[ { "abstract": "generic_polymer_resin", "type": "material", "name": "Polymer Resin", "specific_heat_liquid": 1.25, "specific_heat_solid": 1.25, "density": 1.0, "latent_heat": 18, "chip_resist": 8, "dmg_adj": [ "scratched", "cut", "cracked", "shattered" ], "bash_dmg_verb": "dented", "cut_dmg_verb": "gouged", "resist": { "bash": 4, "cut": 5, "acid": 10, "heat": 6, "bullet": 3 } }, { "type": "material", "id": "thermo_resin", "name": "Thermoplastic Resin", "copy-from": "generic_polymer_resin", "//": "This material ID is for plastics that can be reshaped and molded by application of heat and return to their original properties when cooled, and these specific ones are quite hard and durable when in solid state.", "salvaged_into": "thermo_resin_chunk", "//1": "Most consumer polymers and plastics receive a UL94 rating for flammability and the lowest UL94 rating is HB, generally considered self-extinguishing. Plastics are flammable but should only contribute significant fuel in intense fires.", "burn_data": [ { "fuel": 0.1, "smoke": 2, "burn": 0.001 }, { "fuel": 0.4, "smoke": 3, "burn": 0.003 }, { "fuel": 1, "smoke": 5, "burn": 0.008 } ], "repair_difficulty": 4 }, { "type": "material", "id": "epoxy", "name": "Epoxy", "copy-from": "generic_polymer_resin", "//": "'epoxy' is a general catch-all for strong, brittle polymers that cannot be reshaped with application of heat. Not all of these are necessarily going to be literally epoxy, but it's close enough.", "salvaged_into": "epoxy_chunk", "//1": "Epoxy greatly varies in flammability depending on its curing state, but here we'll assume any item with this material has set epoxy.", "burn_data": [ { "fuel": 0.1, "smoke": 5, "burn": 0.001 }, { "fuel": 0.2, "smoke": 8, "burn": 0.006 }, { "fuel": 0.6, "smoke": 15, "burn": 0.02 } ] }, { "type": "material", "id": "fiberglass", "name": "Fiberglass Laminate", "//": "Fiberglass laminates, consisting of sheets of fiberglass and epoxy resin. Includes FR-4, G-10, G-11 laminates.", "density": 1.8, "copy-from": "generic_polymer_resin", "chip_resist": 9, "burn_data": [ { "fuel": 0.1, "smoke": 5, "burn": 0.001 }, { "fuel": 0.2, "smoke": 8, "burn": 0.006 }, { "fuel": 0.6, "smoke": 15, "burn": 0.02 } ] }, { "type": "material", "id": "carbonfiber", "name": "Carbon Fiber Composite", "//": "CF composites, consisting of sheets of woven CF and epoxy resin.", "density": 1.55, "copy-from": "fiberglass", "conductive": true, "chip_resist": 10 }, { "type": "material", "id": "pseudo_fuel", "name": "Pseudo Fuel", "density": 1, "chip_resist": 0, "conductive": true, "dmg_adj": [ "scratched", "cut", "cracked", "shattered" ], "bash_dmg_verb": "dented", "cut_dmg_verb": "gouged", "fuel_data": { "energy": "1000 kJ" }, "resist": { "bash": 0, "cut": 0, "acid": 0, "heat": 0, "bullet": 0 } }, { "type": "material", "id": "battery", "name": "Battery", "copy-from": "pseudo_fuel", "//": "This gives battery item 1 kJ/unit", "fuel_data": { "energy": "1000 kJ" } }, { "type": "material", "id": "wind", "name": "Wind", "fuel_data": { "energy": "1 kJ", "perpetual": true }, "copy-from": "pseudo_fuel" }, { "type": "material", "id": "sunlight", "name": "Sunlight", "fuel_data": { "energy": "1 kJ", "perpetual": true }, "copy-from": "pseudo_fuel" }, { "type": "material", "id": "animal", "name": "Animal", "fuel_data": { "energy": "1 kJ", "perpetual": true }, "copy-from": "pseudo_fuel" }, { "type": "material", "id": "muscle", "name": "Muscle", "fuel_data": { "energy": "1 kJ", "perpetual": true }, "copy-from": "pseudo_fuel" }, { "type": "material", "id": "metabolism", "name": "Metabolism", "fuel_data": { "energy": "1 kJ", "perpetual": true }, "copy-from": "pseudo_fuel" }, { "type": "material", "id": "alcohol", "name": "Alcohol", "density": 1.0, "specific_heat_liquid": 4, "specific_heat_solid": 2, "latent_heat": 310, "edible": true, "conductive": true, "chip_resist": 0, "dmg_adj": [ "lightly damaged", "damaged", "very damaged", "thoroughly damaged" ], "bash_dmg_verb": "damaged", "cut_dmg_verb": "damaged", "fuel_data": { "energy": "15600 kJ", "explosion_data": { "chance_hot": 5, "chance_cold": 10, "factor": 0.2, "fiery": true, "size_factor": 0.1 } }, "//": "Despite being set below the cutoff point for non-flammable liquids, burns quite well. 1L adds about 45 minutes to a fire at the lowest intensity bracket.", "burn_data": [ { "fuel": 150, "smoke": 0, "burn": 1 }, { "fuel": 300, "smoke": 0, "burn": 2 }, { "fuel": 450, "smoke": 0, "burn": 3 } ], "resist": { "bash": 0, "cut": 0, "acid": 0, "heat": 0, "bullet": 0 } }, { "type": "material", "id": "paint", "name": "Paint", "//": "almost everything in here is copied from alcohol, if someone has anything more appropriate then feel free to correct it", "density": 1.3, "specific_heat_liquid": 4, "specific_heat_solid": 2, "latent_heat": 310, "chip_resist": 0, "dmg_adj": [ "lightly damaged", "damaged", "very damaged", "thoroughly damaged" ], "bash_dmg_verb": "damaged", "cut_dmg_verb": "damaged", "fuel_data": { "energy": "15600 kJ", "explosion_data": { "chance_hot": 5, "chance_cold": 10, "factor": 0.2, "fiery": true, "size_factor": 0.1 } }, "//1": "Liquid paint, presumably latex-based (primary game use is painting walls). Capable of smothering most fires.", "burn_data": [ { "fuel": -1, "smoke": 0, "burn": 0.01 }, { "fuel": -1, "smoke": 0, "burn": 0.01 }, { "fuel": -1, "smoke": 0, "burn": 0.01 } ], "resist": { "bash": 0, "cut": 0, "acid": 0, "heat": 0, "bullet": 0 } }, { "type": "material", "id": "isopropyl", "name": "Isopropyl Alcohol", "density": 0.786, "specific_heat_liquid": 2.4, "specific_heat_solid": 2.3, "latent_heat": 666, "freezing_point": -89, "edible": false, "conductive": true, "chip_resist": 0, "dmg_adj": [ "lightly damaged", "damaged", "very damaged", "thoroughly damaged" ], "bash_dmg_verb": "damaged", "cut_dmg_verb": "damaged", "fuel_data": { "energy": "24700 kJ" }, "//": "Burn data is cargo culted from alcohol.", "burn_data": [ { "fuel": 150, "smoke": 0, "burn": 1 }, { "fuel": 300, "smoke": 0, "burn": 2 }, { "fuel": 450, "smoke": 0, "burn": 3 } ], "resist": { "bash": 0, "cut": 0, "acid": 0, "heat": 0, "bullet": 0 } }, { "type": "material", "id": "alien_liquid", "name": "Non-Newtonian Fluid", "//": "science values for this are probably all wrong taken partially from water", "density": 1, "specific_heat_liquid": 4.186, "specific_heat_solid": 2.108, "latent_heat": 333, "conductive": true, "chip_resist": 10, "breathability": "SECOND_SKIN", "dmg_adj": [ "agitated", "thinned", "culled", "eradicated" ], "bash_dmg_verb": "ripples", "cut_dmg_verb": "passed through", "repaired_with": "water", "soft": true, "resist": { "bash": 8, "cut": 0, "acid": 8, "heat": 4, "bullet": 4 }, "//1": "Super easy to repair since you're just feeding it blood (it is alive)", "repair_difficulty": 0 }, { "type": "material", "id": "alien_resin", "name": "Resin", "density": 1.5, "specific_heat_liquid": 1.8, "specific_heat_solid": 1.8, "latent_heat": 50, "chip_resist": 12, "repaired_with": "resin_chunk", "salvaged_into": "resin_chunk", "dmg_adj": [ "scratched", "cut", "cracked", "shattered" ], "bash_dmg_verb": "dented", "cut_dmg_verb": "gouged", "resist": { "bash": 8, "cut": 12, "acid": 20, "heat": 8, "bullet": 10 } }, { "type": "material", "id": "aluminum", "name": "Aluminum", "density": 2.7, "specific_heat_liquid": 1.18, "specific_heat_solid": 0.91, "latent_heat": 398, "conductive": true, "chip_resist": 10, "repaired_with": "welding_wire_alloy", "dmg_adj": [ "dented", "bent", "smashed", "destroyed" ], "bash_dmg_verb": "dented", "cut_dmg_verb": "scratched", "resist": { "bash": 1, "cut": 2, "acid": 4, "heat": 2, "bullet": 1 }, "repair_difficulty": 5 }, { "type": "material", "id": "bone", "name": "Bone", "density": 1.4, "specific_heat_liquid": 1.2, "specific_heat_solid": 1.2, "latent_heat": 200, "edible": true, "rotting": true, "chip_resist": 8, "wind_resist": 90, "repaired_with": "bone", "salvaged_into": "skewer_bone", "dmg_adj": [ "scratched", "cut", "cracked", "shattered" ], "bash_dmg_verb": "cracked", "cut_dmg_verb": "chipped", "vitamins": [ [ "calcium", 2 ] ], "//": "There is some historical evidence that animal bones have been used as an *added* combustion fuel by humans, but bones overall are a difficult material to use for this purpose and vary greatly in their suitability. The primary combustive component is in fact marrow and fats trapped inside the bone, not the bone structure itself.", "burn_data": [ { "fuel": 0, "smoke": 0, "burn": 0.0003 }, { "fuel": 0.2, "smoke": 3, "burn": 0.01, "volume_per_turn": "250 ml" }, { "fuel": 0.35, "smoke": 5, "burn": 0.02, "volume_per_turn": "250 ml" } ], "burn_products": [ [ "corpse_ash", 0.035 ] ], "resist": { "bash": 2, "cut": 3, "acid": 7, "heat": 1, "bullet": 1 }, "repair_difficulty": 3 }, { "type": "material", "id": "brass", "name": "Brass", "//": "Density value assumes median bronze alloy weight", "density": 8.8, "specific_heat_liquid": 0.49, "specific_heat_solid": 0.39, "latent_heat": 205, "conductive": true, "chip_resist": 15, "dmg_adj": [ "marked", "dented", "smashed", "shattered" ], "bash_dmg_verb": "dented", "cut_dmg_verb": "scratched", "resist": { "bash": 3, "cut": 4, "acid": 16, "heat": 2, "bullet": 2 }, "repair_difficulty": 4 }, { "type": "material", "id": "bronze", "name": "Bronze", "density": 8.8, "conductive": true, "chip_resist": 15, "repaired_with": "scrap_bronze", "dmg_adj": [ "marked", "dented", "smashed", "shattered" ], "bash_dmg_verb": "dented", "cut_dmg_verb": "scratched", "burn_products": [ [ "scrap_bronze", 0.5 ] ], "resist": { "bash": 4, "cut": 5, "acid": 1, "heat": 2, "bullet": 2 }, "repair_difficulty": 4 }, { "type": "material", "id": "alien_carapace", "name": "Carapace", "density": 10, "specific_heat_liquid": 1.8, "specific_heat_solid": 1.8, "latent_heat": 50, "chip_resist": 15, "dmg_adj": [ "scratched", "cut", "cracked", "shattered" ], "bash_dmg_verb": "dented", "cut_dmg_verb": "gouged", "burn_products": [ [ "corpse_ash", 0.035 ] ], "resist": { "bash": 8, "cut": 12, "acid": 20, "heat": 1, "bullet": 10 } }, { "type": "material", "id": "fancy_bronze", "name": "Thessalonian Bronze", "density": 8.8, "conductive": true, "chip_resist": 15, "repaired_with": "scrap_bronze", "dmg_adj": [ "marked", "dented", "smashed", "shattered" ], "bash_dmg_verb": "dented", "cut_dmg_verb": "scratched", "burn_products": [ [ "scrap_bronze", 0.5 ] ], "resist": { "bash": 5, "cut": 5, "acid": 5, "heat": 2, "bullet": 2 }, "repair_difficulty": 4 }, { "type": "material", "id": "budget_steel", "name": "Budget Steel", "density": 8.0, "specific_heat_liquid": 0.82, "specific_heat_solid": 0.45, "latent_heat": 273, "conductive": true, "chip_resist": 11, "dmg_adj": [ "marked", "dented", "smashed", "shattered" ], "repaired_with": "scrap", "bash_dmg_verb": "dented", "cut_dmg_verb": "scratched", "burn_products": [ [ "scrap", 0.5 ] ], "resist": { "bash": 6, "cut": 6, "acid": 7, "heat": 3, "bullet": 2 }, "repair_difficulty": 2 }, { "type": "material", "id": "cardboard", "name": "Cardboard", "density": 2, "specific_heat_liquid": 1.34, "specific_heat_solid": 1.34, "latent_heat": 333, "chip_resist": 0, "repaired_with": "cardboard", "salvaged_into": "cardboard", "dmg_adj": [ "ripped", "torn", "shredded", "tattered" ], "bash_dmg_verb": "ripped", "cut_dmg_verb": "cut", "burn_data": [ { "fuel": 0.6, "smoke": 1, "burn": 0.025, "volume_per_turn": "200 ml" }, { "fuel": 1.2, "smoke": 1, "burn": 0.05, "volume_per_turn": "825 ml" }, { "fuel": 1.8, "smoke": 1, "burn": 0.075 } ], "burn_products": [ [ "ash", 0.013 ] ], "resist": { "bash": 1, "cut": 1, "acid": 1, "heat": 0, "bullet": 1 }, "repair_difficulty": 0 }, { "type": "material", "id": "ceramic", "name": "Ceramic", "//": "Density value assumes Titanium Diboride", "density": 4.5, "specific_heat_liquid": 1, "specific_heat_solid": 1, "latent_heat": 333, "chip_resist": 20, "dmg_adj": [ "chipped", "cracked", "split", "broken" ], "bash_dmg_verb": "cracked", "cut_dmg_verb": "cut", "resist": { "bash": 1, "cut": 2, "acid": 10, "heat": 10, "bullet": 2 } }, { "type": "material", "id": "yrax_quartz", "name": "Quartz", "//": "Density value assumes Titanium Diboride", "density": 4.5, "specific_heat_liquid": 1, "specific_heat_solid": 1, "latent_heat": 333, "chip_resist": 2000, "dmg_adj": [ "chipped", "cracked", "resonating", "fractal" ], "bash_dmg_verb": "cracked", "cut_dmg_verb": "cut", "resist": { "bash": 4, "cut": 8, "acid": 14, "heat": 14, "bullet": 6 } }, { "type": "material", "id": "damaged_ceramic", "name": "Compromised Ceramic", "copy-from": "ceramic", "resist": { "bash": 1, "cut": 1, "acid": 10, "heat": 10, "bullet": 0.8 } }, { "type": "material", "id": "hyperweave_off", "//": "material for RM13 armor. A combination of small ceramic plates, sensors and a contractible weave material", "name": "Inert Hyperweave", "density": 8, "breathability": "MOISTURE_WICKING", "specific_heat_liquid": 1, "specific_heat_solid": 1, "latent_heat": 333, "chip_resist": 20, "soft": true, "dmg_adj": [ "chipped", "cracked", "split", "broken" ], "bash_dmg_verb": "cracked", "cut_dmg_verb": "cut", "resist": { "bash": 3, "cut": 5, "acid": 10, "heat": 10, "bullet": 6 } }, { "type": "material", "id": "hyperweave_on", "//": "material for RM13 armor when it's powered. A combination of small ceramic plates, sensors and a contractible weave material. As attacks strike the surface the plates bunch together providing amazing protection", "name": "Charged Hyperweave", "density": 20, "breathability": "MOISTURE_WICKING", "specific_heat_liquid": 1, "specific_heat_solid": 1, "latent_heat": 333, "chip_resist": 20, "soft": true, "dmg_adj": [ "chipped", "cracked", "split", "broken" ], "bash_dmg_verb": "cracked", "cut_dmg_verb": "cut", "resist": { "bash": 6, "cut": 10, "acid": 10, "heat": 10, "bullet": 12 } }, { "type": "material", "id": "chitin", "name": "Hardened Chitin", "density": 1.45, "specific_heat_liquid": 4.186, "specific_heat_solid": 2.108, "latent_heat": 333, "chip_resist": 14, "breathability": "GOOD", "wind_resist": 90, "dmg_adj": [ "scratched", "cut", "cracked", "shattered" ], "bash_dmg_verb": "cracked", "cut_dmg_verb": "chipped", "repaired_with": "chitin_piece", "salvaged_into": "chitin_piece", "burn_data": [ { "fuel": 0, "smoke": 0, "burn": 0.0001 }, { "fuel": 0.2, "smoke": 3, "burn": 0.005, "volume_per_turn": "200 ml" }, { "fuel": 0.35, "smoke": 5, "burn": 0.015, "volume_per_turn": "200 ml" } ], "burn_products": [ [ "corpse_ash", 0.035 ] ], "resist": { "bash": 2.5, "cut": 4, "acid": 6, "heat": 2.5, "bullet": 1.4 }, "repair_difficulty": 5 }, { "type": "material", "id": "acidchitin", "name": "Biosilicified Chitin", "density": 1.45, "specific_heat_liquid": 4.186, "specific_heat_solid": 2.108, "latent_heat": 333, "chip_resist": 7, "breathability": "GOOD", "wind_resist": 90, "salvaged_into": "acidchitin_piece", "dmg_adj": [ "scratched", "cut", "cracked", "shattered" ], "bash_dmg_verb": "cracked", "cut_dmg_verb": "chipped", "burn_data": [ { "fuel": 0, "smoke": 0, "burn": 0.0001 }, { "fuel": 0.2, "smoke": 3, "burn": 0.001, "volume_per_turn": "200 ml" }, { "fuel": 0.35, "smoke": 5, "burn": 0.05, "volume_per_turn": "200 ml" } ], "burn_products": [ [ "corpse_ash", 0.035 ] ], "resist": { "bash": 1, "cut": 6, "acid": 20, "heat": 4, "bullet": 1.2 }, "repair_difficulty": 5 }, { "type": "material", "id": "chitin_light", "name": "Light Chitin", "density": 1.45, "specific_heat_liquid": 4.186, "specific_heat_solid": 2.108, "latent_heat": 333, "breathability": "GOOD", "wind_resist": 90, "dmg_adj": [ "scratched", "cut", "cracked", "shattered" ], "bash_dmg_verb": "cracked", "cut_dmg_verb": "chipped", "chip_resist": 10, "burn_data": [ { "fuel": 0, "smoke": 0, "burn": 0.0001 }, { "fuel": 0.2, "smoke": 3, "burn": 0.005, "volume_per_turn": "200 ml" }, { "fuel": 0.35, "smoke": 5, "burn": 0.015, "volume_per_turn": "200 ml" } ], "burn_products": [ [ "corpse_ash", 0.035 ] ], "resist": { "bash": 1.4, "cut": 3, "acid": 4, "heat": 2, "bullet": 0.9 } }, { "type": "material", "id": "sclerotin_light", "name": "Light Sclerotin", "density": 1.8, "copy-from": "chitin_light", "chip_resist": 18, "breathability": "AVERAGE", "resist": { "bash": 4, "cut": 6, "acid": 8, "heat": 2, "bullet": 1.8 } }, { "type": "material", "id": "sclerotin", "name": "Hardened Sclerotin", "density": 1.9, "copy-from": "chitin_light", "chip_resist": 22, "breathability": "AVERAGE", "resist": { "bash": 5.2, "cut": 7, "acid": 9, "heat": 2, "bullet": 2.1 } }, { "type": "material", "id": "clay", "name": "Clay", "density": 1.6, "specific_heat_liquid": 1, "specific_heat_solid": 1, "latent_heat": 333, "chip_resist": 6, "dmg_adj": [ "chipped", "scratched", "cracked", "shattered" ], "bash_dmg_verb": "cracked", "cut_dmg_verb": "cut", "burn_products": [ [ "ceramic_shard", 0.5 ] ], "resist": { "bash": 2, "cut": 3, "acid": 6, "heat": 3, "bullet": 2 } }, { "type": "material", "id": "porcelain", "name": "Porcelain", "density": 1.6, "specific_heat_liquid": 1, "specific_heat_solid": 1, "latent_heat": 333, "chip_resist": 6, "dmg_adj": [ "chipped", "scratched", "cracked", "shattered" ], "bash_dmg_verb": "cracked", "cut_dmg_verb": "cut", "resist": { "bash": 2, "cut": 3, "acid": 6, "heat": 3, "bullet": 2 } }, { "type": "material", "id": "copper", "name": "Copper", "density": 8.96, "specific_heat_liquid": 0.49, "specific_heat_solid": 0.39, "latent_heat": 205, "conductive": true, "chip_resist": 10, "repaired_with": "scrap_copper", "dmg_adj": [ "marked", "dented", "smashed", "shattered" ], "bash_dmg_verb": "dented", "cut_dmg_verb": "scratched", "burn_products": [ [ "copper", 0.5 ] ], "resist": { "bash": 2, "cut": 3, "acid": 0, "heat": 3, "bullet": 2 }, "repair_difficulty": 3 }, { "type": "material", "id": "cotton", "name": "Cotton", "density": 1.6, "specific_heat_liquid": 0.02, "specific_heat_solid": 0.02, "latent_heat": 205, "soft": true, "chip_resist": 6, "breathability": "AVERAGE", "wind_resist": 70, "repaired_with": "cotton_patchwork", "salvaged_into": "cotton_patchwork", "dmg_adj": [ "ripped", "torn", "shredded", "tattered" ], "bash_dmg_verb": "ripped", "cut_dmg_verb": "cut", "burn_data": [ { "fuel": 1, "smoke": 1, "burn": 0.02 }, { "fuel": 2, "smoke": 1, "burn": 0.04 }, { "fuel": 3, "smoke": 1, "burn": 0.06 } ], "resist": { "bash": 1, "cut": 1, "acid": 3, "heat": 0, "bullet": 1 }, "repair_difficulty": 1 }, { "type": "material", "//": "similar to layered kevlar, cotton sewn in a way to extend its protectiveness. stopgap material for gambesons until material protection is more thoroughly reworked.", "id": "cotton_quilted", "name": "Quilted Cotton", "copy-from": "cotton", "repaired_with": "null", "wind_resist": 75, "resist": { "bash": 2, "cut": 2, "acid": 3, "heat": 0, "bullet": 1.5 } }, { "type": "material", "id": "denim", "name": "Denim", "//": "Denim clothing is usually measured in oz rather than mm thickness. For our purposes, assume 6 oz denim is equal to 0.4mm and scale up from there.", "density": 1.6, "specific_heat_liquid": 0.02, "specific_heat_solid": 0.02, "latent_heat": 205, "soft": true, "chip_resist": 7, "breathability": "AVERAGE", "wind_resist": 75, "repaired_with": "denim_patch", "salvaged_into": "denim_patch", "dmg_adj": [ "ripped", "torn", "shredded", "tattered" ], "bash_dmg_verb": "ripped", "cut_dmg_verb": "cut", "burn_data": [ { "fuel": 1, "smoke": 1, "burn": 0.02 }, { "fuel": 2, "smoke": 1, "burn": 0.04 }, { "fuel": 3, "smoke": 1, "burn": 0.06 } ], "resist": { "bash": 2, "cut": 2.25, "acid": 4, "heat": 0, "bullet": 2 }, "repair_difficulty": 2 }, { "type": "material", "id": "canvas", "name": "Canvas", "density": 1.6, "specific_heat_liquid": 0.02, "specific_heat_solid": 0.02, "latent_heat": 205, "soft": true, "chip_resist": 8, "breathability": "POOR", "wind_resist": 85, "repaired_with": "canvas_patch", "salvaged_into": "canvas_patch", "dmg_adj": [ "ripped", "torn", "shredded", "tattered" ], "bash_dmg_verb": "ripped", "cut_dmg_verb": "cut", "burn_data": [ { "fuel": 1, "smoke": 1, "burn": 0.02 }, { "fuel": 2, "smoke": 1, "burn": 0.04 }, { "fuel": 3, "smoke": 1, "burn": 0.06 } ], "resist": { "bash": 2, "cut": 2.5, "acid": 4, "heat": 0, "bullet": 2 }, "repair_difficulty": 2 }, { "type": "material", "//": "similar to layered kevlar, canvas sewn in a way to extend its protectiveness. stopgap material for gambesons until material protection is more thoroughly reworked.", "id": "canvas_quilted", "name": "Quilted Canvas", "copy-from": "canvas", "repaired_with": "null", "wind_resist": 90, "resist": { "bash": 2, "cut": 3, "acid": 4, "heat": 0, "bullet": 2 } }, { "type": "material", "//": "duplicate material used to give gambesons an extra 95% coverage layer without causing weirdness", "id": "canvas_quilted_2", "copy-from": "canvas_quilted", "repaired_with": "null", "name": "Quilted Canvas" }, { "type": "material", "id": "diamond", "name": "Diamond", "density": 3.53, "specific_heat_liquid": 0.52, "specific_heat_solid": 0.52, "latent_heat": 5200, "chip_resist": 100, "dmg_adj": [ "marked", "chipped", "cracked", "shattered" ], "bash_dmg_verb": "chipped", "cut_dmg_verb": "scratched", "resist": { "bash": 5, "cut": 5, "acid": 10, "heat": 3, "bullet": 2 } }, { "type": "material", "id": "gemstone", "name": "Gemstone", "//": "Density of Zircon", "density": 4.7, "specific_heat_liquid": 0.52, "specific_heat_solid": 0.52, "latent_heat": 5200, "chip_resist": 100, "dmg_adj": [ "marked", "chipped", "cracked", "shattered" ], "bash_dmg_verb": "chipped", "cut_dmg_verb": "scratched", "resist": { "bash": 5, "cut": 5, "acid": 10, "heat": 3, "bullet": 2 } }, { "type": "material", "id": "egg", "name": "Egg", "density": 1.1, "specific_heat_liquid": 3.63, "specific_heat_solid": 1.95, "latent_heat": 252, "edible": true, "conductive": true, "chip_resist": 1, "dmg_adj": [ "scratched", "damaged", "smashed", "crushed" ], "bash_dmg_verb": "damaged", "cut_dmg_verb": "damaged", "vitamins": [ [ "calcium", 0.5 ], [ "iron", 0.5 ] ], "burn_data": [ { "fuel": 0, "smoke": 1, "burn": 0.002 }, { "fuel": 0, "smoke": 3, "burn": 0.002 }, { "fuel": 0, "smoke": 5, "burn": 0.005 } ], "resist": { "bash": 0, "cut": 0, "acid": 1, "heat": 1, "bullet": 0 } }, { "type": "material", "id": "flesh", "name": "Flesh", "//": "Density of non-fat parts of human body, also around upper-level densities for all organic matter", "density": 1.1, "specific_heat_liquid": 3.7, "specific_heat_solid": 2.15, "latent_heat": 260, "edible": true, "rotting": true, "conductive": true, "chip_resist": 2, "dmg_adj": [ "bruised", "mutilated", "badly mutilated", "thoroughly mutilated" ], "bash_dmg_verb": "bruised", "cut_dmg_verb": "sliced", "vitamins": [ [ "calcium", 0.1 ], [ "iron", 1.3 ] ], "//1": "It's rather difficult to find citeable data on how well arbitrary volumes of human flesh burns, so I've settled for just spitballing it, using wood as a baseline and knowing that cremation takes a lot of fuel. Now it burns less well than wood. So, big improvement. This data was last touched 7 years ago, in a 2016 PR which also cleaned up the fire code. They