(function () { //-*- mode: js2-mode; indent-tabs-mode: t; tab-width: 2; -*- /*jslint evil: true, unparam: true, maxerr: 50 */ /** * @fileoverview * Common definitions for jQuery templates and plugin passes * based on http://wiki.jqueryui.com/w/page/37898666/Template * * @author Mike Samuel */ /** * @define {boolean} * True if malformed templates should result in informative error messages. * May be turned off in production to reduce minified size. * When false, most of the error reporting is turned off during parsing and * compilation, so the production bundle should be used with templates that * have already passed basic sanity checks. */ var DEBUG = true; /** * A boolean-esque value that minifies better than true. * @const */ var TRUTHY = 1; /** * A boolean-esque value that minifies better than false. * @const */ var FALSEY = 0; // JQuery Lexical Grammar. /** * Regular expression text for a substitution. ${...}. * @const */ var SUBSTITUTION_RE = ( "\\$\\{" + "[^}]*" // ${...} cannot contain curlies but {{=...}} can. + "\\}" ); /** * Regular expression text for a directive name. * @const */ var NAME_RE = "[=a-z][a-z0-9]*"; /** * Regular expression text for a directive start|end marker. * @const */ var MARKER_RE = ( "\\{\\{" + "(?:" + NAME_RE + "[\\s\\S]*?" // A start marker. + "|/" + NAME_RE + "\\s*" // An end marker. + ")" + "\\}\\}" ); /** * Global regular expression that matches a single template token. * @const */ var TOKEN = new RegExp( "(?=" + SUBSTITUTION_RE + "|" + MARKER_RE + ")", "gi" ); /** * Global regular expression that can be used to decompose a marker. * @const */ var MARKER = new RegExp( "^\\{\\{" + "(/?)" // Iff a close marker, group 1 is truthy. + "(=|[a-z][a-z0-9]*)" // Marker name in group 2. + "([\\s\\S]*)" // Marker content in group 3. + "\\}\\}", "i" ); /** * Regular expression text for a variable name. * @const */ // We may need to exclude keywords if these are used outside a param decl. var VAR_NAME_RE = "[a-z_$]\\w*"; /** Matches the content of an {{each}} directive. @const */ var EACH_DIRECTIVE_CONTENT = new RegExp( "^" // Start at the beginning, + "\\s*" + "(?:" // Optional parenthetical group with var names. + "\\(\\s*" + "(" + VAR_NAME_RE + ")" // Key variable name in group 1. + "\\s*" + "(?:" + ",\\s*" + "(" + VAR_NAME_RE + ")" // Value variable name in group 2. + "\\s*" + ")?" + "\\)\\s*" + ")?" + "(" // Container expression in group 3. + "\\S" // A non-space character followed by any run of non-space chars. + "(?:[\\s\\S]*\\S)?" + ")" + "\\s*" + "$", // Finish at the end. "i" ); /** Matches the content of a {{tmpl}} directive. @const */ var TMPL_DIRECTIVE_CONTENT = new RegExp( "^" + "\\s*" + "(?:" // Optional parenthetical group with data and option exprs. + "\\(" + "([\\s\\S]*)" // Data and option maps go in group 1. + "\\)" + "\\s*" + ")?" + "([^\\s()](?:[^()]*[^\\s()])?)" // Template name/selector in group 2. + "\\s*" + "$" ); /** * The default variable name for the key used when none is specified