import Foundation public extension DangerSwiftCommitLint { /// All commit checkers provided by `DangerSwiftCommitLint` enum CommitLintType: CaseIterable, Hashable { /// Commit subject and body are separated by an empty line (`CommitLint/BodyEmptyLineCheck`) case bodyEmptyLine /// Commit subject begins with a capital letter (`CommitLint/SubjectCapCheck`) case subjectCapitalLetter /// Commit subject is no longer than 50 characters (`CommitLint/SubjectLengthCheck`) case subjectLength /// Commit subject does not end in a period (`CommitLint/SubjectPeriodCheck`) case subjectPeriod /// Commit subject is more than one word (`CommitLint/SubjectWordCheck`) case subjectWord } /// Checker selection enum CommitLintSelection { /// Select all checkers case all /// Select a set of checkers case selected(Set) } /// Configuration for `DangerSwiftCommitLint` struct Configuration { let limit: Int private let disabled: CommitLintSelection private let warn: CommitLintSelection private let fail: CommitLintSelection private let custom: [CommitLint.Type] /// Initialize the configuration. /// - Parameters: /// - disabled: The selected commit lint to skip. /// - warn: The selected commit lint to warn on. /// - fail: The selected commit lint to fail on. /// - limit: The number of commits to check. /// - customCheckers: An array of custom checkers. This array will be added to all checkers. public init( disabled: CommitLintSelection = .selected([]), warn: CommitLintSelection = .selected([]), fail: CommitLintSelection = .all, limit: Int = 0, custom: [CommitLint.Type] = [] ) { self.disabled = disabled self.warn = warn = fail self.limit = limit self.custom = custom } } } extension DangerSwiftCommitLint.Configuration { static var defaultCheckers: [CommitLint.Type] {\.type) } var allCheckers: [CommitLint.Type] { Self.defaultCheckers + custom } var disabledCheckers: [CommitLint.Type] { switch disabled { case .all: return allCheckers case let .selected(disabled): return\.type) } } var enabledCheckers: [CommitLint.Type] { allCheckers.filter { checker in disabledCheckers.contains { $0 == checker } == false } } var warningCheckers: [CommitLint.Type] { switch warn { case .all: return allCheckers case let .selected(warningCheckers): return enabledCheckers.filter { type in\.type).contains { $0 == type } } } } var failingCheckers: [CommitLint.Type] { enabledCheckers.filter { type in warningCheckers.contains { $0 == type } == false } } } private extension DangerSwiftCommitLint.CommitLintType { var type: CommitLint.Type { switch self { case .bodyEmptyLine: return BodyEmptyLine.self case .subjectCapitalLetter: return SubjectCapitalLetter.self case .subjectLength: return SubjectCapitalLetter.self case .subjectPeriod: return SubjectPeriod.self case .subjectWord: return SubjectWord.self } } }