thought it was crusty and nonsensical at the time. I checked to see what had changed since then. Essentially nothing. So these values never made any sense.", "burn_data": [ { "fuel": 0.05, "smoke": 1, "burn": 0.001, "volume_per_turn": "200 ml" }, { "fuel": 0.1, "smoke": 3, "burn": 0.002, "volume_per_turn": "500 ml" }, { "fuel": 0.2, "smoke": 10, "burn": 0.004, "volume_per_turn": "1 L" } ], "burn_products": [ [ "corpse_ash", 0.035 ] ], "soft": true, "resist": { "bash": 1, "cut": 1, "acid": 1, "heat": 1, "bullet": 1 } }, { "type": "material", "id": "drug_filler", "name": "Drug filler", "copy-from": "flesh", "//": "Assumed a gelatine capsule that contain the drug, but can be any another drug filler like glucose, lactose, sucrose and the like. Created so we don't need to specify three billion chemicals used in pills.", "dmg_adj": [ "lightly damaged", "damaged", "very damaged", "thoroughly damaged" ] }, { "type": "material", "id": "gutskin", "name": "Gutskin", "density": 1.1, "specific_heat_liquid": 3.7, "specific_heat_solid": 2.15, "latent_heat": 260, "soft": true, "conductive": true, "chip_resist": 2, "repaired_with": "leather", "dmg_adj": [ "scratched", "cut", "shredded", "tattered" ], "bash_dmg_verb": "ripped", "cut_dmg_verb": "sliced", "burn_data": [ { "fuel": 0.02, "smoke": 1, "burn": 0.001, "volume_per_turn": "200 ml" }, { "fuel": 0.05, "smoke": 2, "burn": 0.002, "volume_per_turn": "500 ml" }, { "fuel": 0.1, "smoke": 3, "burn": 0.004, "volume_per_turn": "1 L" } ], "burn_products": [ [ "corpse_ash", 0.035 ] ], "resist": { "bash": 1, "cut": 1, "acid": 1, "heat": 1, "bullet": 1 }, "repair_difficulty": 1 }, { "type": "material", "id": "freshclay", "name": "Fresh Clay", "density": 1.76, "specific_heat_liquid": 4.186, "specific_heat_solid": 2.108, "latent_heat": 333, "chip_resist": 4, "dmg_adj": [ "lightly damaged", "damaged", "very damaged", "thoroughly damaged" ], "bash_dmg_verb": "squished", "cut_dmg_verb": "cut", "burn_products": [ [ "ceramic_shard", 0.5 ] ], "resist": { "bash": 1, "cut": 1, "acid": 4, "heat": 3, "bullet": 1 } }, { "type": "material", "id": "fruit", "name": "Fruit Matter", "density": 1.1, "specific_heat_liquid": 3.9, "specific_heat_solid": 1.9, "latent_heat": 290, "edible": true, "rotting": true, "conductive": true, "chip_resist": 1, "dmg_adj": [ "lightly damaged", "damaged", "very damaged", "thoroughly damaged" ], "bash_dmg_verb": "bruised", "cut_dmg_verb": "cut", "vitamins": [ [ "vitC", 2 ] ], "burn_data": [ { "fuel": 0, "smoke": 1, "burn": 0.002 }, { "fuel": 0, "smoke": 3, "burn": 0.002 }, { "fuel": 0, "smoke": 5, "burn": 0.005 } ], "resist": { "bash": 1, "cut": 1, "acid": 2, "heat": 1, "bullet": 1 } }, { "type": "material", "id": "fur", "name": "Fur", "density": 1.1, "specific_heat_liquid": 0.02, "specific_heat_solid": 0.02, "latent_heat": 333, "soft": true, "chip_resist": 8, "breathability": "POOR", "repaired_with": "fur", "salvaged_into": "fur", "dmg_adj": [ "ripped", "torn", "shredded", "tattered" ], "bash_dmg_verb": "ripped", "cut_dmg_verb": "sliced", "burn_data": [ { "fuel": 0.6, "smoke": 1, "burn": 0.02 }, { "fuel": 1, "smoke": 1, "burn": 0.04 }, { "fuel": 1, "smoke": 1, "burn": 0.06 } ], "burn_products": [ [ "corpse_ash", 0.035 ] ], "resist": { "bash": 2, "cut": 1.25, "acid": 3, "heat": 1, "bullet": 1 }, "repair_difficulty": 3 }, { "type": "material", "id": "faux_fur", "name": "Faux Fur", "density": 1.1, "specific_heat_liquid": 0.02, "specific_heat_solid": 0.02, "latent_heat": 333, "soft": true, "chip_resist": 7, "breathability": "POOR", "repaired_with": "faux_fur", "salvaged_into": "faux_fur", "dmg_adj": [ "ripped", "torn", "shredded", "tattered" ], "bash_dmg_verb": "ripped", "cut_dmg_verb": "sliced", "burn_data": [ { "fuel": 0.6, "smoke": 1, "burn": 0.02 }, { "fuel": 1, "smoke": 1, "burn": 0.04 }, { "fuel": 1, "smoke": 1, "burn": 0.06 } ], "resist": { "bash": 2, "cut": 2, "acid": 4, "heat": 1, "bullet": 2 }, "repair_difficulty": 3 }, { "type": "material", "id": "lvl4ballisticglass", "name": "Ballistic Glass", "//": "Values are based on glass-clad polycarbonate.", "density": 2.0, "specific_heat_liquid": 0.2, "specific_heat_solid": 0.2, "latent_heat": 100, "chip_resist": 0, "dmg_adj": [ "scratched", "cut", "cracked", "shattered" ], "bash_dmg_verb": "cracked", "cut_dmg_verb": "scratched", "burn_data": [ { "fuel": 0, "smoke": 0, "burn": 0 }, { "fuel": 0, "smoke": 0, "burn": 0 }, { "fuel": 0, "smoke": 0, "burn": 1000, "volume_per_turn": "5000 ml", "//": "More like shattering than melting" } ], "burn_products": [ [ "glass_shard", 0.5 ] ], "resist": { "bash": 5, "cut": 10, "acid": 10, "heat": 3, "bullet": 9 } }, { "type": "material", "id": "glass", "name": "Glass", "//": "Density based on soda lime silica glass", "density": 2.5, "specific_heat_liquid": 0.2, "specific_heat_solid": 0.2, "latent_heat": 100, "chip_resist": 0, "dmg_adj": [ "scratched", "cut", "cracked", "shattered" ], "bash_dmg_verb": "cracked", "cut_dmg_verb": "scratched", "burn_data": [ { "fuel": 0, "smoke": 0, "burn": 0 }, { "fuel": 0, "smoke": 0, "burn": 0 }, { "fuel": 0, "smoke": 0, "burn": 1000, "volume_per_turn": "5000 ml", "//": "More like shattering than melting" } ], "burn_products": [ [ "glass_shard", 0.5 ] ], "resist": { "bash": 3, "cut": 4, "acid": 10, "heat": 3, "bullet": 1 }, "repair_difficulty": 7 }, { "type": "material", "id": "crystal", "name": "Crystal", "//": "Specific heat and latent heat copied from glass", "density": 3.1, "specific_heat_liquid": 0.2, "specific_heat_solid": 0.2, "latent_heat": 100, "chip_resist": 0, "dmg_adj": [ "scratched", "cut", "cracked", "shattered" ], "bash_dmg_verb": "cracked", "cut_dmg_verb": "scratched", "burn_data": [ { "fuel": 0, "smoke": 0, "burn": 0 }, { "fuel": 0, "smoke": 0, "burn": 0 }, { "fuel": 0, "smoke": 0, "burn": 1000, "volume_per_turn": "5000 ml", "//": "More like shattering than melting" } ], "burn_products": [ [ "glass_shard", 0.5 ] ], "resist": { "bash": 3, "cut": 4, "acid": 10, "heat": 3, "bullet": 1 } }, { "type": "material", "id": "gold", "name": "Gold", "density": 19.32, "specific_heat_liquid": 0.15, "specific_heat_solid": 0.13, "latent_heat": 63, "conductive": true, "chip_resist": 8, "repaired_with": "gold_small", "dmg_adj": [ "marked", "dented", "smashed", "shattered" ], "bash_dmg_verb": "dented", "cut_dmg_verb": "scratched", "burn_products": [ [ "gold_small", 0.5 ] ], "resist": { "bash": 1, "cut": 1, "acid": 10, "heat": 3, "bullet": 1 }, "repair_difficulty": 5 }, { "type": "material", "id": "hflesh", "name": "Human Flesh", "density": 1.1, "specific_heat_liquid": 3.7, "specific_heat_solid": 2.15, "latent_heat": 260, "edible": true, "rotting": true, "conductive": true, "chip_resist": 2, "dmg_adj": [ "bruised", "mutilated", "badly mutilated", "thoroughly mutilated" ], "bash_dmg_verb": "bruised", "cut_dmg_verb": "sliced", "vitamins": [ [ "calcium", 0.1 ], [ "iron", 1.3 ] ], "burn_data": [ { "fuel": 0.05, "smoke": 1, "burn": 0.001, "volume_per_turn": "200 ml" }, { "fuel": 0.1, "smoke": 3, "burn": 0.002, "volume_per_turn": "500 ml" }, { "fuel": 0.2, "smoke": 10, "burn": 0.004, "volume_per_turn": "1 L" } ], "burn_products": [ [ "corpse_ash", 0.035 ] ], "soft": true, "resist": { "bash": 1, "cut": 1, "acid": 1, "heat": 1, "bullet": 1 } }, { "type": "material", "id": "honey", "name": "Honey", "density": 1.45, "specific_heat_liquid": 2.03, "specific_heat_solid": 2.03, "latent_heat": 57, "edible": true, "rotting": true, "conductive": true, "chip_resist": 0, "dmg_adj": [ "lightly damaged", "damaged", "very damaged", "thoroughly damaged" ], "bash_dmg_verb": "damaged", "cut_dmg_verb": "damaged", "vitamins": [ [ "iron", 0.2 ], [ "vitC", 0.1 ], [ "calcium", 0.1 ] ], "burn_data": [ { "fuel": 0, "smoke": 1, "burn": 0.002 }, { "fuel": 0, "smoke": 3, "burn": 0.002 }, { "fuel": 0, "smoke": 5, "burn": 0.005 } ], "resist": { "bash": 0, "cut": 0, "acid": 1, "heat": 1, "bullet": 0 } }, { "type": "material", "id": "sugar", "name": "Sugar", "//": "Any carbohydrates, ideally, but since not a lot of them exist now, name is a `sugar`", "density": 1.59, "specific_heat_liquid": 1.2, "specific_heat_solid": 1.2, "latent_heat": 124, "conductive": true, "chip_resist": 0, "dmg_adj": [ "lightly damaged", "damaged", "very damaged", "thoroughly damaged" ], "bash_dmg_verb": "damaged", "cut_dmg_verb": "damaged", "burn_data": [ { "fuel": 150, "smoke": 6, "burn": 1 }, { "fuel": 300, "smoke": 6, "burn": 2 }, { "fuel": 450, "smoke": 6, "burn": 3 } ], "resist": { "bash": 0, "cut": 0, "acid": 0, "heat": 0, "bullet": 0 } }, { "type": "material", "id": "hydrocarbons", "name": "Hydrocarbons", "//": "Oxyacetylene is the only user, stats based on Acetylene", "density": 0.7, "specific_heat_liquid": 0.5, "specific_heat_solid": 0.5, "latent_heat": 518, "conductive": true, "chip_resist": 0, "dmg_adj": [ "lightly damaged", "damaged", "very damaged", "thoroughly damaged" ], "bash_dmg_verb": "damaged", "cut_dmg_verb": "damaged", "//1": "1L adds about 90 minutes to a fire at the lowest intensity bracket.", "burn_data": [ { "fuel": 300, "smoke": 6, "burn": 1 }, { "fuel": 600, "smoke": 6, "burn": 2 }, { "fuel": 900, "smoke": 6, "burn": 3 } ], "resist": { "bash": 0, "cut": 0, "acid": 0, "heat": 0, "bullet": 0 } }, { "type": "material", "id": "diesel", "name": "Diesel", "density": 0.85, "copy-from": "hydrocarbons", "fuel_data": { "energy": "35800 kJ", "pump_terrain": "t_diesel_pump", "explosion_data": { "chance_hot": 20, "chance_cold": 1000, "factor": 0.2, "fiery": false, "size_factor": 0.1 } } }, { "type": "material", "id": "jp8", "name": "JP8", "density": 0.84, "copy-from": "hydrocarbons", "fuel_data": { "energy": "34700 kJ", "pump_terrain": "t_jp8_pump", "explosion_data": { "chance_hot": 20, "chance_cold": 1000, "factor": 0.2, "fiery": false, "size_factor": 0.1 } } }, { "type": "material", "id": "avgas", "density": 0.69, "name": "Avgas Fuel", "copy-from": "hydrocarbons", "fuel_data": { "energy": "45800 kJ", "pump_terrain": "t_avgas_pump", "explosion_data": { "chance_hot": 20, "chance_cold": 1000, "factor": 0.2, "fiery": false, "size_factor": 0.1 } } }, { "type": "material", "id": "biodiesel", "name": "Biodiesel", "density": 0.875, "copy-from": "hydrocarbons", "fuel_data": { "energy": "29600 kJ", "explosion_data": { "chance_hot": 20, "chance_cold": 1000, "factor": 0.2, "fiery": false, "size_factor": 0.1 } } }, { "type": "material", "id": "gasoline", "name": "Gasoline", "density": 0.75, "copy-from": "hydrocarbons", "fuel_data": { "energy": "34200 kJ", "pump_terrain": "t_gas_pump", "explosion_data": { "chance_hot": 2, "chance_cold": 5, "factor": 1, "fiery": true, "size_factor": 0.1 } } }, { "type": "material", "id": "lamp_oil", "density": 0.81, "name": "Kerosene", "copy-from": "hydrocarbons", "fuel_data": { "//": "Roughly equivalent to LPG", "energy": "26000 kJ", "explosion_data": { "chance_hot": 5, "chance_cold": 10, "factor": 0.2, "fiery": true, "size_factor": 0.1 } } }, { "type": "material", "id": "crude_lamp_oil", "density": 0.81, "name": "Crude lamp oil", "copy-from": "hydrocarbons", "fuel_data": { "energy": "24000 kJ", "explosion_data": { "chance_hot": 5, "chance_cold": 10, "factor": 0.2, "fiery": true, "size_factor": 0.1 } } }, { "type": "material", "id": "motor_oil", "density": 0.95, "name": "Motor Oil", "copy-from": "hydrocarbons", "fuel_data": { "//": "Roughly equivalent to LPG", "energy": "26000 kJ", "explosion_data": { "chance_hot": 5, "chance_cold": 10, "factor": 0.2, "fiery": true, "size_factor": 0.1 } } }, { "type": "material", "id": "iflesh", "name": "Insect Flesh", "density": 1.1, "specific_heat_liquid": 3.7, "specific_heat_solid": 2.15, "latent_heat": 260, "edible": true, "rotting": true, "conductive": true, "chip_resist": 2, "dmg_adj": [ "bruised", "mutilated", "badly mutilated", "thoroughly mutilated" ], "bash_dmg_verb": "bruised", "cut_dmg_verb": "sliced", "vitamins": [ [ "calcium", 1 ], [ "iron", 1.3 ] ], "burn_data": [ { "fuel": 0, "smoke": 1, "burn": 0.001, "volume_per_turn": "200 ml" }, { "fuel": 0.2, "smoke": 3, "burn": 0.002, "volume_per_turn": "500 ml" }, { "fuel": 0.35, "smoke": 5, "burn": 0.004, "volume_per_turn": "1 L" } ], "burn_products": [ [ "corpse_ash", 0.035 ] ], "resist": { "bash": 1, "cut": 1, "acid": 1, "heat": 1, "bullet": 1 } }, { "type": "material", "id": "iron", "name": "Cast iron", "density": 7.3, "specific_heat_liquid": 0.82, "specific_heat_solid": 0.45, "latent_heat": 247, "conductive": true, "chip_resist": 15, "repaired_with": "scrap_cast_iron", "dmg_adj": [ "marked", "dented", "smashed", "shattered" ], "bash_dmg_verb": "dented", "cut_dmg_verb": "scratched", "burn_products": [ [ "scrap_cast_iron", 0.5 ] ], "resist": { "bash": 4, "cut": 4, "acid": 5, "heat": 3, "bullet": 2 }, "repair_difficulty": 2 }, { "type": "material", "id": "junk", "name": "Junk Food", "density": 1.1, "specific_heat_liquid": 3.3, "specific_heat_solid": 2.05, "latent_heat": 220, "edible": true, "rotting": true, "conductive": true, "chip_resist": 2, "dmg_adj": [ "lightly damaged", "damaged", "very damaged", "thoroughly damaged" ], "bash_dmg_verb": "smashed", "cut_dmg_verb": "cut", "burn_data": [ { "fuel": 0, "smoke": 1, "burn": 0.002 }, { "fuel": 0, "smoke": 3, "burn": 0.002 }, { "fuel": 0, "smoke": 5, "burn": 0.005 } ], "resist": { "bash": 1, "cut": 1, "acid": 2, "heat": 1, "bullet": 1 } }, { "type": "material", "id": "bread", "//": "copied from junk food sans resists, then I googled density of bread and didn't do any other research, it's supposed to be US style white bread", "name": "Bread", "density": 0.2, "specific_heat_liquid": 3.3, "specific_heat_solid": 2.05, "latent_heat": 220, "edible": true, "rotting": true, "conductive": true, "chip_resist": 0, "dmg_adj": [ "lightly damaged", "damaged", "very damaged", "thoroughly damaged" ], "bash_dmg_verb": "smashed", "cut_dmg_verb": "cut", "burn_data": [ { "fuel": 0, "smoke": 1, "burn": 0.002 }, { "fuel": 0, "smoke": 3, "burn": 0.002 }, { "fuel": 0, "smoke": 5, "burn": 0.005 } ], "resist": { "bash": 0, "cut": 0, "acid": 0, "heat": 0, "bullet": 0 } }, { "type": "material", "id": "foodplace_foodstuff", "name": "Foodplace's Delicious Foodstuff", "copy-from": "junk" }, { "type": "material", "id": "kevlar", "name": "Kevlar", "density": 1.4, "soft": true, "specific_heat_liquid": 0.82, "specific_heat_solid": 0.45, "latent_heat": 273, "chip_resist": 7, "breathability": "GOOD", "repaired_with": "kevlar_patch", "salvaged_into": "kevlar_patch", "dmg_adj": [ "ripped", "torn", "shredded", "tattered" ], "bash_dmg_verb": "ripped", "cut_dmg_verb": "cut", "resist": { "bash": 1, "cut": 3, "acid": 5, "heat": 1, "bullet": 2, "stab": 5 }, "repair_difficulty": 4 }, { "type": "material", "id": "kevlar_layered", "name": "Ballistic Kevlar", "density": 1.4, "specific_heat_liquid": 0.82, "specific_heat_solid": 0.45, "latent_heat": 273, "soft": true, "chip_resist": 20, "sheet_thickness": 4.4, "breathability": "AVERAGE", "repaired_with": "sheet_kevlar_layered", "salvaged_into": "sheet_kevlar_layered", "dmg_adj": [ "ripped", "torn", "shredded", "tattered" ], "bash_dmg_verb": "ripped", "cut_dmg_verb": "cut", "resist": { "bash": 1.5, "cut": 2, "acid": 5, "heat": 3, "bullet": 5 }, "repair_difficulty": 4 }, { "type": "material", "id": "kevlar_rigid", "name": "Rigid Kevlar", "density": 1.4, "specific_heat_liquid": 0.82, "specific_heat_solid": 0.45, "latent_heat": 273, "chip_resist": 20, "repaired_with": "rigid_kevlar_plate", "salvaged_into": "rigid_kevlar_plate", "dmg_adj": [ "ripped", "torn", "shredded", "tattered" ], "bash_dmg_verb": "ripped", "cut_dmg_verb": "cut", "resist": { "bash": 3, "cut": 4, "acid": 5, "heat": 3, "bullet": 5 }, "repair_difficulty": 5 }, { "type": "material", "id": "lead", "name": "Lead", "density": 11.342, "specific_heat_liquid": 0.13, "specific_heat_solid": 0.14, "latent_heat": 23, "conductive": true, "chip_resist": 8, "repaired_with": "lead", "dmg_adj": [ "marked", "dented", "smashed", "shattered" ], "bash_dmg_verb": "dented", "cut_dmg_verb": "scratched", "burn_products": [ [ "lead", 0.5 ] ], "resist": { "bash": 0, "cut": 0, "acid": 8, "heat": 3, "bullet": 0 } }, { "type": "material", "id": "leather", "name": "Leather", "density": 1.1, "specific_heat_liquid": 1.5, "specific_heat_solid": 1.5, "latent_heat": 273, "soft": true, "chip_resist": 10, "breathability": "POOR", "wind_resist": 90, "repaired_with": "leather", "salvaged_into": "leather", "dmg_adj": [ "scratched", "cut", "shredded", "tattered" ], "bash_dmg_verb": "ripped", "cut_dmg_verb": "sliced", "burn_data": [ { "fuel": 0.05, "smoke": 1, "burn": 0.001, "volume_per_turn": "200 ml" }, { "fuel": 0.1, "smoke": 3, "burn": 0.002, "volume_per_turn": "500 ml" }, { "fuel": 0.2, "smoke": 10, "burn": 0.004, "volume_per_turn": "1 L" } ], "burn_products": [ [ "corpse_ash", 0.035 ] ], "resist": { "bash": 1, "cut": 3, "acid": 4, "heat": 2, "bullet": 2 }, "repair_difficulty": 3 }, { "type": "material", "id": "leather_treated", "name": "Treated Leather", "//": "Regular leather made waterproof with wax, oil, chrome tanning, etc", "density": 1.1, "specific_heat_liquid": 1.5, "specific_heat_solid": 1.5, "latent_heat": 273, "soft": true, "chip_resist": 10, "repaired_with": "leather", "salvaged_into": "leather", "dmg_adj": [ "scratched", "cut", "shredded", "tattered" ], "bash_dmg_verb": "ripped", "cut_dmg_verb": "sliced", "burn_data": [ { "fuel": 0.05, "smoke": 1, "burn": 0.001, "volume_per_turn": "200 ml" }, { "fuel": 0.1, "smoke": 3, "burn": 0.002, "volume_per_turn": "500 ml" }, { "fuel": 0.2, "smoke": 10, "burn": 0.004, "volume_per_turn": "1 L" } ], "burn_products": [ [ "corpse_ash", 0.035 ] ], "resist": { "bash": 1, "cut": 3, "acid": 5, "heat": 2, "bullet": 2 }, "repair_difficulty": 3 }, { "type": "material", "id": "leather_arthropod", "name": "Epicuticle", "density": 2, "specific_heat_liquid": 1.5, "specific_heat_solid": 1.5, "latent_heat": 273, "soft": true, "chip_resist": 10, "breathability": "AVERAGE", "wind_resist": 90, "dmg_adj": [ "scratched", "cut", "shredded", "tattered" ], "bash_dmg_verb": "ripped", "cut_dmg_verb": "sliced", "burn_data": [ { "fuel": 0.05, "smoke": 1, "burn": 0.001, "volume_per_turn": "200 ml" }, { "fuel": 0.1, "smoke": 3, "burn": 0.002, "volume_per_turn": "500 ml" }, { "fuel": 0.2, "smoke": 10, "burn": 0.004, "volume_per_turn": "1 L" } ], "burn_products": [ [ "corpse_ash", 0.035 ] ], "resist": { "bash": 2, "cut": 2, "acid": 6, "heat": 1, "bullet": 1 } }, { "type": "material", "id": "lycra", "name": "Lycra", "//": "not actually pure Lycra, but poly/nylon and Lycra blend", "density": 1.2, "specific_heat_liquid": 1.7, "specific_heat_solid": 1.7, "latent_heat": 27, "soft": true, "chip_resist": 6, "breathability": "MOISTURE_WICKING", "repaired_with": "lycra_patch", "salvaged_into": "lycra_patch", "dmg_adj": [ "ripped", "torn", "shredded", "tattered" ], "bash_dmg_verb": "ripped", "cut_dmg_verb": "cut", "//1": "Nylon/polyester reacts poorly to flame (it melts) but is hard to light. Doesn't break down easily unless exposed to a high-intensity fire.", "burn_data": [ { "fuel": 0.05, "smoke": 1, "burn": 0.01 }, { "fuel": 0.05, "smoke": 2, "burn": 0.03 }, { "fuel": 0.15, "smoke": 5, "burn": 0.5 } ], "resist": { "bash": 1, "cut": 1, "acid": 9, "heat": 2, "bullet": 1 }, "repair_difficulty": 3 }, { "type": "material", "id": "milk", "name": "Dairy", "density": 1.1, "specific_heat_liquid": 3.89, "specific_heat_solid": 1.81, "latent_heat": 293, "edible": true, "rotting": true, "conductive": true, "chip_resist": 0, "dmg_adj": [ "lightly damaged", "damaged", "very damaged", "thoroughly damaged" ], "bash_dmg_verb": "damaged", "cut_dmg_verb": "damaged", "vitamins": [ [ "calcium", 1.5 ], [ "iron", 0.1 ] ], "burn_data": [ { "fuel": -100, "smoke": 1, "burn": 1 }, { "fuel": -50, "smoke": 2, "burn": 1 }, { "fuel": -10, "smoke": 2, "burn": 2 } ], "resist": { "bash": 0, "cut": 0, "acid": 0, "heat": 1, "bullet": 0 } }, { "type": "material", "id": "neoprene", "name": "Neoprene", "density": 1.25, "specific_heat_liquid": 1.1, "specific_heat_solid": 1.1, "latent_heat": 273, "soft": true, "chip_resist": 5, "repaired_with": "neoprene", "salvaged_into": "neoprene", "dmg_adj": [ "scratched", "cut", "shredded", "tattered" ], "bash_dmg_verb": "ripped", "cut_dmg_verb": "sliced", "//": "Neoprene is considered highly fire-resistant, and it survives much better than most fabrics. Leaving a 1L cube in a small fire for upwards of 20 minutes produces burnt-badly burnt items.", "burn_data": [ { "fuel": 0.001, "smoke": 3, "burn": 0.001, "volume_per_turn": "1 ml" }, { "fuel": 0.001, "smoke": 3, "burn": 0.002, "volume_per_turn": "5 ml" }, { "fuel": 0.003, "smoke": 3, "burn": 0.005 } ], "resist": { "bash": 3, "cut": 1, "acid": 4, "heat": 3, "bullet": 1 }, "repair_difficulty": 3 }, { "type": "material", "id": "nomex", "name": "Nomex", "density": 1.05, "specific_heat_liquid": 1.2, "specific_heat_solid": 1.2, "latent_heat": 273, "soft": true, "chip_resist": 8, "breathability": "MOISTURE_WICKING", "wind_resist": 90, "repaired_with": "nomex", "salvaged_into": "nomex", "dmg_adj": [ "ripped", "torn", "shredded", "tattered" ], "bash_dmg_verb": "ripped", "cut_dmg_verb": "cut", "burn_data": [ { "immune": true }, { "immune": true }, { "immune": true } ], "resist": { "bash": 1, "cut": 1, "acid": 5, "heat": 20, "bullet": 1 }, "repair_difficulty": 4 }, { "type": "material", "id": "null", "name": "Unknown", "density": 1, "specific_heat_liquid": 4.186, "specific_heat_solid": 2.108, "latent_heat": 333, "conductive": true, "chip_resist": 0, "dmg_adj": [ "lightly damaged", "damaged", "very damaged", "thoroughly damaged" ], "bash_dmg_verb": "damaged", "cut_dmg_verb": "damaged", "resist": { "bash": 0, "cut": 0, "acid": 0, "heat": 1, "bullet": 0 } }, { "type": "material", "id": "oil", "name": "Oil", "density": 1.0, "specific_heat_liquid": 2, "specific_heat_solid": 1.8, "latent_heat": 200, "edible": true, "conductive": true, "chip_resist": 0, "dmg_adj": [ "lightly damaged", "damaged", "very damaged", "thoroughly damaged" ], "bash_dmg_verb": "damaged", "cut_dmg_verb": "damaged", "burn_data": [ { "fuel": 300, "smoke": 3, "burn": 1 }, { "fuel": 600, "smoke": 6, "burn": 2 }, { "fuel": 900, "smoke": 9, "burn": 3 } ], "resist": { "bash": 0, "cut": 0, "acid": 0, "heat": 0, "bullet": 0 } }, { "type": "material", "id": "beeswax", "name": "Beeswax", "density": 0.97, "//": "https://www.tainstruments.com/pdf/literature/TA405.pdf", "specific_heat_liquid": 2.9, "specific_heat_solid": 3.7, "latent_heat": 210, "edible": true, "chip_resist": 0, "dmg_adj": [ "lightly damaged", "damaged", "very damaged", "thoroughly damaged" ], "repaired_with": "wax", "salvaged_into": "wax", "bash_dmg_verb": "damaged", "cut_dmg_verb": "damaged", "//1": "Basically as flammable as a candle.", "burn_data": [ { "fuel": 0.1, "smoke": 1, "burn": 0.001 }, { "fuel": 0.4, "smoke": 1, "burn": 0.003 }, { "fuel": 1, "smoke": 2, "burn": 0.008 } ], "resist": { "bash": 0, "cut": 0, "acid": 0, "heat": 0, "bullet": 0 } }, { "type": "material", "id": "paraffin_wax", "name": "Paraffin