Permission: noPermission: "&cYou don't have permission to %s" Auction: start: "start an auction." bid: "bid on an auction." cancel: "cancel an auction." end: "end an auction." enable: "enable the auction." disable: "disable the auction." Misc: reloadConfig: "Reloaded configuration file: %s" saveConfig: "Saved configuration file: %s" Locale: available: "Available locales: %s" changed: "&aYour locale has been changed to %s" notFound: "&cNo locale '%s' available." Syntax: Auction: auction: - "/auction start [quantity] [time]" - "/auction bid " - "/auction cancel" - "/auction end" - "/auction info" - "/auction ignore" - "/auction list" auctionStart: "/auction start [quantity] [time]" auctionBid: "/auction bid " Salesmania: salesmania: - "/salesmania locale set " - "/salesmania locale list" - "/salesmania reload" Stash: itemsWaiting: "&cYou have items waiting in your stash. Type /collect to retrieve them" itemsWaitingInGroup: "&cYou have items waiting in world group '%s'" noItems: "&cThere are no items in your stash." inventoryFull: "&cThere are more items in your stash, make inventory space and use /collect again." gotItems: "&2You've collected all your items." Auction: tag: "&2[Auction] &f" ignoring: "&cYou are now ignoring all auction messages." notIgnoring: "&aYou are no longer ignoring auction messages." alreadyStarted: "&cThere is already an auction running." bidRaised: "&aBid raised to &2$%,.2f&a by &3%s" canceled: "&cAuction canceled." startOverMax: "&cThe starting bid can't be over $%,.2f" startUnderMin: "&cThe starting bid must be atleast $%,.2f" timeRemaining: "%timeremaining% seconds remaining." notRunning: "&cThere is no auction running" noBids: "&cAuction ended with no bids." notEnough: "&cYou don't have enough of that item." itemBlacklisted: "&cYou can't auction %s" noCreative: "&cYou can't use the auction in creative mode." queueFull: "&cThe auction queue is full, you cannot start an auction at this time." playerQueueFull: "&cYou can't auction another item at this time." queued: "&aYour auction has been added to the queue." cooldown: "&aYour auction will begin shortly." worldDisabled: "&cAuctions are disabled for this world." regionDisabled: "&cThat command is disabled here." regionStashed: "&cYou aren't allowed to receive auction items here, they've been added to your stash." queueListNone: "&aThere are no auctions in the queue." queueListHeader: "&2The following items are in the auction queue:" queueListOther: "&c #%position% - %item% from %owner% @ $%bid%" queueListOwn: "&a #%position% - %item% from %owner% @ $%bid%" enabled: "&aThe auction has been enabled." disabled: "&cThe auction has been disabled." alreadyEnabled: "&cThe auction is already enabled." alreadyDisabled: "&cThe auction is already disabled." winnerOffline: "&cWinner is not online." inventoryFull: "&cYour inventory was full, the items have been added to your stash. Type /collect to retrieve them." startInfo: - "&3%owner%&f has put &a%quantity% %item%&f up for auction." - "&aRenamed to:&a '%displayname%'" - "%enchantinfo%" - "&aTitle:&f '%booktitle%' by %bookauthor%" - "&aDurability: &6%durability%" - "&aStarting Bid: &2$%bid%" enchant: "&aEnchant: &f" enchantInfo: "&e%enchant%&f(&6%enchantlvl%&f) " info: - "&aItem: %quantity% %item%" - "&aRenamed to:&a '%displayname%'" - "%enchantinfo%" - "&aTitle:&f '%booktitle%' by %bookauthor%" - "&aDurability: &6%durability%" - "&aOwner: &3%owner%" - "&aWinner: &3%winner% &fat &2$%bid%" endInfo: - "&aAuction Ended: %quantity% %item% sold for &2$%bid%" tax: "&cThere was a $%,.2f fee for this auction." cantAffordTax: "&cYou can't afford the fee of $%,.2f for this auction." Bidding: bidSuccess: "&aYou've bid &2$%,.2f&a on %s" bidFailure: "&cSomething went wrong while bidding." overMax: "&cYou can't bid over $%,.2f at this time" underMin: "&cYou must bid at least $%,.2f" outBid: "&cYou've been outbid by &3%s!" playerWinning: "&cYou are already winning this auction." playerOwner: "&cYou can't bid on your own auction." notEnoughMoney: "&cYou don't have that much money." Console: cantStartAuction: "Sorry, only players can start an auction." cantBid: "Sorry, only players can bid on items." cantCancel: "Sorry, only players can cancel an auction." cantConsole: "Sorry, you can't do that from the console." Enchantment: ARROW_DAMAGE: "Power" ARROW_FIRE: "Flame" ARROW_INFINITE: "Infinity" ARROW_KNOCKBACK: "Knockback" DAMAGE_ALL: "Sharpness" DAMAGE_ARTHROPODS: "Bane of Arthropods" DAMAGE_UNDEAD: "Smite" DIG_SPEED: "Efficiency" DURABILITY: "Unbreaking" FIRE_ASPECT: "Fire Aspect" KNOCKBACK: "Knockback" LOOT_BONUS_BLOCKS: "Fortune" LOOT_BONUS_MOBS: "Looting" OXYGEN: "Water Breathing" PROTECTION_ENVIRONMENTAL: "Protection" PROTECTION_EXPLOSIONS: "Blast Protection" PROTECTION_FALL: "Feather Falling" PROTECTION_FIRE: "Fire Protection" PROTECTION_PROJECTILE: "Projectile Protection" SILK_TOUCH: "Silk Touch" WATER_WORKER: "Aqua Affinity" THORNS: "Thorns"