny', 'Log', 'Deny Round Report', 'deny', TRUE, 'Any'); REPLACE INTO `adkats_commands` VALUES(42, 'Invisible', 'player_report_deny', 'Log', 'Report Player (Denied)', 'denyreport', TRUE, 'Any'); REPLACE INTO `adkats_commands` VALUES(43, 'Active', 'server_swapnuke', 'Log', 'SwapNuke Server', 'swapnuke', TRUE, 'Any'); REPLACE INTO `adkats_commands` VALUES(44, 'Active', 'player_blacklistdisperse', 'Log', 'Blacklist Disperse Player', 'disperse', TRUE, 'Any'); REPLACE INTO `adkats_commands` VALUES(45, 'Active', 'player_whitelistbalance', 'Log', 'Autobalance Whitelist Player', 'mbwhitelist', TRUE, 'Any'); REPLACE INTO `adkats_commands` VALUES(46, 'Active', 'player_slotreserved', 'Log', 'Reserved Slot Player', 'reserved', TRUE, 'Any'); REPLACE INTO `adkats_commands` VALUES(47, 'Active', 'player_slotspectator', 'Log', 'Spectator Slot Player', 'spectator', TRUE, 'Any'); REPLACE INTO `adkats_commands` VALUES(48, 'Invisible', 'player_changename', 'Log', 'Player Changed Name', 'changename', TRUE, 'Any'); REPLACE INTO `adkats_commands` VALUES(49, 'Invisible', 'player_changeip', 'Log', 'Player Changed IP', 'changeip', TRUE, 'Any'); REPLACE INTO `adkats_commands` VALUES(50, 'Active', 'player_ban_perm_future', 'Log', 'Future Permaban Player', 'fban', TRUE, 'Any'); REPLACE INTO `adkats_commands` VALUES(51, 'Active', 'self_assist', 'Log', 'Assist Losing Team', 'assist', FALSE, 'Any'); REPLACE INTO `adkats_commands` VALUES(52, 'Active', 'self_uptime', 'Log', 'Request Uptimes', 'uptime', FALSE, 'Any'); REPLACE INTO `adkats_commands` VALUES(53, 'Active', 'self_contest', 'Log', 'Contest Report', 'contest', FALSE, 'Any'); REPLACE INTO `adkats_commands` VALUES(54, 'Active', 'player_kill_force', 'Log', 'Kill Player (Force)', 'fkill', TRUE, 'Any'); REPLACE INTO `adkats_commands` VALUES(55, 'Active', 'player_info', 'Log', 'Fetch Player Info', 'pinfo', TRUE, 'Any'); REPLACE INTO `adkats_commands` VALUES(56, 'Active', 'player_dequeue', 'Log', 'Dequeue Player Action', 'deq', TRUE, 'Any'); REPLACE INTO `adkats_commands` VALUES(57, 'Active', 'self_help', 'Log', 'Request Server Commands', 'help', FALSE, 'Any'); REPLACE INTO `adkats_commands` VALUES(58, 'Active', 'player_find', 'Log', 'Find Player', 'find', FALSE, 'Any'); REPLACE INTO `adkats_commands` VALUES(59, 'Active', 'server_afk', 'Log', 'Manage AFK Players', 'afk', TRUE, 'Any'); REPLACE INTO `adkats_commands` VALUES(60, 'Active', 'player_pull', 'Log', 'Pull Player', 'pull', TRUE, 'Any'); REPLACE INTO `adkats_commands` VALUES(61, 'Active', 'admin_ignore', 'Log', 'Ignore Round Report', 'ignore', TRUE, 'Any'); REPLACE INTO `adkats_commands` VALUES(62, 'Invisible', 'player_report_ignore', 'Log', 'Report Player (Ignored)', 'ignorereport', TRUE, 'Any'); REPLACE INTO `adkats_commands` VALUES(63, 'Active', 'player_mark', 'Unable', 'Mark Player', 'mark', TRUE, 'Any'); REPLACE INTO `adkats_commands` VALUES(64, 'Active', 'player_chat', 'Log', 'Fetch Player Chat', 'pchat', TRUE, 'Any'); REPLACE INTO `adkats_commands` VALUES(65, 'Active', 'player_whitelistanticheat', 'Log', 'AntiCheat Whitelist Player', 'acwhitelist', TRUE, 'Any'); REPLACE INTO `adkats_commands` VALUES(66, 'Active', 'player_lock', 'Log', 'Lock Player Commands', 'lock', TRUE, 'Any'); REPLACE INTO `adkats_commands` VALUES(67, 'Active', 'player_unlock', 'Log', 'Unlock Player Commands', 'unlock', TRUE, 'Any'); REPLACE INTO `adkats_commands` VALUES(68, 'Active', 'self_rep', 'Log', 'Request Server Reputation', 'rep', FALSE, 'Any'); REPLACE INTO `adkats_commands` VALUES(69, 'Invisible', 'player_repboost', 'Log', 'Boost Player Reputation', 'rboost', FALSE, 'Any'); REPLACE INTO `adkats_commands` VALUES(70, 'Active', 'player_log', 'Log', 'Log Player Information', 'log', FALSE, 'Any'); REPLACE INTO `adkats_commands` VALUES(71, 'Active', 'player_whitelistping', 'Log', 'Ping Whitelist Player', 'pwhitelist', TRUE, 'Any'); REPLACE INTO `adkats_commands` VALUES(72, 'Invisible', 'player_ban_temp_old', 'Log', 'Previous Temp Ban', 'pretban', TRUE, 'Any'); REPLACE INTO `adkats_commands` VALUES(73, 'Invisible', 'player_ban_perm_old', 'Log', 'Previous Perm Ban', 'preban', TRUE, 'Any'); REPLACE INTO `adkats_commands` VALUES(74, 'Active', 'player_pm_send', 'Unable', 'Player Private Message', 'msg', FALSE, 'Any'); REPLACE INTO `adkats_commands` VALUES(75, 'Active', 'player_pm_reply', 'Unable', 'Player Private Reply', 'r', FALSE, 'Any'); REPLACE INTO `adkats_commands` VALUES(76, 'Active', 'admin_pm_send', 'Unable', 'Admin Private Message', 'adminmsg', FALSE, 'Any'); REPLACE INTO `adkats_commands` VALUES(77, 'Active', 'player_whitelistaa', 'Log', 'AA Whitelist Player', 'aawhitelist', TRUE, 'Any'); REPLACE INTO `adkats_commands` VALUES(78, 'Active', 'self_surrender', 'Log', 'Vote Surrender', 'surrender', FALSE, 'Any'); REPLACE INTO `adkats_commands` VALUES(79, 'Active', 'self_votenext', 'Log', 'Vote Next Round', 'votenext', FALSE, 'Any'); REPLACE INTO `adkats_commands` VALUES(80, 'Active', 'self_reportlist', 'Log', 'List Round Reports', 'reportlist', FALSE, 'Any'); REPLACE INTO `adkats_commands` VALUES(81, 'Active', 'plugin_restart', 'Log', 'Restart AdKats', 'prestart', TRUE, 'Any'); REPLACE INTO `adkats_commands` VALUES(82, 'Active', 'server_shutdown', 'Log', 'Shutdown Server', 'shutdown', TRUE, 'Any'); REPLACE INTO `adkats_commands` VALUES(83, 'Active', 'self_nosurrender', 'Log', 'Vote Against Surrender', 'nosurrender', FALSE, 'Any'); REPLACE INTO `adkats_commands` VALUES(84, 'Active', 'player_whitelistspambot', 'Log', 'SpamBot Whitelist Player', 'spamwhitelist', TRUE, 'Any'); REPLACE INTO `adkats_commands` VALUES(85, 'Invisible', 'player_pm_start', 'Log', 'Player Private Message Start', 'pmstart', FALSE, 'Any'); REPLACE INTO `adkats_commands` VALUES(86, 'Invisible', 'player_pm_transmit', 'Log', 'Player Private Message Transmit', 'pmtransmit', FALSE, 'Any'); REPLACE INTO `adkats_commands` VALUES(87, 'Invisible', 'player_pm_cancel', 'Log', 'Player Private Message Cancel', 'pmcancel', FALSE, 