in an * {{each}} directive. * @const */ var DEFAULT_EACH_KEY_VARIABLE_NAME = "$index"; /** * The default variable name used for the value when none is specified in an * {{each}} directive. * @const */ var DEFAULT_EACH_VALUE_VARIABLE_NAME = "$value"; // API name constants // These constants help us write code that is JSLint friendly, and compresses // well with closure compiler. /** * Extern property name for the member of $ that contains plugins to run. * @const */ var TEMPLATE_PLUGINS_PROP_NAME = "templatePlugins"; /** * Name of the map from template names to compiled/parsed template. * @const */ var TEMPLATES_PROP_NAME = "templates"; /** * Name of the extern method used to define/lookup templates. * @const */ var TEMPLATE_METHOD_NAME = "template"; /** * Method of a template object that renders the template. * @const */ var TMPL_METHOD_NAME = "tmpl"; /** * The default set of block directives. * @const */ var DEFAULT_BLOCK_DIRECTIVES = { "each": TRUTHY, "if": TRUTHY, "wrap": TRUTHY }; //-*- mode: js2-mode; indent-tabs-mode: t; tab-width: 2; -*- /** * @fileoverview * The frontend of the JQuery template compiler * based on http://wiki.jqueryui.com/w/page/37898666/Template * * @author Mike Samuel */ /** * Guess, conservatively for well-formed templates, the set of * directives that require an end-marker. * * @param {!string} templateText * @return {!Object.} */ function guessBlockDirectives( templateText ) { /** * @type !Object. */ var blockDirectives = {}; // For each token like {{/foo}} put "foo" into the block directives map. $.each( templateText.split( TOKEN ), function ( _, tok ) { var match; if ( ( match = tok.match( /^\{\{\/([a-z][a-z0-9]*)[\s\S]*\}\}/i ) ) ) { blockDirectives[ match[ 1 ] ] = TRUTHY; } } ); return blockDirectives; } /** * Parse a template to a parse tree. * Parse trees come in two forms: *
  • {@code "string"} : a snippet of HTML text.
  • *
  • {@code ["name", "content", ...]} where {@code "name"} * is a directive name like {@code "if"} or the string {@code "="} for * substitutions. The content is the string after the name in the open * marker, so for {{if foo==bar}}Yes{{/if}}, the content is * {@code " foo==bar"}. The "..." above is filled with child parse trees * of the form described here.
  • *

* For example, the parse tree for *

 * <b>{{if sayHello}}Hello{{else}}Goodbye{{/if}}</b>, ${world}!
* is *
 * [
 *  "",               // Name of root is blank.
 *  "",               // Content of root is blank.
 *  "<b>",      // Zero-th child is a snippet of HTML.
 *  [                 // An embedded directive is an array.
 *   "if",            // Name comes first
 *   " sayHello",     // Content of {{if}}
 *   "Hello",         // A snippet of HTML.
 *   ["else", ""],    // {{else}} is an inline directive inside {{if}}.
 *   "Goodbye"
 *  ],                // End of the {{if ...}}...{{/if}}.
 *  "</b>, ",   // Another snippet of HTML.
 *  ["=", "world"],   // A substitution.  ${x} is an abbreviation for {{=x}}.
 *  "!"
