/* DayofDate() by Avi Aryan Gives the day (Sunday, Mon..) of a requested date Based on Zeller's Algorithm http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Determination_of_the_day_of_the_week#Zeller.E2.80.99s_algorithm Thanks to polyethene for DateParse() Licensed under Apache License v2.0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- msgbox,% DayofDate("6 June 2013") msgbox,% DayofDate(A_Now) msgbox,% DayofDate("2013") ;Day of 1st Jan 2013 */ DayofDate(Date){ if Date is Not Integer Date := DateParse(Date) ;parse to format Year := SubStr(Date,1,4) Month := Substr(Date, 5, 2) Day := Substr(Date,7,2) if (Month = 1 or Month = 2) Year-=1 , Month+=12 ;a/c Zeller's last2ofy := Substr(Year, -1) first2ofy := Substr(Year, 1, 2) dayindex := Mod( Day + Floor((Month+1)*2.6) + last2ofy + Floor(last2ofy/4) + Floor(first2ofy/4) - 2*first2ofy , 7 ) static nameofdays := "Saturday,Sunday,Monday,Tuesday,Wednesday,Thursday,Friday" Dayz:={} Loop, parse, nameofdays, `, { Dayz[A_index-1]:=A_LoopField } return Dayz[dayindex] } ;############################################## ; Function: DateParse by polyethene ; Dont remove this function DateParse(str) { static e2 = "i)(?:(\d{1,2}+)[\s\.\-\/,]+)?(\d{1,2}|(?:Jan|Feb|Mar|Apr|May|Jun|Jul|Aug|Sep|Oct|Nov|Dec)\w*)[\s\.\-\/,]+(\d{2,4})" str := RegExReplace(str, "((?:" . SubStr(e2, 42, 47) . ")\w*)(\s*)(\d{1,2})\b", "$3$2$1", "", 1) If RegExMatch(str, "i)^\s*(?:(\d{4})([\s\-:\/])(\d{1,2})\2(\d{1,2}))?" . "(?:\s*[T\s](\d{1,2})([\s\-:\/])(\d{1,2})(?:\6(\d{1,2})\s*(?:(Z)|(\+|\-)?" . "(\d{1,2})\6(\d{1,2})(?:\6(\d{1,2}))?)?)?)?\s*$", i) d3 := i1, d2 := i3, d1 := i4, t1 := i5, t2 := i7, t3 := i8 Else If !RegExMatch(str, "^\W*(\d{1,2}+)(\d{2})\W*$", t) RegExMatch(str, "i)(\d{1,2})\s*:\s*(\d{1,2})(?:\s*(\d{1,2}))?(?:\s*([ap]m))?", t) , RegExMatch(str, e2, d) f = %A_FormatFloat% SetFormat, Float, 02.0 d := (d3 ? (StrLen(d3) = 2 ? 20 : "") . d3 : A_YYYY) . ((d2 := d2 + 0 ? d2 : (InStr(e2, SubStr(d2, 1, 3)) - 40) // 4 + 1.0) > 0 ? d2 + 0.0 : A_MM) . ((d1 += 0.0) ? d1 : A_DD) . t1 + (t1 = 12 ? t4 = "am" ? -12.0 : 0.0 : t4 = "am" ? 0.0 : 12.0) . t2 + 0.0 . t3 + 0.0 SetFormat, Float, %f% Return, d }