/* BLUEPRINT The Photoshop script for create blueprint background. Author: Ashung.hung@gmail.com Web: https://github.com/Ashung/Photoshop_Actions_Package_for_Designers/Scripts Published: 2011-12-31 LastModify: 2012-07-06 */ function bluePrint(minimumCell, backgroundColor) { preferences.rulerUnits = Units.PIXELS; doc = app.activeDocument; docWidth = doc.width.as('px'); docHeight = doc.height.as('px'); doc.artLayers.add(); doc.activeLayer.name = 'bluePrint(' + minimumCell + ', "' + backgroundColor + '"); //bluePrint.jsx create by Ashung Hung, https://github.com/Ashung/Photoshop_Actions_Package_for_Designers/Scripts'; bgColor = new SolidColor(); bgColor.rgb.red = parseInt(backgroundColor.substr(0,2), 16); bgColor.rgb.green = parseInt(backgroundColor.substr(2,2), 16); bgColor.rgb.blue = parseInt(backgroundColor.substr(4,2), 16); doc.selection.select([[0,0],[0,docHeight],[docWidth,docHeight],[docWidth,0]]); doc.selection.fill(bgColor); lineColor = new SolidColor(); lineColor.rgb.red = 255; lineColor.rgb.green = 255; lineColor.rgb.blue = 255; for(x = 0, i = 0; x < docWidth; x += minimumCell, i++) { doc.selection.select([[x,0],[x,docHeight],[x+1,docHeight],[x+1,0]]); fillLineColor(lineColor, i); } for(y = 0, i = 0; y < docHeight; y += minimumCell, i++) { doc.selection.select([[0,y],[docWidth,y],[docWidth,y+1],[0,y+1]]); fillLineColor(lineColor, i); } doc.selection.deselect(); } function fillLineColor(color, index) { if((index/5)%2 == 0) { app.activeDocument.selection.fill(color, ColorBlendMode.NORMAL, 35); } else if ((index/5)%2 == 1) { app.activeDocument.selection.fill(color, ColorBlendMode.NORMAL, 20); } else { app.activeDocument.selection.fill(color, ColorBlendMode.NORMAL, 10); } } bluePrint(parseInt(prompt('Insert the space of lines, e.g. 20, 10, 5', 10)), prompt('Insert the backgroud color, e.g. "3385d1", ', '3385d1'));