 * ]
* * @param {!string} templateText The text to parse. * @param {!Object.} blockDirectives Maps directive names such * as {@code "if"} to {link #TRUTHY} if they require/allow an end marker. * {@link #DEFAULT_BLOCK_DIRECTIVES} and the output of * {@link #guessBlockDirectives} both obey this contract. * @return {!Array.|string} A parse tree node. */ function parseTemplate( templateText, blockDirectives ) { // The root of the parse tree. var root = [ "", "" ], // A stack of nodes which have been entered but not yet exited. stack = [ root ], // The topmost element of the stack top = root, // Count of "}}" sequences that need to be seen to end the {{!...}}. commentDepth = 0; $.each( templateText // Handle {#...#} style non-nesting comments. .replace( /\{#[\s\S]*?#\}/g, "" ) // Handle {{! ... }} style comments which can contain arbitrary nested // {{...}} sections. .replace( /\{\{!?|\}\}|(?:[^{}]|\{(?!\{)|\}(?!\}))+/g, function ( token ) { if ( token === "{{!" ) { ++commentDepth; return ""; } else if ( commentDepth ) { // Inside a {{!...}}. if ( token === "}}" ) { --commentDepth; } else if ( token === "{{" ) { ++commentDepth; } return ""; } else { // Actually emit the token. return token; } } ) // Split against a global regexp to find all token boundaries. .split( TOKEN ), function ( _, token ) { var m = token.match( MARKER ); if ( m ) { // A marker. // "/" in group 1 if an end marker. // Name in group 2. Content in group 3. if ( m[ 1 ] ) { // An end marker if ( DEBUG && top[ 0 ] !== m[ 2 ] ) { throw new Error( "Misplaced " + token + " in " + templateText ); } top = stack[ --stack.length - 1 ]; } else { // A start marker. var node = [ m[ 2 ], m[ 3 ] ]; if ( DEBUG ) { if ( m[ 2 ] === "=" ) { try { // For some reason, on Safari, // Function("(i + (j)") // fails with a SyntaxError as expected, but // Function("return (i + (j)") // does not. // Filed as https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=59795 Function( "(" + m[ 3 ] + ")" ); } catch ( e1 ) { throw new Error( "Invalid template substitution: " + m[ 3 ] ); } } else if ( m[ 2 ] === "tmpl" ) { var tmplContent = m[ 3 ].match( TMPL_DIRECTIVE_CONTENT ); try { Function( "([" + tmplContent[ 1 ] + "])" ); Function( "(" + tmplContent[ 2 ] + ")" ); } catch ( e2 ) { throw new Error( "Invalid {{" + m[ 2 ] + "}} content: " + m[ 3 ] ); } } } top.push( node ); // Make node a child of top. if ( blockDirectives[ m[ 2 ] ] === TRUTHY ) { // If it is a block directive, make sure the stack and top are // set up so that the next directive or text span parsed will be // a child of node. stack.push( top = node ); } } // TOKEN only breaks on the starts of markers, not the end. // Consume marker so tail can be treated as HTML snippet text. token = token.substring( m[ 0 ].length ); } else if ( token.substring( 0, 2 ) === "${" ) { // A substitution. // Since TOKEN above splits on only the starts of tokens, we need to // find the end and allow any remainder to fall-through to the HTML // HTML snippet case below. var end = token.indexOf( "}" ); top.push( [ "=", token.substring( 2, end ) ] ); if ( DEBUG ) { var content = top[ top.length - 1 ][ 1 ]; try { // See notes on {{=...}} sanity check above. Function( "(" + content + ")" ); } catch ( e3 ) { throw new Error( "Invalid template substitution: " + content ); } } // Consume marker so tail can be treated as an HTML snippet below. token = token.substring( end + 1 ); } if ( token ) { // An HTML snippet. top.push( token ); } } ); if ( DEBUG && stack.length > 1 ) { throw new Error( "Unclosed block directives " + stack.slice( 1 ).map( function ( x ) { return x[ 0 ]; } ) + " in " + templateText ); } return root; } // Utilities for debugging parser plugins. /** * Given a template parse tree, returns source text that would parse to that * parse tree. This can be useful for debugging but not required. * * @param {Array.