'Any'); REPLACE INTO `adkats_commands` VALUES(88, 'Invisible', 'player_population_success', 'Log', 'Player Successfully Populated Server', 'popsuccess', FALSE, 'Any'); REPLACE INTO `adkats_commands` VALUES(89, 'Invisible', 'server_map_detriment', 'Log', 'Map Detriment Log', 'mapdetriment', FALSE, 'Any'); REPLACE INTO `adkats_commands` VALUES(90, 'Invisible', 'server_map_benefit', 'Log', 'Map Benefit Log', 'mapbenefit', FALSE, 'Any'); REPLACE INTO `adkats_commands` VALUES(91, 'Active', 'plugin_update', 'Unable', 'Update AdKats', 'pupdate', TRUE, 'Any'); REPLACE INTO `adkats_commands` VALUES(92, 'Active', 'player_warn', 'Log', 'Warn Player', 'warn', TRUE, 'Any'); REPLACE INTO `adkats_commands` VALUES(93, 'Active', 'server_countdown', 'Log', 'Run Countdown', 'cdown', FALSE, 'Any'); REPLACE INTO `adkats_commands` VALUES(94, 'Active', 'player_whitelistreport', 'Log', 'Report Whitelist Player', 'rwhitelist', TRUE, 'Any'); REPLACE INTO `adkats_commands` VALUES(95, 'Active', 'player_whitelistreport_remove', 'Log', 'Remove Report Whitelist', 'unrwhitelist', TRUE, 'Any'); REPLACE INTO `adkats_commands` VALUES(96, 'Active', 'player_whitelistspambot_remove', 'Log', 'Remove SpamBot Whitelist', 'unspamwhitelist', TRUE, 'Any'); REPLACE INTO `adkats_commands` VALUES(97, 'Active', 'player_whitelistaa_remove', 'Log', 'Remove AA Whitelist', 'unaawhitelist', TRUE, 'Any'); REPLACE INTO `adkats_commands` VALUES(98, 'Active', 'player_whitelistping_remove', 'Log', 'Remove Ping Whitelist', 'unpwhitelist', TRUE, 'Any'); REPLACE INTO `adkats_commands` VALUES(99, 'Active', 'player_whitelistanticheat_remove', 'Log', 'Remove AntiCheat Whitelist', 'unacwhitelist', TRUE, 'Any'); REPLACE INTO `adkats_commands` VALUES(100, 'Active', 'player_slotspectator_remove', 'Log', 'Remove Spectator Slot', 'unspectator', TRUE, 'Any'); REPLACE INTO `adkats_commands` VALUES(101, 'Active', 'player_slotreserved_remove', 'Log', 'Remove Reserved Slot', 'unreserved', TRUE, 'Any'); REPLACE INTO `adkats_commands` VALUES(102, 'Active', 'player_whitelistbalance_remove', 'Log', 'Remove Autobalance Whitelist', 'unmbwhitelist', TRUE, 'Any'); REPLACE INTO `adkats_commands` VALUES(103, 'Active', 'player_blacklistdisperse_remove', 'Log', 'Remove Autobalance Dispersion', 'undisperse', TRUE, 'Any'); REPLACE INTO `adkats_commands` VALUES(104, 'Active', 'player_whitelistpopulator', 'Log', 'Populator Whitelist Player', 'popwhitelist', TRUE, 'Any'); REPLACE INTO `adkats_commands` VALUES(105, 'Active', 'player_whitelistpopulator_remove', 'Log', 'Remove Populator Whitelist', 'unpopwhitelist', TRUE, 'Any'); REPLACE INTO `adkats_commands` VALUES(106, 'Active', 'player_whitelistteamkill', 'Log', 'TeamKillTracker Whitelist Player', 'tkwhitelist', TRUE, 'Any'); REPLACE INTO `adkats_commands` VALUES(107, 'Active', 'player_whitelistteamkill_remove', 'Log', 'Remove TeamKillTracker Whitelist', 'untkwhitelist', TRUE, 'Any'); REPLACE INTO `adkats_commands` VALUES(108, 'Invisible', 'self_assist_unconfirmed', 'Log', 'Unconfirmed Assist', 'uassist', FALSE, 'Any'); REPLACE INTO `adkats_commands` VALUES(109, 'Active', 'player_blacklistspectator', 'Log', 'Spectator Blacklist Player', 'specblacklist', TRUE, 'Any'); REPLACE INTO `adkats_commands` VALUES(110, 'Active', 'player_blacklistspectator_remove', 'Log', 'Remove Spectator Blacklist', 'unspecblacklist', TRUE, 'Any'); REPLACE INTO `adkats_commands` VALUES(111, 'Active', 'player_blacklistreport', 'Log', 'Report Source Blacklist', 'rblacklist', TRUE, 'Any'); REPLACE INTO `adkats_commands` VALUES(112, 'Active', 'player_blacklistreport_remove', 'Log', 'Remove Report Source Blacklist', 'unrblacklist', TRUE, 'Any'); REPLACE INTO `adkats_commands` VALUES(113, 'Active', 'player_whitelistcommand', 'Log', 'Command Target Whitelist', 'cwhitelist', TRUE, 'Any'); REPLACE INTO `adkats_commands` VALUES(114, 'Active', 'player_whitelistcommand_remove', 'Log', 'Remove Command Target Whitelist', 'uncwhitelist', TRUE, 'Any'); REPLACE INTO `adkats_commands` VALUES(115, 'Active', 'player_blacklistautoassist', 'Log', 'Auto-Assist Blacklist', 'auablacklist', TRUE, 'Any'); REPLACE INTO `adkats_commands` VALUES(116, 'Active', 'player_blacklistautoassist_remove', 'Log', 'Remove Auto-Assist Blacklist', 'unauablacklist', TRUE, 'Any'); REPLACE INTO `adkats_commands` VALUES(117, 'Active', 'player_isadmin', 'Log', 'Fetch Admin Status', 'isadmin', FALSE, 'AnyHidden'); REPLACE INTO `adkats_commands` VALUES(118, 'Active', 'self_feedback', 'Log', 'Give Server Feedback', 'feedback', FALSE, 'AnyHidden'); REPLACE INTO `adkats_commands` VALUES(119, 'Active', 'player_loadout', 'Log', 'Fetch Player Loadout', 'loadout', FALSE, 'AnyHidden'); REPLACE INTO `adkats_commands` VALUES(120, 'Active', 'player_loadout_force', 'Log', 'Force Player Loadout', 'floadout', TRUE, 'AnyHidden'); REPLACE INTO `adkats_commands` VALUES(121, 'Active', 'self_battlecry', 'Log', 'Set Own Battlecry', 'battlecry', FALSE, 'AnyHidden'); REPLACE INTO `adkats_commands` VALUES(122, 'Active', 'player_battlecry', 'Log', 'Set Player Battlecry', 'setbattlecry', TRUE, 'AnyHidden'); REPLACE INTO `adkats_commands` VALUES(123, 'Active', 'player_perks', 'Log', 'Fetch Player Perks', 'perks', FALSE, 'Any'); REPLACE INTO `adkats_commands` VALUES(124, 'Active', 'player_ping', 'Log', 'Fetch Player Ping', 'ping', FALSE, 'Any'); REPLACE INTO `adkats_commands` VALUES(125, 'Active', 'player_forceping', 'Log', 'Force Manual Player Ping', 'fping', TRUE, 'AnyHidden'); REPLACE INTO `adkats_commands` VALUES(126, 'Active', 'player_debugassist', 'Log', 'Debug Assist Losing Team', 'debugassist', FALSE, 'AnyHidden'); REPLACE INTO `adkats_commands` VALUES(127, 'Invisible', 'player_changetag', 'Mandatory', 'Player Changed Clan Tag', 'changetag', TRUE, 'Any'); REPLACE INTO `adkats_commands` VALUES(128, 'Active', 'player_discordlink', 'Log', 'Link Player to Discord Member', 'discordlink', TRUE, 'AnyHidden'); REPLACE INTO `adkats_commands` VALUES(129, 'Active', 