############################################################ # +------------------------------------------------------+ # # | Notes | # # +------------------------------------------------------+ # ############################################################ # Config for SimpleAutoMessage # SimpleAutoMessage is a Bukkit plugin developed by Carlgo11. # COLORS: # When adding colors use the minecraft colorcodes. # Example: &a = green, &d = purple. # When this config.yml is broken it's often because of the msg strings! ALWAYS USE '' AROUND A MESSAGE! # Example: msg1: 'This is an example' # Don't Change the version! If the version is changed this config.yml will be deleted! version: 1.0.6 ############################################################ # +------------------------------------------------------+ # # | Settings | # # +------------------------------------------------------+ # ############################################################ # You can set a translation or make your own. # There's currently EN, NL, FR, SE translations. If you want to help us translate to your language please contact us via our IRC! language: EN # Set this to true when having issues with this plugin. Then give the server.log to us on http://tiny.cc/simpleautomessage-irc and wait for a reply. # For more information go to http://tiny.cc/simplemsg-debug debug: false # Automatically download patches and bug-fixes? This means you'll never have to download any new versions from dev.bukkit.org! auto-update: true # If auto-update is set to false. Who should recive information when a new update is available? # Available options: op, perm, none warn-update: perm # The minimal amount of players that has to be online for a message to broadcast. set to 0 to disable this feature. min-players: 1 # The sender of the messages. sender: '&d[Server]&r ' # The prefix of the sender. prefix: '' # The suffix of the sender. suffix: '' # Time is the time between each message. # TIME SHOULD BE IN SECONDS! time: 20 ############################################################ # +------------------------------------------------------+ # # | Messages | # # +------------------------------------------------------+ # ############################################################ # Want to broadcast the messages randomly? random: false # MESSAGES: # Below are the messages that will be broadcasted. # To add more messages just write 'msg'. # DO NOT use the same number on multiple messages! # ALWAYS use '' outside a message! # Remove the '#' in front of the msg when you want to enable it! #msg1: 'Remove the "#" in front of this msg to enable it!' #msg2: 'You can add how many msgs as you want!' #msg3: '&dYou can also use colorcodes! &aThis is GREEN &cand this is RED' #msg4: 'Remember to alsways use '' outside the message!' # Have any questions? Post a comment on http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/simpleautomessage/ # You can also contact me on http://tiny.cc/simpleautomessage-irc # END OF CONFIG.YML! :)