|string} parseTree as produced by * {@link #parseTemplate}. * @param {Object.} opt_blockDirectives. */ function renderParseTree( parseTree, opt_blockDirectives ) { var buffer = []; ( function render( _, parseTree ) { if ( "string" !== typeof parseTree ) { var name = parseTree[ 0 ], n = parseTree.length; if ( name === "=" && !/\}/.test( parseTree[ 1 ] ) ) { buffer.push( "${", parseTree[ 1 ], "}" ); } else { if ( name ) { buffer.push( "{{", name, parseTree[ 1 ], "}}" ); } $.each( parseTree.slice( 2 ), render ); if ( name && ( n !== 2 || !opt_blockDirectives || opt_blockDirectives[ name ] === TRUTHY ) ) { buffer.push( "{{/", name, "}}" ); } } } else { buffer.push( parseTree.replace( /\{([\{#])/, "{{##}$1" ) ); } }( 2, parseTree ) ); return buffer.join( "" ); } //-*- mode: js2-mode; indent-tabs-mode: t; tab-width: 2; -*- /** * @fileoverview * An efficient backend for the JQuery template compiler * based on http://wiki.jqueryui.com/w/page/37898666/Template * * @author Mike Samuel */ /** * Name of a method of $ that can be used to merge data objects. * This is needed because $.extend({}, { x: undefined }) * will not contain a property named "x" leading ${x} * to fail with an undefined property error. * * @const */ var EXT_ALL_METHOD_NAME = "extAll"; /** * Like $.extend but copies properties whose values are undefined. * * @param {Object} target * @param {...Object} var_args containers of properties to copy into target. * @return {Object} target */ $[ EXT_ALL_METHOD_NAME ] = function ( target, var_args ) { var args = arguments, i, source, k; for ( i = 1; i < args.length; ++i ) { for ( k in ( source = args[ i ] ) ) { target[ k ] = source[ k ]; } } return target; }; /** * Compiles the given template parse tree to a function that implements that * produces the result of applying that template to data and options passed * as parameters to the function. * * @param { Array. } parseTree * @return { function ( Object.=, Object.= ): !string } * A function that takes an optional a data object and options object and * produces a string output that is the template output. */ function compileToFunction( parseTree ) { /** * The compilation uses variable names to prevent re-evaluation of expressions * when de-thunking, and to collect the results of loops. * When loops are nested, multiple variables are needed, so this prefix is * used for all variable names. If it appears in template code, behavior * is undefined. * @const */ var TEMP_NAME_PREFIX = "$$tmplVar"; /** * The level of nesting. Used with TEMP_NAME_PREFIX to generate a variable * name. * @type !number */ var nestLevel = 0; /** * An array to which pieces of the JavaScript function body are pushed. * @type Array. */ var javaScriptSource = [ "var " + TEMP_NAME_PREFIX + "0;" // Make the options object available + "$item=$item||{};" // Make available on the stack, the enumerable properties of the data // object, and the enumerable properties of the options object. // Data properties should trump options. + "return $.map($.isArray($data)?$data:[$data],function($data){with($data){" // =$." + EXT_ALL_METHOD_NAME + "(" // // Where EcmaScript 5's Object.create is available, use that to prevent // // Object.prototype properties from masking globals. // + "Object.create?Object.create(null):{}," // + "$data||{})){" // The below compiles the parse tree to an expression that returns a // string. + "return(" ]; /** * An array of all the loop variable and index names in scope * used to propagate variables in scope through {{tmpl}}. * The variable names are stored as "foo:foo" so that the result can be * joined on "," to produce an object literal to