call pathogen#infect() call pathogen#helptags() filetype plugin on filetype indent on syntax on colo andrew runtime startup/settings.vim runtime startup/plugins.vim runtime startup/commands.vim runtime startup/autocommands.vim runtime startup/mappings.vim runtime startup/acp.vim runtime startup/cyrillic.vim runtime! ftplugin/man.vim autocmd FileType man setlocal foldmethod=indent " Add "personal" directory to runtimepath set runtimepath+=~/.vim/personal for dir in split(glob('~/.vim/personal/*'), "\n") exe "set runtimepath+=".dir endfor " Add "wip" directory to runtimepath set runtimepath+=~/.vim/wip for dir in split(glob('~/.vim/wip/*'), "\n") exe "set runtimepath+=".dir endfor if filereadable(fnamemodify('~/.vimrc.local', ':p')) source ~/.vimrc.local endif " Presentation mode " colo PaperColor " let g:NERDTreeWinSize = 20 " set nowrap