### Supported Animatable Properties FlightAnimator supports any user defined animatable properties of the following types: * CGFloat * CGSize * CGPoint * CGRect * CATransform3D * CGColor The following are all the supported animatable CALayer properties:
anchorPoint Supported with all easing Curves
backgroundColor To be supported in a later release
borderColor To be supported in a later release
borderWidth Supported with all easing Curves
bounds Supported with all easing Curves
contentsRect Supported with all easing Curves
cornerRadius Supported with all easing Curves
frame Combine bounds and position
opacity Supported with all easing Curves
position Supported with all easing Curves
shadowColor Supported with all easing Curves
shadowOffset Supported with all easing Curves
shadowOpacity Supported with all easing Curves
shadowRadius Supported with all easing Curves
sublayerTransform Supported with all easing Curves
transform Supported with all easing Curves
zPosition Supported with all easing Curves
backgroundFilters Possibly in a later release
compositingFilter Possibly in a later release
contents Possibly in a later release
doubleSided Not Supported
filters Not Supported
hidden Not Supported
mask Not Supported
masksToBounds Not Supported
shadowPath Possibly in a later release
sublayers Not Supported