extend with the current * data as in $.extend( {}, $data, { <> } ). * @type Array. */ var inScope = []; // True iff the innermost parenthetical group in javaScriptSource's return // statement contains a string expression. If it does not, then sticking // "+ foo" at the end would be interpreted as converting "foo" to a number // instead of appending foo to whatever is there. var hasValue; // Walk each parse tree node and append the translation to javaScriptSource. $.each( parseTree.slice( 2 ), function walk( _, parseTree ) { // If there was a value before this one, append them. if ( hasValue ) { javaScriptSource.push( "+" ); } var match; if ( "string" === typeof parseTree ) { // HTML snippet // 'foo' -> "\'foo\'" javaScriptSource.push( escapeJsValue( parseTree ) ); } else { var kind = parseTree[ 0 ], content = parseTree[ 1 ], len = parseTree.length, tmpName = TEMP_NAME_PREFIX + nestLevel; if ( kind === "=" ) { // ${...} substitution. // Make sure that + is string-wise. // Specifically, ${1}${2} should not compile to (1 + 2). if ( !hasValue ) { javaScriptSource.push( "''+" ); } // ${x} -> (tmp0 = (x), 'function' !== typeof tmp0 ? tmp0 : tmp0()) // The above is often the same as // ${x} -> (x) // but the real story is more complicated since we have to // de-thunkify the expression; if it is a function, we need to // call it. // By using the temporary value, we are guaranteed to only // evaluate the expression once. This avoids problems with // expressions like (arr[i++]) which might return a function // the first time but not the second. var wrapperStart = "", wrapperEnd = ""; content = content.replace( /(=>[\w.$\[\]]+)+$/, function ( postDethunk ) { postDethunk = postDethunk.split( "=>" ); wrapperEnd = new Array( postDethunk.length ).join( ")" ); wrapperStart = postDethunk.reverse().join( "(" ); return ""; } ); // To make it easy for passes to rewrite expressions without // preventing thunking we convert syntax like // "x=>a=>b" into "a(b(x))" javaScriptSource.push( "(", tmpName, "=(", content, "),", wrapperStart, "'function'!==typeof ", tmpName, "?", tmpName, ":", tmpName, ".call(null,arguments))", wrapperEnd ); } else if ( kind === "if" ) { // {{if condition}}...{{/if}} // {{if a}}b{{else}}c{{/if}} -> (a ? "b" : "c") var pos = 2, elseIndex, i, continues = ( hasValue = TRUTHY ); for ( ; continues; pos = elseIndex + 1 ) { elseIndex = len; for ( i = pos; i < elseIndex; ++i ) { if ( parseTree[ i ][ 0 ] === "else" ) { elseIndex = i; } } var cond = pos < len ? ( pos === 2 ? parseTree : parseTree[ pos - 1 ] )[ 1 ] : ""; continues = /\S/.test( cond ); if ( DEBUG && !continues ) { if ( pos === 2 ) { throw new Error( "{{if}} missing condition:" + renderParseTree( parseTree, {} ) ); } else if ( elseIndex !== len ) { throw new Error( "{{else}} without condition must be last:" + renderParseTree( parseTree, {} ) ); } } // The below handles several cases (assuming we wouldn't have // thrown an exception above if DEBUG were true): // pos === 2 && continues ; {{if cond}} // => ((cond)?() // pos > 2 && continues ; {{else cond}} // => ):((cond)?( 2 && !continues ; {{else}} implicit or othersise // => ):((${v}{{/each}} // -> (tmp0 = [], // $.each(["one", "two"], // function (k, v) { // tmp0.push("
  • " + v + "
