# Copyright 2013 Appveyor Systems Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # Version: 1.0 # config $config = @{} $config.TaskExecutionTimeout = 300 # 5 min # default remote root for deployed applications; the value is in single quotes to be evaluated remotely $config.ApplicationsPath = '$($env:SystemDrive)\applications' # the maximum number of previous deployment versions to keep on remote hosts $config.KeepPreviousVersions = 5 # if $true a connection to remote host will use SSL and port defaults to 5986 # if $false port defaults to 5985 $config.UseSSL = $true # suppress certificate Certificate Authority (CA) check when connecting via SSL $config.SkipCACheck = $true # suppress certificate Canonical Name (CN) check when connecting via SSL $config.SkipCNCheck = $true # Azure settings $config.UpdateAzureDeployment = $true # context $script:context = @{} $currentContext = $script:context $currentContext.applications = @{} $currentContext.environments = @{} $currentContext.tasks = @{} $currentContext.remoteSessions = @{} $currentContext.azureSubscription = $null #region Configuration cmdlets function Set-DeploymentConfiguration { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$true)] $Name, [Parameter(Position=1, Mandatory=$false)] $Value = $null ) $config[$Name] = $Value } function Get-DeploymentConfiguration { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$false)] $Name ) if($Name) { return $config[$Name] } else { return $config } } #endregion #region Application cmdlets function New-Application { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$true)] [string]$Name, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string]$BasePath, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] $Configuration = @{} ) Write-Verbose "New-Application $Name" # verify if application already exists if($currentContext.applications[$Name] -ne $null) { throw "Application $Name already exists. Choose a different name." } # add new application $app = @{ Name = $Name BasePath = $BasePath Configuration = $Configuration Roles = @{} } $currentContext.applications[$Name] = $app } function Get-Application { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$false)] $Name ) if($Name) { # return specific application $app = $currentContext.applications[$Name] if($app -eq $null) { throw "Application $Name not found." } return $app } else { # return all applications return $currentContext.applications.values } } function Set-Application { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$true)] [string]$Name, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string]$BasePath, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] $Configuration = @{} ) Write-Verbose "Set-Application $Name" $app = Get-Application $Name # update app details if($BasePath) { $app.BasePath = $BasePath } if($Configuration) { $app.Configuration = $Configuration } } function Add-WebSiteRole { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$true)] $ApplicationName, [Parameter(Position=1, Mandatory=$true)] [string]$Name, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string]$DeploymentGroup, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string]$PackageUrl, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string]$BasePath = $null, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string]$WebsiteName = $null, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string]$WebsiteProtocol = $null, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string]$WebsiteIP = $null, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [int]$WebsitePort = $null, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string]$WebsiteHost = $null, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] $Configuration = @{} ) Write-Verbose "Add-WebsiteRole" # get application $application = Get-Application $ApplicationName # verify if the role with such name exists $role = $Application.Roles[$Name] if($role -ne $null) { throw "Application $($Application.Name) has already $Name role configured. Choose a different role name." } # add role info to the application config $role = @{ Type = "website" Name = $Name DeploymentGroup = ValueOrDefault $DeploymentGroup "web" PackageUrl = $PackageUrl BasePath = $BasePath WebsiteName = ValueOrDefault $WebsiteName "Default Web Site" WebsiteProtocol = ValueOrDefault $WebsiteProtocol "http" WebsiteIP = ValueOrDefault $WebsiteIP "*" WebsitePort = ValueOrDefault $WebsitePort 80 WebsiteHost = $WebsiteHost Configuration = $Configuration } $Application.Roles[$Name] = $role } function Set-WebSiteRole { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$true)] $ApplicationName, [Parameter(Position=1, Mandatory=$true)] [string]$Name, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string]$DeploymentGroup, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string]$PackageUrl, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string]$BasePath, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string]$WebsiteName, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string]$WebsiteProtocol = $null, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string]$WebsiteIP, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [int]$WebsitePort, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string]$WebsiteHost, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] $Configuration ) Write-Verbose "Set-WebsiteRole" # get role $role = Get-ApplicationRole $ApplicationName $Name # update role details if($DeploymentGroup) { $role.DeploymentGroup = $DeploymentGroup } if($PackageUrl) { $role.PackageUrl = $PackageUrl } if($BasePath) { $role.BasePath = $BasePath } if($WebsiteName) { $role.WebsiteName = $WebsiteName } if($WebsiteProtocol) { $role.WebsiteProtocol = $WebsiteProtocol } if($WebsiteIP) { $role.WebsiteIP = $WebsiteIP } if($WebsitePort) { $role.WebsitePort = $WebsitePort } if($WebsiteHost) { $role.WebsiteHost = $WebsiteHost } if($Configuration) { $role.Configuration = $Configuration } } function Add-ServiceRole { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$true)] $ApplicationName, [Parameter(Position=1, Mandatory=$true)] [string]$Name, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string]$DeploymentGroup, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string]$PackageUrl, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string]$BasePath, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string]$ServiceExecutable = $null, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string]$ServiceName = $null, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string]$ServiceDisplayName = $null, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string]$ServiceDescription = $null, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] $Configuration = @{} ) Write-Verbose "Add-ServiceRole" # get application $application = Get-Application $ApplicationName # verify if the role with such name exists $role = $Application.Roles[$Name] if($role -ne $null) { throw "Application $($Application.Name) has already $Name role configured. Choose a different role name." } # add role info to the application config $role = @{ Type = "service" Name = $Name DeploymentGroup = ValueOrDefault $DeploymentGroup "app" PackageUrl = $PackageUrl BasePath = $BasePath Configuration = $Configuration } $role.ServiceExecutable = $ServiceExecutable $role.ServiceName = ValueOrDefault $ServiceName $Name $role.ServiceDisplayName = ValueOrDefault $ServiceDisplayName $role.ServiceName $role.ServiceDescription = ValueOrDefault $ServiceDescription "Deployed by AppRoller" $Application.Roles[$Name] = $role } function Set-ServiceRole { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$true)] $ApplicationName, [Parameter(Position=1, Mandatory=$true)] [string]$Name, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string]$DeploymentGroup, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string]$PackageUrl, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string]$BasePath, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string]$ServiceExecutable, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string]$ServiceName, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string]$ServiceDisplayName, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string]$ServiceDescription, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] $Configuration ) Write-Verbose "Set-ServiceRole" # get role $role = Get-ApplicationRole $ApplicationName $Name # update role details if($DeploymentGroup) { $role.DeploymentGroup = $DeploymentGroup } if($PackageUrl) { $role.PackageUrl = $PackageUrl } if($BasePath) { $role.BasePath = $BasePath } if($ServiceExecutable) { $role.ServiceExecutable = $ServiceExecutable } if($ServiceName) { $role.ServiceName = $ServiceName } if($ServiceDisplayName) { $role.ServiceDisplayName = $ServiceDisplayName } if($ServiceDescription) { $role.ServiceDescription = $ServiceDescription } if($Configuration) { $role.Configuration = $Configuration } } function Get-ApplicationRole { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$true)] $ApplicationName, [Parameter(Position=1, Mandatory=$true)] $RoleName ) # get application $application = Get-Application $ApplicationName # verify if the role with such name exists $role = $Application.Roles[$RoleName] if($role -eq $null) { throw "Application role $RoleName does not exist." } return $role } #endregion #region Azure Application cmdlets function New-AzureApplication { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$true)] [string]$Name, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string]$PackageUrl, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string]$ConfigUrl, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] $Configuration = @{} ) Write-Verbose "New-AzureApplication $Name" # add standard application New-Application $Name -Configuration $Configuration # get application $application = Get-Application $Name # add Azure role $role = @{ Type = "azure" Name = "Azure" PackageUrl = $PackageUrl ConfigUrl = $ConfigUrl } $application.Roles[$role.Name] = $role } function Set-AzureApplication { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$true)] [string]$Name, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string]$PackageUrl, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string]$ConfigUrl, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] $Configuration = @{} ) Write-Verbose "Set-AzureApplication $Name" # get application details $app = Get-Application $Name # update details if($Configuration) { $app.Configuration = $Configuration } # update azure role $role = $app.Roles["Azure"] if($PackageUrl) { $role.PackageUrl = $PackageUrl } if($ConfigUrl) { $role.ConfigUrl = $ConfigUrl } } #endregion #region Environment cmdlets function New-Environment { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$true)] $Name, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [PSCredential]$Credential, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] $Configuration = @{} ) Write-Verbose "New-Environment $Name" # create new environment $environment = @{ Name = $Name Credential = $Credential Servers = @{} Configuration = $Configuration } # verify if environment already exists if($currentContext.environments[$environment.Name] -eq $null) { $currentContext.environments[$environment.Name] = $environment } else { throw "Environment $Name already exists. Choose a different name." } } function Get-Environment { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$false)] $Name ) if($Name) { # get specific environment $environment = $currentContext.environments[$Name] if($environment -eq $null) { throw "Environment $Name not found." } return $environment } else { # return all environments return $currentContext.environments.values } } function Set-Environment { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$true)] $Name, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [PSCredential]$Credential, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] $Configuration ) Write-Verbose "Set-Environment $Name" # find environment $environment = Get-Environment $Name # update details if($Credential) { $environment.Credential = $Credential } if($Configuration) { $environment.Configuration = $Configuration } } function Add-EnvironmentServer { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$true)] $EnvironmentName, [Parameter(Position=1, Mandatory=$true)] [string]$ServerAddress, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [int]$Port = 0, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string[]]$DeploymentGroup = $null, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [PSCredential]$Credential = $null ) Write-Verbose "Add-EnvironmentServer $ServerAddress" # find environment $environment = Get-Environment $EnvironmentName # verify if the server with specified address exists $server = $Environment.Servers[$ServerAddress] if($server -ne $null) { throw "Environment $($Environment.Name) has already $ServerAddress server added." } # add role info to the application config $server = @{ ServerAddress = $ServerAddress Port = $Port DeploymentGroup = $DeploymentGroup Credential = ValueOrDefault $Credential $Environment.Credential } $Environment.Servers[$ServerAddress] = $server } #endregion #region Azure Environment cmdlets function New-AzureEnvironment { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$true)] $Name, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string]$CloudService, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string]$Slot ) Write-Verbose "New-AzureEnvironment $Name" # create new Azure environment New-Environment $Name -Configuration @{ CloudService = $CloudService Slot = $Slot } # add single localhost server Add-EnvironmentServer $Name localhost } function Set-AzureEnvironment { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$true)] $Name, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] $Configuration ) Write-Verbose "Set-AzureEnvironment $Name" # find environment $environment = Get-Environment $Name # update details if($Configuration) { foreach($key in $Configuration.keys) { $environment.Configuration[$key] = $Configuration[$key] } } } #endregion #region Task cmdlets function Set-DeploymentTask { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$true)] $Name, [Parameter(Position=1, Mandatory=$true)] [scriptblock]$Script, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string[]]$Before = @(), [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)][Alias("On")] [string[]]$After = @(), [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] $Requires = @(), [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] $Application = $null, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] $Version = $null, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string[]]$DeploymentGroup = $null, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [switch]$PerGroup = $false ) Write-Verbose "New-DeploymentTask" # verify if task already exists if($currentContext.tasks[$Name] -ne $null) { throw "Deployment task $Name already exists. Choose a different name." } # create new deployment task object $task = @{ Name = $Name Script = $Script BeforeTasks = New-Object System.Collections.Generic.List[string] AfterTasks = New-Object System.Collections.Generic.List[string] RequiredTasks = $Requires Application = $Application Version = $Version DeploymentGroup = $DeploymentGroup PerGroup = $PerGroup } # add task $currentContext.tasks[$Name] = $task # bind task to others if($Before) { foreach($beforeTaskName in $Before) { $beforeTask = $currentContext.tasks[$beforeTaskName] if($beforeTask -ne $null) { $beforeTask.BeforeTasks.Add($task.Name) > $null } else { throw "Wrong before task: $Before" } } } if($After) { foreach($afterTaskName in $After) { $afterTask = $currentContext.tasks[$afterTaskName] if($afterTask -ne $null) { $afterTask.AfterTasks.Add($task.Name) > $null } else { throw "Wrong after task: $After" } } } } function Invoke-DeploymentTask { param ( [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$true)] [string]$taskName, [Parameter(Position=1, Mandatory=$true)][alias("On")] $environment, [Parameter(Position=2, Mandatory=$false)] $application, [Parameter(Position=3, Mandatory=$false)] [string]$version, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [switch]$Serial = $false ) if($application -ne $null -and $application -is [string]) { $application = Get-Application $Application } if($environment -is [string]) { $environment = Get-Environment $environment } if($application) { Write-Verbose "Running `"$taskName`" task on `"$($environment.Name)` environment for application $($application.Name) version $version" } else { Write-Verbose "Running `"$taskName`" task on `"$($environment.Name)` environment" } # build remote task context $taskContext = @{ TaskName = $taskName Application = $Application Version = $Version Environment = $Environment ServerTasks = @{} Serial = $Serial } # add main task $task = $currentContext.tasks[$taskName] if($task -eq $null) { throw "Task $taskName not found" } # change task deployment group to application roles union if($taskContext.Application) { $task.DeploymentGroup = @(0) * $taskContext.Application.Roles.count $i = 0 foreach($role in $taskContext.Application.Roles.values) { $task.DeploymentGroup[$i++] = $role.DeploymentGroup } } # setup tasks for each server $perGroupTasks = @{} foreach($server in $taskContext.Environment.Servers.values) { $serverTasks = @{} $filter = @{ Application = $Application Version = $Version Server = $server PerGroupTasks = $perGroupTasks } # process main task Add-ApplicableTasks $serverTasks $task $filter # filter per-group tasks $keys = $serverTasks.keys | ToArray foreach($name in $keys) { $t = $serverTasks[$name] if($t.PerGroup -and $perGroupTasks[$name] -eq $null) { # add it to the group tasks $perGroupTasks[$name] = $true } elseif($t.PerGroup -and $perGroupTasks[$name] -ne $null) { # remove it from server tasks $serverTasks.Remove($name) } } if($serverTasks.Count -gt 0) { # insert "init" tasks $initTask = $currentContext.tasks["init"] Add-ApplicableTasks $serverTasks $initTask $filter # add required tasks Add-RequiredTasks $serverTasks $task.RequiredTasks $filter # add to context $taskContext.ServerTasks[$server.ServerAddress] = @{ Tasks = $serverTasks Script = @("init", $taskName) } } } # run scripts on each server $jobs = @(0) * $taskContext.ServerTasks.count $jobCount = 0 foreach($serverAddress in $taskContext.ServerTasks.keys) { # server sequence to run $serverTasks = $taskContext.ServerTasks[$serverAddress] $server = $environment.Servers[$serverAddress] $scriptContext = @{ Configuration = $config TaskName = $taskContext.TaskName Application = $taskContext.Application Version = $taskContext.Version Server = @{ ServerAddress = $server.ServerAddress DeploymentGroup = $server.DeploymentGroup } Environment = @{ Name = $environment.Name Configuration = $environment.Configuration } Tasks = $serverTasks.Tasks } $script = $serverTasks.Script $deployScript = { param ( $context, $script ) $callStack = New-Object System.Collections.Generic.Stack[string] function Write-Log($message) { $stack = $callStack.ToArray() [array]::Reverse($stack) $taskName = $stack -join ":" Write-Host "[$($context.Server.ServerAddress)][$taskName] $(Get-Date -f g) - $message" } function Invoke-DeploymentTask($taskName) { Write-Verbose "Invoke task $taskName" $task = $context.Tasks[$taskName] if($task -ne $null) { # push task name to call stack $callStack.Push($taskName) > $null # run before tasks recursively foreach($beforeTask in $task.BeforeTasks) { Invoke-DeploymentTask $beforeTask } # run task .([scriptblock]::Create($task.Script)) # run after tasks recursively foreach($afterTask in $task.AfterTasks) { Invoke-DeploymentTask $afterTask } # pop $callStack.Pop() > $null } } # run script parts one-by-one foreach($taskName in $script) { Invoke-DeploymentTask $taskName } } if(IsLocalhost $server.ServerAddress) { # run script locally if($taskContext.Serial) { # run script synchronously Write-Verbose "Running script synchronously on localhost" Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock $deployScript -ArgumentList $scriptContext,$script } else { # run script as a job Write-Verbose "Run script in parallel on localhost" $jobs[$jobCount++] = Start-Job -ScriptBlock $deployScript -ArgumentList $scriptContext,$script } } else { # get server remote session $server = $taskContext.Environment.Servers[$serverAddress] $credential = $server.Credential if(-not $credential) { $credential = $taskContext.Environment.Credential } $session = Get-RemoteSession -serverAddress $server.ServerAddress -port $server.Port -credential $credential # run script on remote machine if($taskContext.Serial) { # run script on remote server synchronously Write-Verbose "Running script synchronously on $($server.ServerAddress)" Invoke-Command -Session $session -ScriptBlock $deployScript -ArgumentList $scriptContext,$script } else { # run script on remote server as a job Write-Verbose "Run script in parallel on $($server.ServerAddress)" $jobs[$jobCount++] = Invoke-Command -Session $session -ScriptBlock $deployScript -AsJob -ArgumentList $scriptContext,$script } } } # wait jobs if(-not $taskContext.Serial) { Wait-Job -Job $jobs -Timeout $config.taskExecutionTimeout > $null # get results for($i = 0; $i -lt $jobCount; $i++) { Receive-Job -Job $jobs[$i] } } # close remote sessions Remove-RemoteSessions } function Get-RemoteSession { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [string]$serverAddress, [int]$port, [PSCredential]$credential ) $session = $currentContext.remoteSessions[$serverAddress] if($session -eq $null) { $useSSL = $config.UseSSL $skipCACheck = $config.SkipCACheck $skipCNCheck = $config.SkipCNCheck if($port -eq 0 -and $useSSL) { $port = 5986 } elseif($port -eq 0) { $port = 5985 } Write-Verbose "Connecting to $($serverAddress) port $port" $options = New-PSSessionOption -SkipCACheck:$skipCACheck -SkipCNCheck:$skipCNCheck # start new session if($credential) { # connect with credentials $session = New-PSSession -ComputerName $serverAddress -Port $port -Credential $credential ` -UseSSL:$useSSL -SessionOption $options } else { # connect without credentials $session = New-PSSession -ComputerName $serverAddress -Port $port ` -UseSSL:$useSSL -SessionOption $options } # store it in a cache $currentContext.remoteSessions[$serverAddress] = $session } return $session } function Remove-RemoteSessions { foreach($session in $currentContext.remoteSessions.values) { Write-Verbose "Closing remote session to $($session.ComputerName)" if($session) { Remove-PSSession -Session $session } } $currentContext.remoteSessions.Clear() } function Add-ApplicableTasks($tasks, $task, $filter) { if((IsTaskAppicable $task $filter)) { # before tasks recursively Add-BeforeTasks $tasks $task.BeforeTasks $filter $tasks[$task.Name] = $task # after tasks recursively Add-AfterTasks $tasks $task.AfterTasks $filter } } function Add-BeforeTasks($tasks, $beforeTasks, $filter) { foreach($taskName in $beforeTasks) { $task = $currentContext.tasks[$taskName] if($task -ne $null -and (IsTaskAppicable $task $filter)) { # add task before tasks Add-BeforeTasks $tasks $task.BeforeTasks $filter # add task itself $tasks[$taskName] = $task } } } function Add-AfterTasks($tasks, $afterTasks, $filter) { foreach($taskName in $afterTasks) { $task = $currentContext.tasks[$taskName] if($task -ne $null -and (IsTaskAppicable $task $filter)) { # add task itself $tasks[$taskName] = $task # add tasks after Add-AfterTasks $tasks $task.AfterTasks $filter } } } function Add-RequiredTasks($tasks, $requiredTasks, $filter) { foreach($taskName in $requiredTasks) { $task = $currentContext.tasks[$taskName] if($task -ne $null -and (IsTaskAppicable $task $filter)) { # add required tasks recursively Add-RequiredTasks $tasks $task.RequiredTasks $filter Add-ApplicableTasks $tasks $task $filter # add task itself $tasks[$taskName] = $task } } } function IsTaskAppicable($task, $filter) { # filter by application name and version if($task.Application -ne $null -and $task.Application -ne $filter.Application.Name) { # task application name is specified but does not match return $false } else { # OK, application name does match, check version now if specified if($task.Version -ne $null -and $task.Version -ne $filter.Version) { # version is specified but does not match return $false } } if($task.DeploymentGroup -eq $null -or $filter.Server.DeploymentGroup -eq $null) { # task is applicable to all groups return $true } else { # find intersection of two arrays of DeploymentGroup $commonGroups = $task.DeploymentGroup | ?{$filter.Server.DeploymentGroup -contains $_} if($commonGroups.length -gt 0) { return $true } } return $false } #endregion #region Deployment cmdlets function New-Deployment { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] $Application, [Parameter(Position=1, Mandatory=$true)] $Version, [Parameter(Position=2, Mandatory=$true)][alias("To")] $Environment, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [switch]$Serial = $false ) Invoke-DeploymentTask deploy $environment $application $version -Serial:$serial } function Remove-Deployment { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] $Application, [Parameter(Position=1, Mandatory=$false)] $Version, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)][alias("From")] $Environment, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [switch]$Serial = $false ) Invoke-DeploymentTask remove $environment $application $version -Serial:$serial } function Restore-Deployment { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] $Application, [Parameter(Position=1, Mandatory=$false)] $Version, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)][alias("On")] $Environment, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [switch]$Serial = $false ) Invoke-DeploymentTask rollback $environment $application $version -Serial:$serial } function Restart-Deployment { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] $Application, [Parameter(Position=1, Mandatory=$false)][alias("On")] $Environment, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [switch]$Serial = $false ) Invoke-DeploymentTask restart $environment $application -Serial:$serial } function Stop-Deployment { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] $Application, [Parameter(Position=1, Mandatory=$false)][alias("On")] $Environment, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [switch]$Serial = $false ) Invoke-DeploymentTask stop $environment $application -Serial:$serial } function Start-Deployment { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] $Application, [Parameter(Position=1, Mandatory=$false)][alias("On")] $Environment, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [switch]$Serial = $false ) Invoke-DeploymentTask start $environment $application -Serial:$serial } #endregion #region Helper functions function IsLocalhost { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$true)] [string]$serverAddress ) return ($serverAddress -eq "localhost" -or $serverAddress -eq "") } function ValueOrDefault($value, $default) { If($value) { return $value } return $default } function ToArray { begin { $output = @(); } process { $output += $_; } end { return ,$output; } } #endregion #region AppRolla tasks Set-DeploymentTask init { $m = New-Module -Name "CommonFunctions" -ScriptBlock { function Expand-Zip { param( [Parameter(Position=0,Mandatory=1)]$zipFile, [Parameter(Position=1,Mandatory=1)]$destination ) $shellApp = New-Object -com Shell.Application $objZip = $shellApp.Namespace($zipFile) $objDestination = $shellApp.Namespace($destination) $objDestination.CopyHere($objZip.Items(), 16) } function Update-ApplicationConfig { param ( $configPath, $variables ) [xml]$xml = New-Object XML $xml.Load($configPath) # appSettings section foreach($appSettings in $xml.selectnodes("//*[local-name() = 'appSettings']")) { foreach($setting in $appSettings.ChildNodes) { if($setting.key) { $value = $variables["appSettings.$($setting.key)"] if($value -ne $null) { Write-Log "Updating entry `"$($setting.key)`" to `"$value`"" $setting.value = $value } } } } # connectionStrings foreach($connectionStrings in $xml.selectnodes("//*[local-name() = 'connectionStrings']")) { foreach($entry in $connectionStrings.ChildNodes) { if($entry.name) { $connectionString = $variables["connectionStrings.$($entry.name)"] if($connectionString -ne $null) { Write-Log "Updating entry `"$($entry.name)`" to `"$connectionString`"" $entry.connectionString = $connectionString } } } } $xml.Save($configPath) } function Test-RoleApplicableToServer { param ( $role ) # find intersection of two arrays of DeploymentGroup $commonGroups = $role.DeploymentGroup | ?