'player_blacklistallcaps', 'Log', 'All-Caps Chat Blacklist', 'allcapsblacklist', TRUE, 'Any'); REPLACE INTO `adkats_commands` VALUES(130, 'Active', 'player_blacklistallcaps_remove', 'Log', 'Remove All-Caps Chat Blacklist', 'unallcapsblacklist', TRUE, 'Any'); REPLACE INTO `adkats_commands` VALUES(131, 'Active', 'poll_trigger', 'Log', 'Trigger Poll', 'poll', FALSE, 'Any'); REPLACE INTO `adkats_commands` VALUES(132, 'Active', 'poll_vote', 'Log', 'Vote In Poll', 'vote', FALSE, 'Any'); REPLACE INTO `adkats_commands` VALUES(133, 'Active', 'poll_cancel', 'Unable', 'Cancel Active Poll', 'pollcancel', FALSE, 'Any'); REPLACE INTO `adkats_commands` VALUES(134, 'Active', 'poll_complete', 'Unable', 'Complete Active Poll', 'pollcomplete', FALSE, 'Any'); REPLACE INTO `adkats_commands` VALUES(135, 'Active', 'server_nuke_winning', 'Log', 'Server Nuke Winning Team', 'wnuke', TRUE, 'Any'); REPLACE INTO `adkats_commands` VALUES(136, 'Active', 'player_loadout_ignore', 'Log', 'Ignore Player Loadout', 'iloadout', TRUE, 'AnyHidden'); REPLACE INTO `adkats_commands` VALUES(137, 'Active', 'player_challenge_play', 'Log', 'Challenge Playing Status', 'challengeplay', TRUE, 'Any'); REPLACE INTO `adkats_commands` VALUES(138, 'Active', 'player_challenge_ignore', 'Log', 'Challenge Ignoring Status', 'challengeignore', TRUE, 'Any'); REPLACE INTO `adkats_commands` VALUES(139, 'Active', 'self_challenge', 'Log', 'Challenge', 'ch', FALSE, 'Any'); REPLACE INTO `adkats_commands` VALUES(140, 'Active', 'player_challenge_autokill', 'Log', 'Challenge AutoKill Status', 'challengeautokill', TRUE, 'Any'); REPLACE INTO `adkats_commands` VALUES(141, 'Active', 'player_challenge_autokill_remove', 'Log', 'Remove Challenge AutoKill Status', 'unchallengeautokill', TRUE, 'Any'); REPLACE INTO `adkats_commands` VALUES(142, 'Active', 'player_challenge_play_remove', 'Log', 'Remove Challenge Playing Status', 'unchallengeplay', TRUE, 'Any'); REPLACE INTO `adkats_commands` VALUES(143, 'Active', 'player_challenge_ignore_remove', 'Log', 'Remove Challenge Ignoring Status', 'unchallengeignore', TRUE, 'Any'); REPLACE INTO `adkats_commands` VALUES(144, 'Invisible', 'player_challenge_complete', 'Log', 'Player Completed Challenge', 'challengecomplete', TRUE, 'Any'); DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `adkats_infractions_global`; CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `adkats_infractions_global` ( `player_id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL, `punish_points` int(11) NOT NULL, `forgive_points` int(11) NOT NULL, `total_points` int(11) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`player_id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_unicode_ci COMMENT='AdKats - Global Player Infraction Points'; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `adkats_infractions_server`; CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `adkats_infractions_server` ( `player_id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL, `server_id` smallint(5) unsigned NOT NULL, `punish_points` int(11) NOT NULL, `forgive_points` int(11) NOT NULL, `total_points` int(11) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`player_id`,`server_id`), KEY `adkats_infractions_server_fk_server_id` (`server_id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_unicode_ci COMMENT='AdKats - Server Specific Player Infraction Points'; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `adkats_records_debug`; CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `adkats_records_debug` ( `record_id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `server_id` smallint(5) unsigned NOT NULL, `command_type` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL, `command_action` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL, `command_numeric` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `target_name` varchar(45) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL DEFAULT 'NoTarget', `target_id` int(11) unsigned DEFAULT NULL, `source_name` varchar(45) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL DEFAULT 'NoSource', `source_id` int(11) unsigned DEFAULT NULL, `record_message` varchar(500) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL DEFAULT 'NoMessage', `record_time` datetime NOT NULL, `adkats_read` enum('Y','N') COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL DEFAULT 'N', `adkats_web` tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', PRIMARY KEY (`record_id`), KEY `adkats_records_debug_fk_server_id` (`server_id`), KEY `adkats_records_debug_fk_command_type` (`command_type`), KEY `adkats_records_debug_fk_command_action` (`command_action`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_unicode_ci COMMENT='AdKats - Debug Records'; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `adkats_records_main`; CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `adkats_records_main` ( `record_id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `server_id` smallint(5) unsigned NOT NULL, `command_type` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL, `command_action` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL, `command_numeric` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `target_name` varchar(45) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL DEFAULT 'NoTarget', `target_id` int(11) unsigned DEFAULT NULL, `source_name` varchar(45) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL DEFAULT 'NoSource', `source_id` int(11) unsigned DEFAULT NULL, `record_message` varchar(500) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL DEFAULT 'NoMessage', `record_time` datetime NOT NULL, `adkats_read` enum('Y','N') COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL DEFAULT 'N', `adkats_web` tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', PRIMARY KEY (`record_id`), KEY `adkats_records_main_fk_server_id` (`server_id`), KEY `adkats_records_main_fk_command_type` (`command_type`), KEY `adkats_records_main_fk_command_action` (`command_action`), KEY `adkats_records_main_fk_target_id` (`target_id`), KEY `adkats_records_main_fk_source_id` (`source_id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_unicode_ci COMMENT='AdKats - Main Records'; DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS `adkats_infraction_point_delete`; DELIMITER $$ CREATE TRIGGER `adkats_infraction_point_delete` AFTER DELETE ON `adkats_records_main` FOR EACH ROW BEGIN DECLARE command_type VARCHAR(45); DECLARE server_id INT(11); DECLARE player_id INT(11); SET command_type = OLD.command_type; SET server_id = OLD.server_id; SET player_id = OLD.target_id; IF(command_type = 9) THEN INSERT INTO `adkats_infractions_server` (`player_id`, `server_id`, `punish_points`, `forgive_points`, `total_points`) VALUES (player_id, server_id, 0, 0, 0) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `punish_points` = `punish_points` - 1, `total_points` = `total_points` - 1; INSERT INTO `adkats_infractions_global` (`player_id`, `punish_points`, `forgive_points`, `total_points`) VALUES (player_id, 0, 0, 0) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `punish_points` = `punish_points` - 1, `total_points` = `total_points` - 1; ELSEIF (command_type = 10) THEN INSERT INTO `adkats_infractions_server` (`player_id`, `server_id`, `punish_points`, `forgive_points`, `total_points`) VALUES (player_id, server_id, 0, 0, 0) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `forgive_points` = `forgive_points` - 1, `total_points` = `total_points` + 1; INSERT INTO `adkats_infractions_global` (`player_id`, `punish_points`, `forgive_points`, `total_points`) VALUES (player_id, 0, 0, 0) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `forgive_points` = `forgive_points` - 1, `total_points` = `total_points` + 1; END IF; END $$ DELIMITER ; DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS `adkats_infraction_point_insert`; DELIMITER $$ CREATE TRIGGER `adkats_infraction_point_insert` BEFORE INSERT ON `adkats_records_main` FOR EACH ROW BEGIN DECLARE command_type VARCHAR(45); DECLARE server_id INT(11); DECLARE player_id INT(11); SET command_type = NEW.command_type; SET server_id = NEW.server_id; SET player_id = NEW.target_id; IF(command_type = 9) THEN INSERT INTO `adkats_infractions_server` (`player_id`, `server_id`, `punish_points`, `forgive_points`, `total_points`) VALUES (player_id, server_id, 1, 0, 1) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `punish_points` = `punish_points` + 1, `total_points` = `total_points` + 1; INSERT INTO `adkats_infractions_global` (`player_id`, `punish_points`, `forgive_points`, `total_points`) VALUES (player_id, 1, 0, 1) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `punish_points` = `punish_points` + 1, `total_points` = `total_points` + 1; ELSEIF (command_type = 10) THEN INSERT INTO `adkats_infractions_server` (`player_id`, `server_id`, `punish_points`, `forgive_points`, `total_points`) VALUES (player_id, server_id, 0, 1, -1) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `forgive_points` = `forgive_points` + 1, `total_points` = `total_points` - 1; INSERT INTO `adkats_infractions_global` (`player_id`, `punish_points`, `forgive_points`, `total_points`) VALUES (player_id, 0, 1, -1) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `forgive_points` = `forgive_points` + 1, `total_points` = `total_points` - 1; END IF; END $$ DELIMITER ; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `adkats_rolecommands`; CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `adkats_rolecommands` ( `role_id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL, `command_id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`role_id`,`command_id`), KEY `adkats_rolecommands_fk_role` (`role_id`), KEY `adkats_rolecommands_fk_command` (`command_id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_unicode_ci COMMENT='AdKats - Connection of commands to roles'; -- Default Guest Role REPLACE INTO `adkats_rolecommands` VALUES(1, 1); REPLACE INTO `adkats_rolecommands` VALUES(1, 2); REPLACE INTO `adkats_rolecommands` VALUES(1, 12); REPLACE INTO `adkats_rolecommands` VALUES(1, 17); REPLACE INTO `adkats_rolecommands` VALUES(1, 18); REPLACE INTO `adkats_rolecommands` VALUES(1, 20); REPLACE INTO `adkats_rolecommands` VALUES(1, 27); REPLACE INTO `adkats_rolecommands` VALUES(1, 28); REPLACE INTO `adkats_rolecommands` VALUES(1, 29); REPLACE INTO `adkats_rolecommands` VALUES(1, 51); REPLACE INTO `adkats_rolecommands` VALUES(1, 57); REPLACE INTO `adkats_rolecommands` VALUES(1, 58); REPLACE INTO `adkats_rolecommands` VALUES(1, 68); REPLACE INTO `adkats_rolecommands` VALUES(1, 74); REPLACE INTO `adkats_rolecommands` VALUES(1, 75); REPLACE INTO `adkats_rolecommands` VALUES(1, 76); REPLACE INTO `adkats_rolecommands` VALUES(1, 117); REPLACE INTO `adkats_rolecommands` VALUES(1, 123); REPLACE INTO `adkats_rolecommands` VALUES(1, 124); REPLACE INTO `adkats_rolecommands` VALUES(1, 132); REPLACE INTO `adkats_rolecommands` VALUES(1, 139); -- Full Admin Role REPLACE INTO `adkats_rolecommands` VALUES(2, 1); REPLACE INTO `adkats_rolecommands` VALUES(2, 2); REPLACE INTO `adkats_rolecommands` VALUES(2, 3); REPLACE INTO `adkats_rolecommands` VALUES(2, 4); REPLACE INTO `adkats_rolecommands` VALUES(2, 5); REPLACE INTO `adkats_rolecommands` VALUES(2, 6); REPLACE INTO `adkats_rolecommands` VALUES(2, 7); REPLACE INTO `adkats_rolecommands` VALUES(2, 8); REPLACE INTO `adkats_rolecommands` VALUES(2, 9); REPLACE INTO `adkats_rolecommands` VALUES(2, 10); REPLACE INTO `adkats_rolecommands` VALUES(2, 11); REPLACE INTO `adkats_rolecommands` VALUES(2, 12); REPLACE INTO `adkats_rolecommands` VALUES(2, 14); REPLACE INTO `adkats_rolecommands` VALUES(2, 15); REPLACE INTO `adkats_rolecommands` VALUES(2, 16); REPLACE INTO `adkats_rolecommands` VALUES(2, 17); REPLACE INTO `adkats_rolecommands` VALUES(2, 18); REPLACE INTO `adkats_rolecommands` VALUES(2, 19); REPLACE INTO `adkats_rolecommands` VALUES(2, 