  • "); // }), // tmp0.join("")) // The first part of the comma operator creates a buffer. // Then $.each is called to properly iterate over the container. // Each iteration puts a string onto the array. // Then after iteration is complete, the last element of the comma // operator joins the array. That joined array is the result of // the compiled each operator. match = content.match( EACH_DIRECTIVE_CONTENT ); if ( DEBUG && !match ) { throw new Error( "Malformed {{each}} content: " + content ); } var keyVar = match[ 1 ] || DEFAULT_EACH_KEY_VARIABLE_NAME, valueVar = match[ 2 ] || DEFAULT_EACH_VALUE_VARIABLE_NAME; var containerExpr = match[ 3 ]; ++nestLevel; javaScriptSource.push( "(", tmpName, "=[],$.each((", containerExpr, "),function(", keyVar, ",", valueVar, "){var ", TEMP_NAME_PREFIX, nestLevel, ";", tmpName, ".push(" ); hasValue = FALSEY; inScope.push( keyVar + ":" + keyVar, valueVar + ":" + valueVar ); $.each( parseTree.slice( 2 ), walk ); inScope.length -= 2; if ( !hasValue ) { javaScriptSource.push( "''" ); } javaScriptSource.push( ")}),", tmpName, ".join(''))" ); --nestLevel; } else if ( kind === "tmpl" ) { // {{tmpl name}} // -> $.template("name").tmpl(arguments[0], arguments[1]) // {{tmpl #id}} // -> $.template($("#id")).tmpl(arguments[0], arguments[1]) // {{tmpl({x: y}) foo}} // -> $.template("foo").tmpl({ x: y }, arguments[1]) // {{tmpl({x: y}, { z: w }) foo}} // -> $.template("foo").tmpl({ x: y }, { z: w }) // The above is correct in spirit if not literally. See below. match = content.match( TMPL_DIRECTIVE_CONTENT ); if ( DEBUG && !match ) { throw new Error( "Malformed {{tmpl}} content: " + content ); } // The data and options come separated by a comma. // Parsing JavaScript expressions to figure out where a comma // separates two things is hard, so we use a trick. // We create an array that we can index into. The comma that // separates the data from the options then simply becomes a // comma in an array constructor. //This is one way which works, but does on pass in the loop variables or arguments //var dataAndOptions = match[ 1 ].split(","); //javaScriptSource.push( // "$.template((", // match[ 2 ], //")).tmpl(", dataAndOptions[0], ",", "$.extend({},{parent:$item}," + dataAndOptions[1], "||{}))" ); var dataAndOptions = match[ 1 ]; javaScriptSource.push( "(", tmpName, "=", dataAndOptions // The below uses arguments[0], the data passed to the compiled // function if dataAndOptions is ", { a: b }". // It also uses arguments[1], the options passed to the // compiled function if dataAndOptions has no options: // "{ a: b }". // Note also that dataAndOptions is evaluated before any // template selector is resolved as expected from the ordering // of those in the content. ? "$.extend([],arguments,[" + dataAndOptions + "])" // Propagate any loop variables in scope when all data is // passed. : "[,]", ",$.template(", match[ 2 ], ").tmpl(", inScope.length ? ( "$." + EXT_ALL_METHOD_NAME + "({}," + tmpName + "[0],{" + inScope + "})") : tmpName + "[0],", "$.extend({},{parent:$item},",tmpName,"[1]||{})))" ); // javaScriptSource.push( // "(", tmpName, "=", // dataAndOptions // // The below uses arguments[0], the data passed to the compiled // // function if dataAndOptions is ", { a: b }". // // It also uses arguments[1], the options passed to the // // compiled function if dataAndOptions has no options: // // "{ a: b }". // // Note also that dataAndOptions is evaluated before any // // template selector is resolved as expected from the ordering // // of those in the content. // ? "$.extend([],arguments,[" + dataAndOptions + "])" // // Propagate any loop variables in scope when all data is // // passed. // : inScope.length // ? ( "[$." + EXT_ALL_METHOD_NAME // + "({},$data,{" + inScope + "}),$item]" ) // // If the content specifies neither data nor options, and // // no loop vars are in scope, use the arguments without the // // overhead of a call to $.extend. // : "arguments", // ",$.template((", // match[ 2 ], // ")).tmpl(", tmpName, "[0],", tmpName, "[1]))" ); // {html} and {wrap} are handled by translation to ${...