Wax", "density": 0.86, "specific_heat_liquid": 2.9, "specific_heat_solid": 3.7, "latent_heat": 210, "chip_resist": 0, "dmg_adj": [ "lightly damaged", "damaged", "very damaged", "thoroughly damaged" ], "repaired_with": "wax_paraffin", "salvaged_into": "wax_paraffin", "bash_dmg_verb": "damaged", "cut_dmg_verb": "damaged", "burn_data": [ { "fuel": 150, "smoke": 0, "burn": 1 }, { "fuel": 300, "smoke": 0, "burn": 2 }, { "fuel": 450, "smoke": 0, "burn": 3 } ], "resist": { "bash": 0, "cut": 0, "acid": 0, "heat": 0, "bullet": 0 } }, { "type": "material", "id": "paper", "name": "Paper", "density": 1.2, "specific_heat_liquid": 1.34, "specific_heat_solid": 1.34, "latent_heat": 333, "soft": true, "chip_resist": 0, "repaired_with": "paper", "salvaged_into": "paper", "dmg_adj": [ "ripped", "torn", "shredded", "tattered" ], "bash_dmg_verb": "ripped", "cut_dmg_verb": "cut", "burn_data": [ { "fuel": 1.1, "smoke": 1, "burn": 0.025 }, { "fuel": 2.2, "smoke": 1, "burn": 0.05 }, { "fuel": 3.3, "smoke": 1, "burn": 0.075 } ], "burn_products": [ [ "ash", 0.013 ] ], "resist": { "bash": 1, "cut": 1, "acid": 1, "heat": 0, "bullet": 1 } }, { "type": "material", "id": "dry_plant", "name": "Dry Plant", "density": 1.2, "specific_heat_liquid": 1.34, "specific_heat_solid": 1.34, "latent_heat": 333, "chip_resist": 0, "soft": true, "dmg_adj": [ "ripped", "torn", "shredded", "tattered" ], "bash_dmg_verb": "ripped", "cut_dmg_verb": "cut", "burn_data": [ { "fuel": 0.6, "smoke": 1, "burn": 0.025, "volume_per_turn": "200 ml" }, { "fuel": 1.2, "smoke": 1, "burn": 0.05, "volume_per_turn": "825 ml" }, { "fuel": 1.8, "smoke": 1, "burn": 0.075 } ], "burn_products": [ [ "ash", 0.013 ] ], "resist": { "bash": 1, "cut": 1, "acid": 1, "heat": 0, "bullet": 1 } }, { "type": "material", "id": "plastic", "name": "Plastic", "//": "Most common plastics are around 1", "//2": "This one represents various non-resistant household plastics, found in your pen, keyboard, charger etc.", "density": 1.0, "specific_heat_liquid": 1.6, "specific_heat_solid": 1.6, "latent_heat": 50, "chip_resist": 6, "wind_resist": 90, "repaired_with": "plastic_chunk", "salvaged_into": "plastic_chunk", "dmg_adj": [ "scratched", "cut", "cracked", "shattered" ], "bash_dmg_verb": "dented", "cut_dmg_verb": "gouged", "//1": "Most consumer polymers and plastics receive a UL94 rating for flammability and the lowest UL94 rating is HB, generally considered self-extinguishing. Plastics are flammable but should only contribute significant fuel in intense fires.", "burn_data": [ { "fuel": 0.1, "smoke": 2, "burn": 0.001 }, { "fuel": 0.4, "smoke": 3, "burn": 0.003 }, { "fuel": 1, "smoke": 5, "burn": 0.008 } ], "resist": { "bash": 2, "cut": 2, "acid": 9, "heat": 1, "bullet": 1 }, "repair_difficulty": 3 }, { "type": "material", "id": "hard_plastic_transp", "copy-from": "plastic", "name": "Transparent Impact Resistant Plastic", "//2": "This one represents various transparent impact-resistant plastics, like polycarbonate. Prime material for visors and safety goggles.", "resist": { "bash": 4, "cut": 3, "acid": 9, "heat": 1, "bullet": 1.5 }, "repair_difficulty": 4 }, { "type": "material", "id": "composite_transp", "copy-from": "plastic", "name": "Transparent Bullet Resistant Composite", "//2": "This one represents specialised transparent bulletproof composites, mostly employed on military vehicles and in high-value construction (banks).", "resist": { "bash": 5, "cut": 4, "acid": 9, "heat": 1, "bullet": 2 }, "repair_difficulty": 5 }, { "type": "material", "id": "plastic_pad", "name": "Plastic Padding", "//": "This is a catch-all for foam, or a mix of foam and hard plastic used in armor pads for sports or riding.", "density": 1.0, "specific_heat_liquid": 1.6, "specific_heat_solid": 1.6, "latent_heat": 50, "chip_resist": 6, "wind_resist": 90, "dmg_adj": [ "scratched", "cut", "cracked", "shattered" ], "bash_dmg_verb": "dented", "cut_dmg_verb": "gouged", "burn_data": [ { "fuel": 0.1, "smoke": 2, "burn": 0.001 }, { "fuel": 0.4, "smoke": 3, "burn": 0.003 }, { "fuel": 1, "smoke": 5, "burn": 0.008 } ], "resist": { "bash": 1, "cut": 0.5, "acid": 9, "heat": 1, "bullet": 0.5 }, "repair_difficulty": 5 }, { "type": "material", "id": "rdx", "copy-from": "plastic", "name": "RDX", "density": 1.806 }, { "type": "material", "id": "tnt", "copy-from": "plastic", "name": "TNT", "density": 1.654 }, { "type": "material", "id": "powder", "name": "Powder", "density": 1, "specific_heat_liquid": 1.5, "specific_heat_solid": 1.2, "latent_heat": 10, "soft": true, "chip_resist": 0, "dmg_adj": [ "lightly damaged", "damaged", "very damaged", "thoroughly damaged" ], "bash_dmg_verb": "damaged", "cut_dmg_verb": "damaged", "//": "This is a highly non-specific material which usually can't be found in any great quantity, so it doesn't really matter what the burn_data is.", "burn_data": [ { "fuel": 10, "smoke": 2, "burn": 10 }, { "fuel": 10, "smoke": 2, "burn": 10 }, { "fuel": 10, "smoke": 2, "burn": 10 } ], "resist": { "bash": 1, "cut": 1, "acid": 0, "heat": 0, "bullet": 1 } }, { "type": "material", "id": "powder_nonflam", "name": "Powder", "density": 1, "specific_heat_liquid": 1.5, "specific_heat_solid": 1.2, "latent_heat": 10, "soft": true, "chip_resist": 0, "dmg_adj": [ "lightly damaged", "damaged", "very damaged", "thoroughly damaged" ], "bash_dmg_verb": "damaged", "cut_dmg_verb": "damaged", "resist": { "bash": 1, "cut": 1, "acid": 0, "heat": 20, "bullet": 1 } }, { "type": "material", "id": "salt", "name": "Salt", "density": 2.16, "specific_heat_liquid": 0.88, "specific_heat_solid": 0.92, "//": "The specific heats are random numbers I found online. I am not a native speaker and have no idea what I'm looking for. If someone has better numbers please correct this.", "latent_heat": 10, "soft": false, "chip_resist": 0, "dmg_adj": [ "lightly damaged", "damaged", "very damaged", "thoroughly damaged" ], "bash_dmg_verb": "damaged", "cut_dmg_verb": "damaged", "resist": { "bash": 1, "cut": 1, "acid": 0, "heat": 20, "bullet": 1 } }, { "type": "material", "id": "mercury", "name": "Mercury", "density": 13.53, "specific_heat_liquid": 0.1395, "specific_heat_solid": 0.1419, "conductive": true, "chip_resist": 8, "dmg_adj": [ "lightly damaged", "damaged", "very damaged", "thoroughly damaged" ], "bash_dmg_verb": "damaged", "cut_dmg_verb": "damaged", "resist": { "bash": 0, "cut": 0, "acid": 8, "heat": 3, "bullet": 0 } }, { "type": "material", "id": "silver", "name": "Silver", "density": 10.49, "specific_heat_liquid": 0.28, "specific_heat_solid": 0.23, "latent_heat": 105, "conductive": true, "chip_resist": 8, "repaired_with": "silver_small", "dmg_adj": [ "marked", "dented", "smashed", "shattered" ], "bash_dmg_verb": "dented", "cut_dmg_verb": "scratched", "burn_products": [ [ "silver_small", 0.5 ] ], "resist": { "bash": 2, "cut": 3, "acid": 10, "heat": 3, "bullet": 2 }, "repair_difficulty": 5 }, { "type": "material", "id": "platinum", "name": "Platinum", "density": 21.45, "specific_heat_liquid": 0.18, "specific_heat_solid": 0.13, "latent_heat": 114, "conductive": true, "chip_resist": 8, "repaired_with": "platinum_small", "dmg_adj": [ "marked", "dented", "smashed", "shattered" ], "bash_dmg_verb": "dented", "cut_dmg_verb": "scratched", "burn_products": [ [ "platinum_small", 0.5 ] ], "resist": { "bash": 1, "cut": 1, "acid": 10, "heat": 3, "bullet": 1 }, "repair_difficulty": 5 }, { "type": "material", "id": "rubber", "name": "Rubber", "//1": "this is synthetic rubber, which is much different than natural, but called rubber for ease of use", "density": 1.6, "soft": false, "specific_heat_liquid": 0.4, "specific_heat_solid": 0.13, "latent_heat": 165, "chip_resist": 8, "repaired_with": "plastic_chunk", "salvaged_into": "chunk_rubber", "dmg_adj": [ "worn", "stressed", "shredded", "ruined" ], "bash_dmg_verb": "stressed", "cut_dmg_verb": "slashed", "//2": "based on synthetic fabric and wood, trying to get long burning with much smoke but little fuel", "burn_data": [ { "fuel": 1, "smoke": 3, "burn": 0.1, "volume_per_turn": "100 ml" }, { "fuel": 1, "smoke": 3, "burn": 0.2 }, { "fuel": 1, "smoke": 4, "burn": 0.3 } ], "resist": { "bash": 5, "cut": 1, "acid": 5, "heat": 2, "bullet": 1 }, "repair_difficulty": 3 }, { "type": "material", "id": "vinyl", "name": "Vinyl", "//1": "Can be several synthetic polymers such as silicone or pvc, in a soft and very flexible form suitable for making a raincoat or a hazmat suit", "density": 1.4, "soft": true, "specific_heat_liquid": 0.4, "specific_heat_solid": 0.13, "latent_heat": 165, "chip_resist": 5, "repaired_with": "plastic_sheet", "salvaged_into": "plastic_sheet", "dmg_adj": [ "worn", "stressed", "shredded", "ruined" ], "bash_dmg_verb": "stressed", "cut_dmg_verb": "slashed", "//2": "based on synthetic fabric and wood, trying to get long burning with much smoke but little fuel", "burn_data": [ { "fuel": 1, "smoke": 3, "burn": 0.1, "volume_per_turn": "100 ml" }, { "fuel": 1, "smoke": 3, "burn": 0.2 }, { "fuel": 1, "smoke": 4, "burn": 0.3 } ], "resist": { "bash": 3, "cut": 1, "acid": 5, "heat": 2, "bullet": 1 }, "repair_difficulty": 3 }, { "type": "material", "id": "slime", "name": "Slime", "density": 1, "conductive": true, "chip_resist": 0, "dmg_adj": [ "scratched", "cut", "cracked", "shattered" ], "bash_dmg_verb": "dented", "cut_dmg_verb": "gouged", "resist": { "bash": 0, "cut": 0, "acid": 0, "heat": 0, "bullet": 0 } }, { "type": "material", "id": "lc_steel", "name": "Low Carbon Steel", "//": "SAE 1010/UNS 10100, assumes .1% carbon content and zero slag.", "density": 8.0, "specific_heat_liquid": 0.82, "specific_heat_solid": 0.45, "latent_heat": 273, "conductive": true, "chip_resist": 17, "repaired_with": "lc_steel_chunk", "dmg_adj": [ "marked", "dented", "smashed", "shattered" ], "bash_dmg_verb": "dented", "cut_dmg_verb": "scratched", "burn_products": [ [ "scrap", 0.5 ] ], "resist": { "bash": 6, "cut": 6, "acid": 7, "heat": 3, "bullet": 4.5 }, "repair_difficulty": 3 }, { "type": "material", "id": "mc_steel", "name": "Medium Carbon Steel", "//": "SAE 1050/UNS 10500, assumes .50% carbon content and zero slag.", "density": 8.0, "specific_heat_liquid": 0.82, "specific_heat_solid": 0.45, "latent_heat": 273, "conductive": true, "chip_resist": 18, "repaired_with": "mc_steel_chunk", "dmg_adj": [ "marked", "dented", "smashed", "shattered" ], "bash_dmg_verb": "dented", "cut_dmg_verb": "scratched", "burn_products": [ [ "scrap", 0.5 ] ], "resist": { "bash": 7, "cut": 7, "acid": 7, "heat": 3, "bullet": 4.5 }, "repair_difficulty": 4 }, { "type": "material", "id": "hc_steel", "name": "High Carbon Steel", "//": "SAE 1085/UNS 10850, assumes .85% carbon content and zero slag.", "density": 8.0, "specific_heat_liquid": 0.82, "specific_heat_solid": 0.45, "latent_heat": 273, "conductive": true, "chip_resist": 18, "repaired_with": "hc_steel_chunk", "dmg_adj": [ "marked", "dented", "smashed", "shattered" ], "bash_dmg_verb": "dented", "cut_dmg_verb": "scratched", "burn_products": [ [ "scrap", 0.5 ] ], "resist": { "bash": 10, "cut": 10, "acid": 7, "heat": 3, "bullet": 6.5 }, "repair_difficulty": 5 }, { "type": "material", "id": "ch_steel", "name": "Case Hardened Carbon Steel", "//": "Case hardening based on average between .1 and .95 carbon steel with a 1.25 multiplier.", "density": 8.0, "specific_heat_liquid": 0.82, "specific_heat_solid": 0.45, "latent_heat": 273, "conductive": true, "chip_resist": 20, "repaired_with": "lc_steel_chunk", "dmg_adj": [ "marked", "dented", "smashed", "shattered" ], "bash_dmg_verb": "dented", "cut_dmg_verb": "scratched", "burn_products": [ [ "scrap", 0.5 ] ], "resist": { "bash": 10, "cut": 10, "acid": 7, "heat": 3, "bullet": 6.5 }, "repair_difficulty": 6 }, { "type": "material", "id": "qt_steel", "name": "Tempered Carbon Steel", "//": "Quench/tempering based on .6 carbon steel with a 1.5 multiplier.", "density": 8.0, "specific_heat_liquid": 0.82, "specific_heat_solid": 0.45, "latent_heat": 273, "conductive": true, "chip_resist": 20, "repaired_with": "mc_steel_chunk", "dmg_adj": [ "marked", "dented", "smashed", "shattered" ], "bash_dmg_verb": "dented", "cut_dmg_verb": "scratched", "burn_products": [ [ "scrap", 0.5 ] ], "resist": { "bash": 11, "cut": 11, "acid": 7, "heat": 3, "bullet": 7.5 }, "repair_difficulty": 7 }, { "type": "material", "id": "budget_steel_chain", "name": "Budget Steel Chain", "density": 8, "specific_heat_liquid": 0.82, "specific_heat_solid": 0.45, "latent_heat": 273, "conductive": true, "chip_resist": 11, "sheet_thickness": 1.2, "breathability": "GOOD", "soft": true, "uncomfortable": true, "repaired_with": "scrap", "dmg_adj": [ "marked", "dented", "smashed", "shattered" ], "bash_dmg_verb": "dented", "cut_dmg_verb": "scratched", "burn_products": [ [ "scrap", 0.5 ] ], "resist": { "bash": 6, "cut": 6, "acid": 7, "heat": 3, "bullet": 2 }, "repair_difficulty": 2 }, { "type": "material", "id": "lc_steel_chain", "name": "Low Carbon Steel Chain", "//": "SAE 1010/UNS 10100, assumes .1% carbon content and zero slag.", "density": 8, "specific_heat_liquid": 0.82, "specific_heat_solid": 0.45, "latent_heat": 273, "conductive": true, "chip_resist": 17, "sheet_thickness": 1.2, "breathability": "GOOD", "soft": true, "uncomfortable": true, "repaired_with": "lc_chain_link", "dmg_adj": [ "marked", "dented", "smashed", "shattered" ], "bash_dmg_verb": "dented", "cut_dmg_verb": "scratched", "burn_products": [ [ "scrap", 0.5 ] ], "resist": { "bash": 6, "cut": 6, "acid": 7, "heat": 3, "bullet": 4.5 }, "repair_difficulty": 2 }, { "type": "material", "id": "mc_steel_chain", "name": "Medium Carbon Steel Chain", "//": "SAE 1050/UNS 10500, assumes .50% carbon content and zero slag.", "density": 8, "specific_heat_liquid": 0.82, "specific_heat_solid": 0.45, "latent_heat": 273, "conductive": true, "chip_resist": 18, "sheet_thickness": 1.2, "breathability": "GOOD", "soft": true, "uncomfortable": true, "repaired_with": "mc_chain_link", "dmg_adj": [ "marked", "dented", "smashed", "shattered" ], "bash_dmg_verb": "dented", "cut_dmg_verb": "scratched", "burn_products": [ [ "scrap", 0.5 ] ], "resist": { "bash": 7, "cut": 7, "acid": 7, "heat": 3, "bullet": 4.5 }, "repair_difficulty": 2 }, { "type": "material", "id": "hc_steel_chain", "name": "High Carbon Steel Chain", "//": "SAE 1085/UNS 10850, assumes .50% carbon content and zero slag.", "density": 8, "specific_heat_liquid": 0.82, "specific_heat_solid": 0.45, "latent_heat": 273, "conductive": true, "chip_resist": 18, "sheet_thickness": 1.2, "breathability": "GOOD", "soft": true, "uncomfortable": true, "repaired_with": "hc_chain_link", "dmg_adj": [ "marked", "dented", "smashed", "shattered" ], "bash_dmg_verb": "dented", "cut_dmg_verb": "scratched", "burn_products": [ [ "scrap", 0.5 ] ], "resist": { "bash": 10, "cut": 10, "acid": 7, "heat": 3, "bullet": 6.5 }, "repair_difficulty": 2 }, { "type": "material", "id": "ch_steel_chain", "name": "Case Hardened Carbon Steel Chain", "//": "Case hardening based on average between .1 and .95 carbon steel with a 1.25 multiplier.", "density": 8, "specific_heat_liquid": 0.82, "specific_heat_solid": 0.45, "latent_heat": 273, "conductive": true, "chip_resist": 20, "sheet_thickness": 1.2, "breathability": "GOOD", "soft": true, "uncomfortable": true, "repaired_with": "ch_chain_link", "dmg_adj": [ "marked", "dented", "smashed", "shattered" ], "bash_dmg_verb": "dented", "cut_dmg_verb": "scratched", "burn_products": [ [ "scrap", 0.5 ] ], "resist": { "bash": 10, "cut": 10, "acid": 7, "heat": 3, "bullet": 6.5 }, "repair_difficulty": 2 }, { "type": "material", "id": "qt_steel_chain", "name": "Tempered Carbon Steel Chain", "//": "Quench/tempering based on .6 carbon steel with a 1.5 multiplier.", "density": 8, "specific_heat_liquid": 0.82, "specific_heat_solid": 0.45, "latent_heat": 273, "conductive": true, "chip_resist": 20, "sheet_thickness": 1.2, "breathability": "GOOD", "soft": true, "uncomfortable": true, "repaired_with": "mc_chain_link", "dmg_adj": [ "marked", "dented", "smashed", "shattered" ], "bash_dmg_verb": "dented", "cut_dmg_verb": "scratched", "burn_products": [ [ "scrap", 0.5 ] ], "resist": { "bash": 11, "cut": 11, "acid": 7, "heat": 3, "bullet": 7.5 }, "repair_difficulty": 2 }, { "type": "material", "id": "steel", "name": "Steel", "density": 8, "specific_heat_liquid": 0.82, "specific_heat_solid": 0.45, "latent_heat": 273, "conductive": true, "chip_resist": 20, "repaired_with": "steel_chunk", "dmg_adj": [ "marked", "dented", "smashed", "shattered" ], "bash_dmg_verb": "dented", "cut_dmg_verb": "scratched", "burn_products": [ [ "scrap", 0.5 ] ], "resist": { "bash": 6, "cut": 6, "acid": 7, "heat": 3, "bullet": 3 }, "repair_difficulty": 4 }, { "type": "material", "id": "plut_cell", "name": "Energetic Nanocompound", "density": 20.0, "specific_heat_liquid": 0.82, "specific_heat_solid": 0.45, "latent_heat": 273, "conductive": true, "chip_resist": 20, "dmg_adj": [ "marked", "dented", "smashed", "shattered" ], "bash_dmg_verb": "dented", "cut_dmg_verb": "scratched", "fuel_data": { "energy": "10000 kJ" }, "resist": { "bash": 6, "cut": 6, "acid": 7, "heat": 3, "bullet": 3 } }, { "type": "material", "id": "uran_cell", "name": "Uranium cell", "density": 19.0, "specific_heat_liquid": 0.82, "specific_heat_solid": 0.45, "latent_heat": 273, "conductive": true, "chip_resist": 20, "dmg_adj": [ "marked", "dented", "smashed", "shattered" ], "bash_dmg_verb": "dented", "cut_dmg_verb": "scratched", "fuel_data": { "energy": "10000 kJ" }, "resist": { "bash": 6, "cut": 6, "acid": 7, "heat": 3, "bullet": 3 } }, { "type": "material", "id": "hydrogen_cell", "name": "Pressurized Hydrogen", "density": 30, "specific_heat_liquid": 0.82, "specific_heat_solid": 0.45, "latent_heat": 273, "conductive": true, "chip_resist": 20, "repaired_with": "null", "dmg_adj": [ "marked", "dented", "smashed", "shattered" ], "bash_dmg_verb": "dented", "cut_dmg_verb": "scratched", "fuel_data": { "//": "Compressed gaseous hydrogen has 9.2 MJ/L. This stuff has a very high energy density but is also bulky and explosive.", "energy": "4000000 kJ", "explosion_data": { "chance_hot": 2, "chance_cold": 2, "factor": 1, "fiery": true, "size_factor": 0.15 } }, "resist": { "bash": 6, "cut": 6, "acid": 7, "heat": 3, "bullet": 3 } }, { "type": "material", "id": "stone", "name": "Stone", "//": "Density based on granite", "density": 2.8, "specific_heat_liquid": 0.82, "specific_heat_solid": 0.45, "latent_heat": 273, "chip_resist": 20, "dmg_adj": [ "scratched", "cut", "cracked", "shattered" ], "bash_dmg_verb": "cracked", "cut_dmg_verb": "chipped", "burn_products": [ [ "pebble", 0.5 ] ], "resist": { "bash": 6, "cut": 6, "acid": 8, "heat": 3, "bullet": 3 } }, { "type": "material", "id": "rhodonite", "name": "Rhodonite", "copy-from": "stone", "density": 3.7 }, { "type": "material", "id": "zincite", "name": "Zincite", "copy-from": "stone", "density": 5.68 }, { "type": "material", "id": "slaked_lime", "name": "Slaked Lime", "copy-from": "stone", "density": 2.34 }, { "type": "material", "id": "quicklime", "name": "Quicklime", "copy-from": "stone", "density": 3.34 }, { "type": "material", "id": "cement", "name": "Cement", "copy-from": "stone", "density": 1.44 }, { "type": "material", "id": "monolith", "name": "Monolith", "density": 28, "specific_heat_liquid": 0.52, "specific_heat_solid": 0.52, "latent_heat": 5200, "chip_resist": 100, "dmg_adj": [ "resonating", "cascading", "unravelling", "fractal" ], "bash_dmg_verb": "agitated", "cut_dmg_verb": "agitated", "resist": { "bash": 160, "cut": 200, "acid": 100, "heat": 100, "bullet": 160 } }, { "type": "material", "id": "monolith_heavy", "name": "Monolith", "density": 400, "specific_heat_liquid": 0.52, "specific_heat_solid": 0.52, "latent_heat": 5200, "chip_resist": 100, "dmg_adj": [ "resonating", "cascading", "unravelling", "fractal" ], "bash_dmg_verb": "agitated", "cut_dmg_verb": "agitated", "burn_products": [ [ "pebble", 1 ] ], "resist": { "bash": 160, "cut": 200, "acid": 100, "heat": 100, "bullet": 160 } }, { "type": "material", "id": "anomaly", "name": "Anomalous Material", "copy-from": "monolith", "density": 10000 }, { "type": "material", "id": "superalloy", "name": "Superalloy", "//": "Density based on superalloy sheet", "density": 1.8, "specific_heat_liquid": 0.82, "specific_heat_solid": 0.45, "latent_heat": 273, "conductive": true, "chip_resist": 20, "repaired_with": "alloy_sheet", "dmg_adj": [ "marked", "dented", "smashed", "shattered" ], "bash_dmg_verb": "dented", "cut_dmg_verb": "scratched", "resist": { "bash": 6, "cut": 6, "acid": 5, "heat": 3, "bullet": 5 }, "repair_difficulty": 7 }, { "type": "material", "id": "carbide", "//": "Based on tungsten carbide", "density": 16.0, "name": "Layered Carbide", "breathability": "SECOND_SKIN", "specific_heat_liquid": 0.82, "specific_heat_solid": 0.45, "latent_heat": 273, "chip_resist": 20, "dmg_adj": [ "marked", "dented", "smashed", "shattered" ], "bash_dmg_verb": "dented", "cut_dmg_verb": "scratched", "resist": { "bash": 6, "cut": 6, "acid": 30, "heat": 30, "bullet": 5 } }, { "type": "material", "id": "nylon", "name": "Synthetic Fabric", "//": "blend between nylon 6 and 6,6", "density": 1.15, "specific_heat_liquid": 1.7, "specific_heat_solid": 1.7, "latent_heat": 42, "soft": true, "chip_resist": 7, "breathability": "GOOD", "repaired_with": "nylon", "salvaged_into": "nylon", "dmg_adj": [ "ripped", "torn", "shredded", "tattered" ], "bash_dmg_verb": "ripped", "cut_dmg_verb": "cut", "//1": "Nylon reacts poorly to flame (it melts) but is hard to light. Doesn't break down easily unless exposed to a high-intensity fire.", "burn_data": [ { "fuel": 0.05, "smoke": 1, "burn": 0.01 }, { "fuel": 0.05, "smoke": 2, "burn": 0.03 }, { "fuel": 0.15, "smoke": 5, "burn": 0.5 } ], "resist": { "bash": 1, "cut": 1, "acid": 9, "heat": 2, "bullet": 3 }, "repair_difficulty": 2 }, { "type": "material", "//": "duplicate material used to give technical shorts and diving rigs an extra coverage layer without causing weirdness", "id": "nylon_2", "copy-from": "nylon", "repaired_with": "null", "name": "Synthetic Fabric" }, { "type": "material", "//": "similar to layered kevlar, nylon sewn in a way to extend its protectiveness. stopgap material for gambesons until material protection is more thoroughly reworked.", "id": "nylon_quilted", "name": "Quilted Nylon", "copy-from": "nylon", "repaired_with": "null", "wind_resist": 65, "resist": { "bash": 1.5, "cut": 2, "acid": 9, "heat": 2, "bullet": 3 } }, { "type": "material", "//": "duplicate material used to give gambesons an extra 95% coverage layer without causing weirdness", "id": "nylon_quilted_2", "copy-from": "nylon_quilted", "repaired_with": "null", "name": "Quilted Nylon" }, { "type": "material", "//": "The dense part of carpet pilling, technically made from synthetic fabric but not sewn into flat sheets. Only a separate material to lower ballistic resistance.", "id": "carpet_pilling", "name": "Carpet Pilling", "copy-from": "nylon", "//1": "Carpet, on the other hand, burns pretty