20); REPLACE INTO `adkats_rolecommands` VALUES(2, 21); REPLACE INTO `adkats_rolecommands` VALUES(2, 22); REPLACE INTO `adkats_rolecommands` VALUES(2, 23); REPLACE INTO `adkats_rolecommands` VALUES(2, 24); REPLACE INTO `adkats_rolecommands` VALUES(2, 25); REPLACE INTO `adkats_rolecommands` VALUES(2, 26); REPLACE INTO `adkats_rolecommands` VALUES(2, 27); REPLACE INTO `adkats_rolecommands` VALUES(2, 28); REPLACE INTO `adkats_rolecommands` VALUES(2, 29); REPLACE INTO `adkats_rolecommands` VALUES(2, 30); REPLACE INTO `adkats_rolecommands` VALUES(2, 31); REPLACE INTO `adkats_rolecommands` VALUES(2, 32); REPLACE INTO `adkats_rolecommands` VALUES(2, 33); REPLACE INTO `adkats_rolecommands` VALUES(2, 34); REPLACE INTO `adkats_rolecommands` VALUES(2, 35); REPLACE INTO `adkats_rolecommands` VALUES(2, 36); REPLACE INTO `adkats_rolecommands` VALUES(2, 37); REPLACE INTO `adkats_rolecommands` VALUES(2, 38); REPLACE INTO `adkats_rolecommands` VALUES(2, 39); REPLACE INTO `adkats_rolecommands` VALUES(2, 40); REPLACE INTO `adkats_rolecommands` VALUES(2, 41); REPLACE INTO `adkats_rolecommands` VALUES(2, 43); REPLACE INTO `adkats_rolecommands` VALUES(2, 44); REPLACE INTO `adkats_rolecommands` VALUES(2, 45); REPLACE INTO `adkats_rolecommands` VALUES(2, 46); REPLACE INTO `adkats_rolecommands` VALUES(2, 47); REPLACE INTO `adkats_rolecommands` VALUES(2, 50); REPLACE INTO `adkats_rolecommands` VALUES(2, 51); REPLACE INTO `adkats_rolecommands` VALUES(2, 52); REPLACE INTO `adkats_rolecommands` VALUES(2, 53); REPLACE INTO `adkats_rolecommands` VALUES(2, 54); REPLACE INTO `adkats_rolecommands` VALUES(2, 55); REPLACE INTO `adkats_rolecommands` VALUES(2, 56); REPLACE INTO `adkats_rolecommands` VALUES(2, 57); REPLACE INTO `adkats_rolecommands` VALUES(2, 58); REPLACE INTO `adkats_rolecommands` VALUES(2, 59); REPLACE INTO `adkats_rolecommands` VALUES(2, 60); REPLACE INTO `adkats_rolecommands` VALUES(2, 61); REPLACE INTO `adkats_rolecommands` VALUES(2, 63); REPLACE INTO `adkats_rolecommands` VALUES(2, 64); REPLACE INTO `adkats_rolecommands` VALUES(2, 65); REPLACE INTO `adkats_rolecommands` VALUES(2, 66); REPLACE INTO `adkats_rolecommands` VALUES(2, 67); REPLACE INTO `adkats_rolecommands` VALUES(2, 68); REPLACE INTO `adkats_rolecommands` VALUES(2, 70); REPLACE INTO `adkats_rolecommands` VALUES(2, 71); REPLACE INTO `adkats_rolecommands` VALUES(2, 74); REPLACE INTO `adkats_rolecommands` VALUES(2, 75); REPLACE INTO `adkats_rolecommands` VALUES(2, 76); REPLACE INTO `adkats_rolecommands` VALUES(2, 77); REPLACE INTO `adkats_rolecommands` VALUES(2, 78); REPLACE INTO `adkats_rolecommands` VALUES(2, 79); REPLACE INTO `adkats_rolecommands` VALUES(2, 80); REPLACE INTO `adkats_rolecommands` VALUES(2, 81); REPLACE INTO `adkats_rolecommands` VALUES(2, 82); REPLACE INTO `adkats_rolecommands` VALUES(2, 83); REPLACE INTO `adkats_rolecommands` VALUES(2, 84); REPLACE INTO `adkats_rolecommands` VALUES(2, 91); REPLACE INTO `adkats_rolecommands` VALUES(2, 92); REPLACE INTO `adkats_rolecommands` VALUES(2, 93); REPLACE INTO `adkats_rolecommands` VALUES(2, 94); REPLACE INTO `adkats_rolecommands` VALUES(2, 95); REPLACE INTO `adkats_rolecommands` VALUES(2, 96); REPLACE INTO `adkats_rolecommands` VALUES(2, 97); REPLACE INTO `adkats_rolecommands` VALUES(2, 98); REPLACE INTO `adkats_rolecommands` VALUES(2, 99); REPLACE INTO `adkats_rolecommands` VALUES(2, 100); REPLACE INTO `adkats_rolecommands` VALUES(2, 101); REPLACE INTO `adkats_rolecommands` VALUES(2, 102); REPLACE INTO `adkats_rolecommands` VALUES(2, 107); REPLACE INTO `adkats_rolecommands` VALUES(2, 109); REPLACE INTO `adkats_rolecommands` VALUES(2, 110); REPLACE INTO `adkats_rolecommands` VALUES(2, 111); REPLACE INTO `adkats_rolecommands` VALUES(2, 112); REPLACE INTO `adkats_rolecommands` VALUES(2, 113); REPLACE INTO `adkats_rolecommands` VALUES(2, 114); REPLACE INTO `adkats_rolecommands` VALUES(2, 115); REPLACE INTO `adkats_rolecommands` VALUES(2, 116); REPLACE INTO `adkats_rolecommands` VALUES(2, 117); REPLACE INTO `adkats_rolecommands` VALUES(2, 118); REPLACE INTO `adkats_rolecommands` VALUES(2, 119); REPLACE INTO `adkats_rolecommands` VALUES(2, 120); REPLACE INTO `adkats_rolecommands` VALUES(2, 121); REPLACE INTO `adkats_rolecommands` VALUES(2, 122); REPLACE INTO `adkats_rolecommands` VALUES(2, 123); REPLACE INTO `adkats_rolecommands` VALUES(2, 124); REPLACE INTO `adkats_rolecommands` VALUES(2, 125); REPLACE INTO `adkats_rolecommands` VALUES(2, 126); REPLACE INTO `adkats_rolecommands` VALUES(2, 128); REPLACE INTO `adkats_rolecommands` VALUES(2, 129); REPLACE INTO `adkats_rolecommands` VALUES(2, 130); REPLACE INTO `adkats_rolecommands` VALUES(2, 131); REPLACE INTO `adkats_rolecommands` VALUES(2, 132); REPLACE INTO `adkats_rolecommands` VALUES(2, 133); REPLACE INTO `adkats_rolecommands` VALUES(2, 134); REPLACE INTO `adkats_rolecommands` VALUES(2, 135); REPLACE INTO `adkats_rolecommands` VALUES(2, 136); REPLACE INTO `adkats_rolecommands` VALUES(2, 137); REPLACE INTO `adkats_rolecommands` VALUES(2, 138); REPLACE INTO `adkats_rolecommands` VALUES(2, 139); REPLACE INTO `adkats_rolecommands` VALUES(2, 140); REPLACE INTO `adkats_rolecommands` VALUES(2, 141); REPLACE INTO `adkats_rolecommands` VALUES(2, 142); REPLACE INTO `adkats_rolecommands` VALUES(2, 143); DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `adkats_roles`; CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `adkats_roles` ( `role_id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `role_key` varchar(100) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL, `role_name` varchar(255) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`role_id`), UNIQUE KEY `role_key_UNIQUE` (`role_key`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_unicode_ci COMMENT='AdKats - Role List'; REPLACE INTO `adkats_roles` VALUES(1, 'guest_default', 'Default Guest'); REPLACE INTO `adkats_roles` VALUES(2, 'admin_full', 'Full