{$context.Server.DeploymentGroup -contains $_} return (-not $context.Server.DeploymentGroup -or $commonGroups.length -gt 0) } function Get-TempFileName { param ( [Parameter(Position=0,Mandatory=$false)] $extension ) $tempPath = [System.IO.Path]::GetTempPath() $fileName = [System.IO.Path]::GetRandomFileName() if($extension) { # change extension $fileName = [System.IO.Path]::GetFileNameWithoutExtension($fileName) + $extension } return [System.IO.Path]::Combine($tempPath, $fileName) } function Get-WindowsService { param ( [Parameter(Position=0,Mandatory=$true)] $serviceName ) Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_Service -Filter "Name='$serviceName'" } function Get-VersionFromFileName($fileName) { return Get-VersionFromDirectory (Split-Path $fileName) } function Get-VersionFromDirectory($directory) { return $directory.Substring($directory.LastIndexOf("\") + 1) } function ConvertFrom-StringTemplate { param ( [Parameter(Position=0,Mandatory=$true)] $str ) & ([scriptblock]::Create("`"$str`"")) } Export-ModuleMember -Function Push-TaskCallStack, Pop-TaskCallStack, Write-Log, Expand-Zip, Test-RoleApplicableToServer, ` Update-ApplicationConfig, Get-TempFileName, Get-WindowsService, Get-VersionFromFileName, Get-VersionFromDirectory, ` ConvertFrom-StringTemplate } } Set-DeploymentTask download-package -Requires authenticate-download-client { Write-Log "Downloading package $($role.PackageUrl)" # expects parameters: # $role - application role # $packageFile - local package file $webClient = New-Object System.Net.WebClient # call custom method to authenticate web client Invoke-DeploymentTask authenticate-download-client # download $webClient.DownloadFile($role.PackageUrl, $packageFile) } Set-DeploymentTask authenticate-download-client { # expects parameters: # $webClient - WebClient instance to download package # $context.Configuration["appveyorApiKey"] - AppVeyor API access key # $context.Configuration["appveyorApiSecret"] - AppVeyor API secret key # $context.Configuration["accountId"] - AppVeyor API account ID to login if(-not $role.PackageUrl.StartsWith("https://ci.appveyor.com/api/")) { return } $apiAccessKey = $context.Configuration["appveyorApiKey"] $apiSecretKey = $context.Configuration["appveyorApiSecret"] $accountId = $context.Configuration["appveyorAccountId"] # verify parameters if(-not $apiAccessKey -or -not $apiSecretKey) { $msg = @" "Unable to download package from AppVeyor repository. To authenticate request set AppVeyor API keys in global deployment configuration: - Set-DeploymentConfiguration appveyorApiKey - Set-DeploymentConfiguration appveyorApiSecret " "@ throw $msg } $timestamp = [DateTime]::UtcNow.ToString("r") # generate signature $stringToSign = $timestamp $secretKeyBytes = [byte[]]([System.Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetBytes($apiSecretKey)) $stringToSignBytes = [byte[]]([System.Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetBytes($stringToSign)) [System.Security.Cryptography.HMACSHA1] $signer = New-Object System.Security.Cryptography.HMACSHA1(,$secretKeyBytes) $signatureHash = $signer.ComputeHash($stringToSignBytes) $signature = [System.Convert]::ToBase64String($signatureHash) $headerValue = "HMAC-SHA1 accessKey=`"$apiAccessKey`", timestamp=`"$timestamp`", signature=`"$signature`"" if($accountId) { $headerValue = $headerValue + ", accountId=`"$accountId`"" } # set web client header $webClient.Headers.Add("Authorization", $headerValue) } Set-DeploymentTask setup-role-folder { $rootPath = $null $basePath = $null if($role.BasePath) { $basePath = ConvertFrom-StringTemplate $role.BasePath } elseif($context.Application.BasePath) { $basePath = ConvertFrom-StringTemplate $context.Application.BasePath $basePath = Join-Path $basePath $role.Name } elseif($context.Configuration.applicationsPath) { $basePath = ConvertFrom-StringTemplate $context.Configuration.applicationsPath $basePath = Join-Path $basePath $context.Application.Name $basePath = Join-Path $basePath $role.Name } if(-not $basePath) { throw "Cannot determine role base path" } else { $role.BasePath = $basePath } # append version if($context.Version) { $role.RootPath = Join-Path $role.BasePath $context.Version } Write-Log "Role base path: $($role.BasePath)" Write-Log "Role deployment path: $($role.RootPath)" # read all installed role versions if(Test-Path $role.BasePath) { $versionFolders = Get-ChildItem -Path $role.BasePath | Sort-Object -Property CreationTime -Descending $role.Versions = @(0) * $versionFolders.Count for($i = 0; $i -lt $role.Versions.Length; $i++) { $role.Versions[$i] = $versionFolders[$i].Name } if($role.Versions.length -gt 0) { Write-Log "Role installed version: $($role.Versions[0])" } } } Set-DeploymentTask deploy -Requires setup-role-folder,download-package,deploy-website,deploy-service,deploy-console,deploy-azure { Write-Log "Deploying application" # deploy each role separately foreach($role in $context.Application.Roles.values) { if(Test-RoleApplicableToServer $role) { # determine the location of application folder Invoke-DeploymentTask setup-role-folder # $role.BasePath - base path for role versions # $role.RootPath - role version installation root (application root) # $role.Versions - the list of installed versions (latest first) # invoke role specific deployment code Invoke-DeploymentTask "deploy-$($role.Type)" # delete previous versions if($role.Versions.length -gt $context.Configuration.KeepPreviousVersions) { for($i = $context.Configuration.KeepPreviousVersions; $i -lt $role.Versions.length; $i++) { $version = $role.Versions[$i] Write-Log "Deleting old version $version" Remove-Item (Join-Path $role.BasePath $version) -Force -Recurse } } } } } Set-DeploymentTask deploy-website { Write-Log "Deploying website $($role.Name)" Import-Module WebAdministration # ... and make sure the folder does not exists if(Test-Path $role.RootPath) { throw "$($context.Application.Name) $($context.Version) role $($role.Name) deployment already exists." } try { # create application folder (with version info) Write-Log "Create website folder: $($role.RootPath)" New-Item -ItemType Directory -Force -Path $role.RootPath > $null # download service package to temp location $packageFile = Get-TempFileName ".zip" Invoke-DeploymentTask download-package # unzip service package to application folder Expand-Zip $packageFile $role.RootPath # update web.config $webConfigPath = Join-Path $role.RootPath "web.config" if(Test-Path $webConfigPath) { Write-Log "Updating web.config in $appConfigPath" Update-ApplicationConfig -configPath $webConfigPath -variables $role.Configuration } $appPoolName = $role.WebsiteName $appPoolIdentityName = "IIS APPPOOL\$appPoolName" $website = Get-Item "IIS:\Sites\$($role.WebsiteName)" -EA 0 if ($website -ne $null) { Write-Log "Website `"$($role.WebsiteName)`" already exists" $appPoolName = $website.applicationPool # get app pool details $appPool = Get-Item "IIS:\AppPools\$appPoolName" -EA 0 # determine pool identity switch($appPool.processModel.identityType) { ApplicationPoolIdentity { $appPoolIdentityName = "IIS APPPOOL\$appPoolName" } NetworkService { $appPoolIdentityName = "NETWORK SERVICE" } SpecificUser { $appPoolIdentityName = $appPool.processModel.userName } } # stop application pool Write-Log "Stopping website application pool..." Stop-WebAppPool $website.applicationPool # wait 2 sec before continue Start-Sleep -s 2 } Write-Log "Application pool name: $appPoolName" Write-Log "Application pool identity: $appPoolIdentityName" # create website if required if(-not $website) { # create application pool Write-Log "Creating IIS application pool `"$appPoolName`"" $webAppPool = New-WebAppPool -Name $appPoolName -Force $WebAppPool.processModel.identityType = "ApplicationPoolIdentity" $WebAppPool | Set-Item Write-Log "Granting `"Read`" permissions to application pool identity on application folder" icacls $role.RootPath /grant "IIS APPPOOL\$($appPoolName):(OI)(CI)(R)" > $null # create website New-Item "IIS:\Sites\$($role.WebsiteName)" -Bindings @{protocol="$($role.WebsiteProtocol)";bindingInformation="$($role.WebsiteIP):$($role.WebsitePort):$($role.WebsiteHost)"} ` -PhysicalPath $role.RootPath -ApplicationPool $appPoolName > $null } else { Write-Log "Granting `"Read`" permissions to application pool identity on application folder" icacls $role.RootPath /grant "IIS APPPOOL\$($appPoolName):(OI)(CI)(R)" > $null # update website root folder Set-ItemProperty "IIS:\Sites\$($role.WebsiteName)" -Name physicalPath -Value $role.RootPath # start application pool Write-Log "Starting application pool..." Start-WebAppPool $appPoolName } } catch { # delete new application folder if(Test-Path $role.RootPath) { Remove-Item $role.RootPath -Force -Recurse } throw } finally { # cleanup Write-Log "Cleanup..." Remove-Item $packageFile -Force } } Set-DeploymentTask deploy-service { Write-Log "Deploying Windows service $($role.Name)" # ... and make sure the folder does not exists if(Test-Path $role.RootPath) { throw "$($context.Application.Name) $($context.Version) role $($role.Name) deployment already exists." } $currentServiceExecutablePath = $null try { # create application folder (with version info) Write-Log "Create application folder: $($role.RootPath)" New-Item -ItemType Directory -Force -Path $role.RootPath > $null # download service package to temp location $packageFile = Get-TempFileName ".zip" Invoke-DeploymentTask download-package # unzip service package to application folder Expand-Zip $packageFile $role.RootPath # find windows service executable $serviceExecutablePath = $null if($role.ServiceExecutable) { $serviceExecutablePath = Join-Path $role.RootPath $role.ServiceExecutable } else { $serviceExecutablePath = Get-ChildItem "$($role.RootPath)\*.exe" | Select-Object -First 1 } Write-Log "Service executable path: $serviceExecutablePath" # update app.config $appConfigPath = "$serviceExecutablePath.config" if(Test-Path $appConfigPath) { Write-Log "Updating service configuration in $appConfigPath" Update-ApplicationConfig -configPath $appConfigPath -variables $role.Configuration } # check if the service already exists $existingService = Get-WindowsService $role.ServiceName if ($existingService -ne $null) { Write-Log "Service already exists, stopping..." # remember path to restore in case of disaster $currentServiceExecutablePath = $existingService.PathName # stop the service Stop-Service -Name $role.ServiceName -Force # wait 2 sec before continue Start-Sleep -s 2 # uninstall service $existingService.Delete() > $null } else { Write-Log "Service does not exists." } # install service Write-Log "Installing service $($role.ServiceName)" New-Service -Name $role.ServiceName -BinaryPathName $serviceExecutablePath ` -DisplayName $role.ServiceDisplayName -StartupType Automatic -Description $role.ServiceDescription > $null # start service Write-Log "Starting service..." Start-Service -Name $role.ServiceName } catch { # delete new application folder if(Test-Path $role.RootPath) { Remove-Item $role.RootPath -Force -Recurse } throw } finally { # cleanup Write-Log "Cleanup..." Remove-Item $packageFile -Force } } Set-DeploymentTask remove -Requires setup-role-folder,remove-website,remove-service,remove-azure { Write-Log "Removing deployment" # remove role-by-role foreach($role in $context.Application.Roles.values) { if(Test-RoleApplicableToServer $role) { Invoke-DeploymentTask "remove-$($role.Type)" } } } Set-DeploymentTask remove-website { Write-Log "Removing website $($role.Name)" Import-Module WebAdministration # determine the location of application folder Invoke-DeploymentTask setup-role-folder # get website details $website = Get-Item "IIS:\Sites\$($role.WebsiteName)" -EA 0 if ($website -ne $null) { Write-Log "Website `"$($role.WebsiteName)`" found" $siteRoot = $website.physicalPath # make sure we are not trying to delete active version $currentVersion = Get-VersionFromDirectory $siteRoot if($currentVersion -eq $context.Version) { throw "Active version $version cannot be removed. Specify previous version to remove or ommit -Version parameter to completely delete application." } } if(-not $context.Version) { # delete entire deployment Write-Log "Deleting all website deployments" if($website -ne $null) { $appPoolName = $website.applicationPool # stop application pool Write-Log "Stopping application pool $appPoolName..." Stop-WebAppPool $appPoolName # wait 2 sec before continue Start-Sleep -s 2 # delete website Write-Log "Deleting website $($role.WebsiteName)" Remove-Website $role.WebsiteName # delete application pool Write-Log "Deleting application pool $appPoolName" Remove-WebAppPool $appPoolName } # delete role folder recursively Write-Log "Deleting application directory $($role.BasePath)" if(Test-Path $role.BasePath) { Remove-Item $role.BasePath -Force -Recurse } } else { # delete specific version if(Test-Path $role.RootPath) { Write-Log "Deleting deployment directory $($role.RootPath)" Remove-Item $role.RootPath -Force -Recurse } } } Set-DeploymentTask remove-service { Write-Log "Removing Windows service $($role.Name)" # determine the location of application folder Invoke-DeploymentTask setup-role-folder # get service details $service = Get-WindowsService $role.ServiceName if ($service -ne $null) { $serviceExecutable = $service.PathName # make sure we are not trying to delete active version $currentVersion = Get-VersionFromFileName $serviceExecutable if($currentVersion -eq $context.Version) { throw "Active version $version cannot be removed. Specify previous version to remove or ommit -Version parameter to completely delete application." } } if(-not $context.Version) { # delete entire deployment Write-Log "Deleting all service deployments" # delete service if ($service -ne $null) { # stop the service Write-Log "Stopping service $($role.ServiceName)..." Stop-Service -Name $role.ServiceName -Force # wait 2 sec before continue Start-Sleep -s 2 # uninstall service Write-Log "Deleting service $($role.ServiceName)" $service.Delete() > $null } # delete role folder recursively Write-Log "Deleting application directory $($role.BasePath)" if(Test-Path $role.BasePath) { Remove-Item $role.BasePath -Force -Recurse } } else { # delete specific version if(Test-Path $role.RootPath) { Write-Log "Deleting deployment directory $($role.RootPath)" Remove-Item $role.RootPath -Force -Recurse } } } Set-DeploymentTask rollback -Requires setup-role-folder,rollback-website,rollback-service { Write-Log "Rollback deployment" # rollback role-by-role foreach($role in $context.Application.Roles.values) { if(Test-RoleApplicableToServer $role) { Invoke-DeploymentTask "rollback-$($role.Type)" } } } Set-DeploymentTask rollback-website { Import-Module WebAdministration # determine the location of application folder Invoke-DeploymentTask setup-role-folder # check if rollback is possible if($role.Versions.length -lt 2) { throw "There are no previous versions to rollback to." } # current version $currentVersion = $role.Versions[0] $currentPath = Join-Path $role.BasePath $currentVersion # get website details to determine actual current version $website = Get-Item "IIS:\Sites\$($role.WebsiteName)" -EA 0 if ($website -ne $null) { $currentPath = $website.physicalPath $currentVersion = Get-VersionFromDirectory $currentPath } # rollback version $rollbackVersion = $null $rollbackPath = $null # is that a specific version we want to rollback