well.", "burn_data": [ { "fuel": 1, "smoke": 1, "burn": 0.02 }, { "fuel": 2, "smoke": 1, "burn": 0.04 }, { "fuel": 3, "smoke": 1, "burn": 0.06 } ], "resist": { "bash": 1, "cut": 1, "acid": 6, "heat": 2, "bullet": 1 } }, { "type": "material", "id": "unobtanium", "//": "this isn't supposed to be a super impressive material, just impossible to repair", "name": "Strange Metal", "density": 59, "specific_heat_liquid": 0.49, "specific_heat_solid": 0.39, "latent_heat": 205, "conductive": true, "chip_resist": 10, "dmg_adj": [ "marked", "dented", "smashed", "shattered" ], "bash_dmg_verb": "dented", "cut_dmg_verb": "scratched", "resist": { "bash": 2, "cut": 3, "acid": 0, "heat": 3, "bullet": 2 }, "//1": "No material in game can actually repair this. Difficulty is zero so that second skin can be 'repaired' (fed blood) with the feeding kit trivially.", "repair_difficulty": 0 }, { "type": "material", "id": "tin", "name": "Tin", "//": "Tin's density is a little more than half that of silver.", "density": 7.27, "//2": "Specific heat of liquid: https://www.engineeringtoolbox.com/liquid-metal-boiling-points-specific-heat-d_1893.html", "specific_heat_liquid": 0.24, "//3": "Specific heat as solid from http://www2.ucdsb.on.ca/tiss/stretton/database/Specific_Heat_Capacity_Table.html", "specific_heat_solid": 0.21, "//4": "Latent heat of fusion: https://www.engineeringtoolbox.com/fusion-heat-metals-d_1266.html", "latent_heat": 59, "//5": "Tin has a Mohs hardness of about 1.5, about that of lead.", "conductive": true, "chip_resist": 8, "repaired_with": "tin", "dmg_adj": [ "marked", "dented", "smashed", "shattered" ], "bash_dmg_verb": "dented", "cut_dmg_verb": "scratched", "resist": { "bash": 0, "cut": 0, "acid": 2, "heat": 3, "bullet": 0 }, "repair_difficulty": 4 }, { "type": "material", "id": "veggy", "name": "Vegetable Matter", "density": 1.1, "specific_heat_liquid": 3.9, "specific_heat_solid": 1.9, "latent_heat": 290, "edible": true, "rotting": true, "conductive": true, "chip_resist": 2, "breathability": "MOISTURE_WICKING", "dmg_adj": [ "lightly damaged", "damaged", "very damaged", "thoroughly damaged" ], "bash_dmg_verb": "squished", "cut_dmg_verb": "cut", "vitamins": [ [ "calcium", 0.1 ], [ "vitC", 0.5 ] ], "burn_data": [ { "fuel": 0, "smoke": 1, "burn": 0.002 }, { "fuel": 0, "smoke": 3, "burn": 0.002 }, { "fuel": 0, "smoke": 5, "burn": 0.005 } ], "resist": { "bash": 1, "cut": 1, "acid": 2, "heat": 1, "bullet": 1 } }, { "type": "material", "id": "tomato", "name": "Tomato", "density": 1.1, "specific_heat_liquid": 3.9, "specific_heat_solid": 1.9, "latent_heat": 290, "edible": true, "rotting": true, "conductive": true, "chip_resist": 2, "dmg_adj": [ "lightly damaged", "damaged", "very damaged", "thoroughly damaged" ], "bash_dmg_verb": "squished", "cut_dmg_verb": "cut", "vitamins": [ [ "calcium", 0.1 ], [ "vitC", 4 ], [ "iron", 0.1 ] ], "burn_data": [ { "fuel": 0, "smoke": 1, "burn": 0.002 }, { "fuel": 0, "smoke": 3, "burn": 0.002 }, { "fuel": 0, "smoke": 5, "burn": 0.005 } ], "resist": { "bash": 1, "cut": 1, "acid": 2, "heat": 1, "bullet": 1 } }, { "type": "material", "id": "bean", "name": "Bean", "density": 1.1, "specific_heat_liquid": 3.9, "specific_heat_solid": 1.9, "latent_heat": 290, "edible": true, "rotting": true, "conductive": true, "chip_resist": 2, "dmg_adj": [ "lightly damaged", "damaged", "very damaged", "thoroughly damaged" ], "bash_dmg_verb": "squished", "cut_dmg_verb": "cut", "vitamins": [ [ "calcium", 0.3 ], [ "vitC", 0.6 ], [ "iron", 0.8 ] ], "burn_data": [ { "fuel": 0, "smoke": 1, "burn": 0.002 }, { "fuel": 0, "smoke": 3, "burn": 0.002 }, { "fuel": 0, "smoke": 5, "burn": 0.005 } ], "resist": { "bash": 1, "cut": 1, "acid": 2, "heat": 1, "bullet": 1 } }, { "type": "material", "id": "garlic", "name": "Garlic", "density": 1.1, "specific_heat_liquid": 3.9, "specific_heat_solid": 1.9, "latent_heat": 290, "edible": true, "rotting": true, "conductive": true, "chip_resist": 2, "dmg_adj": [ "lightly damaged", "damaged", "very damaged", "thoroughly damaged" ], "bash_dmg_verb": "squished", "cut_dmg_verb": "cut", "vitamins": [ [ "calcium", 1.8 ], [ "vitC", 5.2 ], [ "iron", 0.9 ] ], "burn_data": [ { "fuel": 0, "smoke": 1, "burn": 0.002 }, { "fuel": 0, "smoke": 3, "burn": 0.002 }, { "fuel": 0, "smoke": 5, "burn": 0.005 } ], "resist": { "bash": 1, "cut": 1, "acid": 2, "heat": 1, "bullet": 1 } }, { "type": "material", "id": "nut", "name": "Nut", "density": 1.1, "specific_heat_liquid": 2.2, "specific_heat_solid": 2.2, "latent_heat": 20, "edible": true, "rotting": true, "conductive": true, "chip_resist": 2, "dmg_adj": [ "lightly damaged", "damaged", "very damaged", "thoroughly damaged" ], "bash_dmg_verb": "damaged", "cut_dmg_verb": "cut", "vitamins": [ [ "calcium", 0.3 ], [ "iron", 1 ] ], "burn_data": [ { "fuel": 0, "smoke": 1, "burn": 0.002 }, { "fuel": 0, "smoke": 3, "burn": 0.002 }, { "fuel": 0, "smoke": 5, "burn": 0.005 } ], "resist": { "bash": 1, "cut": 1, "acid": 2, "heat": 1, "bullet": 1 } }, { "type": "material", "id": "mushroom", "name": "Mushroom", "density": 1.1, "specific_heat_liquid": 3.9, "specific_heat_solid": 1.9, "latent_heat": 290, "edible": true, "rotting": true, "conductive": true, "chip_resist": 2, "dmg_adj": [ "lightly damaged", "damaged", "very damaged", "thoroughly damaged" ], "bash_dmg_verb": "squished", "cut_dmg_verb": "cut", "vitamins": [ [ "calcium", 0.4 ], [ "iron", 4 ] ], "burn_data": [ { "fuel": 0, "smoke": 1, "burn": 0.002 }, { "fuel": 0, "smoke": 3, "burn": 0.002 }, { "fuel": 0, "smoke": 5, "burn": 0.005 } ], "resist": { "bash": 1, "cut": 1, "acid": 2, "heat": 1, "bullet": 1 } }, { "type": "material", "id": "mold", "name": "Mold", "copy-from": "mushroom" }, { "type": "material", "id": "yeast", "name": "Yeast", "copy-from": "mushroom" }, { "type": "material", "id": "water", "name": "Water", "density": 1.0, "specific_heat_liquid": 4.186, "specific_heat_solid": 2.108, "latent_heat": 333, "edible": true, "conductive": true, "chip_resist": 0, "dmg_adj": [ "lightly damaged", "damaged", "very damaged", "thoroughly damaged" ], "bash_dmg_verb": "damaged", "cut_dmg_verb": "damaged", "burn_data": [ { "fuel": -100, "smoke": 1, "burn": 1 }, { "fuel": -50, "smoke": 2, "burn": 1 }, { "fuel": -10, "smoke": 2, "burn": 2 } ], "resist": { "bash": 0, "cut": 0, "acid": 0, "heat": 1, "bullet": 0 } }, { "type": "material", "id": "blood", "name": "Blood", "copy-from": "water", "density": 1.06, "vitamins": [ [ "calcium", 0.1 ], [ "iron", 1.3 ] ] }, { "type": "material", "id": "hblood", "name": "Human Blood", "copy-from": "blood" }, { "type": "material", "id": "acetone", "name": "Acetone", "density": 0.784, "specific_heat_liquid": 2.14, "specific_heat_solid": 2.14, "latent_heat": 50, "edible": false, "conductive": false, "chip_resist": 0, "dmg_adj": [ "lightly damaged", "damaged", "very damaged", "thoroughly damaged" ], "bash_dmg_verb": "damaged", "cut_dmg_verb": "damaged", "burn_data": [ { "fuel": 300, "smoke": 6, "burn": 1 }, { "fuel": 600, "smoke": 6, "burn": 2 }, { "fuel": 900, "smoke": 6, "burn": 3 } ], "fuel_data": { "energy": "35800 kJ", "pump_terrain": "t_diesel_pump", "explosion_data": { "chance_hot": 20, "chance_cold": 1000, "factor": 0.2, "fiery": false, "size_factor": 0.1 } }, "resist": { "bash": 0, "cut": 0, "acid": 0, "heat": 1, "bullet": 0 } }, { "type": "material", "id": "acid", "name": "acid", "//": "fallback for all acids; stats are delivered from sulfuric acid", "density": 1.83, "specific_heat_liquid": 1.38, "specific_heat_solid": 1.38, "latent_heat": 451, "edible": false, "conductive": true, "chip_resist": 0, "dmg_adj": [ "lightly damaged", "damaged", "very damaged", "thoroughly damaged" ], "bash_dmg_verb": "damaged", "cut_dmg_verb": "damaged", "resist": { "bash": 0, "cut": 0, "acid": 0, "heat": 1, "bullet": 0 } }, { "type": "material", "id": "wheat", "name": "Wheat", "density": 1.1, "specific_heat_liquid": 2, "specific_heat_solid": 2, "latent_heat": 150, "edible": true, "rotting": true, "conductive": true, "chip_resist": 1, "dmg_adj": [ "lightly damaged", "damaged", "very damaged", "thoroughly damaged" ], "bash_dmg_verb": "squished", "cut_dmg_verb": "cut", "vitamins": [ [ "iron", 0.1 ] ], "//": "This material is used primarily for foodstuffs, and should not provide any significant fuel value.", "burn_data": [ { "fuel": 0, "smoke": 1, "burn": 0.002 }, { "fuel": 0, "smoke": 3, "burn": 0.002 }, { "fuel": 0, "smoke": 5, "burn": 0.005 } ], "resist": { "bash": 1, "cut": 1, "acid": 1, "heat": 0, "bullet": 1 } }, { "type": "material", "id": "wood", "name": "Wood", "density": 0.85, "specific_heat_liquid": 1.7, "specific_heat_solid": 1.7, "latent_heat": 273, "chip_resist": 10, "breathability": "AVERAGE", "repaired_with": "2x4", "salvaged_into": "splinter", "dmg_adj": [ "scratched", "chipped", "cracked", "splintered" ], "bash_dmg_verb": "splintered", "cut_dmg_verb": "gouged", "burn_data": [ { "fuel": 1, "smoke": 1, "burn": 0.01, "volume_per_turn": "200 ml" }, { "fuel": 2, "smoke": 1, "burn": 0.02, "volume_per_turn": "825 ml" }, { "fuel": 3, "smoke": 1, "burn": 0.03 } ], "burn_products": [ [ "ash", 0.018 ] ], "fuel_data": { "energy": "1000 kJ" }, "resist": { "bash": 3, "cut": 2, "acid": 4, "heat": 1, "bullet": 2 }, "repair_difficulty": 3 }, { "type": "material", "id": "charcoal", "name": "Charcoal", "copy-from": "wood", "repaired_with": "null", "fuel_data": { "energy": "6240 kJ" }, "//": "physical density for charcoal estimated to sit at about 0.208 kg/liter, while energy density per kg is slightly lower than pure anthracite coal at 30 MJ/kg.", "//1": "208g of charcoal (1 liter) yields 6240 kJ (30MJ x .208), and a single chunk (8mL/1.664g) is worth 50kJ", "//2": "density sourced from https://www.aqua-calc.com/page/density-table/substance/charcoal and http://ukrfuel.com/news-physical-properties-of-charcoal-22.html", "burn_data": [ { "fuel": 2, "smoke": 1, "burn": 0.1 }, { "fuel": 4, "smoke": 1, "burn": 0.2 }, { "fuel": 6, "smoke": 1, "burn": 0.3 } ], "density": 0.208 }, { "type": "material", "id": "coal", "name": "Coal", "copy-from": "wood", "repaired_with": "null", "//": "mostly pure anthracite coal, 100% purity anthracite has 33.5MJ/kilogram.", "//1": "Raw density of anthracite is ~1.5g/cm^3 but bulk density is lower at slightly less than 1.0.", "//2": "Roughly 5x the energy content of charcoal per liter under that specific bulk density. Fuel data below assumes bulk density.", "//3": "Compressed pure anthracite (1.5 g/cm^3 density) would represent about 50 MJ/kg and could eventually be a second material.", "burn_data": [ { "fuel": 10, "smoke": 0.1, "burn": 0.1 }, { "fuel": 20, "smoke": 0.2, "burn": 0.2 }, { "fuel": 30, "smoke": 0.3, "burn": 0.3 } ], "fuel_data": { "energy": "31200 kJ" }, "density": 0.931 }, { "type": "material", "id": "wool", "name": "Wool", "density": 1.4, "specific_heat_liquid": 0.02, "specific_heat_solid": 0.02, "latent_heat": 273, "soft": true, "chip_resist": 6, "breathability": "MOISTURE_WICKING", "wind_resist": 60, "repaired_with": "felt_patch", "salvaged_into": "felt_patch", "dmg_adj": [ "ripped", "torn", "shredded", "tattered" ], "bash_dmg_verb": "torn", "cut_dmg_verb": "cut", "burn_data": [ { "fuel": 0.6, "smoke": 1, "burn": 0.025, "volume_per_turn": "200 ml" }, { "fuel": 1.2, "smoke": 1, "burn": 0.05, "volume_per_turn": "825 ml" }, { "fuel": 1.8, "smoke": 1, "burn": 0.075 } ], "burn_products": [ [ "corpse_ash", 0.035 ] ], "resist": { "bash": 1, "cut": 1, "acid": 4, "heat": 0, "bullet": 1 }, "repair_difficulty": 1 }, { "type": "material", "//": "similar to layered kevlar, wool sewn in a way to extend its protectiveness. stopgap material for gambesons until material protection is more thoroughly reworked.", "id": "wool_quilted", "name": "Quilted Wool", "copy-from": "wool", "repaired_with": "null", "wind_resist": 65, "resist": { "bash": 2, "cut": 2, "acid": 4, "heat": 0, "bullet": 1.5 } }, { "type": "material", "//": "duplicate material used to give gambesons an extra 95% coverage layer without causing weirdness", "id": "wool_quilted_2", "copy-from": "wool_quilted", "repaired_with": "null", "name": "Quilted Wool" }, { "type": "material", "id": "feces", "name": "Feces", "density": 1.1, "specific_heat_liquid": 1.7, "specific_heat_solid": 1.7, "latent_heat": 273, "conductive": true, "chip_resist": 1, "dmg_adj": [ "squished", "squashed", "mashed", "mushed" ], "bash_dmg_verb": "squished", "cut_dmg_verb": "squished", "burn_data": [ { "fuel": 1, "smoke": 1, "burn": 1, "volume_per_turn": "1250 ml" }, { "fuel": 2, "smoke": 1, "burn": 2, "volume_per_turn": "2500 ml" }, { "fuel": 2, "smoke": 1, "burn": 3 } ], "resist": { "bash": 1, "cut": 1, "acid": 1, "heat": 0, "bullet": 1 } }, { "type": "material", "id": "dried_vegetable", "name": "Dried Vegetable", "density": 1.1, "specific_heat_liquid": 2.5, "specific_heat_solid": 3.5, "latent_heat": 100, "edible": true, "rotting": true, "conductive": true, "chip_resist": 1, "dmg_adj": [ "lightly damaged", "damaged", "very damaged", "thoroughly damaged" ], "bash_dmg_verb": "bruised", "cut_dmg_verb": "cut", "vitamins": [ [ "vitC", 2 ] ], "burn_data": [ { "fuel": 0, "smoke": 1, "burn": 0.002 }, { "fuel": 0, "smoke": 3, "burn": 0.002 }, { "fuel": 0, "smoke": 5, "burn": 0.005 } ], "resist": { "bash": 1, "cut": 1, "acid": 2, "heat": 1, "bullet": 1 } }, { "type": "material", "id": "cured_meat", "name": "Cured Meat", "density": 1.1, "specific_heat_liquid": 3.16, "specific_heat_solid": 2.31, "latent_heat": 190, "edible": true, "rotting": true, "conductive": true, "chip_resist": 2, "dmg_adj": [ "bruised", "mutilated", "badly mutilated", "thoroughly mutilated" ], "bash_dmg_verb": "bruised", "cut_dmg_verb": "sliced", "vitamins": [ [ "calcium", 0.1 ], [ "iron", 1.3 ] ], "burn_data": [ { "fuel": 0, "smoke": 1, "burn": 0.002 }, { "fuel": 0, "smoke": 3, "burn": 0.002 }, { "fuel": 0, "smoke": 5, "burn": 0.005 } ], "resist": { "bash": 1, "cut": 1, "acid": 1, "heat": 1, "bullet": 1 } }, { "type": "material", "id": "processed_food", "name": "Processed Food", "density": 1.1, "specific_heat_liquid": 3, "specific_heat_solid": 2, "latent_heat": 190, "edible": true, "rotting": true, "conductive": true, "chip_resist": 2, "dmg_adj": [ "lightly damaged", "damaged", "very damaged", "thoroughly damaged" ], "bash_dmg_verb": "smashed", "cut_dmg_verb": "cut", "burn_data": [ { "fuel": 0, "smoke": 1, "burn": 0.002 }, { "fuel": 0, "smoke": 3, "burn": 0.002 }, { "fuel": 0, "smoke": 5, "burn": 0.005 } ], "resist": { "bash": 1, "cut": 1, "acid": 2, "heat": 1, "bullet": 1 } }, { "type": "material", "id": "cheese", "name": "Cheese", "density": 1.1, "specific_heat_liquid": 3, "specific_heat_solid": 2.7, "latent_heat": 160, "edible": true, "rotting": true, "conductive": true, "chip_resist": 0, "dmg_adj": [ "lightly damaged", "damaged", "very damaged", "thoroughly damaged" ], "bash_dmg_verb": "smashed", "cut_dmg_verb": "cut", "vitamins": [ [ "calcium", 1.5 ], [ "iron", 0.1 ] ], "burn_data": [ { "fuel": 0, "smoke": 1, "burn": 0.002 }, { "fuel": 0, "smoke": 3, "burn": 0.002 }, { "fuel": 0, "smoke": 5, "burn": 0.005 } ], "resist": { "bash": 0, "cut": 0, "acid": 0, "heat": 0, "bullet": 0 } }, { "type": "material", "id": "ice_cream", "name": "Ice Cream", "density": 1.1, "specific_heat_liquid": 3.15, "specific_heat_solid": 2.74, "latent_heat": 200, "edible": true, "rotting": true, "conductive": true, "chip_resist": 0, "dmg_adj": [ "lightly damaged", "damaged", "very damaged", "thoroughly damaged" ], "bash_dmg_verb": "smashed", "cut_dmg_verb": "cut", "burn_data": [ { "fuel": -100, "smoke": 1, "burn": 1 }, { "fuel": -50, "smoke": 2, "burn": 1 }, { "fuel": -10, "smoke": 2, "burn": 2 } ], "resist": { "bash": 0, "cut": 0, "acid": 0, "heat": 0, "bullet": 0 } }, { "type": "material", "id": "soil", "name": "Soil", "density": 1.5, "specific_heat_liquid": 1.7, "specific_heat_solid": 1.7, "latent_heat": 273, "conductive": true, "chip_resist": 0, "dmg_adj": [ "lightly damaged", "damaged", "very damaged", "thoroughly damaged" ], "bash_dmg_verb": "damaged", "cut_dmg_verb": "damaged", "resist": { "bash": 1, "cut": 1, "acid": 0, "heat": 20, "bullet": 1 } }, { "type": "material", "id": "sand", "name": "Sand", "copy-from": "soil", "density": 1.6 }, { "type": "material", "id": "zinc", "name": "Zinc", "density": 7.2, "specific_heat_liquid": 0.51, "specific_heat_solid": 0.39, "latent_heat": 112, "conductive": true, "chip_resist": 10, "repaired_with": "zinc_metal", "dmg_adj": [ "dented", "bent", "smashed", "shattered" ], "bash_dmg_verb": "dented", "cut_dmg_verb": "scratched", "resist": { "bash": 4, "cut": 3, "acid": 4, "heat": 1, "bullet": 2 }, "repair_difficulty": 4 }, { "type": "material", "id": "propane", "name": "Propane", "copy-from": "hydrocarbons", "fuel_data": { "energy": "25000 kJ", "explosion_data": { "chance_hot": 20, "chance_cold": 1000, "factor": 0.2, "fiery": false, "size_factor": 0.1 } } }, { "type": "material", "id": "slag", "name": "Slag", "density": 4, "specific_heat_liquid": 1.7, "specific_heat_solid": 1.7, "latent_heat": 273, "conductive": true, "chip_resist": 0, "dmg_adj": [ "lightly damaged", "damaged", "very damaged", "thoroughly damaged" ], "bash_dmg_verb": "damaged", "cut_dmg_verb": "damaged", "resist": { "bash": 1, "cut": 1, "acid": 0, "heat": 20, "bullet": 1 } }, { "type": "material", "id": "ammonia_hydroxide", "name": "Ammonia Hydroxide", "specific_heat_liquid": 3.13, "specific_heat_solid": 4.22, "latent_heat": 332, "density": 1, "chip_resist": 0, "dmg_adj": [ "lightly damaged", "damaged", "very damaged", "thoroughly damaged" ], "bash_dmg_verb": "damaged", "cut_dmg_verb": "damaged", "freezing_point": -77.73, "resist": { "bash": 0, "cut": 0, "acid": 0, "heat": 0, "bullet": 0, "electric": 0 } }, { "type": "material", "id": "ammonia_liquid", "name": "Liquid Ammonia", "//": "Assumes refrigerated to below -33.3°C or PSI. Liquid weight (5.15 lb/gal)/(.62 kg/l). Energy density (liquid) 11.5 MJ/L)", "specific_heat_liquid": 3.13, "specific_heat_solid": 4.22, "latent_heat": 332, "density": 1, "chip_resist": 0, "dmg_adj": [ "lightly damaged", "damaged", "very damaged", "thoroughly damaged" ], "bash_dmg_verb": "damaged", "cut_dmg_verb": "damaged", "freezing_point": -77.73, "fuel_data": { "energy": "11500 kJ" }, "resist": { "bash": 0, "cut": 0, "acid": 0, "heat": 0, "bullet": 0, "electric": 0 } }, { "type": "material", "id": "turpentine", "name": "Turpentine", "density": 0.87, "specific_heat_liquid": 1.72, "specific_heat_solid": 1.8, "latent_heat": 293, "edible": false, "conductive": true, "chip_resist": 0, "dmg_adj": [ "lightly damaged", "damaged", "very damaged", "thoroughly damaged" ], "bash_dmg_verb": "damaged", "cut_dmg_verb": "damaged", "freezing_point": -55, "fuel_data": { "energy": "34800 kJ", "explosion_data": { "chance_hot": 5, "chance_cold": 1000, "factor": 0.2, "fiery": false, "size_factor": 0.1 } }, "//": "Historically used as a fuel (blended with other liquids), still burns quite well on its own.", "burn_data": [ { "fuel": 300, "smoke": 0, "burn": 1 }, { "fuel": 600, "smoke": 0, "burn": 2 }, { "fuel": 900, "smoke": 0, "burn": 3 } ], "resist": { "bash": 0, "cut": 0, "acid": 0, "heat": 0, "bullet": 0 } }, { "type": "material", "id": "nanotubes", "//": "fictional carbon nanotubing, intended for bionic implants", "density": 3.5, "name": "Carbon Lattice", "breathability": "SECOND_SKIN", "specific_heat_liquid": 0.82, "specific_heat_solid": 0.45, "latent_heat": 273, "chip_resist": 20, "dmg_adj": [ "marked", "dented", "smashed", "shattered" ], "bash_dmg_verb": "dented", "cut_dmg_verb": "scratched", "resist": { "bash": 1, "cut": 4, "acid": 4, "heat": 3, "bullet": 4 } }, { "type": "material", "id": "asbestos", "name": "asbestos", "density": 2.4, "specific_heat_liquid": 0.837, "specific_heat_solid": 0.837, "latent_heat": 500, "edible": false, "conductive": false, "chip_resist": 5, "dmg_adj": [ "lightly damaged", "damaged", "very damaged", "thoroughly damaged" ], "bash_dmg_verb": "damaged", "cut_dmg_verb": "damaged", "resist": { "bash": 2, "cut": 5, "acid": 10, "heat": 20, "bullet": 2 } }, { "type": "material", "id": "mut_feather", "name": "Mutant Feather", "density": 0.8, "specific_heat_liquid": 0.5, "specific_heat_solid": 0.5, "latent_heat": 200, "soft": true, "chip_resist": 8, "breathability": "POOR", "dmg_adj": [ "ripped", "torn", "shredded", "tattered" ], "bash_dmg_verb": "ripped", "cut_dmg_verb": "cut", "burn_data": [ { "fuel": 0.6, "smoke": 1, "burn": 0.02 }, { "fuel": 1, "smoke": 1, "burn": 0.04 }, { "fuel": 1, "smoke": 1, "burn": 0.06 } ], "burn_products": [ [ "corpse_ash", 0.035 ] ], "wind_resist": 100, "resist": { "bash": 0.5, "cut": 0.1, "bullet": 0.1, "acid": 0, "heat": 0 } }, { "type": "material", "id": "mut_fur", "name": "Mutant Fur", "density": 1.1, "specific_heat_liquid": 0.02, "specific_heat_solid": 0.02, "latent_heat": 333, "soft": true, "chip_resist": 8, "breathability": "POOR", "dmg_adj": [ "ripped", "torn", "shredded", "tattered" ], "bash_dmg_verb": "ripped", "cut_dmg_verb": "sliced", "burn_data": [ { "fuel": 0.6, "smoke": 1, "burn": 0.02 }, { "fuel": 1, "smoke": 1, "burn": 0.04 }, { "fuel": 1, "smoke": 1, "burn": 0.06 } ], "burn_products": [ [ "corpse_ash", 0.035 ] ], "resist": { "bash": 0.5, "cut": 0.31, "acid": 1, "heat": 1, "bullet": 0.25 } }, { "type": "material", "id": "mut_wood", "name": "Mutant Wood", "density": 0.85, "specific_heat_liquid": 1.7, "specific_heat_solid": 1.7, "latent_heat": 273, "chip_resist": 10, "breathability": "AVERAGE", "dmg_adj": [ "scratched", "chipped", "cracked", "splintered" ], "bash_dmg_verb": "splintered", "cut_dmg_verb": "gouged", "burn_data": [ { "fuel": 1, "smoke": 1, "burn": 0.01, "volume_per_turn": "200 ml" }, { "fuel": 2, "smoke": 1, "burn": 0.02, "volume_per_turn": "825 ml" }, { "fuel": 3, "smoke": 1, "burn": 0.03 } ], "burn_products": [ [ "ash", 0.018 ] ], "fuel_data": { "energy": "1000 kJ" }, "resist": { "bash": 3, "cut": 2, "acid": 4, "heat": 1, "bullet": 2 } }, { "type": "material", "id": "mut_bone", "name": "Mutant Bone", "density": 1.4, "specific_heat_liquid": 1.2, "specific_heat_solid": 1.2, "latent_heat": 200, "edible": true, "rotting": true, "chip_resist": 8, "wind_resist": 90, "dmg_adj": [ "scratched", "cut", "cracked", "shattered" ], "bash_dmg_verb": "cracked", "cut_dmg_verb": "chipped", "vitamins": [ [ "calcium", 2 ] ], "burn_data": [ { "fuel": 0, "smoke": 0, "burn": 0.0003 }, { "fuel": 0.2, "smoke": 3, "burn": 0.01, "volume_per_turn": "250 ml" }, { "fuel": 0.35, "smoke": 5, "burn": 0.02, "volume_per_turn": "250 ml" } ], "burn_products": [ [ "corpse_ash", 0.035 ] ], "resist": { "bash": 2, "cut": 3, "acid": 7, "heat": 1, "bullet": 1 } }, { "type": "material", "id": "mut_scales", "name": "Mutant Scales", "density": 1.2, "specific_heat_liquid": 1.2, "specific_heat_solid": 1.2, "latent_heat": 200, "chip_resist": 8, "wind_resist": 75, "dmg_adj": [ "scratched", "cut", "cracked", "shattered" 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"cut": 4, "acid": 10, "heat": 2, "bullet": 2 }, "repair_difficulty": 7 } ]