} and ${tmpl} // respectively. } else { if ( DEBUG ) { throw new Error( "I do not know how to compile " + renderParseTree( parseTree, DEFAULT_BLOCK_DIRECTIVES ) ); } } } hasValue = TRUTHY; } ); javaScriptSource.push( hasValue ? ")}}).join('');" : "'')})};" ); if ( DEBUG ) { try { return Function( "$data", "$item", javaScriptSource.join( "" ) ); } catch ( ex ) { throw new Error( javaScriptSource.join( "" ) ); } } else { return Function( "$data", "$item", javaScriptSource.join( "" ) ); } } //-*- mode: js2-mode; indent-tabs-mode: t; tab-width: 2; -*- /** * @fileoverview * API methods and builtin compiler passes for JQuery templates * based on http://wiki.jqueryui.com/w/page/37898666/Template * * @author Mike Samuel */ /** * @define {boolean} * Can be set to compile a version that does not include the parser * usable in environments where all templates have been precompiled. */ var JQUERY_TMPL_PRECOMPILED = false; /** * An array of plugin passed, functions that take a parse tree and return * a parse tree, to run beore compilation. */ $[ TEMPLATE_PLUGINS_PROP_NAME ] = []; function needsCompile( name ) { var tmpl = $[ TEMPLATES_PROP_NAME ][ name ]; return tmpl && "function" !== typeof tmpl[ TMPL_METHOD_NAME ]; } /** * Compiles the given bundle of parse trees together and stores the compiled * results in $.templates. * * @param parseTrees Mapping of template names to parse trees. * @param opt_exclusion Optional name of a template not to store in $.templates. */ function compileBundle( parseTrees, opt_exclusion ) { var processedNames = {}; $.each( parseTrees, function process( name, parseTree ) { if ( processedNames[ name ] !== TRUTHY ) { processedNames[ name ] = TRUTHY; // Look at {{tmpl}} calls to produce the minimal set of templates that // need to be compiled together. $.each( parseTree, function findDeps( _, node ) { if ( node[ 0 ] === "tmpl" || node[ 0 ] === "wrap" ) { var match = node[ 1 ].match( TMPL_DIRECTIVE_CONTENT ); if ( match ) { // Unpack the template name, e.g. "foo" in {{tmpl "foo"}}. var depName = Function( "return " + match[ 2 ] )(); if ( needsCompile( depName ) && processedNames[ depName ] !== TRUTHY ) { process( depName, parseTrees[ depName ] = $[ TEMPLATES_PROP_NAME ][ depName ] ); } } } } ); } } ); // Produces a function that will apply all the passes already run to new // dependencies so that if a pass pulls in imports, it can bring them // up to date. function makePrepassCaller( pluginIndex ) { return function ( parseTrees ) { var i; for ( i = 0; i < pluginIndex; ++i ) { parseTrees = $[ TEMPLATE_PLUGINS_PROP_NAME ][ i ]( parseTrees, makePrepassCaller( i ) ); } return parseTrees; }; } var result; // Apply the passes to parseTrees. $.each( makePrepassCaller( $[ TEMPLATE_PLUGINS_PROP_NAME ].length )( parseTrees ), function ( templateName, parseTree ) { var tmplObj = { "tmpl": compileToFunction( parseTree ) }; if ( templateName !== opt_exclusion ) { $[ TEMPLATES_PROP_NAME ][ templateName ] = tmplObj; } else { result = tmplObj; } } ); return result; } $[ TEMPLATES_PROP_NAME ] = {}; $[ TEMPLATE_METHOD_NAME ] = function self( name, templateSource ) { if ( JQUERY_TMPL_PRECOMPILED ) { return $[ TEMPLATES_PROP_NAME ][ name ]; } var templates = $[ TEMPLATES_PROP_NAME ]; var parseTrees; if ( arguments.length === 1 ) { if ( name.indexOf( "<" ) + 1 ) { return self( null, name ); } if ( needsCompile( name ) ) { parseTrees = {}; parseTrees[ name ] = templates[ name ]; compileBundle( parseTrees ); } return templates[ name ]; } // We delay compiling until we've got a bunch of definitions together. // This allows plugins to process entire template graphs. var parseTree = parseTemplate( templateSource, $.extend( guessBlockDirectives( templateSource ), DEFAULT_BLOCK_DIRECTIVES ) ); if ( name === null ) { return compileBundle( parseTrees = { "_": parseTree }, "_" ); } templates[ name ] = parseTree; }; //-*- mode: js2-mode; indent-tabs-mode: t; tab-width: 2; -*- /** * Maps charcters to the escaped versions for the named escape directives. * @type {Object.