to? if($context.Version) { # make sure we don't rollback to active version if($context.Version -eq $currentVersion) { throw "Cannot rollback to the currently deployed version $currentVersion" } if(Test-Path $role.RootPath) { $rollbackVersion = $context.Version $rollbackPath = $role.RootPath } else { throw "Version $($context.Version) not found." } } else { # determine rollback version # rollback version must be next after the current one for($i = 0; $i -lt $role.Versions.length; $i++) { # find current version and make sure it's not the last one in the list if($role.Versions[$i] -eq $currentVersion -and $i -ne ($role.Versions.length - 1)) { $rollbackVersion = $role.Versions[$i+1] $rollbackPath = Join-Path $role.BasePath $rollbackVersion break } } if(-not $rollbackVersion) { throw "Cannot rollback to the previous version because the active $currentVersion is the last one." } } # start rollback Write-Log "Rollback website $($role.Name) to version $rollbackVersion" # stop website if it exists if ($website -ne $null) { # stop application pool Write-Log "Stopping application pool..." Stop-WebAppPool $website.applicationPool # wait 2 sec before continue Start-Sleep -s 2 # change website root folder Write-Log "Update website root folder to $rollbackPath" Set-ItemProperty "IIS:\Sites\$($role.WebsiteName)" -Name physicalPath -Value $rollbackPath # start application pool Write-Log "Starting application pool..." Start-WebAppPool $website.applicationPool } # delete current version Write-Log "Deleting current version $currentVersion at $currentPath" Remove-Item (Join-Path $role.BasePath $currentVersion) -Force -Recurse } Set-DeploymentTask rollback-service { # determine the location of application folder Invoke-DeploymentTask setup-role-folder # check if rollback is possible if($role.Versions.length -lt 2) { throw "There are no previous versions to rollback to." } # current version $currentVersion = $role.Versions[0] $currentPath = Join-Path $role.BasePath $currentVersion # get service details to determine actual current version $service = Get-WindowsService $role.ServiceName if ($service -ne $null) { $currentPath = Split-Path $service.PathName $currentVersion = Get-VersionFromDirectory $currentPath } # rollback version $rollbackVersion = $null $rollbackPath = $null # is that a specific version we want to rollback to? if($context.Version) { # make sure we don't rollback to active version if($context.Version -eq $currentVersion) { throw "Cannot rollback to the currently deployed version $currentVersion" } if(Test-Path $role.RootPath) { $rollbackVersion = $context.Version $rollbackPath = $role.RootPath } else { throw "Version $($context.Version) not found." } } else { # determine rollback version # rollback version must be next after the current one for($i = 0; $i -lt $role.Versions.length; $i++) { # find current version and make sure it's not the last one in the list if($role.Versions[$i] -eq $currentVersion -and $i -ne ($role.Versions.length - 1)) { $rollbackVersion = $role.Versions[$i+1] $rollbackPath = Join-Path $role.BasePath $rollbackVersion break } } if(-not $rollbackVersion) { throw "Cannot rollback to the previous version because the active $currentVersion is the last one." } } # start rollback Write-Log "Rollback Windows service $($role.Name) to version $rollbackVersion" # stop service if exists if ($service -ne $null) { Write-Log "Service already exists, stopping..." # stop the service Stop-Service -Name $role.ServiceName -Force # wait 2 sec before continue Start-Sleep -s 2 # uninstall service $service.Delete() > $null } else { Write-Log "Service does not exists." } # find windows service executable $serviceExecutablePath = $null if($role.ServiceExecutable) { $serviceExecutablePath = Join-Path $rollbackPath $role.ServiceExecutable } else { $serviceExecutablePath = Get-ChildItem "$rollbackPath\*.exe" | Select-Object -First 1 } Write-Log "Service executable path: $serviceExecutablePath" # install service Write-Log "Installing service $($role.ServiceName)" New-Service -Name $role.ServiceName -BinaryPathName $serviceExecutablePath ` -DisplayName $role.ServiceDisplayName -StartupType Automatic -Description $role.ServiceDescription > $null # start service Write-Log "Starting service..." Start-Service -Name $role.ServiceName # delete current version Write-Log "Deleting current version $currentVersion at $currentPath" Remove-Item (Join-Path $role.BasePath $currentVersion) -Force -Recurse } Set-DeploymentTask start -Requires setup-role-folder,start-website,start-service { Write-Log "Start deployment" # start role-by-role foreach($role in $context.Application.Roles.values) { if(Test-RoleApplicableToServer $role) { Invoke-DeploymentTask "start-$($role.Type)" } } } Set-DeploymentTask stop -Requires setup-role-folder,stop-website,stop-service { Write-Log "Stop deployment" # stop role-by-role foreach($role in $context.Application.Roles.values) { if(Test-RoleApplicableToServer $role) { Invoke-DeploymentTask "stop-$($role.Type)" } } } Set-DeploymentTask start-website { Write-Log "Start website $($role.Name)" Import-Module WebAdministration $website = Get-Item "IIS:\Sites\$($role.WebsiteName)" -EA 0 if ($website -ne $null) { $appPoolName = $website.applicationPool Write-Log "Starting application pool $appPoolName..." Start-WebAppPool $appPoolName Write-Log "Application pool started" } } Set-DeploymentTask stop-website { Write-Log "Stop website $($role.Name)" Import-Module WebAdministration $website = Get-Item "IIS:\Sites\$($role.WebsiteName)" -EA 0 if ($website -ne $null) { $appPoolName = $website.applicationPool if((Get-WebAppPoolState $appPoolName).Value -ne "Stopped") { Write-Log "Stopping application pool $appPoolName..." Stop-WebAppPool $appPoolName Write-Log "Application pool stopped" } else { Write-Log "Application pool `"$appPoolName`" is already stopped" } } } Set-DeploymentTask start-service { # get service details $service = Get-WindowsService $role.ServiceName if ($service -ne $null) { Write-Log "Starting Windows service $($role.ServiceName)..." Start-Service -Name $role.ServiceName Write-Log "Service started" } } Set-DeploymentTask stop-service { # get service details $service = Get-WindowsService $role.ServiceName if ($service -ne $null) { Write-Log "Stopping Windows service $($role.ServiceName)..." Stop-Service -Name $role.ServiceName -Force Write-Log "Service stopped" } } Set-DeploymentTask restart -Requires start,stop { Write-Log "Restart deployment" Invoke-DeploymentTask stop Invoke-DeploymentTask start } #endregion #region Azure tasks Set-DeploymentTask deploy-azure { Write-Log "Deploying Azure Cloud Service $($context.Application.Name)" function UpdateAzureCloudServiceConfig($configPath, $configuration) { [xml]$xml = New-Object XML $xml.Load($configPath) # iterate through Roles foreach($role in $xml.selectnodes("//*[local-name() = 'Role']")) { $roleName = $role.Attributes["name"].Value # check if the number of instances configured if($configuration[$roleName] -ne $null) { # update the number of role instances $instances = $role.SelectSingleNode("*[local-name() = 'Instances']"); $instances.Attributes["count"].Value = $configuration[$roleName] } # update role settings foreach($setting in $role.SelectSingleNode("*[local-name() = 'ConfigurationSettings']").SelectNodes("*[local-name() = 'Setting']")) { # common setting $value = $configuration[$setting.name] # role-specific setting $specificValue = $configuration["$($roleName).