#!/bin/bash # # this script converts the node # it runs on into a puppetmaster/build-server # set -u set -x set -e set -e # Master node or client (i.e., install puppet master or not) # defaults to true export master="${master:-true}" apt-get update apt-get install -y git apt rubygems puppet # use the domain name if one exists if [ "`hostname -d`" != '' ]; then domain=`hostname -d` else # otherwise use the domain domain='domain.name' fi # puppet's fqdn fact explodes if the domain is not setup if grep /etc/hosts ; then sed -i -e "s/*/ $(hostname).$domain $(hostname)/" /etc/hosts else echo " $(hostname).$domain $(hostname)" >> /etc/hosts fi; # Install openstack-installer cd /root/ if ! [ -d openstack-installer ]; then git clone https://github.com/CiscoSystems/openstack-installer.git /root/openstack-installer fi if ${master}; then # All in one defaults to the local host name for pupet master export build_server="${build_server:-`hostname`}" # We need to know the IP address as well, so either tell me # or I will assume it's the address associated with eth0 export default_interface="${default_interface:-eth0}" # So let's grab that address export build_server_ip="${build_server_ip:-`ip addr show ${default_interface} | grep 'inet ' | tr '/' ' ' | awk -F' ' '{print $2}'`}" # Our default mode also assumes at least one other interface for OpenStack network export external_interface="${external_interface:-eth1}" # For good puppet hygene, we'll want NTP setup. Let's borrow one from Cisco export ntp_server="${ntp_server:-ntp.esl.cisco.com}" # Since this is the master script, we'll run in apply mode export puppet_run_mode="apply" # scenarios will map to /etc/puppet/data/scenarios/*.yaml export scenario="${scenario:-all_in_one}" sed -e "s/scenario: .*/scenario: ${scenario}/" -i /root/openstack-installer/data/config.yaml if [ "${scenario}" == "all_in_one" ] ; then echo `hostname`: all_in_one >> /root/openstack-installer/data/role_mappings.yaml cat > /root/openstack-installer/data/hiera_data/user.yaml<