# Release Notes #### Version 0.9.6 * Updated caching API as follows & fixed documentation accordingly ``` // Deleted func cacheAnimation(animation: Any, forKey key: String, timingPriority : FAPrimaryTimingPriority = .maxTime) // Added func registerAnimation(animation: Any, forKey key: String, timingPriority : FAPrimaryTimingPriority = .maxTime) ``` #### Version 0.9.5 * Swift 3.0 / 3.1 Support * Removed support for Swift 2.2 / 2.3 * Few minor bug fixes #### Version 0.9.4-3.x / 0.9.4-2.x * Swift 3.0 / 2.2 / 2.3 Update : - 0.9.4-3.x (Swift 3.0) - 0.9.4-2.x (Swift 2.2 / Swift 2.3) * Cleanup on Swift 3.0 branch #### Version 0.9.3 * Stability Updates / Performance Improvements * Bug Fixes for the .Average / .Median priority calculations #### Version 0.9.2 * For consistency APIs have been updated, - Renamed FAAnimation -> FABasicAnimation - API Changed :
``` FlightAnimator.Swift // Deleted public func triggerOnStart(timingPriority:, onView :, animator:) public func triggerAtTimeProgress(timingPriority :, atProgress :, onView :, animator:) public func triggerAtValueProgress(timingPriority:, atProgress:, onView:, animator:) // Added public func triggerOnStart(onView:, timingPriority: ,animator:) public func triggerOnProgress(progress:, onView :, timingPriority :, animator:) public func triggerOnValueProgress(progress:, onView:, timingPriority:, animator:) // New public func triggerOnCompletion(onView:, timingPriority:, animator:) UIView+FAAnimation // Added func cacheAnimation(forKey: String, timingPriority:, animator:) func cacheAnimation(animation: , forKey:, timingPriority :) func applyAnimation(forKey key: String, animated : Bool = true) Global Definitions // Removed registerAnimation(onView : UIView, forKey: String, timingPriority :, animator :) ``` * Bug fixes: - Sequencing Animations: You can not trigger an animation by an animation on the triggering view #### Version 0.9.1 * No API differences * Fixed Decay Configuration #### Version 0.9.0 * No API differences * Refactored Interpolation logic, simplified the structure to using vectors * Fix bug, where prior triggers were not getting cancelled * Fixed Issue animating between color spaces with different numbers of components #### Version 0.8.1 * Fixed Bug Issue #13 reported by @springlo, M33 Property sprign pointing to M34 #### Version 0.8.0 * Added tvOS Support for both Carthage and Cocoapods * Added the ability to listen to CAAnimationDelegate by setting a closure on the animator instance within the build closure * Added the ability to interpolate CGColor, RGBA, HSBA, and Monochromatic * Added property accessors for backgroundColor, borderColor, shadowColor * Fix for synchronizing, it was running the sychronization logic twice, 30%+ performance improvement #### Version 0.7.3 * Removed unnecessary Type Conversion between Doubles and CGFloats * Refactored the value / time based progress logic #### Version 0.7.2 * Added Build support for iOS 8.0+ (prior was only built via Carthage / Cocoapods for ios 9.3) #### Version 0.7.1 * Added missing file references for the Carthage Framework Project * Update parts of the README * Added Contibution documentation * Added Code of Conduct #### Version 0.7.0 * Refactored the Interpolator * Refactored / Fixed Sequencing Logic * Multiple Sequences for the same progress trigger value should fire correctly * Value Based triggers now work with springs * Renamed Linear timing curves: * LinearSmooth -> SmoothStep * LinearSmoother -> SmootherStep * Added 3 more timing curves: * InAtan * OutAtan * InOutAtan * Updated the app demo * Added option to enable and disable a secondary view * Added ability to test out time based / value based triggers with secondary view * Moved the picker into individual cells for each property #### Version 0.6.1 * Refactored some of the code: * Created an FAInterpolator for all the interpolation logic * Accidentally removed OutIn easings in version 0.6.0, fixed #### Version 0.6.0 * Refactored some of the code: * Separate file for FAEasing and FASpring * Simplified the synchronization logic inside of FAAnimation * Removed some of the loose extensions * You can also set the timing priority on ``triggerAtTimeProgress()`` or ``triggerAtValueProgress()``. #### Version 0.5.0 * Updated the naming convention of the easing curves by removing the 'Ease' prefix on the enumerator to make swift-like syntax, now you can easily access animations without being presented too many types. * i.e .EaseInSine -> .InSine , * i.e .EaseInOutSine -> .InOutSine * Added the ability to set the timing priority on the ``registerAimation()`` and ``animate()`` method * The default is **.MaxTime** * Refactored some code and ensured that it is in the right places * Separated the readme into multiple pages, with a reference for easing curves, supported animatable properties, and alas these release notes #### Version 0.4.0 * Added the following parametric curves * EaseOutInSine * EaseOutInQuadratic * EaseOutCubic * EaseOutInCubic * EaseOutInQuartic * EaseOutInQuintic * EaseOutInExponential * EaseOutInCircular * EaseOutInBack * EaseOutInElastic * EaseOutInBounce #### Version 0.3.0 * Added animate() as part of a UIView extension * This triggers an animation without caching it. * Prior you had to cache an animation, then trigger it * Fixed the progress trigger logic * Bug was introduced during work on the blocks based animations #### Version 0.2.0 * Initial Public Release * Introduced blocks based animation builder