} * @private */ var escapeMapForHtml = { "&": "&", "<": "<", ">": ">" }; /** * A function that can be used with String.replace.. * @param {string} ch A single character matched by a compatible matcher. * @return {string} A token in the output language. * @private */ function replacerForHtml( ch ) { return escapeMapForHtml[ ch ] // Intentional assignment that caches the result of encoding ch. || ( escapeMapForHtml[ ch ] = "&#" + ch.charCodeAt( 0 ) + ";" ); } /** * Maps charcters to the escaped versions for the named escape directives. * @type {Object.} * @private */ var escapeMapForJs = { // We do not escape "\x08" to "\\b" since that means word-break in RegExps. "\x09": "\\t", "\x0a": "\\n", "\x0c": "\\f", "\x0d": "\\r", "\/": "\\\/", "\\": "\\\\" }; /** * A function that can be used with {@code String.replace}. * @param {string} ch A single character matched by a compatible matcher. * @return {string} A token in the output language. * @private */ function replacerForJs( ch ) { var hex; return escapeMapForJs[ ch ] || ( hex = ch.charCodeAt( 0 ).toString( 16 ), // "\u2028" -> "\\u2028" and is cached in escapeMapForJs. escapeMapForJs[ ch ] = "\\u0000".substring( 0, 6 - hex.length ) + hex ); } /** * Matches characters that need to be escaped for the named directives. * @type RegExp * @private * @const */ var htmlSpecialChar = /[\x00"&'<>]/g; /** * Matches characters that need to be escaped for the named directives. * @type RegExp * @private * @const */ var jsSpecialChar = /[\x00\x08-\x0d"&'\/<->\\\x85\u2028\u2029]/g; /** * A helper for the Soy directive |escapeHtml * @param {*} value Can be of any type but will be coerced to a string. * @return {string} The escaped text. */ function escapeHtml( value ) { return value === undefined ? "" : String( value ).replace( htmlSpecialChar, replacerForHtml ); } /** * Encodes a value as a JavaScript literal. * * @param {*} value The value to escape. May not be a string, but the value * will be coerced to a string. * @return {string} A JavaScript code representation of the input. */ function escapeJsValue( value ) { return "'" + String( value ).replace( jsSpecialChar, replacerForJs ) + "'"; } /** * @const * @private */ var ENCODE_METHOD_NAME = "encode"; $[ ENCODE_METHOD_NAME ] = escapeHtml; //-*- mode: js2-mode; indent-tabs-mode: t; tab-width: 2; -*- /** * Simple autoescape mode. * * @author Mike Samuel */ if ( !JQUERY_TMPL_PRECOMPILED ) { $[ TEMPLATE_PLUGINS_PROP_NAME ].push( // Naive auto-escape. function autoescape( parseTrees ) { $.each( parseTrees, function autoescapeOne( _, parseTree ) { if ( "string" !== typeof parseTree ) { if ( parseTree[ 0 ] === "=" ) { parseTree[ 1 ] += "=>$.encode"; } else if ( parseTree[ 0 ] === "html" ) { parseTree[ 0 ] = "="; } else { $.each( parseTree, autoescapeOne ); } } } ); return parseTrees; } ); } }()); /*! * jQuery Render Plugin v1.0pre * Optimized version of jQuery Templates, for rendering to string * http://github.com/BorisMoore/jsrender */ (function( $, undefined ) { var topView = { parent: null }; // FALSEY? $.fn.extend({ // Use first wrapped element as template markup. // Return string obtained by rendering the template against data. render: function( data, options, parentView ) { return $.render( this[0], data, options, parentView ); } }); $.extend({ // Return string obtained by rendering template against data. render: function( tmpl, data, options, parentView ) { if ( !tmpl.tmpl || !$.isFunction( tmpl.tmpl ) ) { tmpl = tmpl.nodeType ? $.template( null, tmpl.innerHTML) : $.template(tmpl) || $.template( null, tmpl ); } return tmpl.tmpl( data, $.extend( {}, topView, options )); } }); })( jQuery );