Admin'); DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `adkats_settings`; CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `adkats_settings` ( `server_id` smallint(5) unsigned NOT NULL, `setting_name` varchar(200) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL DEFAULT 'SettingName', `setting_type` varchar(45) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL DEFAULT 'SettingType', `setting_value` varchar(3000) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL DEFAULT 'SettingValue', PRIMARY KEY (`server_id`,`setting_name`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_unicode_ci COMMENT='AdKats - Server Setting List'; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `adkats_users`; CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `adkats_users` ( `user_id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `user_name` varchar(100) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL, `user_email` varchar(255) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci, `user_phone` varchar(45) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci, `user_role` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '1', PRIMARY KEY (`user_id`), KEY `adkats_users_fk_role` (`user_role`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_unicode_ci COMMENT='AdKats - User List'; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `adkats_usersoldiers`; CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `adkats_usersoldiers` ( `user_id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL, `player_id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`user_id`,`player_id`), KEY `adkats_usersoldiers_fk_user` (`user_id`), KEY `adkats_usersoldiers_fk_player` (`player_id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_unicode_ci COMMENT='AdKats - Connection of users to soldiers'; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `adkats_specialplayers`; CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `adkats_specialplayers`( `specialplayer_id` int(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `player_group` varchar(30) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL, `player_id` int(10) UNSIGNED DEFAULT NULL, `player_game` tinyint(4) UNSIGNED DEFAULT NULL, `player_server` smallint(5) UNSIGNED DEFAULT NULL, `player_identifier` varchar(100) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci DEFAULT NULL, `player_effective` DATETIME NOT NULL, `player_expiration` DATETIME NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`specialplayer_id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_unicode_ci COMMENT='AdKats - Special Player List'; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `adkats_player_reputation`; CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `adkats_player_reputation` ( `player_id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL, `game_id` tinyint(4) unsigned NOT NULL, `target_rep` float NOT NULL, `source_rep` float NOT NULL, `total_rep` float NOT NULL, `total_rep_co` float NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`player_id`), KEY `game_id` (`game_id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_unicode_ci COMMENT='AdKats - Player Reputation'; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `adkats_orchestration`; CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `adkats_orchestration` ( `setting_id` int(10) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `setting_server` SMALLINT(5) NOT NULL, `setting_plugin` VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL, `setting_name` VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL, `setting_value` VARCHAR (2000) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`setting_id`), UNIQUE(`setting_server`, `setting_plugin`, `setting_name`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_unicode_ci COMMENT='AdKats - Plugin Orchestration'; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `tbl_extendedroundstats`; CREATE TABLE `tbl_extendedroundstats` ( `roundstat_id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `server_id` smallint(5) unsigned NOT NULL, `round_id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL, `round_elapsedTimeSec` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL, `team1_count` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL, `team2_count` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL, `team1_score` int(10) NOT NULL, `team2_score` int(10) NOT NULL, `team1_spm` double NOT NULL, `team2_spm` double NOT NULL, `team1_tickets` int(10) NOT NULL, `team2_tickets` int(10) NOT NULL, `team1_tpm` double NOT NULL, `team2_tpm` double NOT NULL, `roundstat_time` datetime NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`roundstat_id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_unicode_ci COMMENT='AdKats - Extended Round Stats'; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `adkats_statistics`; CREATE TABLE `adkats_statistics` ( `stat_id` INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `server_id` SMALLINT(5) UNSIGNED NOT NULL, `round_id` INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL, `stat_type` varchar(50) NOT NULL, `target_name` varchar(50) NOT NULL, `target_id` INT(10) UNSIGNED DEFAULT NULL, `stat_value` FLOAT NOT NULL, `stat_comment` TEXT, `stat_time` DATETIME NOT NULL DEFAULT '0000-00-00 00:00:00', PRIMARY KEY (`stat_id`), KEY `server_id` (`server_id`), KEY `stat_type` (`stat_type`), KEY `target_id` (`target_id`), KEY `stat_time` (`stat_time`), CONSTRAINT `adkats_statistics_target_id_fk` FOREIGN KEY (`target_id`) REFERENCES `tbl_playerdata` (`PlayerID`) ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION, CONSTRAINT `adkats_statistics_server_id_fk` FOREIGN KEY (`server_id`) REFERENCES `tbl_server` (`ServerID`) ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_unicode_ci COMMENT='AdKats - Statistics'; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `adkats_rolegroups`; CREATE TABLE `adkats_rolegroups` ( `role_id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL, `group_key` VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`role_id`,`group_key`), KEY `adkats_rolegroups_fk_role` (`role_id`), KEY `adkats_rolegroups_fk_command` (`group_key`), CONSTRAINT `adkats_rolegroups_fk_role` FOREIGN KEY (`role_id`) REFERENCES `adkats_roles` (`role_id`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_unicode_ci COMMENT='AdKats - Connection of groups to roles'; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `adkats_challenge_entry_detail`; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `adkats_challenge_entry`; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `adkats_challenge_rule`; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `adkats_challenge_definition_detail`; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `adkats_challenge_definition`; CREATE TABLE `adkats_challenge_definition` ( `ID` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `Name` varchar(200) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL, `CreateTime` datetime NOT NULL, `ModifyTime` datetime NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`ID`), UNIQUE KEY `adkats_challenge_definition_idx_Name` (`Name`), KEY `adkats_challenge_definition_idx_CreateTime` (`CreateTime`), KEY `adkats_challenge_definition_idx_ModifyTime` (`ModifyTime`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_unicode_ci COMMENT='AdKats - Challenge Definitions'; CREATE TABLE `adkats_challenge_definition_detail` ( `DefID` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL, `DetailID` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL, `Type` varchar(100) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL, `Damage` varchar(100) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci DEFAULT NULL, `WeaponCount` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL, `Weapon` varchar(100) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci DEFAULT NULL, `KillCount` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL, `CreateTime` datetime NOT NULL, `ModifyTime` datetime NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`DefID`, `DetailID`), KEY `adkats_challenge_definition_detail_idx_CreateTime` (`CreateTime`), KEY `adkats_challenge_definition_detail_idx_ModifyTime` (`ModifyTime`), CONSTRAINT `adkats_challenge_definition_detail_fk_DefID` FOREIGN KEY (`DefID`) REFERENCES `adkats_challenge_definition` (`ID`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_unicode_ci COMMENT='AdKats - Challenge Definition Details'; CREATE TABLE `adkats_challenge_rule` ( `ID` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `ServerID` smallint(5) unsigned NOT NULL, `DefID` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL, `Enabled` int(1) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT 1, `Name` varchar(200) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL, `Tier` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT 1, `CompletionType` varchar(100) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL DEFAULT "None", `RoundCount` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT 1, `DurationMinutes` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT 60, -- 4294967295 `DeathCount` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT 1, `CreateTime` datetime NOT NULL, `ModifyTime` datetime NOT NULL, `RoundLastUsedTime` datetime NOT NULL DEFAULT "1970-01-01 00:00:00", `PersonalLastUsedTime` datetime NOT NULL DEFAULT "1970-01-01 00:00:00", PRIMARY KEY (`ID`), UNIQUE KEY `adkats_challenge_rule_idx_Name_Server` (`Name`, `ServerID`), KEY `adkats_challenge_rule_idx_ServerID` (`ServerID`), KEY `adkats_challenge_rule_idx_DefID` (`DefID`), KEY `adkats_challenge_rule_idx_CreateTime` (`CreateTime`), KEY `adkats_challenge_rule_idx_ModifyTime` (`ModifyTime`), KEY `adkats_challenge_rule_idx_RoundLastUsedTime` (`RoundLastUsedTime`), KEY `adkats_challenge_rule_idx_PersonalLastUsedTime` (`PersonalLastUsedTime`), CONSTRAINT `adkats_challenge_rule_fk_ServerID` FOREIGN KEY (`ServerID`) REFERENCES `tbl_server` (`ServerID`) ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE CASCADE, -- No action for delete. If people move their servers, don't want to lose this record. CONSTRAINT `adkats_challenge_rule_fk_DefID` FOREIGN KEY (`DefID`) REFERENCES `adkats_challenge_definition` (`ID`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_unicode_ci COMMENT='AdKats - Challenge Rules'; CREATE TABLE `adkats_challenge_entry` ( `ID` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `PlayerID` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL, `RuleID` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL, `Completed` int(1) unsigned NOT NULL, `Failed` int(1) unsigned NOT NULL, `Canceled` int(1) unsigned NOT NULL, `StartRound` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL, `StartTime` datetime NOT NULL, `CompleteTime` datetime NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`ID`), KEY `adkats_challenge_entry_idx_PlayerID` (`PlayerID`), KEY `adkats_challenge_entry_idx_RuleID` (`RuleID`), KEY `adkats_challenge_entry_idx_StartTime` (`StartTime`), KEY `adkats_challenge_entry_idx_CompleteTime` (`CompleteTime`), CONSTRAINT `adkats_challenge_entry_fk_Play erID` FOREIGN KEY (`PlayerID`) REFERENCES `tbl_playerdata` (`PlayerID`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE, CONSTRAINT `adkats_challenge_entry_fk_RuleID` FOREIGN KEY (`RuleID`) REFERENCES `adkats_challenge_rule` (`ID`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_unicode_ci COMMENT='AdKats - Challenge Entries'; CREATE TABLE `adkats_challenge_entry_detail` ( `EntryID` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL, `DetailID` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL, `VictimID` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL, `Weapon` varchar(100) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci DEFAULT NULL, `RoundID` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL, `DetailTime` datetime NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`EntryID`, `DetailID`), KEY `adkats_challenge_entry_detail_idx_VictimID` (`VictimID`), KEY `adkats_challenge_entry_detail_idx_DetailTime` (`DetailTime`), CONSTRAINT `adkats_challenge_entry_detail_fk_EntryID` FOREIGN KEY (`EntryID`) REFERENCES `adkats_challenge_entry` (`ID`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE, CONSTRAINT `adkats_challenge_entry_detail_fk_VictimID` FOREIGN KEY (`VictimID`) REFERENCES `tbl_playerdata` (`PlayerID`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_unicode_ci COMMENT='AdKats - Challenge Entry Details'; CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `adkats_challenge_reward` ( `ID` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `ServerID` smallint(5) unsigned NOT NULL, `Tier` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL, `Reward` varchar(100) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL DEFAULT 'None', `Enabled` int(1) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `DurationMinutes` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT 60, -- 4294967295 `CreateTime` datetime NOT NULL, `ModifyTime` datetime NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`ID`), UNIQUE (`ServerID`, `Tier`, `Reward`), KEY `adkats_challenge_reward_idx_CreateTime` (`CreateTime`), KEY `adkats_challenge_reward_idx_ModifyTime` (`ModifyTime`), CONSTRAINT `adkats_challenge_reward_fk_ServerID` FOREIGN KEY (`ServerID`) REFERENCES `tbl_server` (`ServerID`) ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE CASCADE ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_unicode_ci COMMENT='AdKats - Challenge Rewards'; SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=1; ALTER TABLE `adkats_bans` ADD CONSTRAINT `adkats_bans_fk_latest_record_id` FOREIGN KEY (`latest_record_id`) REFERENCES `adkats_records_main` (`record_id`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE, ADD CONSTRAINT `adkats_bans_fk_player_id` FOREIGN KEY (`player_id`) REFERENCES `tbl_playerdata` (`PlayerID`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE; ALTER TABLE `adkats_infractions_global` ADD CONSTRAINT `adkats_infractions_global_fk_player_id` FOREIGN KEY (`player_id`) REFERENCES `tbl_playerdata` (`PlayerID`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE; ALTER TABLE `adkats_infractions_server` ADD CONSTRAINT `adkats_infractions_server_fk_player_id` FOREIGN KEY (`player_id`) REFERENCES `tbl_playerdata` (`PlayerID`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE, ADD CONSTRAINT `adkats_infractions_server_fk_server_id` FOREIGN KEY (`server_id`) REFERENCES `tbl_server` (`ServerID`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE; ALTER TABLE `adkats_records_debug` ADD CONSTRAINT `adkats_records_debug_fk_command_action` FOREIGN KEY (`command_action`) REFERENCES `adkats_commands` (`command_id`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE, ADD CONSTRAINT `adkats_records_debug_fk_command_type` FOREIGN KEY (`command_type`) REFERENCES `adkats_commands` (`command_id`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE, ADD CONSTRAINT `adkats_records_debug_fk_server_id` FOREIGN KEY (`server_id`) REFERENCES `tbl_server` (`ServerID`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE; ALTER TABLE `adkats_records_main` ADD CONSTRAINT `adkats_records_main_fk_command_action` FOREIGN KEY (`command_action`) REFERENCES `adkats_commands` (`command_id`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE, ADD CONSTRAINT `adkats_records_main_fk_command_type` FOREIGN KEY (`command_type`) REFERENCES `adkats_commands` (`command_id`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE, ADD CONSTRAINT `adkats_records_main_fk_server_id` FOREIGN KEY (`server_id`) REFERENCES `tbl_server` (`ServerID`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE, ADD CONSTRAINT `adkats_records_main_fk_source_id` FOREIGN KEY (`source_id`) REFERENCES `tbl_playerdata` (`PlayerID`) ON DELETE SET NULL ON UPDATE CASCADE, ADD CONSTRAINT `adkats_records_main_fk_target_id` FOREIGN KEY (`target_id`) REFERENCES `tbl_playerdata` (`PlayerID`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE; ALTER TABLE `adkats_rolecommands` ADD CONSTRAINT `adkats_rolecommands_fk_role` FOREIGN KEY (`role_id`) REFERENCES `adkats_roles` (`role_id`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE, ADD CONSTRAINT `adkats_rolecommands_fk_command` FOREIGN KEY (`command_id`) REFERENCES `adkats_commands` (`command_id`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE; ALTER TABLE `adkats_settings` ADD CONSTRAINT `adkats_settings_fk_server_id` FOREIGN KEY (`server_id`) REFERENCES `tbl_server` (`ServerID`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE; ALTER TABLE `adkats_users` ADD CONSTRAINT `adkats_users_fk_role` FOREIGN KEY (`user_role`) REFERENCES `adkats_roles` (`role_id`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE; ALTER TABLE `adkats_usersoldiers` ADD CONSTRAINT `adkats_usersoldiers_fk_player` FOREIGN KEY (`player_id`) REFERENCES `tbl_playerdata` (`PlayerID`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE, ADD CONSTRAINT `adkats_usersoldiers_fk_user` FOREIGN KEY (`user_id`) REFERENCES `adkats_users` (`user_id`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE; ALTER TABLE `adkats_specialplayers` ADD CONSTRAINT `adkats_specialplayers_game_id` FOREIGN KEY (`player_game`) REFERENCES `tbl_games`(`GameID`) ON UPDATE NO ACTION ON DELETE CASCADE, ADD CONSTRAINT `adkats_specialplayers_server_id` FOREIGN KEY (`player_server`) REFERENCES `tbl_server`(`ServerID`) ON UPDATE NO ACTION ON DELETE CASCADE, ADD CONSTRAINT `adkats_specialplayers_player_id` FOREIGN KEY (`player_id`) REFERENCES `tbl_playerdata`(`PlayerID`) ON UPDATE NO ACTION ON DELETE CASCADE; ALTER TABLE `adkats_battlecries` ADD CONSTRAINT `adkats_battlecries_player_id` FOREIGN KEY (`player_id`) REFERENCES `tbl_playerdata`(`PlayerID`) ON UPDATE NO ACTION ON DELETE CASCADE;