$($setting.name)"] if($specificValue -ne $null) { $value = $specificValue } if($value -ne $null) { Write-Log "Updating entry `"$($setting.name)`" to `"$value`"" $setting.value = $value } } } # save config $xml.Save($configPath) } function CreateAzureDeployment { param ( $serviceName, $slot, $label, $packageUrl, $configPath ) Write-Log "Creating new $slot deployment in $serviceName" # create and wait $deployment = New-AzureDeployment -ServiceName $serviceName -Slot $slot -Label $label -Package $packageUrl -Configuration $configPath WaitForAllCloudServiceInstancesRunning $serviceName $slot # get URL $deployment = Get-AzureDeployment -ServiceName $serviceName -Slot $slot Write-Log "Deployment created, URL: $($deployment.url)" } function UpdateAzureDeployment { param ( $serviceName, $slot, $label, $packageUrl, $configPath ) Write-Log "Upgrading $slot deployment in $serviceName" $deployment = Set-AzureDeployment -Upgrade -ServiceName $serviceName -Slot $slot -Label $label -Package $packageUrl -Configuration $configPath -Force WaitForAllCloudServiceInstancesRunning $serviceName $slot # get URL $deployment = Get-AzureDeployment -ServiceName $serviceName -Slot $slot Write-Log "Deployment upgraded, URL: $($deployment.url)" } function DeleteAzureDeployment { param ( $serviceName, $slot ) Write-Log "Deleting $slot deployment in $serviceName" $deployment = Remove-AzureDeployment -Slot $slot -ServiceName $serviceName -Force Write-Log "Deployment deleted" } function WaitForAllCloudServiceInstancesRunning { param ( $serviceName, $slot ) $deployment = Get-AzureDeployment -ServiceName $serviceName -Slot $slot $instanceStatuses = @("") * $deployment.RoleInstanceList.Count do { $deployment = Get-AzureDeployment -ServiceName $serviceName -Slot $slot for($i = 0; $i -lt $deployment.RoleInstanceList.Count; $i++) { $instanceName = $deployment.RoleInstanceList[$i].InstanceName $instanceStatus = $deployment.RoleInstanceList[$i].InstanceStatus if ($instanceStatuses[$i] -ne $instanceStatus) { $instanceStatuses[$i] = $instanceStatus Write-Log "Starting Instance '$instanceName': $instanceStatus" } } } until(AllCloudServiceInstancesRunning($deployment.RoleInstanceList)) } function AllCloudServiceInstancesRunning($roleInstanceList) { foreach ($roleInstance in $roleInstanceList) { if ($roleInstance.InstanceStatus -ne "ReadyRole") { return $false } } return $true } function DownloadAzureApplicationConfiguration { param ( $configUrl, $configuration ) $storageAccountName = $context.Configuration.AzureStorageAccountName $storageAccountKey = $context.Configuration.AzureStorageAccountKey if(-not $storageAccountName -or -not $storageAccountKey) { $msg = @" "Unable to download Azure application configuration file. Set Azure cloud storage account details in the global deployment configuration: - Set-DeploymentConfiguration AzureStorageAccountName - Set-DeploymentConfiguration AzureStorageAccountKey " "@ throw $msg } # download .cscfg file $configPath = [System.IO.Path]::Combine([System.IO.Path]::GetTempPath(), [System.IO.Path]::GetRandomFileName()) Write-Log "Downloading .cscfg from $configUrl to $configPath" # parse URL $blobHost = ".blob.core.windows.net/" $hostIdx = $configUrl.indexOf($blobHost) if($hostIdx -eq -1) { throw "Azure Cloud Service package must be uploaded to Azure storage blob and has URL of the form http://.blob.core.windows.net/../package.zip. If you use AppVeyor CI configure custom Azure storage for your account." } $relativeUrl = $configUrl.substring($hostIdx + $blobHost.length) # get container and blob name $idx = $relativeUrl.indexOf("/") $containerName = $relativeUrl.substring(0, $idx) $blobName = $relativeUrl.substring($idx + 1) # download config from blob $blobContext = New-AzureStorageContext -StorageAccountName $storageAccountName -StorageAccountKey $storageAccountKey Get-AzureStorageBlobContent -Container $containerName -Blob $blobName -Destination $configPath -Context $blobContext | Out-Null # update .cscfg file if($configuration -ne $null) { UpdateAzureCloudServiceConfig $configPath $configuration } return $configPath } # get context parameters $cloudService = $context.Environment.Configuration.CloudService $slot = $context.Environment.Configuration.Slot # download configuration file $configPath = (DownloadAzureApplicationConfiguration $role.ConfigUrl $context.Application.Configuration) # deploy Write-Log "Check if $slot deployment already exists" $deployment = Get-AzureDeployment -ServiceName $cloudService -Slot $slot -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue if ($deployment.Name -ne $null) { Write-Log "$slot deployment exists" # should we delete or upgrade existing deployment? if($context.Configuration.UpdateAzureDeployment) { UpdateAzureDeployment $cloudService $slot $context.Version $role.PackageUrl $configPath } else { Write-Log "Upgrade is not enabled. Re-creating $slot deployment." DeleteAzureDeployment $cloudService $slot CreateAzureDeployment $cloudService $slot $context.Version $role.PackageUrl $configPath } } else { Write-Log "$slot deployment does not exist" CreateAzureDeployment $cloudService $slot $context.Version $role.PackageUrl $configPath } } Set-DeploymentTask remove-azure { Write-Log "Deleting Azure Cloud Service $($context.Application.Name)" # get context parameters $cloudService = $context.Environment.Configuration.CloudService $slot = $context.Environment.Configuration.Slot Write-Log "Deleting $slot deployment in $cloudService" $deployment = Remove-AzureDeployment -Slot $slot -ServiceName $cloudService -Force Write-Log "Deployment deleted" } Set-DeploymentTask setup-azure-subscription -Before deploy-azure,remove-azure { Write-Log "Loading Azure module" # import modules Import-Module Azure $subscriptionName = "DeploySubscription" # variables $subscriptionId = $context.Configuration.AzureSubscriptionID $subscriptionCertificate = $context.Configuration.AzureSubscriptionCertificate if($subscriptionId -and $subscriptionCertificate) { if(Get-AzureSubscription $subscriptionName) { Write-Log "Azure subscription is already set" return } Write-Log "Setup Azure subscription" # setup $tempFolder = [IO.Path]::GetTempPath() $publishSettingsFile = [System.IO.Path]::Combine($tempFolder, "azure-subscription.publishsettings") $publishSettingsXml = @" "@ # create publish settings file Write-Log "Create Azure subscription settings file" $sf = New-Item $publishSettingsFile -type file -force -value $publishSettingsXml # import subscription Write-Log "Import publishing settings profile" Import-AzurePublishSettingsFile $publishSettingsFile Select-AzureSubscription -SubscriptionName $subscriptionName } } #endregion # add local environment New-Environment local Add-EnvironmentServer local "localhost" # export module members Export-ModuleMember -Function ` Set-DeploymentConfiguration, Get-DeploymentConfiguration, ` New-Application, Get-Application, Set-Application, Add-WebSiteRole, Add-ServiceRole, Set-WebSiteRole, Set-ServiceRole, ` New-AzureApplication, Set-AzureApplication, ` New-Environment, Get-Environment, Set-Environment, Add-EnvironmentServer, ` New-AzureEnvironment, Set-AzureEnvironment, ` Set-DeploymentTask, ` Invoke-DeploymentTask, New-Deployment, Remove-Deployment, Restore-Deployment, Restart-Deployment, Stop-Deployment, Start-Deployment